Production diary

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Production Diary 15/11/16 -We clarified the narrative of the movie and cleared up any continuity errors within the initial idea. -We created in depth character profiles and how they influence the story. -We planned the locations and props which we will use within the trailer. 22/11/16 -We planned the shot list in detail. -We planned the actors, new locations, and props for the trailer. -We cleared up the narrative of the film further. 29/11/16 -We made a questionnaire about horror movies, with some of the questions being about age and gender so that we can find out about the general audience. -We also carried on with the storyboard for the trailer. 06/12/16 -Today we worked on talent release forms, costume ideas, finishing off the questionnaire analysis, and working on identifying locations for filming. 13/12/16 -Today we worked on the shot list and storyboard. -We filled out a location release form ready for the landowner of Broads Equestrian Centre to sign, as well as the talents who will be in the film. 15/12/16 -We worked on finalising all of the last details of our production, including drawing the shots for the storyboard, getting profile pictures for our talent releases, and finishing off the risk assessments for Location 2 (Ditchingham VC Primary School). 05/01/17 and 06/01/17 -We filmed various possible filler shots of exterior locations which would possibly relate to our horror movie trailer. -We then transferred our footage from our camera to our computer folder. -We went and bought costumes for our characters. -We planned our filming schedule for over the next weeks. 10/01/17 and 12/01/17 -We started creating drafts for our film magazine cover after researching horror film magazines. We also started drafting the film poster. -We also reviewed a lot of the new footage we recorded.

13/01/17 -We uploaded the Risk Assessments and documents for Location 1 (Broads Equestrian Centre). 17/01/17 -We transferred more of our footage to our computer, and started editing/cutting the clips down. Since they were only filler shots, we put them in the rough order we thought they’d go when we add the main shots. 27/01/17 -We edited more of our clips and attempted to put them together, applying a few visual effects to some of the clips. 31/01/17 -One of us continued editing the movie trailer and putting the clips into order. The rest of the group gave advice and opinions whilst putting together our film/magazine posters. 21/02/17 -We did separate work on our magazine and film posters, as well as reviewing some recent extra footage we filmed and putting it into our trailer. 07/03/17 -This week we worked on evaluation questions 3 and 4. 14/03/17 -This week we are working on evaluation question 1 and 2. 21/03/17 - 30/03/17 -Throughout this time, we carried on writing our evaluation questions and editing the last pieces of our trailer and products. We also spent this time making sure everything was on our blogs ready for the deadline.

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