Questionnaire analysis

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Questionnaire analysis I made a questionnaire to collect responses on what type of magazine people would be most interested in reading. I asked questions about the appearance of the magazine, and also the content inside the magazine.

For the price of the magazine, 100% of the respondents said they’d be willing to pay between £1.50-£2.00 and 60% said they want the magazine to be published weekly.

The colour scheme results were easily predicted. People chose darker colours to suit the fact that it’s an alternative magazine. 100% voted for the colour black to be

used. I asked them to pick three different colours, and the top colours picked were black, white, red, purple, blue, and grey.

When it came to the font used in the magazine, 100% of the answers wanted simplistic/modern ones. One answer said they’d want an ‘Arial Black type of font’.

When I asked about the content of the magazine I got very mixed responses, which is understandable. The top things people wanted featured are band/album recommendations, most popular artists per week, a gig guide, reviews on music, and upcoming bands.

80% of people said they’d also want other subjects included in the magazine. They said they wanted an Agony aunt/problem page, TV/film recommendations and reviews, and latest TV/film releases.

Along with that, the top genres people wanted the magazine to feature were punk, rock n roll, pop punk, heavy metal, and folk punk. Since these are all similar music types (on the alternative spectrum), it will be easy to feature all of these genres.

80% of people also said that freebies would entice them to buy the magazine. I allowed them to freely express their opinions using an open question. 50% of the people said they’d want a CD with bands/songs featured. Posters, stickers, and fake tattoos were also mentioned.

So, from this questionnaire, I have concluded what type of magazine people would like to read. This has helped me to know what entices people to buy a magazine, too.

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