Lauras Lauderes Diploma Project

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urban strategy

for flooded garden area in riga - jurmala waterway

author: Laura Laudere

project site in a context of family garden areas in Riga The situation is similar in most of the areas - geographical location is excellent, but areas are flooded and closed to surroundings and context.

project site

port of riga

area of family gardens unique natural landscape housing districts

daugavgriva’s fortress

industrial areas street patterns pedestrian walkways public water transport







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scheme of existing pattern in the areas along the Buļļupe River Buļļupe is a river between two river mouths. It used to be very active waterway, but has become very silent in last 50 years. It is characterized by outstanding natural beauty near its outlet, but closer to its mouth it becomes much more urban.

project site area of family gardens unique natural landscape housing districts industrial areas street patterns pedestrian walkways public water transport

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scheme of new pattern in the areas along the Buļļupe River

Activity nods have been created along the river using existing objects. It is possible to create an attractive and diverse city structure by connecting them in one system. The project site is located in one end of main axe of Daugavgriva district and takes very important place in Buļļupe riverfront.

the project site in autumn 2011 Site development faces such threats as: - loosing a part of the city by letting it to submerge; - such constructions are appearing that do not react on sites context.


close future (2025-2050)

far future (2070-2100)

flood risk once every 2 years flood risk once every 5 years flood risk once every 10 years

flood risks of the site

Adaptation to climate change has been underlined in the project. Flood is a natural process and area should be developed in strong connection with water. Diverse construction types have been proposed depending on flood risks.

water units

zoning of construction types depending on flood risks Water units - in areas where flood risk is once every 2 years. By creating canals it is possible to place floating buildings that react on every changes of water level.

changing units

zoning of construction types depending on flood risks Changing units - in areas where flood risk is once every 5 years. Amphibious buildings are proposed in areas. Buildings are on land, but are able of floating when the water level is high.

land units

zoning of construction types depending on flood risks Land units - in areas where flood risk is once every 10 years. Buildings are constructed on piles. Garden is flooded, but building itself is safe above the water.

pedestrian walkway along the river bank

existing bridge connection riga - port and riga - fortress

new pedestrian and bicycle bridge

development principle water comes in the site, streets comes towards the water

main traffic axes new bridge connection riga - beach

main pedestrian and bicycle axes public water transport

connection scheme

Main axes are based in existing street pattern and leads to the water, thus opening the site to the river. Several public water transport stops are planned in the area, one of them - for connection between Riga city center and sea.

site plan

existing situation

new building structure

main street with greenary and water treatment structure

public nodes, urban based waterside

area of row houses

pedestrian and bicycle ways

proposed buildings

area surrounded with main streets - dams

public nature based waterside


site plan

The development strategy is based on structure preserving transformation. Existing plots (mainly 17m x 17m) and street pattern is kept, thus creating a possibility of step-by-step development and taking into consideration the existing users of the area.


Main axes are molded to make it possible to use them even in flood. Main streets serve as traces for engineer networks and are pedestrian and bicycle friendly. new floating building

section of a local street

bank of canal from concrete

section of access road

area that is surrounded by main streets - dams

section of the main street

new buildings

bank of canal from concrete

bank of canal from wooden piles

schemes of conversion process – from the water

Development process is triggered in the riverbank which is the area that is (should) be accessible to everyone and has the main quality potential. Further development process creates a succession of public nodes along the riverbank keeping the core of the area green.

scenario 1 – conversion process along the shoreline

Strategy defines tools and possibilities that guide the development process but the end result is open and is dependant on climate change, economical and social factors, a need for this kind of urban environment. There are several development scenarios and each of the development steps can be the end result. It is important that area is able to function today and is suited for today’s user.

scenario 2 – conversion process along main axes

scenario 3 – conversion process mainly around one public node

variations of unit (~17m x 17m) organization

In the same way as planning process units as well are designed to attract diverse users and new social groups. Variations of units take into consideration sunlight, garden and terrace orientation, size and placement. “backyard”

floating house with east terrace



rotating floating house with south / west terrace



floating house with south terrace



rotating floating house with south / east terrace



rotating floating house with south / east terrace


floating house with south terrace

garden + summer boat pier garden + boat’s winter storage

summer house + summer boat pier

all season house + boat’s winter storage summer house + boat’s winter storage

all season house + summer boat pier

variations of water units

Possibilities of water units have been explored more. Various water - land proportions are made in unit to house different lifestyles. Starting with land based unit, where the main function is garden with only small boat pier and ending with a unit that can house a water lifestyle, leaving land only for access and some secondary functions.

section 1-1

plan of 1st level

section 2-2

plan of 2nd level

example of a water unit

Floating summer house with boat’s winter storage has been detailed as an example. Building organization underlines the special character of the site.

building’s outer finish

light metal framework with insulation material

base of a building with insulation

wooden deck opportunity to walk around the house supporting structure concrete slabs for stability possibility of heat pump installation metal frame for the floating hull metal construction for deck steel hull - the floating base of building

constructive scheme of floating building

flooded garden area

Proposal is an elastic solution for this ever changing site and gives an opportunity to create a diverse and dynamic part of Riga, where blue and green structures and humans are in equilibrium.

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