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The Vipers – Proud of the Company We Keep

In six years in the NBA Development League, the Vipers have developed strong and effective partnerships with national, regional and local partners, including our alliance with the NBA Houston Rockets. These partners come from a variety of industries including banking, telecommunications, government agencies, health care, non-profits, education, television and radio. The Vipers have assisted these partners in meeting their business objectives with marketing initiatives both in and outside the arena including signage, promotions, appearances, and community action programs.


Rio Grande Valley has a population over 1.3 Million People



Your Investment

$7,500 w/1 yr. Agreement  [4] Baseline Season Tickets  [1] 5’ x 7’ In-Arena Sideline Banners- present during all [24] Vipers home games played at State Farm Arena  PSA & Logo Display- [1] for [12] Vipers home games played at State Farm Arena  Radio Spots- [1] :30sec Radio Spot during all Vipers home & away games, via Vipers Live Gameday Broadcasts aired on Fox Sports 1700am & iHeart Radio Smartphone App; Total of [48] spots over [48] total games  [1] 1/2 page color program ad  Link & Logo- via www.rgvipers.com


Thank You The NBA, the NBA D-League , and the RGV Vipers appreciate the opportunity to present this proposal to LFD and thanks LFD for it’s time and consideration.

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