My Name My Life

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My Name My Life Sammy Servais



To my family who gave me my name and my life





Table of Contents ! ! ! !

My Neighborhood! !








Page 6

Life in Wisconsin!








Page 7

Special Family Members! !







Page 8

Special Holiday !








Page 9

When I got In Trouble!








Page 10

The Big Game!









Page 11

Happy Time For Me!!








Page 12

Favorite Toy! !









Page 13

Advice From Adult! !








Page 14

My Name!






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My Name ! My name, Samantha, in English means “she who listens”; it is also Hebrew, which means “a listener of God”. I believe my name fits me very well. I always try to listen to the people around me, especially teachers. I also think that it does not fit me the best either, because sometimes I am more rebellious towards my parents. My name is very contradictory-my name does not know if it wants to be like me or not. ! My name was given to me by my parents, but the first day I was born I did not have a name: I was baby A and my sister was baby B. This is because my sister and I were born six weeks early, and my mom and dad did not have a name picked out. My mom has always loved the name Samantha, and if my Aunt Kaye would of had another kid, Samantha would have been it, so in a way my aunt named me. Finally, a day later, my mom and my dad decided on Samantha. ! My name Samantha has a ton of nicknames that I can’t even count. People call me Sam, Sammy, Samantha. People who are close to me call me Sam. People who are not so close to me, but people who still know me, call me Sammy. My mom wanted me to spell my name Sammi, not Sammy but I told her no when I was around five. I only get called Samantha when I am in trouble or taking attendance. ! In conclusion, I really love my name Samantha. It means so much, and I believe I couldn’t have a better name then Samantha.



My Neighborhood ! My Neighborhood is sleepy and quiet. There is not much that happens at night or during the day Its a little ways out of town so its silent at except for the dogs and coyotes that bark back and forth. During the day there is little boys that play outside throwing snowballs in the winter and riding their bikes in the summer. On crisp sunday mornings the neighborhood boys would go over to the neighbor’s house and play football all day. During the summer almost every saturday we would go over to our neighbors house and swim at their pool all day long then we would grill out and eat a ton of food and have a blast. during the summer we also have some baseball games for fun. My neighborhood is very beautiful there is farm’s right behind my backyard that is usually filled with soy beans and corn. On the side of my neighborhood there is fence with horses on the other side of the farm they are sweet and soft. One time I remember when we were driving home late at night and there was a white horse that got out of the fence and was standing there staring at us, I thought it looked like a unicorn, but when we honked the horn the horse ran away. Overall my neighborhood is very special to me its where I grew up playing outside with Ali and my little neighborhood friends and I will always consider my Neighborhood my home. ! ! !



Life In Wisconsin ! Wisconsin is very indecisive its really cold half the year than really warm the other half. My favorite season in Wisconsin is definitely summer. My least favorite season is winter. ! Winter is cold, chilly, cool, crisp, all day it is almost always below freezing. My least favorite part about winter is the snow. The worst snow storm I remember is that it snowed two feet, then the next day it rained, and then that night it froze. The ice and snow were so thick I could walk on it without have it breaking, Ali and I had so much fun that day, But it was really hard to shovel. Winter is also very pretty the trees covered in snow the ground all white the only color you see is the green beautiful evergreens. My favorite part is the snow day’s it brings you, no school you get to stay in your pjs all day long watch movies and play in the snow. ! Summer is hot, fun, and relaxing all day long you don’t have to worry about school or anything. Summer for me is filled with vacations, swimming, boating, and baseball and softball. Summer is heaven. My favorite part of summer is baseball my family loves to watch baseball we usually go to Miller Park to watch brewer games. Last summer we spent every weekend watching the loggers, because my cousin played for the loggers. This summer we are going to the Angles Brewer game at Miller Park because my uncle works for the Angles and he will be there and I have not seen him science last summer. I am so excited. Summer is very beautiful the lakes are my favorite part there is always a great feeling, when I am on a boat green tress blue skies in my world it is just perfect.



Special Family Member Mom kind, loving caring, cooking, cleaning I love you mom Mother Dad funny, caring laughing, story-teller, working I love you dad Father



My Special Holiday ! ! My favorite or special holiday would definitely be Christmas. Warm cookies in the oven smell sweet, sugary, and delicious, but eating the cookies is definitely the best part. My mom, sister and I always make sugar cookies and spritz cookies and sometimes inside out Oreo’s which defiantly are my favorite. Inside out Oreo’s are like my addiction they are addicting with almond bark on the outside that makes it crunch and cream cheese and Oreo’s blended together on the inside that make it smooth and sweet.Yum! ! On Christmas Eve my mom’s side of the family comes over to my house, we eat snacks and ham or turkey sandwich and of course lots of cookies. Usually after we eat the kids open up gifts from each other which fills the room with excitement and joy. Sometime during the night we shake dice or play cards. After a long day we go to bed to find that santa in the morning left presents. Which I always get excited to see my little cousins faces when we wake up. ! On Christmas Day we go to my grandma and grandpa’s house, my dad’s mom and dad, when all of my cousins are at their house we eat a big lunch which is usually consist of ham, ribs, broccoli and cheese casserole, potatoes, and bread and butter. Then we open presents, we each have a red bag with our name on it which my grandma fills with presents for us, she always spoils us. Then we watch a movie one that we usually got for Christmas and eat leftover ham sandwiches for dinner, and enjoy time with each other. ! The best part about Christmas is the family all around that come from far away that you have not seen in forever. We share laughs and memories that keep me busy. I always love Christmas it is my special holiday and my favorite, it is the best time of the year!



When I got in Trouble When I was around the age of seven or eight I got in trouble a lot, I was very sassy and a huge troublemaker. Not many days went by were I got in trouble and sent to my room for the rest of the day. I also use to fight and beat up my sister Ali. I was a bad naughty little kid. ! ! One sunday when I was around the age of seven I was not behaving at church, so when I got home I was told to stay in my room and I could not go anywhere. My mom and Ali left to go shopping which my mom knew it was my favorite thing to do. Which got me mad as a lion. When she was leaving I screamed on the top of my lungs with tears rolling down my face with anger screaming, “I am coming with don’t leave, I hate you”. I was kicking and pounding on my door that was locked shut I screamed, screamed and pounded for a whole hour until my dad came in because he was home with me and yelled at me to stop, so I hid in my closet under clothes and cried. Once I got myself together I occupied myself in the closet with old toys. Then my mom and dad came in and told that I needed to behave and that I can come out and eat dinner when I could behave and my punishment was over it was a long day in my room I still remember this day very clearly.



The Big Game Victorious Outstanding Life Laugh Exciting Yelling Bump Ace Life Laugh Thrilling Happy Regrets Ideal Life Laugh Inconclusive Nice Great Winning Inspirit Need



Happy Time for Me! ! When I am at my happiest I am usually with my friends or family not worrying about anything, I am fun and as cool as a cucumber around my friends and family. I usually like to hang out and watch movies and have a sleepover with my friends and sometimes go to the mall, which is one of my favorite thing to do it makes me really happy. My friends make me feel complete and like there is no worry in the world, they make me who I really am in this world as a great friendly person. ! When I am with my family the care about me and make sure everything is good with me before they worry about their problems which makes me feel loved and special, and spectacular. Which I feel a person’s family should always do, make them feel special and loved and mine completes that. My favorite thing to do with my family is to go on vacations. Traveling is one of my favorite things to do and I love that you get to experience different things that you normally don’t do. I love being able to experience the new things with the people I care about most in this world my family. ! My happy time is anytime my friends and family are close to me and are having fun with me and doing anything I love to do. My friends and family are one of the most important people in my life they make me happy as a horse.



My Favorite Toy ! When I was a child my favorite toy was a BabyDoll, when my sister and I got home from school we would rush downstairs to a cold unfinished basement it was our wonderland. We turned the bedroom and bathroom into a play house. The bedroom was the kitchen in living area for us to play dolls and the bathroom was a bedroom for all the dolls. We would pretend to take care of the dolls. ! My favorite doll I got when I was around four from my Grandma Servais. My doll looked like she was suppose to be around one to two years old she came dressed in pink cotton overalls with a button up white shirt with adorable teddybears on the shirt. She had an open mouth which was always holding a pacifier a yellow one that came with her. She had blond hair that was curly, but because I played with her so much her hair turned raggedy and old like a rats nest. I always called her Payton because when I was little I loved that name. ! I used to take her around everywhere I went. I played with her outside and the first summer I got her I took her on our family vacation. Every weekend I would get her up and change her clothes and whenever I went to bed every night I put pajamas on her. Ali and I would used our baby clothes to dress our dolls up. ! I could have not imagined my childhood without our dolls we played with them so much it is and always be a great memory in my mind. My doll was like my water I needed her to live and be there throughout my childhood. !



Advice from an Adult ! One of the biggest piece of advice that my mom and dad have given me is you can not worry about the little things in life because if you look at the big picture you have a great life. In other words this phrase means “don’t sweat the small stuff.” I remember this advice when I am upset with school or friends and I say this phrase in my head “forget about the little things you have a great life.” My mom will mention to me this phrase a lot when I am at home and upset at times. I tend to be a worrier about school and sports and this phrase will get me through a lot at times. Worrying to me is like a stair case don’t worry about the first step worry about the last step, and finishing the stairs. ! What I want a person to take this advice as a gift and cherish it and always remember it and to not “sweat the small stuff.” and to live your life to the fullest and take every opportunity because you may not know were it might lead you to a point in your life where you don’t have to worry. ! This advice has helped me a lot throughout my years and I always will remember it. “don’t sweat the small stuff.” It’s my favorite piece of advice that my mom and dad have given me. I hope that one day I will pass this advice on to someone else and will cherish it as much as I do.


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