Joyce Marie Glenn Memorial

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In Loving Memory

Joyce Carlson (Maddox) Glenn December 26, 1939 – March 13, 2015

A Service in Witness to the Resurrection and in Celebration of the Life of

Joyce Carlson (Maddox) Glenn December 26, 1939 – March 13, 2015

twelfth of June two thousand fifteen at one o’clock in the afternoon Saint Andrew’s Presbyterian Church

The Ceremony Organ Prelude Opening Words and Prayer by Reverend Leah Stout Hymn Celebration of Life Speakers Hymn To God be the Glory Scriptural Meditation & Pastoral Prayer by Reverend Leah Stout Lord’s Prayer Invitation to Reception Benediction by Reverend Leah Stout

Joyce was born on December 26th, 1939 in Burbank, California, to Marie Louise Anderson and Everett Carlson.

My beautiful grandma, Thank you for sending me wishbones tied with purple and pink ribbons, feeding me butter and crackers, letting me eat all of the marshmallows out of the lucky charms box, buying me endless amounts of beach towels, and for letting me know how special I was to you.

Emma Dean granddaughter

Joyce attended Burbank High and went on to pursue a nursing degree. She was a Critical Care Nurse at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, California, for over 20 years and retired from hospice care in 2013.

I greatly enjoyed the time I spent with Grandma and am saddened I didn't get to spend more time with her. I remember visiting when I was younger and I had stayed up far too late playing games. She came into the living room and said "we would keep it our little secret".

Noah Maddox grandson

Rose Maddox


Joyce is remembered as a vivacious and spirited soul, known for her strong will and compassionate care.

In her later years, Joyce traveled to Israel and Africa on medical missions, extending the experience of her years of service to the most needy in the world.

Grandma, I will never forget our red roof lunches talking about the places we've been and the places we wanted to go, the people we met and the people we wanted to meet, and the food we adored!! These past few days have been so hard realizing that you won't be there on my wedding day or my children will never get to meet their super hip great grandma and experience your joy and generosity and love for life! You are so much to so many people, thank you for loving us well. Miss you and love you forever Grandma.

Juliette Brewer granddaughter

Thank you for cracking jokes with me, getting lost in parking lots with me, laughing with me, taking me shopping countless times, valuing me, giving me the silliest gifts every time you saw me, investing in me, and most of all being my friend. You will always have a tender place in my heart, I love you Gma Glenn Say what's up to Jesus for me.

Andrea Brewer grandaughter

She also loved to dote on her grandchildren and spend long days relaxing at the beach.

You will always be part of me, I am shaped by your love. I wouldn't be the old soul who loves NPR, gardening, baking, learning, crafting and of course a great bargain without you. You had a truly special ability and desire to always meet the needs of others. You never arrived without a gift, a snack, or a kind word. I hold dear countless cards and books filled with handwritten notes left just to remind me how much you loved me. These little moments are cherished memories that will last much longer than either you or I are here to share them. Love you always and forever Grandma.

Laura Marie Brewer granddaughter

A selection of photos captured by Joyce of her loved ones.

Thank you for all of the crazy gifts. All of the wishbones. All of the love you have given me and this family over the years. I'll miss you everyday of my life noo noo. I love you so much.

Charlotte Dean granddaughter

A selection of photos captured by Joyce of her loved ones.

Obituary Joyce Marie Carlson/Maddox/Glenn passed away due to complications from diabetes on March 13, 2015, at the age of 75, in the care of the Irvine Kaiser-Permanente Hospital. She is survived by her husband Tom Glenn and family, brother and sister-in-law Larry and Joy Carlson, the family of her first daughter Becky Brewer, the family of her second daughter Jennifer Maddox, the family of her son Tim Maddox, and ex-husband Don Maddox.

Joyce was born on December 26th, 1939 in Burbank, California, to Marie Louise Anderson and Everett Carlson. She attended Burbank High and went on to pursue a nursing degree. Joyce was a Critical Care Nurse at Hoag Hospital in Newport Beach, California, for over 20 years and retired from hospice care in 2013. Joyce is remembered as a vivacious and spirited soul, known for her strong will and compassionate care. In her later years, Joyce traveled to Israel and Africa on medical missions, extending the experience of her years of service to the most needy in the world. She also loved to dote on her grandchildren and spend long days relaxing at the beach.

We would like to express thanks and appreciation to our family and loved ones in joining in this celebration of Joyce Marie Glenn’s beautiful life.

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