My Life Riley Olson
I Dedicate this book to Mrs. Deal, Hunter, Bailey, Ian, Nick, Tupac, Noah’s English Grade, Andrew, Vander Blue, Mike Dunleavy, and Ersan Ilyasova.
Table of Contents Circle Poem!.................................................................................................................1 Acrostic Poem!.............................................................................................................2 A Big Game !................................................................................................................3 A Happy Time for Me!...................................................................................................4 Wisconsin!....................................................................................................................5 My Name !....................................................................................................................6 My Neighborhood!........................................................................................................7 Boots and Cooper!........................................................................................................8 Getting to Work!............................................................................................................9 A Special Holiday!......................................................................................................10
Circle Poem
Hair Head Brain Think Thoughts Judge People Body Features Face
Money Poor House Bullied Canteen Food Mood Thoughts Room Home Ghetto Acrostic
Ball An exciting game Skill Knowledge Exciting Teammates Bounce Amazing sport Learn Life
Socialize with friends Concentrating Homework Opportunities Opening our brains Learning Fight Outside linebacker Out score the other team Team Badgers Always hitting Long practices Life
A Big Game A big game for me was on January 3, 2013. it was basketball game against La Cresent. They were undefeated, 7-0, going into that game and we knew we had to win because they’re our rivals. The crowd was so big it was like a varsity game. My heart was pounding before tip. Right away the Lancers took the lead and we were down 3 to 6 in a low scoring game at the end of the 1st quarter. The struggle was still there in the second quarter and we were down to our rivals! ! At half time we were down 9 to 18. Our coached yelled at us and told us we needed to do better and get our heads into the game. So I did just that and played 110% and gave in my all. Our first possession in the 3rd quarter right away I made a 3 pointer and that got our team fired up. We went on an 11-4 run to end the quarter only down 20 to 22. Since then we never looked back until the end of the 4th quarter with 20 seconds left and the score was 28 to 29, we were down and there best best player made a lay up with just under 15 seconds left. I took the ball up the court with many things running through my mind like, should I shoot the three or pass it. I took the three a got fouled so I had to make three free throws to put it into over time. I made the first 2 and then I made the last one! Everyone was cheering and the game went into overtime. in over time I hit a three with one minute left and we won the 37 to 35. That was the biggest, best, and most game I have ever been in.
A Happy Time for Me A happy time for me was Christmas, last year. We were opening all of our presents and we were having a blast! When we were all done opening all of our presents I realized I had one more present. So I opened it and it was what I wanted really bad, Green Bay Packer tickets! I was so excited. We had to get ready for the Packer game right away because the game was that night. We left at about 3 o’clock and the game was at 7:30. I was so excited. it was just my dad and i. I posted it on Twitter and Facebook and everyone was really jealous especially my sisters. When we got on the road the was when the fun started. My dad and I had a great time talking about all sorts of stuff. When we got to the game we tailgated for a little bit where we met a bunch of people. We were one of the first people that got into the stadium. When we got in the stadium we got food and seat cushions. It was loud like airplanes flying over head. They were playing the Chicago Bears, and I hate the Bears so much! The people we sat by were Bears fans and they were super annoying. it was so much fun and I will never forget that game. The best part is that the Packers won! The sad thing was we had to drive 3 hours back in a snow storm and we didn’t get back until 1:30 in the morning. I was warn out.
Wisconsin Life in Wisconsin is really boring and pathetic. I wish I could move and live in Florida. The only good thing in Wisconsin is that I like each sports team here like the Badgers, Packers, Marquette, Brewers, and the Bucks. When I went on vacation to Florida it made me realize how much better it is down there then it is up here in freezing. First of all I hate the cold weather so much. I get sick and tired of shoveling stupid snow. Secondly, everyone thinks it is cool to get drunk because Wisconsin is known for our drinking. it is not a good thing for being the drunkest state in United States. Some of the good things for living in Wisconsin is we are the Dairy land of the United States. The other thing is that we have great sports teams. Everyone is nice here. Another great thing is Wisconsin is good for fishing and hunting. Each time I go fishing I can catch at least 2 or the fish and when I go hunting each season I usually get a deer. Crime is also not that big in Wisconsin which is really nice because I honestly would not be living here if we had a lot of crime here. it is great that we have all four seasons, not many areas have truly all for season. I want to live in a place where there is only three seasons; Summer, fall, spring. So when I get older I want to move from Wisconsin to a warmer place.
My Name ! I got my name from my mom’s maiden name, Riley. it is the only name the my mom and dad could agree on, I like my name because it represents me. My name’s origin is ireland. Riley means: courageous, Valiant, hard working, Descendant Of Roghallach. ! ! People don’t know the exact history of Roghallach but he is the name of a chieftain family in County Cavan, related to the O Rourkes. Reilly Name Meaning and History irish. ! ! When my my parents decided to name me they choose Riley because, it was my mom’s maiden name. it came from ireland and that’s where my Great-Grandparents are from! So it works great because I am about 45% irish. I take much pride in being irish so that means I also take much pride in my name. My name was suppose to be Devon. i’m glad that they stuck with Riley because I really like the name. ! My middle name is Michael which comes from my grandpa. He is a person ilook up to and he’s hard working so I think that fits me pretty good. Michael means: who is like god, funny, hard working, and closest to god. ! My last name is Olson. The last name Olson comes from my dad’s side. Olson is Norwegian. in Norwegian is mean Old Horse or Olaf’s son. My name is courageous like a lion. I am always fierce in sports and everything I do competitively. I love my name and nothing will ever change that.
My Neighborhood My neighborhood is really fun. It is probably the must fun neighborhood in West Salem or maybe La Crosse country, that’s how much fun it is. There is probably about 25 kids and about 15 are my age or around my age. All of us get along with one another well. The really say thing is that I am one of the only guys on the street. Some nights we all go to our friend’s house and play games like “Sorry” and have fun. One night we were playing kick ball and one I trying to run after a ball and a ran into a barb wire fence a got a ton of cuts and then I fell and broke my finger. But the usual game in our neighborhood is capture the flag at night. All 20 of us would play the game so the boundaries would be the whole street. When we have bon fires all the parents and the kids get together and play games a talk. He have parties too and it is a ton of fun. One a year our neighborhood goes on a camping trip. Last year it was in Mauston. We did a ton of swimming and a ton of 4 wheeling. The funnest time was when we played cops and robbers the whole day and until 10 at night. We played it non stop. The bad thing is we got in a lot of stupid fights on who was the cop and who was the robber. But other then that it was a pretty good time.
Boots and Cooper Boot and Cooper are my dogs. They are special to me because they are always there for me when I am down. We got Boots when I was 4 years old. My sister Taylar got to choose what dog we got because she was the oldest in the family and she choose him. We named him Boots because he is and a black dog except for his paws which are white, like little boots. Boots is a Shih Tzu. He is a really fat, pudgy, lazy dog. When we was really little he would bark at everything. He was also trained really well so he did not go to the bathroom any where in the house. He is 9 years old. My other dog is named Cooper. We got him for Christmas in 2005. We got him from our neighbors that were allergic to the kind of dog he is so they asked if we wanted him. Cooper is all white, Cockapoo, curlyish hair, and very energetic. We has hops like an NBA player. Cooper is always happy and wanting to play fetch or go outside or go for a walk. He one of the cutest dogs you will ever see. They did not like each other for awhile but then they learned they will be with each other for they rest of their lives so they learned to deal with each other. Then Miley became a part of our family. She is a little tea cup dog that my sister Taylar got for Christmas, this year, from her boyfriend. She is really small and has brown hair. She gets in a lot of trouble and my dad wants Miley out of the house.
Going to Work I work at my grandma’s house. She just tells me what to do and I do it. Usually it is out side work because she can not really do that stuff any more since my grandpa passed away a year ago. I do not really mind working for her because she pays me more money than other places would. Also she works with me schedule in the summer because I am very busy in the summer. The job I hate the most is mowing her lawn. it is worse than shoveling my driveway and my driveway is huge. The worst part about mowing her lawn is that there are so many things in her lawn that you have to avoid hitting like trees and bird feeders and bird baths. I also have to push mow it and it takes forever. But when I am done mowing the lawn I get to go inside and enjoy nice cold pop or Oreos or lemonade that she makes fresh for me and she makes it the best. Some times, if I get really lucky she will make me some of her delicious brownies. My favorite job at her house is cleaning anything in the inside of her house. It is easy because 90% of the time it is already cleaned and it will take me literally 5 minutes to clean her whole entire house. So I guess my job is not bad at all but sooner or later I will probably have to get a real job so I can pay for a car when I get my license, because my parents are not going to pay for it.
A Special Holiday A special holiday for me is Christmas. Everybody loves Christmas. Every Christmas Eve we go to my grandma’s house in West Salem. Usually my uncle that is in the Air Force is there and we get to visit him, we rarely get get to see hime because he is the the Air Force. I like to eat all of the fresh Christmas cookies we make. We like to visit for a long time than we eat a meal the my grandma makes and I usually help the day before. I like to make the banana cream pie. That is one of my favorite deserts! After that we get to open our presents and usually we have a fight on who gets to open theirs first. After we open all of our presents we go to Sparta for my mom’s side of the family’s Christmas party. There is a lot of people there that I do not usually get to see because they live so far away. We visit for awhile with the 30 or 40 other family members there and we play games and have a good time. We usually get secret Santa’s. This year I got a signed Packers hat, money, and cream soda, because I love cream soda. We usually leave around 11. The next morning, which is Christmas morning, we open our stockings as soon as we get up. But we usually have to wait until my sister get home until we open our presents. After we open our presents we chill out and play with the stuff we got for presents and have a good time.