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Location/props/costume The locations for the various images I’ll be taking need to fit in with the aesthetic of the magazine. So, I’m going to take some images in a graffiti-ed garage. The walls are covered in punk related quotes and symbols. This fits extremely well with the theme of the magazine. However, to have some variety I’m going to take other images in the college studio, with just a white background. And I’m also going to take images at the upcoming gigs I’m going to. This will provide a good variety of images to make my magazine with. The only props I could possibly need, which I haven’t definitely decided on, are instruments. I also thought about including animals, like a dog, because the punk scene is very much for animal rights. I’m going to take images with these props and see how they turn out. I’ll decide whether I’m going to use them in the magazine after I’ve taken the images. Thinking about costumes/clothing, I just need to make sure whoever’s in the photograph is wearing some DIY-ed clothing. Punk fashion revolves around a lot of DIY.

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