“Voices Dialoguing� - approaches to conflict resolution -
Rondine Cittadella della Pace From January 28th to February 2nd 2008 With the participation of the University of Siena, University of Bethlehem, University of Mar Elias, University of Ulster
“In Dialogue with Rondine” Monday 28th January
8.30 Shuttle: Poggio Primo - Rondine
09.00 – 10.30 Official Welcome followed by a breakfast buffet Prof. Franco Vaccari, President of the Association Rondine Cittadella della Pace 10.30 – 11.30 Session One A window onto the Cittadella Introduction to the work of the Association Rondine Cittadella della Pace and the students of the International Hall of Residence. Dr. Lorenzo Tanzini Ursula Armstrong 11.30 – 13.15 Session Two (Part one) Walking Towards Peace Education Leads to Peace – Does it? Workshop on the role of education in conflict resolution. Dr. Laura Calciolari Dr. Laura Gennai 13.30 Lunch
15.00 – 17.00 Session Two (Part two) Feedback on workshop; sharing results and discussion. Dr. Laura Calciolari Dr. Laura Gennai 17.30 – 19.30 session Three In the shoes of a Rondine Student Story Hunting – five students from Rondine bring the day’s work to an end. Ana Filipovska Charlie Zeidan Elias Basseer Issa Sakhleh Galia Golda Lulko 20.00 Dinner 22.00 Shuttle: Rondine – Poggio Primo
“In Dialogue with the University of Siena” th Tuesday 29 January
8.30 Shuttle: Poggio Primo - Rondine
09.00 – 09.45 Session One Sierra Leone: land of diamonds Students from the International Hall of Residence present their work on the conflicts that have characterised their home countries Boniface Kamara Robert Paine 09.45 – 11.15 Session Two Building Peace: Civil Society and Media in Conflict Resolution Prof. Federica Guazzini 11.15 Coffee Break 11.30 – 13.30 Session Three Human Rights in Emergency Situations Prof. Alessandra Viviani
13.45 Lunch
15.30 Trip to Arezzo 20.30 Dinner 22.00 Shuttle: Rondine – Poggio Primo
“In Dialogue with the University of Bethlehem” th Wednesday 30 January
8.30 Shuttle: Poggio Primo - Rondine
09.00 – 09.45 Session One Understanding Yugoslavian Dissolution Students from the International Hall of Residence present their work on the conflicts that have characterised their home countries Alen Stevanovic Ana Filipovska Vladimir Svorcan 09.45 – 11.15 Session Two Who are the Palestinians? History, Holy Places, Life and Education
Presentations by the students of the University of Bethlehem Is Peace Possible in Palestine/Israel? Discussion groups animated by the students of Bethlehem University.
11.15 Coffee Break 11.45- 13.30 Session Three "The Iron Wall" A 52 minute documentary about the history of the conflict, the present situation and the possibility of peace, followed by discussion.
13.45 Lunch
15.00 Optional Trip to Florence For those interested we propose an autonomous trip to Florence. Rondine will supply a “food pack” to take for dinner, while the cost of the train is about €12. Train times: Arezzo – Florence: 15.46 – 16.51 Florence – Arezzo: last return train 21.09 – 22.11 For those who prefer to stay at Rondine we will be showing the film “Life is Beautiful” by Roberto Benigni, much of which was filmed in Arezzo. 20.30 Dinner 22.00 Shuttle: Rondine – Poggio Primo
“In Dialogue with the University of Mar Elias” th Thursday 30 January
8.30 Shuttle: Poggio Primo - Rondine
09.00 – 09.45 Session One The Georgian Abkaso Conflict Students from the International Hall of Residence present their work on the conflicts that have characterised their home countries. Kan Taniya Dmitry Kortava 09.45 – 11.15 Session Two Introduction: Israel the Multicultural Society Prof. Raed Mualem Prof. Soher Bshara Workshop: International Model of adoption for Conflict Resolution Group work and concluding discussion 11.15 Coffee Break 11.45- 13.30 Session Three Presentation of Student Experiences Donia Souty Rana Abo Hana Inas Mreih Workshop: Photo with message Group work The conflict within Israel Ameira Zaher Discussion: from Conflict to Peace 13.45 Lunch 15.30 – 17.30 Session Four Looking to the Future Students from the International Hall of residence present their future projects for furthering the cause of dialogue and peace in their home countries Alexander Khvichia Chermen Kelekhsaev Boniface Kamara Kan Taniya Ana Filipovska 19.00 Dialogue in the Kitchen One student from each group will be involved in preparing a typical dish from their home countries 20.30 Multicultural Dinner 22.00 Shuttle: Rondine – Poggio Primo
“In Dialogue with the University of Ulster” st Friday 1 February
8.30 Shuttle: Poggio Primo - Rondine
09.00 – 09.45 Session One Students from the International Hall of Residence present their work on the conflicts that have characterised their home countries: The Chechnyan Russian Conflict Riva Evstifeeva Gilani Umarov The Ossetian Ingushu Conflict Chermen Zeidan 09.45 – 11.15 Session Two Northern Ireland as a Model of Peace Stephanie Cassidy Kyle Beaudet Partition Patrick Gerard Corr 11.15 Coffee Break 11.45- 13.30 Session Three Trials and Retributions, conflict of human rights in Northern Ireland Fergal McGoldrick 13.45 Lunch 15.30 – 17.00 Session Four Preparing for the Conference Students work in small groups to formulate questions that will be put to the speakers during the conference. Dr. Lorenzo Tanzini 20.00 Dinner
21.00 Saying Goodbye Students from the International Hall of Residence
“In Dialogue with the City” nd Saturday 2 February
Free Morning Visit to the open air antiques fair in the centre of Arezzo 13.30 Lunch
17.30 – 19.30 Concluding Conference The Conference will take place in the Sala dei Grandi, Provincia di Arezzo, Piazza della Libertà, Arezzo. I twill be open to the public. Voices Dialoguing Culture and Conflict Resolution, Paths of Possibilities
Program: 17.30
Opening and Welcome from representatives of the Local Authorities
Students who have recently graduated from Rondine receive their “Rondini d’Oro”
Culture and Conflict Resolution, Paths of Possibilities With the Participation of: Prof. Franco Vaccari (President of the Association Rondine Cittadella della Pace); Prof. Federica Guazzini (Faculty of Political Science, University of Siena); Prof. Paul Arthur (Faculty di International History, University of Ulster, Northern Ireland); Prof. Jamal Khader (FacoltFaculty of Religious Studies, University of Bethlehem, Palestine); Prof. Raed Mualem (Dean of the University of Mar Elias, Israel); Chairman: Prof. Vittorio Parsi (International Relations, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore).
Questions and Answers from the Floor
Farewell Dinner
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution
Rondine, January 28th 2008
WALKING TOWARD PEACE Education Leads to Peace – Does It?
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
WALKING TOWARD PEACE Education Leads to Peace – Does It?
Program / Programma
11:15 a.m. 12:00 p.m.
12:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m.
Short presentation of the workshop Survey: Each student student fills out the questionnaire, separately
Breve presentazione del laboratorio Survey: Ogni studente compila il questionario individualmente
Survey: Each group of students from the same university/organization fills out the questionnaire (synthesis of individual questionnaires)
Survey: Ogni gruppo di studenti provenienti dalla medesima universitĂ /organizzazione, compila il questionario (sintesi degli individuali)
Lunch / Pranzo 3:00 p.m. 3:45 p.m.
Survey: A synthesis of the outcomes of all the working groups are presented and discussed in plenary session
Survey: Viene presentata e discussa in sessione plenaria la sintesi dei risultati di tutti i gruppi di lavoro
3:45 p.m. 4:50 p.m.
Proposals on Education (plenary workshop)
Proposte per l'Istruzione (laboratorio plenario)
4:50 p.m. 5:00 p.m.
Concluding remarks
Considerazioni finali
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
WALKING TOWARD PEACE Education Leads to Peace – Does It?
Briefing Note / Nota informativa
Dear Students:
Cari Studenti,
Welcome to the workshop “Walking Toward Peace. Education Leads to Peace – Does it?”.
Benvenuti al laboratorio “Walking Toward Peace. Education Leads to Peace – Does it?”
This note is to introduce the theme of the workshop as well as the activities we are to carry out today.
Questa nota presenta il tema del laboratorio e le attività che svolgeremo oggi.
Considering that European Parliament and the Council of the European Union designated the year 2008 as the “European Year of Intercultural Dialogue” - this workshop will be dedicated to the creation of inter-relations among you students.
Tenendo presente che il Parlamento e il Consiglio dell'Unione Europea hanno proclamato il 2008 “Anno del dialogo interculturale”, il laboratorio sarà dedicato a creare inter-relazioni tra voi studenti.
The first step to promote a dialogue is understanding our neighbours: for this reason, each group has been asked to give a short presentation of the conflict in their Country.
Il primo passo per riuscire a realizzare un dialogo è quello di conoscere chi sta accanto a noi: per questo a ogni gruppo di studenti è stato chiesto una breve presentazione del conflitto nel proprio Paese.
Yet, during the workshop we will focus not on a single conflict, but on the statement “To promote a culture capable of resolving conflict through dialogue and peaceful coexistence”, that we utilize as a guideline: avoiding looking back the past, but rather looking at the present; therefore we will be able to plan for the future and get objective facts, useful for creating actions that could support a peace.
Nel corso del laboratorio ci focalizzeremo non su un conflitto in particolare, ma sul concetto di “Promuovere la risoluzione dei conflitti mediante la testimonianza del dialogo e della pacifica convivenza”, che utilizzeremo come linea guida: evitando di guardare ciò che è stato, bensì ciò che è ora, per proiettarlo nel futuro e ricavare dati oggettivi utili a creare delle azioni che possano sostenere una pace.
Getting ready to fight is easy and fast, because of a background experience of millennia past, but getting ready to achieve and keep peace is a real challenge in the future.
Prepararsi alla guerra è facile e rapido perché si può contare su esperienze millenarie, ma prepararsi alla pace è una vera e propria sfida nel futuro.
Calciolari & Associati
Dialoghi a confronto Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
Voices Dialoguing International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution
Shortly after the end of a conflict, there is “reconstruction”, but it is manifest that there will be Countries with brand new highways and airports but lacking of a social soul®, unless there is a cohesive society whose purpose are clear and wellformed.
La prima cosa che viene dopo un conflitto è la “ricostruzione” ma è sotto gli occhi di tutti che, se non esiste una società coesa che abbia obiettivi chiari e ben strutturati, avremo paesi che si ritroveranno strade e aeroporti nuovi ma senza anima sociale®
Every conflict is generated by similar causes (identities, interests, values, emotions), which multiply as many times as the number of social souls of that Country; and even when a peace deal is reached, one shared social soul is hard to achieve; therefore, we should speak of indefinite ceasefire instead of peace.
Ogni conflitto ha in sé fonti simili (identità, interessi, valori, emozioni) che si moltiplicano tante volte quante sono le anime sociali di quel Paese, e anche quando si arriva alla pace è difficile che sia realizzata un’unica anima sociale, per cui sarebbe più corretto parlare di tregua indefinita piuttosto che di pace.
Therefore, the real question is: which paths – besides diplomacy and politics – can be followed to further the building of a peace?
Quindi la vera domanda è: quali sono le strade, oltre a quelle della diplomazia e della politica, che possono contribuire alla costruzione di una pace?
There are many possible answers to this question, because peace can get its nourishment from many field, but it's just for this that we can follow paths that are present in every Country, in every conflict. The difficult thing is identifying the most “universal” paths and pave one of them.
Non esiste una risposta univoca perché gli ambiti dai quali la pace trae il proprio nutrimento sono molti, ma proprio per questo si possono percorrere strade presenti in ogni Paese, in ogni conflitto. La difficoltà sta nel riuscire a identificare quelle più “universali” e cominciare a lastricarne una.
One of the possible universal path could be education.
Un percorso universale potrebbe essere l’istruzione.
Education is the necessary foundation of social and economic welfare in every Country. Political, entrepreneurial and professional classes are expression of a society's history, culture and traditions, but also they represent what that Country's future is likely to be. We can summarize this concept quoting Abraham Lincoln's statement: those who fail to prepare are preparing to fail.
L'istruzione rappresenta la base indispensabile per il benessere economico e sociale di ogni paese. La classe politica, imprenditoriale e professionale non sono solo la manifestazione della storia, cultura e tradizione di una società, ma rappresentano ciò che verosimilmente sarà in futuro quel Paese. Questo concetto possiamo sintetizzarlo usando l’espressione di Abramo Lincoln: fallire a prepararsi significa prepararsi a fallire.
For this reason, during the afternoon session we will try to find out which subjects you would like to study in order to became young people able to concretely trigger peace processes in your Country and society.
Per questo nel pomeriggio cercheremo di scoprire cosa vorreste studiare per diventare giovani capaci di attivare concretamente dei processi di pace nel vostro paese e nella società. Laura Calciolari
Calciolari & Associati
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
WALKING TOWARD PEACE Education Leads to Peace – Does It?
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
Georgia Northern Ireland (UK)
2 2
Sierra Leone Abkhazia
2 1
New Jersey (USA)
Republic of Ireland Serbia
1 1
Participant from
University / Organization From Respondents
University of ULSTER Northern Ireland 4
Ass. RONDINE/ Università di SIENA - Italy 16
MAR ELIAS Campus - Israel
BETHLEHEM University Palestine
Respondents by University/Organization Rispondenti per Università/Organizzazione
MAR ELIAS Campus Israel 14%
BETHLEHEM University Palestine 17%
University of ULSTER - Northern Ireland 14%
Ass. RONDINE/ Università di SIENA Italy 55% University of ULSTER - Northern Ireland
Ass. RONDINE/ Università di SIENA - Italy
MAR ELIAS Campus - Israel
BETHLEHEM University - Palestine
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
Graduates vs Undergraduate University of ULSTER Northern Ireland 1 3
Graduates Undergraduates
Ass. RONDINE/ Università di SIENA - Italy 14 2
MAR ELIAS Campus - Israel
BETHLEHEM University Palestine
3 1
0 5
18 11
MAR ELIAS Campus - Israel
BETHLEHEM University Palestine
4 0
3 0
12 1
Graduates vs Undergraduates Laureati vs Non Laureati Undergraduates Non laureati 38%
Graduates Laureati 62%
Graduates Laureati
Undergraduates Non laureati
Gender of Participants
Males Females No answer
University of ULSTER Northern Ireland 2
Ass. RONDINE/ Università di SIENA - Italy 12
2 0
3 1
Gender Sesso No answer Nessuna risposta 3%
Females Femmine 41% Males Maschi 56%
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
Graduates by Gender Graduates Undergraduates Total
Females 5 7 12
Males 12 4 16
Unknown 1 0 1
Graduates by Gender Laureati per sesso
90% 80%
70% 60% 50%
40% 30%
20% 10% 0%
Females Femmine
Males Maschi YES/SI
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
QUESTION 1 / DOMANDA 1 In your educational setting, have you ever studied conflict management? Nella vostra formazione, è stato affrontato lo studio della gestione dei conflitti?
YES/SI 48%
NO 52%
14 15
Answers by University/Organization Risposte per Università/Organizzazione 100% 90% 80%
60% 50% 40% 30%
10% 0%
University of ULSTER - Northern Ireland
Ass. RONDINE/ Università di SIENA - Italy
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
MAR ELIAS Campus - Israel
BETHLEHEM University Palestine
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
QUESTION 1 / DOMANDA 1 In your educational setting, have you ever studied conflict management? Nella vostra formazione, è stato affrontato lo studio della gestione dei conflitti?
Females Femmine 6 6
Males Masc hi 7 9
Unknown Non spec ific ato 1 0
Total 14 15
Answered YES by Gender Hanno risposto SI per sesso Unknown Non specificato 29%
Females Femmine 36%
Males Maschi 36%
Answered NO by Gender Hanno risposto NO per sesso Males Maschi 60%
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
Females Femmine 40%
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
QUESTION 1 / DOMANDA 1 In your educational setting, have you ever studied conflict management? Nella vostra formazione, è stato affrontato lo studio della gestione dei conflitti?
If so, where did you attend the courses? Se sì, indica la sede Not specified 21%
Summer School 7% University 64%
ONG 7%
University ONG Summer School Not spec ified Total
9 1 1 3 14
On the whole, how long did they last? Indica la durata complessiva 3+ months 14%
Not specified 21%
1-3 months 14%
1 week - 1 month 21%
one week or less 29%
3+ months 1-3 months 1 week - 1 month one week or less Not spec ified Total
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
2 2 3 4 3 14
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
Have you ever delved deeper in conflict resolution topics outside of your educational setting? (by yourself, because you are interested in these topics) Avete approfondito temi sulla risoluzione dei conflitti in ambito extra-scolastico? (individualmente, per interesse personale) Females
10 2
15 1
1 0
Yes No
26 3
If so, which source did you use? Se sĂŹ, attraverso quale fonte? Books The Internet Conferences Other sources:
18 21 15 10
Seminars, workshops and courses Talking to people involved / Specialists Non violence organizations One-to-One or Face-to-Face approach of listening, discuss and dialogue Experience
NO 10%
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
26 3
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
QUESTION 2 / DOMANDA 2 Have you ever delved deeper in conflict resolution topics outside of your educational setting? Avete approfondito temi sulla risoluzione dei conflitti in ambito extra-scolastico?
COMPARISON WITH QUESTION 1 / CONFRONTO CON DOMANDA 1 Among those who did attend courses: Tra coloro che hanno frequentato corsi:
the 7% haven't delved deeper in conflict resolution topics /non hanno approfondito temi sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
the 93% delved deeper in conflict resolution topics/ hanno approfondito temi sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
1 out of 14 hasn't delved deeper in the topics 1 su 14 non ha approfondito i temi
Among those who didn't attend courses: Tra coloro che non hanno frequentato corsi:
the 13% haven't delved deeper in conflict resolution topics / non hanno approfondito temi sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
the 87% delved deeper in conflict resolution topics/ hanno approfondito temi sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
2 out of 15 haven't delved deeper in the topics 2 su 15 non hanno approfondito
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
QUESTION 2 / DOMANDA 2 Have you ever delved deeper in conflict resolution topics outside of your educational setting? Avete approfondito temi sulla risoluzione dei conflitti in ambito extra-scolastico?
Other sources 16%
Conferences 23%
Books 28%
The Internet 33%
Books / Libri The Internet / Internet Conferences / Conferenze Other sources/ Altro:
18 21 15 10
Seminars, workshops and courses Talking to people involved / Specialists Non violence organizations One-to-One or Face-to-Face approach of listening, discuss and dialogue Experience
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
QUESTION 3 / DOMANDA 3 In your opinion, a better education in conflict management can be achieved through a research and analysis experience: Per una migliore formazione nella gestione dei conflitti, ritieni più importante un'esperienza di analisi e studio:
In a neutral place, where adverse parties meet each other 62%
At your University, with no external people 3%
At your University, with guests from areas of conflict 34%
At your University, with no external people Presso la tua università, senza c ontatti esterni
At your University, with guests from areas of conflic t Presso la tua università, con ospiti che vivono situazioni di conflitto
In a neutral place, where adverse parties meet eac h other In un c ontesto neutrale, dove si incontrano parti c ontendenti
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
QUESTION 4 / DOMANDA 4 Have you attended any course abroad: Hai seguito corsi all'estero?
No answer Nessuna risposta 3% NO 38%
YES SI 59%
YES/SI NO No answer/Non risp
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
17 11 1
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
QUESTION 4 / DOMANDA 4 Have you attended any course abroad: / Hai seguito corsi all'estero?
I found no difference / Nessuna differenza: 0% No answer / Non risponde: 3%
Other / Altro: 11% The modernity of the subjects / Modernità delle materie di studio: 17% The presence of foreign teachers / Presenza di docenti stranieri: 20% The quality of contents / Qualità dei contenuti: 20% Freedom/indep. of teaching / Libertà/indipend. di insegnamento: 29%
The modernity of the subjects / Modernità delle materie di studio The quality of contents / Qualità dei contenuti The presence of foreign teachers / Presenza di docenti stranieri The freedom/independence of teaching / Libertà/indipend. di insegnamento I found no difference / Nessuna No answer / Non risponde Other / Altro
6 7 7 10 0 1 4
More interaction between professors andstudents More practical activities Their inner peaceful thought Their way of dealingwith conflicts Amore comfortable environment of studying Modernity of teachingtools I have only taken university courses abroadandhave no basis for comparison
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
In your Country's Universities, are there courses aimed at training specialists in the field of conflict management? Nelle UniversitĂ del tuo Paese esistono corsi di Laurea che formino specialisti nell'area della gestione dei conflitti?
No answer 3% NO 38%
YES 59%
YES /SI NO No answer/Non risp
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
17 11 1
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
In your educational setting, have you ever studied methodologies specifically targeted to conflict management? Nella vostra formazione, avete studiato metodologie specificamente mirate alla gestione dei conflitti?
YES 34%
NO 66%
10 19
If so, which ones? / Se sĂŹ, quali? Social Problems 3 Anthropology 2 Dialogue Face-to-Face 2 Humanitarian Intervention 2 Gender Communication 1 Peace Resolution 1 Diplomacy 1 Peace Keeping 1 Elimination of divisions between people 1 Creating amenities for the people 1 Listening 1 Mediating 1 No answer 3
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
Have you ever delved deeper in conflict resolution methodologies outside of your educational setting? Avete approfondito metodologie sulla risoluzione dei conflitti in ambito extra-scolastico?
No answer 3% NO 34%
YES 62%
YES /SI NO No answer/Non risp
18 10 1
If so, which ones? / Se sĂŹ, quali? Power sharing, give right to minorities, stop discrimination Negotiation Peace study program Israelian Arab conflict Abraham House Planting peace Peace campus Meeting between Arabs and Jews The Gold Way Dialoguing Methodology of staying neutral in trying solve a conflict Dailylife Leadership Transactional Theory Methodology of Kolb (learning by doing) Industrial relations Trade Union activity No answer
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)
2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1
Dialoghi a confronto
Voices Dialoguing
Laboratorio internazionale sulla risoluzione dei conflitti
International Work Shop on Conflict Resolution Rondine, January 28th 2008
QUESTION 8 / DOMANDA 8 Have you knowledge of scholars/researchers in your Country, who developed (or are developing) methodologies on conflict management? Conoscete nel vostro Paese studiosi che si dedicano allo sviluppo di metodologie sulla gestione dei conflitti?
YES 45%
NO 55%
13 16
If so, please write their names Se sĂŹ, indicarne il nome Julia Xarashvilii Georgia Liana Beria Georgia Marina Elbakidze Georgia Paata Zakareishvili Georgia David Roberts Ireland Paul Arthur Ireland Ellen Pape Israel Mary Loyer Israel Prof. Gaber Macedonia Dzadziev Ossetia Dr. Sis Iaven (?) Palestine Dr.Abubakar Kargbo Sierra Leone Benjamin W. Mkapa Tanzania
Elaborato da Calciolari & Associati – Prato (Italy)