Laura Brewer's Graphic Design Resume

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laura laura brewer brewer laura laura brewer brewer

graphic designergraphicexperienced designer- experienced in professional in professional print and web print design and web with design with a knowledgea of knowledge social media of social and background media and background in management in management focused on focused on solving problems solving through problems thoughtful throughattention thoughtful to detail. attention to detail.

graphic designergraphic experienced designerin professional experienced print in professional and web design print and with web design with a knowledge of social a knowledge media and of social background media and in management background focused in management on focused on solving problemssolving throughproblems thoughtful through attention thoughtful to detail. attention to detail.

experience experience 2011

2011 31 Bits

31 BitsMesa, Costa Costa CA Mesa, CA

experience: 2011


31Bits Costa Mesa, CA 2011 Graphic Design Intern Spring 2011Spring Graphic Design Intern Designed promotional materials acrossofaplatforms variety ofwhile platforms while keeping brand consistent DesignedSpring promotional materials across a variety keeping consistent and brand and experience 2011 Costa Graphic Deisgn Intern 2011 campaign2011 31 Bits 31 Mesa, Bits CA Costa CA director. campaign aesthetic as byMesa, the creative aesthetic as directed bydirected the creative Design promotional materials across adirector. variety of platforms while keeping consistent brand and campaign aesthetic as directed by Intern the creative director. Spring 2011 Spring Graphic 2011 DesignGraphic Intern Design Designed promotional Designed materials promotional across materials a varietyacross of platforms a variety while of platforms keeping consistent while keeping brand consistent and brand and 2002-2011 Prehistoric Inc. (dba Jurassicdirector. Parties & The Reptile Zoo) Fountain Valley, CA campaign aesthetic campaign as directed aesthetic by the as directed creative by director. the(dba creative 2002-2011 Prehistoric Pets Jurassic Parties & The Reptile Zoo) Valley, Fountain 2002-2011 Prehistoric Pets (dba Jurassic Parties & The Reptile Zoo) Fountain CA Valley, CA 2008- 2010 Branding and Concept Creation for The Reptile Zoo 2007- Present Graphicfor Prehistoric for Pets, Prehistoric The Reptile Pets, Zoo, The&Reptile Jurassic Zoo, Parties & Jurassic Parties 2007- Present Graphic Designer Conceptualize and develop aDesigner new business model, branding and collateral providing a previously Lead a complete Lead aredesign complete redesign increase tofunctionality increase functionality and usability and of usability the companies’ of the companies’ websites. Introduce websites. Introduce untapped area fortoprofit within the company. 2002-2011 Prehistoric Pets Prehistoric (dbato Jurassic (dba Jurassic & The Reptile Parties Zoo) & Theand Reptile Fountain Zoo) Valley, Fountain CA Valley, CA a variety 2002-2011 ofapromotional variety of promotional materials materials bePets usedParties to at be special used events, at special in-store, events, in-store, in-house. and Create in-house. monthly Create monthly

advertisements advertisements for OC Parenting for OCand Parenting OC Family and OC magazines. Family 20072011 Graphic Designer for Prehistoric Pets,magazines. The Reptile Zoo, & Jurassic Parties for Prehistoric Pets,for The Prehistoric Reptile Zoo, Pets, & The Jurassic Reptile Parties Zoo, & Jurassic Parties 2007- Present 2007Graphic Present Designer Graphic Designer Lead a complete redesign to increase functionality of the companies’ websites. Introduce a variety Lead a2007complete Lead redesign a complete to increase redesign functionality to increase and functionality usability of and the usability companies’ of&Reptile the websites. companies’ websites. Present Present Social materials Media Social Management Management for special Prehistoric for Pets, Prehistoric The Reptile Pets, Zoo, The Jurassic Zoo, Parties & Introduce Jurassic Parties Introduce of2007promotional toMedia be used at events, and in-house. Create monthly advertisements a variety of promotional a variety materials of promotional to be materials used at special to be used events, at special in-store, events, and in-house. in-store, Create and in-house. monthly Create monthly Establishfor and Establish oversee and theoversee company’s company’s official YouTube, officialMySpace, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Facebook, Twitter, andTwitter, blog increasing and blog increasing OC Parenting and OCthe Family magazines. advertisements advertisements for Parenting for and OC OC Parenting Family and magazines. OC Family magazines. the companies’ theOC companies’ worldwide fan worldwide base. fan base.

2007- 2011 Social Media Management for Prehistoric Pets, The Reptile Zoo, & Jurassic Parties 2007- 2009Present 2007Social Present Media Management Social Media forManagement Prehistoric Pets, for The Prehistoric Reptile Zoo, Pets, & The Jurassic Reptile Parties Zoo,and & Jurassic Parties 2010 20092010 Branding and Branding Concept and Creation Concept Creation for The Reptile for Zoo The Reptile Zoo Establish and oversee the company’s official YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, blog increasing the Establish and oversee Establish the and company’s oversee the official company’s YouTube, official MySpace, YouTube, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, Facebook, and blog Twitter, increasing and blog increasing companies’ worldwide fanbusiness base. Conceptualize Conceptualize and develop and a new develop a newmodel, business branding model,and branding collateral andproviding collateralaproviding previously a previously the companies’ worldwide companies’ fan base. worldwide fan base. untappedthe area untapped for profit area within for profit the company. within the company. 2005- 2011 Scheduling and Online Marketing for Jurassic Parties 2009-20052010 2011 2009Branding 2010 and Concept Branding Creation and Concept Creation for The arrange, Reptile Zooand forParties The Reptile Zoo Correspond with customers to schedule, confirm reservations and improve customer 20052011 Scheduling Scheduling and Online and Marketing Online Marketing for Jurassic for Jurassic Parties Conceptualize and Conceptualize develop a new and develop business a model, new business branding model, and collateral branding providing andreservations collateral aimprove previously providing a previously relations. Establish and maintain an online presence for the company by optimizing free local CorrespondCorrespond with customers with customers to schedule, toarrange, schedule, and arrange, confirmand reservations confirm and and customer improve customer untapped area untapped for profitand within area for theprofit company. within the presence company. search review sites. relations. Establish relations. and Establish maintain and anmaintain online an onlinefor presence the company for theby company optimizing by free optimizing local search free local andsearch and review sites. review sites. 2005- 2011 2005Scheduling 2011 andScheduling Online Marketing and Online Marketing for Jurassic Partiesfor Jurassic Parties Correspond with Correspond customerswith to schedule, customers arrange, to schedule, and confirm arrange, reservations and confirm and reservations improve customer and improve customer relations. Establish relations. and maintain Establish anand online maintain presence an online for the presence company forbythe optimizing companyfree by optimizing local search free and local search and education: 2007-2011 Chapman University Orange, CA reviewAdobe sites. InDesign, review sites. Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver, Flash & Microsoft Flash & Office, Microsoft Powerpoint, Office, Powerpoint, Excel Excel software software skills skills Bachelor of Fine Arts in Graphic Design, Wilkinson College of Humanities and Social Sciences Minor in Advertising, Dodge College of Film and Media Arts

Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator, InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Flash & Microsoft Office, & Microsoft Powerpoint, Office,Excel Powerpoint, Excel software education skills software skills education 2007-2011 2007-2011 Chapman Chapman University University Orange, CA Orange, CAFlash Bachelor ofBachelor Fine ArtsofinFine Graphic Arts in Design Graphic expected, Design Wilkinson expected,College Wilkinson of Humanities College of Humanities and Social and Sciences Social Sciences

Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Dreamweaver, Microsoft Office, Powerpoint, Excel softwareMinor skills:in Advertising Minor in Advertising expected, Dodge expected, College Dodge of Film College andofMedia Film and ArtsMedia Arts education 2007-2011 education 2007-2011 Chapman University Chapman Orange, University CA Orange, CA

Bachelor of Fine Bachelor Arts in Graphic of Fine Arts Design in Graphic expected, Design Wilkinson expected, College Wilkinson of Humanities Collegeand of Humanities Social Sciences and Social Sciences awards: Spring 2011 Graduated Magna Cum Laude, 3.7 GPA Minor in Advertising Minor expected, in Advertising Dodge expected, College Dodge of Film College and Media of Film Arts and Media Arts 2010 American Advertising American Advertising Federation,Federation, OC DistrictOC Student District Campaign Student Campaign Silver AddySilver Addy awards 2010 awards Spring 2011 American Advertising Federation, OC District Student Campaign Silver ADDY Spring 2010 Spring Dwiggins 2010 Award Dwiggins from Award Chapman from University Chapman Art University Department Art Department 2010 & 2011 Dwiggins Award from Chapman University Art Department Spring 2009 Spring Honorable 2009 Honorable Mention from Mention Chapman from University Chapman Department University Department Show Show Show Spring 2009 Honorable Mention from Chapman University Department Fall 2009Fall Fall 2009 Juror Award Juror from Award Chapman from University Chapman Department University Department Show Show 2009 Advertising Juror Award from Chapman University Department Show 2010 American American Federation, Advertising OCFederation, District Student OC District Campaign Student Silver Campaign Addy Silver Addy 2007-2011 2007-2011 Merit Scholar Merit Scholar awards 2010awards 2007-20011 Merit Scholar Spring 2010 Spring Dwiggins 2010 Award Dwiggins from Chapman Award from University Chapman Art Department University Art Department Spring 2009 Spring Honorable 2009 Mention Honorable from Chapman Mention from University Chapman Department University Show Department Show References References available available upon request. upon request. Fall 2009 Fall Juror 2009 Award from Juror Chapman Award from University Chapman Department University Show Department Show References available upon request. 2007-2011 2007-2011 Merit Scholar Merit Scholar

References available References upon available request. upon request. 17800 Santa 17800 AnitaSanta Circle,Anita Fountain Circle, Valley, Fountain CA 92708 Valley, CA 92708 657.444.7012 657.444.7012

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