MY LIFE Jake Hutschenreuter
Dedications I Dedicate this Project to my English grade.
Table of Contents Dedication Page!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 Table of Contents!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------2 My Neighborhood!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------3 One Time I Got in Trouble!--------------------------------------------------------------------------4 My Name!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------5 The Big Game!------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------6 Life in Wisconsin Pt.1!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------7 Life in Wisconsin Pt.2!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------8 Advice from an Adult!--------------------------------------------------------------------------------9 A Special Holiday! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------10 A Positive Story from School!--------------------------------------------------------------------11 A Happy Time for Me!-------------------------------------------------------------------------------12
My Neighborhood ! ! My neighborhood is not really a neighborhood, its more of a few scattered houses along a small road. The closest house to me is about 4 blocks away, and the next farthest is about a half mile. Also my closest neighbors are in my grade. My neighborhood is more of fields and woods than anything else, and I think thats a good thing. I like it because I can go out and shoot my bows and guns basically whenever I want. Also I like it because people won’t bug me about messing up flowers or anything like that. ! I love where I live because almost every morning I wake up and see deer about 10 feet from my house. The property behind my house is perfect for hunting, so I never have to use public land. Plus in the winter the fields are perfect for off-roading and sledding. In a way it feels like having a private playground that only I can use. In the summer we have huge bon fires that are perfect for s’mores. Plus a benefit to being out in the country is having well water, it tastes much cleaner than city water. ! One downside to living in the middle of nowhere is all my friends live in town, so its hard to hangout a lot. Another problem is all activities are in town, so I don’t get to go to them as much as I’d like. I like being able to blare my music though, that makes it almost worth it to be where I am.
One Time I got in Trouble
! I remember it like it was yesterday. One day, during last summer, my dad woke me up at about ten o’clock in the morning, and he told me to go mow the lawn. The thing about our lawn is it takes about four or five hours to mow, while on a riding mower. Then about another two hours to rake up and move the piles of grass, since I waited too long and it started to get out of hand. So I go out there, fill the mower with gas, get it all set up and pull it out of the garage. ! I line it all up and start mowing, and about a hour into mowing I got the idea to listen to music. I ran inside and got my iPod, headphones and all that good stuff, and then got back to mowing. It was going well until I was switching songs and when I looked down, I ran straight into a metal rod that was just short enough to go under the blade deck, and just tall enough that it hit all of the blades. So as I ran over the rod, I managed to bend all of the blades and stall the mower, as well as prop the rear end of the mower just high enough not to get traction. That took about an hour alone just to get it off the rod and see that everything was bent. At that point I was about two and a half to three hours into the mowing, then once that was all fixed, I got back to work, without my iPod. ! ! When I got to the final section of the yard I got a text. So I replied, and thus, the conversation begun. When I was about three fourths of the way done with the last section, my dad stopped me, told me to get off and check the straightness of my mowing rows. It was a lightning bolt of zig-zags. So he made me lower the blades a little and redo it, and when I finished the second time, he told me to check again. It was even worse, so I was told to redo it even lower, but in addition leave my phone behind. By the time i finished working on mowing and raking, it took me about eight hours to do.
My Name ! ! My name apparently means I have a very expressive nature, I’m idealistic and inspirational, and I have a strong inner urge to uplift humanity as a whole. I like my name because it’s short, and it is a mildly popular name. Not to mention it saves room for my last name. Also I consider my name to be somewhat unique because my original name is still Jake, not Jacob. I think my name is like a needle, short and to the point. ! My name does not describe who I am, so therefore I don’t consider it too extremely important. My name, according to most “name meaning sites”, expresses me as a people person, but I don’t consider myself so. I am more of a solitary person, and sometimes it seems easier that way. The site says I am an outgoing person, but I don’t like laughing loudly or being noticed in things. I am happy to have my name because no matter what happens in the world, it will always be mine. ! I could not really link my name to any color because my personality has mixed traits, so one color would be the opposite of another that also resembles me. I would never want to change my name. Im not sure where my parents got my name from, but I think I have two possible answers, one of them being from a TV show that was on a long time ago, and the other has to do with vehicles. All in all I like my name, even though it doesn’t describe what I am actually like, but the internet isn’t always right as some say.
The Big Game ! Last year I was in track, prior to that, I was never the kid who even mildly enjoyed running. In fact, you could say I hated it with a passion. But for some reason, I decided to be in track with my friend. The first day of practice, we had to run two miles for a warm up. I nearly died, so I thought at the time, but as it turned out, that was going to be one of the easiest things that was incorporated with track. ! About a week into track, during one hundred and two hundred meter sprint trials, my back decided to go out. So that put me out of track for nearly two weeks. When I came back, I decided to not only participate in shot put and discuss, but the one hundred meter sprint as well. Little did I know, that the runners were in the hard part of conditioning when I chose their group. We had to do a twenty minute bleacher sprint, thats where we had to run up a side of the bleachers, then down, then up, then down, in a full circuit for a twenty minute period. That was the hardest thing I’ve had to do in any sport. But it did however, get me ready for the upcoming meet. ! My coach allowed me to be in shot put, discuss, hundred meter dash, as well as, and just as surprising to me as it is to you, the four by one. I was the anchor in the slowest team. Everything else went fine, but the starter for the four by one, on my team, chose the wrong lane, resulting in us being disqualified. To me, track is like a little sibling to me, no matter what happens you will always like it.
Life in Wisconsin Part One Boring Outdoors Restless Icy Nothing to do Green Fields Important for hunting Everywhere Lots of Fields/ Woods Dress warm SNOW SNOW and... MORE SNOW Hunting Underestimated Nature Trails Important Num num num- venison Growing
Life in Wisconsin Part Two Snow Crow Black Workout Jogging Trails Snowmobile/ ATV
Hunting Guns Bows Deer Pets Home Warm Fireplace Christmas Feast
Advise From an Adult ! A couple of years ago, my dad got a 1994 GMC Sierra. As soon as I saw it I wanted one of my own. The problem for a thirteen year old is he most likely doesn’t know how to drive a stick shift. In my case, this was true, so I asked my dad if he would teach me how to shift and drive, since I already know how to drive an automatic. He told me he would, but never on the road. At first, and for a while, I was scared, but as I learned how to work with it, it became more of an instinct than anything else. Up until fall of this year, I could drive it, but it would always stall when I went from first gear to the next, or while stopping. He told me not to hesitate with using the clutch and gas, and to let of the gas equally while pushing the clutch. At first, it seemed not to work, but as I used it more and more, I got the hang of it. Now I can drive about any road vehicle, including a semi, because while growing up, my dad drove them across the nation, therefore showing me how to use those as well. Now I am getting nearly old enough to drive, and I am determined to get a truck like my dads. Sadly, I have to wait till junior year before I can drive. It doesn’t help that I’m one of the youngest people in my grade.
A Special Holiday ! Some people make a big deal out of Thanksgivings and New Years, but in my family, Christmas is most important. Every year my entire family comes to this huge party my mom hosts, and it seems there is a never ending supply of food. Christmas has always been my moms favorite holiday, and thats mainly why I make such a big deal out of it. Its not that the other holidays don’t matter, but I always remember Christmas the most because of how huge it is. First when I wake up all I smell are foods, and then I smell the fresh green christmas tree, which glows with the lights and ornaments. ! When everyone gets there, I notice all the little kids orbiting the presents like all of the planets do to the sun. I’ve even caught myself getting closer and closer a few times, but mainly I like Christmas because it lets me be with my whole family. I don’t get to see everyone a lot, and when I do its not usually for a long time. Our Christmas party usually lasts about four hours. ! I really enjoyed this past Christmas because I got a Fifth Generation iPod Touch and about one hundred dollars in iTunes gift cards. That is currently one of my most expensive gifts I have gotten. The one bad thing about Christmas is that its in the middle of the winter, and I don’t like the winter. It would be amazing if they had Christmas in the summer or spring because then Its not as cold, and its closer to my birthday.
A Positive Story From School ! A Positive story that I’ve experienced would’ve been last semester when I had gym and WAE class. Those were my two favorite classes because one involves working out, and the other is one hundred percent hands on. I had a really fun time in gym because it allowed me to run and get faster and also lift weights and get a lot stronger. I had a fun time in WAE because we built model planes, designed bridge, and tested them all. Not to mention WAE got me into Skills USA, which is a club type thing that builds and works on engineering and things of that nature. I don’t think I would be a fan of gym if I hadn’t gotten into track in eighth grade. That is the main thing that got me into working out and exercising as much as I do. Another class that is really cool is PAWCAD, which I’m taking this semester, and its similar to WAE but with wood. In both PAWCAD and WAE I have several friends so I’m not a loner like I am in some classes. Gym class was like a warm up for me to get ready for track. And WAE and PAWCAD are the basic building blocks for the rest of my high school career because I am going to sign up for about every engineering class there is. I have to say so far WAE is my all time favorite class, and thats mainly because its almost only projects and a little worksheet stuff. where as PAWCAD is about half hands on and half paperwork.
A Happy Time For Me ! I would consider any time that I am in track, I’m happy, I love the running and exercising that it provides. Also its my favorite sport and running is one of my favorite things to do, but strangely only in gym, sports etc. I also have a very fun time in football, but over the years it seemed to interest me less and less. I’m hoping by next fall I can join cross-country, but I’m not sure on that yet. Another reason I like track and running is that it helps burn a ton of calories and one of my goals is to lose weight. So I’m hoping that within this season I will have lost a few pounds. Either way Track will be in my blood for the remainder of my high school career. My current mile time is somewhere around seven minutes even and I’m hoping to lower that to six minutes or less. I actually just started this track season so I’m really excited to be in it. I just hope that it will eventually stop snowing so we get the outdoors to run, because thats where I enjoy being anyways. I’m hoping that I will get some good placements during a few of these meets, and with the practice’s and amount of effort I use, I think that is very well possible. I am happy that my friends are in track too, because it makes me try just a little bit harder to beat them.