SEVA: The Selfless Mission

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The Selfless Mission a documentary marketing plan by Laura Claypool

SEVA: The Selfless Mission

a documentary marketing plan by Laura Claypool PRA 419 Entertainment Marketing & Promotion Fall 2017

Table of Contents Executive Summary..................................................5 Positioning Statement..............................................6 Target Audiences.......................................................7 Marketing Opportunities & Obstacles....................8 The Big Idea..............................................................9

Film Festival Strategy..............................................13 Target Film Festivals...............................................14 Press Kit...................................................................16 Festival Marketing & Stunts...................................21

Distribution Strategy...............................................27 Target Distributors..................................................28 Research....................................................................29

Consumer Research..................................................33 Release Strategy.......................................................36 Media and Publicity Strategy.................................38 Creative Advertising...............................................39 Internet Marketing..................................................43 Social Media Marketing..........................................45 Publicity and Partnerships......................................48 Media Plan...............................................................53 Budget.......................................................................54


“Who are you? We’re the Sikhs. Who are Sikhs? People don’t know who Sikhs are. We just want you to know who we are. We’re here to serve you and to protect you.”





Executive Summary One dollar, one minute, or one can of food may not have much value or impact to you, but that is not the case for everyone. SEVA: The Selfless Mission is a story of hope and inspiration that proves how easily those single dollars, minutes, and cans of food can add up and make a difference. With the Sikh perspective on helping others, Randeep Singh Lall shows how a little help goes a long way to aide the homeless community. This plan includes extensive festival, distribution, and consumer marketing strategies that will prompt audiences to realize that they too have the means to help others. Experiential marketing and digital campaigns will flood the streets and the web with uplifting marketing messages that will resonate with people, persuade them to see the film, and find a cause that they can support. Seeing the progresss of SEVA: The Selfless Mission through each post-production edit and working with the crew has been a pleasure, and this marketing plan will bring the film the success and attention it deserves.


The Fundamentals GENRE social justice documentary POSITIONING STATEMENT A social justice documentary about a Sikh man’s nonprofit organization and dedication to help the homeless community in London. SYNOPSIS SEVA: The Selfless Mission explores how one’s faith can lead to a life of service and what little effort it takes to make the world a better place. Randeep Singh Lall founded the Nishkam Sikh Welfare & Awareness Team (S.W.A.T) in 2008 to help the homeless in the West London area. He works as a chauffeur by day, but devotes the rest of his time to his organization. He recruited a team of volunteers, benefactors, and local businesses to bring food, medical services, and hope to the less fortunate, expecting nothing in return. When tragedy strikes, the Sikhs offer their help and try to educate the public on their culture and values. RUNNING TIME



Target Audiences PRIMARY AUDIENCE Social Justice Warriors These people are very conscious of social issues and are always looking to support a worthy cause. They are active in their communities and donate their time and money to organizations that they are passionate about. They are males and females 18-40 years old who have the time and money to give back and feel that it is their duty to do so. They are interested in this documentary because Randeep’s story gives them validation that their efforts are truly making an impact. SECONDARY AUDIENCE Uncertain Samaritans These people are aware of the problems in the world and want to help, but lack the knowledge or internal motivation to do so. They are males and females 14-30 years old in the middle or upper class and want to contribute to a more selfless society. This documentary appeals to them because they know that homelessness is an issue and are inspired by stories of hope and helping. TERTIARY AUDIENCE World Learners These people are interested in expanding their knowledge of what is going on in the world. They aren’t turned off by a language they don’t understand and enjoy watching documentaries. They are females and males 18-30 years old who are constantly looking for new information. They want to see this documentary because they might have heard about Sikhism, but want to learn more about their values and lifestyle. NICHE AUDIENCE The Sikh Community Sikhs are inherently drawn to the documentary because they aren’t usually the subject of many films and want to see how they are portrayed on-screen. Because of this, they don’t require much direct marketing, but we will still make sure they see our advertisements in the media. Sikhs are generally wealthy and connect to Randeep and the message he is trying to spread.


Marketing Opportunities UPLIFTING MESSAGE This documentary is inspirational and will leave viewers feeling empowered when the credits roll.

THEME Social justice is very “in� right now, so this should have pretty wide appeal, especially among young adults.

TITLE SEVA: The Selfless Mission is intriguing. People want to know what the selfless mission entails.

Marketing Obstacles RELIGION People do not know that much about Sikhism, so they might be less inclined to see it.

THEMATIC EVENTS Drug use and terrorism are sensitive subjects for many people.

UNKNOWN SUBJECT Randeep is not well-known in America, so people have no initial interest in him, nor his organization.


the big idea: GENEROSITY 9

People may not not be able to relate to the religious aspect of the documentary and may not feel any connection to S.W.A.T, but they do have an interest in philanthropy. This marketing plan will focus on appealing to consumers’ charitable sides and all stunts will relate back to this theme of generosity.

Key Creative Elements KEY ART

CAMPAIGN FONTS -High Tower Text Regular -High Tower Text Italic -Arial Narrow Bold


These colors are prevalent throughout the film and will be used for various campaign materials with accents of black and white.


a little goes a long way This phrase encapsulates the film’s main message and will be used in most of the creative aspects of the campaign.


“If you can give money, give us money. If you can give us time, give us time. Give us knowledge. Give us resource. Give us food. Whatever you can, just give us it.�



Film Festival Strategy


Film Festival Strategy SEVA: The Selfless Mission will target film festivals that accept documentary shorts starting in spring 2018 and going throughout the year until the release date. Two out of three of the film’s creators are Asian women, so they should enter in film festivals that prioritize female and minority content. The documentary is about social justice and features Sikhs, a minority population, so we should submit to film festivals that pride themselves in selecting films that support diversity of themes and thinking. We will also target a couple of British film festivals, since the documentary was filmed in England and S.W.A.T is in London, so people may have more of an appreciation and connection to the subject matter.




Target Domestic Film Festivals ATHENS INTERNATIONAL FILM AND VIDEO FESTIVAL - Athens, OH April 9-15, 2018 AIFVF accepts shorts and feature films in four categories: documentary, experimental, narrative, and animation. The festival is a qualifier for the Academy Awards® for documentary shorts and prides itself in providing a global platform for cinema from underground and marginalized populations. SEATTLE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL - Seattle, WA May 17- June 10, 2018 SIFF aims to create experiences that bring people together to discover extraordinary narrative films and documentaries from around the world and foster a community that is more informed and aware. It is known for celebrating films that fit normal industry categories. MOONDANCE INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL - Boulder, CO early September 2018 Moondance honors filmmakers, writers, and composers who actively increase awareness, provide multiple viewpoints and address complex social issues. It has a category for documentaries and it prioritizes female filmmakers. Finalists’ films are forwarded to over 40 production companies, film producers, cable channels, and radio shows. LA FILM FESTIVAL - Los Angeles, CA September 20-28, 2018 The LA Film Festival is run by Film Independent and prioritizes female filmmakers and minority content. Selection to the festival qualifies documentary films for Cinema Eye Honors for Non-Fiction Filmmaking and documentary shorts for the Academy Awards®.


Target Domestic Film Festivals AWARENESS FILM FESTIVAL - Los Angeles, CA October 4-14, 2018 Organized by Heal One World, a non-profit charity serving the community surrounding West Pico Blvd in Los Angeles, the Awareness Film Festival serves as a fundraiser itself which aligns with our film’s message. It brings awareness to some of the world’s pressing issues: ecological, policitcal, health/well-being, and the Spirit. SIKH INTERNATIONAL FILM FESTIVAL - New York City, NY early December 2018 Founded in 2006, the Sikh Art & Film Foundation puts on its film festival every year to celebrate the heritage, traditions, and immigrant experience of the Sikhs through documentaries, shorts, and feature films.

Target International Film Festivals RAINDANCE FILM FESTIVAL - London, England September 9-30, 2018 Raindance is the largest independent film festival in the United Kingdom and wants to develop new audiences for independent cinema. It provides a platform for discovery, discussion and learning. Selected shorts will qualify for the Academy Awards® and British Academy Film Awards. AESTHETICA SHORT FILM FESTIVAL - York, England November 7-11, 2018 Aesthetica specializes in international short films. It has a focus on learning with master classes, networking sessions and panel discussions. Selected films qualify for British Academy Film Awards.


Film Festival Kit PITCH LETTER








Film Festival Kit DVD CASE


Behind the Scenes Photgraphy


Production Stills


Pre-Festival Marketing

CHALKBOARDS Large chalkboards will be installed on the side of buildings around the festival cities. They will have our tagline “A little ______ goes a long way.� and people can write their own answers to finish the statement. This serves as a reminder for people to do little deeds to help others and can be easily shared through social media posts, peaking curiosity about the film.


Pre-Festival Marketing

VENDING MACHINES Pairs of vending machines will be placed near membership gyms and liberal college univeristies in the film festival cities to target people with disposable incomes and social justice supporters. One machine will have common beverages and snacks, while the other contains items that less fortunate people may need like blankets, nonperishable food, and gloves, with prices ranging from $1 to $15. After pressing the button for what snack or beverage they want, customers will be asked if they’d like to use the other machine to add on a donation. This enforces the film and campaign’s themes of giving and generosity.

POSTERS Film festival-specific posters will be made before each festival and they will be hung up around the city.


Festival Guerilla Stunts CANNED FOOD DRIVE In each theater that plays the film, cans of food with branded labels will be placed in the seat cupholders or on the floor in front of each seat. The instructions on the back of the can tell viewers to place the can in the collection bin at the exit of the theater. This way, each person who donates a can will physically complete the act of donating and feel like they are contributing to the betterment of society. It aligns with the message of the documentary, as well as the tagline, since each person is only donating one can, but collectively, they will be donating hundreds to thousands of cans per festival.

COFFEE FOR A CAUSE We will partner with local coffee shops to have a percentage from each purchase go toward a local charity during the week of the festival. We will have branded coffee cups and coffee collars will be have a modified tagline on them “a little coffee goes a long way,” “a little caffeine goes a long way,” “a little tea goes a long way,” or “a little warmth goes a long way.” This will raise money for a good cause and increase awareness for the film and the charity involved.


Festival Guerilla Stunts

POSTCARDS We will give out postcards with a #ranDEEPQUOTE on the front and information about the film on the back. These are inspirational and will remind viewers about the film and its message, and how they felt after watching it.


“God’s given me more than enough and there’s people out there who have nothing, absolutely zero, up to a point that they’ve even got no hope. So we’re there to restore hope and humanity.”



Distribution Strategy


Distribution Strategy The ideal distributor has had success in distributing social justice and humanitarian documentaries before. We would like to release the film on several online platforms, so we are targeting mainly digital distributors instead of traditional studios that release blockbuster hits. To introduce the film to the distributors, we will mail branded folders to key acquisition and distribution executives with a pitch letter, DVD, recent audience survey results, a branded notebook, and tickets to a preview screening near their office, if they would like to attend and see the film and audience reactions for themselves.


Target Distributors

NETFLIX The ideal distributor for this film is Netflix because it has recently distributed documentaries like White Helmets (2016) and 13th (2016) which have similar themes of social justice and philanthropy. It would also be convenient to release our film online on

AMAZON STUDIOS Amazon Studios is making a name for itself following its recent Academy Award nomination. It has distributed documentaries about under-represented groups including Human Flow (2017) about the refugee crisis and Gleason (2016), about a football player with Amyotrophic Lateral Scelerosis (ALS). It would be convenient to release our film on

HBO HBO is known for high quality content and would be a great distributor for this film. It has released several documentaries in the past couple of years like Cries From Syria (2017), Class Divide (2016), and Rock and a Hard Place (2017), all of which address social issues. It would be convenient to release our film on HBO NOW.


Research Tactics FOCUS GROUPS Before starting the campaign, we will test clips of the film with focus groups in America and England to see if audiences like the positioning of the film and our creative advertising materials, and see if they connect to the marketing message. We will also have groups interact and evaluate the website and online store to see if they are satisfied with the user interface and user experience. This will help us to prioritize media buying within our budget and adjust creative and web design if needed. TEST SCREENINGS & EXIT SURVEYS To judge our film’s marketability and playability, we will have test screenings with exit surveys to get audience feedback. We will be able to watch their immediate physical reactions to the film in the theater and see if they enjoy the film, their favorite parts of the film, and if they understand the main messages of the film. WEB AND SOCIAL MEDIA ANALYTICS We can estimate how wide our reach is by monitoring our website traffic and our social media channels. On our website, we can look at statistics for time on page, click through rate, bounce rate, referral traffic, etc. to see how much people are engaging with the content on our site and what people are most interested in. For our social media campaigns, we will keep track of impressions and read through comments to gain insights on the effectiveness of the campaign.



“We can’t change the world overnight, but what we can do is, collectively, we can do our small, small, tiny, tiny, little bits together.”



Consumer Strategy


Consumer Research CREATIVE ART POLL To choose the key art for marketing materials, I posted a poll on my Instagram story. I designed my own key art, but the filmmakers had already created their own, so I wanted to know which one I should use. Without revealing who made each creative, I explained the premise of the project, posted the original log line from the filmmakers, and asked people to vote.

RESULTS The poll received 280 views and 87 voluntary responses. My design received 72 votes, while the original creative received 15 votes. The respondents were mostly female, and ages ranged from 17 to 55. The poll generated responses from around the country, but mainly from Washington and California. Because of this, I decided to use the art that I designed.


Consumer Research PHILANTHROPY SURVEY To see how charitable people generally are, I asked questions about giving habits: what do they donate most often and least often and what was their reasoning for the latter? RESULTS Of the 50 respondents, 40 answered that they most often gave time and money. Twenty-two respondents said they were least likey to donate objects, mostly because it’s inconvenient and they don’t have many opportunities to do so. Fifteen people said they were least likely to donate money because time and objects are more meaningful. Therefore, the campaign should mostly be about donating time, not objects, and if we ask people to donate money, it should be done in a thoughtful, personal way.


Consumer Research and Release Dates MOST CHARITABLE TIME Because the theme of the campaign is generosity, the release date should also be centered aound that theme if we want to motivate the most people to watch the film and be a little more generous. To do this, I conducted a survey through SurveyMonkey. To find the best release date for SEVA: The Selfless Mission one of the questions was “What time of year do you feel most inclined to give?�

RESULTS Of the 50 respondents, 29 said they felt more inclined to donate in December, with 20 saying that they felt more inclined to donate closer to Christmas. The release date should therefore be in mid to late December in order that more people will follow through with their inclinations to donate.




Friday, December 14, 2018

Friday, December 21, 2018

Release Strategy SEVA: the Selfless Mission will have a limited theatrical release and play in select theaters for a week before being available on most streaming services. From December 14 to December 21, it will play in four U.S. cities: New York City, Houston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. These four cities were selected because they have some of the highest concentration of Sikh people in America, according to the Los Angeles Times. In addition, there will be a limited international release in London, England, since that is where the documentary was filmed. 2 theaters in Chicago

4 theaters in New York City

6 theaters in London 6 theaters in Los Angeles 5 CITIES / 20 THEATERS 2 theaters in Houston


Competitive Environment and Digital Release

TWO WEEKS BEFORE: November 21 There are no films scheduled for December 7th yet, but the sports drama Creed 2 and the animated adventure Ralph Breaks the Internet: Wreck-It Ralph 2 shouldn’t affect our viewership. However, Women of Marwen, is a biographical drama based off a documentary and might present some competition to our film, since it has a similar serious tone and realistic topic.

WEEK OF RELEASE: December 14 This weekend is ideal for the release of our film because is not much competition. SEVA: The Selfess Mission would not draw the same audiences as the Marvel animated action untitled Spiderman movie, nor the dystopian, futuristic film adaptation of Philip Reeve’s novel, Mortal Engines.



WEEK AFTER: December 21 Neither the sixth science fiction thriller Transformers film, Bumblebee, nor the superhero action film, Aquaman, would draw the same audience as our documentary about social justice. Our film will be available for online streaming to all audiences on this day.

Media and Publicity Strategy To garner media and public attention, we will initially target our audiences through traditional outlets, and then start to focus our marketing budget on digital advertising as the premiere date approaches. After the film is released on all major digital streaming platforms, we will continue to promote the film using only digital marketing because the call to action should be conveniently online since that’s where audiences can watch the film. Because people typically need to see a marketing message seven times before they take action, it is important to target audiences on a variety of platforms that they interact with daily. To do this, we will target radio stations, magazines, television channels and shows. Online, we will be buy space on popular websites and social media platforms that they would use to express their opinions, and get news about social issues and popular culture. We will use the data from our consumer research to make sure our marketing message of generosity is understood and acted upon by our publics. The first step is to inform the audience of our documentary, using advertisements that will direct people to our website and online store. Next, we will intrigue them with publicity appearances, social influencer endorsements, and guerilla stunts. Lastly, we must remind audiences about the film and prompt them to help others by flooding the internet with paid advertisements and frequent organic branded content.


Creative Advertising MOVIE POSTER



Creative Advertising BILLBOARDS


Radio and Magazine Advertisements 30 SECOND RADIO SPOT This radio spot will play on local news radio stations and satellite radio on Sirius XM, but otherwise exist online with online music streaming services, Spotify, Pandora, and iTunes Radio. *Original score from film plays softly in the background throughout* VOICE-OVER In 2008, Randeep Singh Lall founded the Sikh Welfare & Awareness Team to help the homeless in London. RANDEEP

People don’t know who Sikhs are. We’re here to serve you and to protect you. People will ask why are you feeding homeless people? Because they’re hungry. We can’t change the world overnight but what we can do is, collectively, we can do our small, small, tiny, tiny, little bits together.


Watch SEVA: The Selfless Mission on Friday, December 21, 2018 on Netflix, Hulu, iTunes, and other streaming services. For more information, visit

MAGAZINE ADS We will place full page ads featuring our key creative in magazines that reach our target audiences. Travel, business, entertainment, and lifestyle magazine readers have the disposable incomes and/or the time to donate to -philanthropies. Educational magazines target people who are interested in the world and know that there are problems in society that must be addressed.


Television Trailer and Web Teaser Concepts STRATEGY Because this is a documentary short, a 30 second trailer should be long enough without giving most of the story away. For the two weeks leading up to the theatrical release and the week of the release, we will play the trailer on local television channels (ABC, NBC, FOX, CBS, and The CW) in the five selected cities. After December 21, we will only have YouTube pre-roll and Hulu ad teasers, since people will be mostly watching our film online and it’s easy for them to click a link, instead of seeing an ad on tv and then searching for it online. 30 SECOND MOVIE TRAILER FOR TELEVISION The trailer will briefly explain what seva is, introduce Randeep and S.W.A.T, using key quotes from Randeep and some animation. 15 SECOND TEASER #1 To target our primary target audience of Social Justice Warriors, this teaser will stress the social justice part of the film, emphasizing how Randeep is helping the homeless and the disparity between the rich and the poor. 15 SECOND TEASER #2 To target our secondary audience of Uncertain Samaritans, this teaser will focus on the fact that everyone can do something to help their community and that every little effort counts. 15 SECOND TEASER #3 To target our tertiary audience of World Learners and niche audience of Sikhs, this teaser highlights the cultural aspects of this film, focused on Sikh practices and values.


Internet Marketing GOOGLE ADWORDS We will do a Google AdWords campaign and bid for the following keywords: “generosity,” “seva,” and “volunteer,” so that when people search for these words, the first link that shows up in the results is our website. If people are searching for these words, then they will likely find our website helpful and get exposed to our film. EMAIL MARKETING We will purchase email lists to send people emails about our film premieres and events. We will also partner with grocery stores like Safeway to gain access to their email lists and promote our philanthropic marketing stunts and increase awareness for our film. This will target our older audiences that shop the sales at the grocery store.

BANNER ADS We will purchase pop-up and banner ads on websites that our target audiences use for entertainment and news like Buzzfeed, Business Insider, and BBC. We will also dbuy banner ads on newspapers’ websites like The New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The Seattle Times, The Boston Globe, The Washington Post, and The Chicago Tribune to increase awareness for our film.


Internet Marketing MICROSITE The microsite will be and have five main pages: “About,” “Watch,” “Events,” “Volunteer,” and “Shop.” ABOUT -synopsis -crew bios -information about S.W.A.T

EVENTS -information for all publicity events -videos of past events

WATCH -trailer -list of film festival screenings -list of movie theater showings -links to the film on all online streaming platforms when available

VOLUNTEER -vast database of organizations and events in need of volunteers -search events by day and city -create, print, and sync selected volunteer events to Apple, Google, or Microsoft Outlook calendars

SHOP -buy branded products like posters, mugs, journals, and shirts -customize tagline “a little ________ goes a long way” from a selection of words like “love” and “hope” -50 percent of the profit from each purchase will go to a nonprofit organization of the buyer’s choice that they can specify at checkout


Social Media Marketing FACEBOOK The film’s Facebook page will have all of the Facebook events for our publicity stunts and film festivals we are accepted to, share the magazine articles and television clips that the film is mentioned in, and have clips from our YouTube videos. We will run a contest where people will nominate a friend who is making a difference in their community with the hashtag #SEVAstandout and one person will be randomly choosen to win a trip for two to our red carpet premiere in London. INSTAGRAM The film’s Instagram gallery will have videos and stills from our film, behind the scenes content, as well as photos of the crew, volunteers around the world, and items from our online store. We will work with homeless shelters to interview people who use their services. In a Humans of NY fashion, we will post a photo of them and a quote from them to share their story and to destigmatize homeless people. We will have an Instagram giveaway where people can use the hashtag when they buy an item and they could win a gift basket of apparel and products. We will use Instagram stories and have Instagram takeovers by the crew at the film festivals and by Randeep and his team when they volunteer in London. TWITTER The film’s Twitter account will have promotional tweets, updates about film festival results, gifs and memes about how little ways you can make the world a better place, and daily #ranDEEPquotes. We will retweet mentions of the film and tweets about volunteer opportunities with nonprofit organizations.


Social Media Marketing SNAPCHAT We will have Snapchat filters for all of our events and create a location story. For National Volunteer Day in September, we will have a filter in the top 10 most populated cities in America to raise awareness for our film. PINTEREST We will have Pinterest boards with articles with volunteer how-tos, items to donate to specific places, quotes about generosity, photos of our online store products, stories about volunteers, infographics about homeless populations, S.W.A.T, recipes for easy meals to make with commonly donated foods, and listicles about good deeds you can do daily. LIVE VIDEO: We will use Facebook and Instagram Live to stream all of our events, premieres, and we will conduct interviews with people who have founded their own nonprofit organizations, as well as people who have been nominated on Facebook for #SEVAstandout. YOUTUBE The film’s YouTube channel will have behind the scenes videos with the crew and feature interviews with Randeep and his volunteers. We will also reach out to a variety of lifestyle, fashion, and adventure YouTube influencers to promote our events and online store products. We will focus on YouTubers with large followings, but also high engagement, as we want our content to motivate and be seen by as many people as possible.


Social Media Advertising SPONSORED CONTENT Besides our YouTube pre-roll ads, we will have paid posts advertising the online store, our events, and our film when it is released online. We will spend our money on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter. TWITTER





Magazine Publicity STRATEGY Similar to our paid magazine advertising strategy, we will target lifestyle, travel, entertainment, and educational magazines to best reach our audiences. For publicity, we will pitch different stories that feature our film, Randeep, S.W.A.T, or the general theme of generosity. When conducting research, we found that most people don’t feel like they have enough time to volunteer and they usually donate money instead of goods, so these story ideas address these subjects.

“Not Your Typical Mission Trip: How to Volunteer Abroad”

This story will feature charities that accept short-term volunteers.

“Giving Money vs. Goods”

This story will teach new business owners and when and what to donate.

“Gifts that Give Back”

This will be a listicle that features products that benefit a cause like those on our online store.

“Finding Your Platform Before College”

This will be a how-to for teens to find causes they’re passionate about.

“Do More Good”

This story will be about how busy women can find time to volunteer.

“Genuine Generosity”

This spread will be about what it means to be truly generous in our reward-based society.

“Seeking Out Sikhism”

This spread will be about the Sikh culture and its minimal representation in mainstream media.

“Global Film Campaign Benefits Charities”

This will be a feature article about the charitable elements of our marketing campaign.


Television Publicity MORNING TALK SHOWS Randeep will appear on Good Morning America, The Today Show, and Live with Kelly and Ryan to talk about the film, his organization, and the apparel on the online store. These shows have loyal Generation X audiences who are interested in world events and entertainment news. WHEEL OF FORTUNE SEVA: The Selfless Mission will be publicized on the early evening game show, Wheel of Fortune, to reach an older audience. It will be a tile on the wheel and if a contestant lands on it, he/she will win a trip for two for a week in London with tickets to the premiere. MASTERCHEF To reach ambitious audiences, Randeep will serve as a guest judge on MasterChef. Cooks will compete in a Mystery Box Challenge that contains commonly donated foods and create a meal to impress Gordon Ramsay. THE VOICE To decrease prejudice against homeless people, Randeep will co-host an episode of The Voice where the people auditioning are street performers who are or who have been homeless at some point in their lives. Randeep will interview them backstage about the hardships they’ve faced. LATE NIGHT WITH JIMMY KIMMEL To increase awareness among millennials, Randeep will appear on Jimmy Kimmel. Kimmel has been known to make profound statements about social issues, so this particlular late night talk show would be a good fit for our film.


Promotions and Partnerships The week of the release, every Hilton hotel and its subsidiaries in the cities where the film is premiering will house 20 homeless families for a week. This will not only promote corporate social responsibility for Hilton, but also provide temporary shelter to people in need during one of the coldest months of the year. Hilton will also host the winners of our film premiere social media giveaway in London.

To raise money for local homeless shelters, we will sell reusable canvas shopping bags at Safeway stores across America in the October of 2018 until the end of December that read “a little food goes a long way.�

To make the point that a little goes a long way, a screen will pop up after making a deposit at a Bank of America ATM machines, prompting customers to donate $1 to charity.

In the film, Randeep talks about the high quality sleeping bags that are donated, so we will partner with REI. For every sleeping bag purchased in the month of November, REI will donate one to a local homeless shelter.


Stunts and Event Publicity PRESS JUNKET We will invite American media outlets to a press junket in Los Angeles and British media outlets to a press junket in London a couple of days before the red carpet premieres. British reporters will be invited to S.W.A.T’s headquarters and then have the option of volunteering and serving food to the homeless. All media representatives will have the opportunity to meet and interview the crew and Randeep. Attendees will receive goody bags with some products from the online store and tickets to the premiere. PREMIERE There will be an exclusive red carpet premiere in London on Friday, December 7, 2018 at the Leicester Square Cinemas, as well as one in Los Angeles on Tueaday, December 11, 2018 at the ArcLight Hollywood. In the lobby of the theaters, there will be a pop-up shop with items from our online store.

ILLUMINATED SIGNS To encourage social sharing, we will install neon signs on the walls of homeless shelters and food banks with donation dropoff bins below them. People will be inclined to pose in front of them with their donations and share their photos and videos on social media with the hashtag #SEVAsign. People can see all of the different signs by searching the hashtag online.


Stunts and Event Publicity

PHILANTHROPY FAIR National Volunteer Day is September 21st, 2018, so we will organize philanthropy fairs at Santa Monica Pier in California, Times Square in New York, and Trafalgar Square in London. Local charities and organizations will put up booths and people can come by and sign up to volunteer.

GENEROSI-TEA In London, we will host a high tea event at Sketch Gallery, with proceeds fron the ticket sales going back to S.W.A.T People will be able to purchse timed tickets on our website. This will promote our theme, as well as bring in British culture into our campaign.

COIN DRIVES Fountains will be installed in major American and British cities for an unconventional coin drive. The fountains will have the text “make a wish...a little hope goes a long way� to encourage people to toss coins into the fountain. Plaques near the fountains explain that the coins will be donated to S.W.A.T or a local charity.


Media Plan 2018 AUG Television 30 Second Trailer Spots Guest Appearances Radio Broadcast & Satellite Online Magazines Full Page Ads Feature Stories Outdoor Billboards Bus Shelters Guerilla Digital Google AdWords Email Marketing Banner Ads Microsite Sponsored Social Media Posts YouTube 15 Second Pre-Roll Video Ads Online Influencer Sponsorships






2019 JAN

Media Budget

OUTDOOR: $460,000 PRINT: $460,000 RADIO: $460,000 TELEVISION: $2,070,000 DIGITAL: $4,025,000 PUBLICITY: $2,070,000 PRODUCTION: $1,955,000

TOTAL: $11,500,000


A Special Thank You to... JIM FREDRICK for your enthusiastic teaching style and preparing me to make this massive campaign on my own. Your dedication to students is incomparable. VESTON ROWE for teaching me that good writing doesn’t come easy and for giving me answers I didn’t want to, but needed to hear. JOHN MOST for challenging me to think strategically and being a mentor from the first class I had him as a professor. JANELL SHEARER for teaching me the principles of design, helping me with internships, and signing me into all the classes I needed to take, including this one.


Jen Xu and I


JEN XU who met me once and then had to deal with emails and texts from me at all hours of the day.


MY FRIENDS & FAMILY for taking the surveys and contributing to my consumer research for this project.

B.A. Public Relations & Advertising Dodge College of Film & Media Arts Chapman University Class of 2019

Laura Claypool

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