The Life of Kensie Farr By: Kensie Farr
Dedicated to my family.
Table of Contents My Name!.................................................................................................................page 5 A Time I Saw Someone Get Into Trouble!.................................................................page 6 My Neighborhood!....................................................................................................page 7 Life in Wisconsin!......................................................................................................page 8 Going To Work!.........................................................................................................page 9 Favorite Toy From You Childhood!.........................................................................page 10 Favorite Holidays!...................................................................................................page 11 A Special Birth!........................................................................................................page 12 The Big Game!.......................................................................................................page 13 A Special Family Member!......................................................................................page 14
My Name
My name is Makensie. There is no particular reason why I was named
Makensie, besides that both of my parents liked the name. It is from Scottish origin meaning “child of kenneth,” but is also from the English origin, where its meaning is “comely, finely made.” Some personality traits that my name means is a great friend, a leader, and wise and very smart. Most of them fit me. When I think of my name I think of sitting at home listening to the chair talk with out anything to do. I do not really like my name. It is too boring, I would rather have a fun name, a name that is like a water park. Some people call me Kensie, which I like a lot better than Makensie. Most people call me Kensie or Kens because it is shorter to say. My mom is the only one who calls me Makensie because she thinks she named me Makensie and I should be called my real name and not my nickname. My middle name is Lynn. It means “From the lake” and is from the Celtic/Gaelic origin. My mom and dad gave me Lynn as a middle name because my Aunt Shannon and my Grandma Linda’s middle name is Lynn too. I like my middle name a lot because I feel like I am part of the family. I feel a connection between me, my grandma and my aunt. I think if I changed my name, I would change it to Madison and keep my middle name. Madison Lynn. It sounds unique, and fun and I think it fits me!
A Time I Saw Someone Get Into Trouble
One day at school, I was sitting in my math class learning about inequalities and
how they work. Then I heard a knock-knock noise on the door and I looked up and saw Mr. Buchanan, our principal, with a furious face. He then told the teacher, Mrs. Bentzen, that he wanted to talk to one of the kids in our class that was sitting behind me. The person stood up and walked out of the door with a puzzled look on their face. After the student and Mr. Buchanan were gone Mrs. Bentzen got back to inequalities even though most of us were thinking what could have that student done that was so bad that Mr. Buchanan had to pull them out of class. Later, when there was about ten minutes left of my math class, the student came back in with a bright red face like a fire truck. They came and sat behind me in their assigned seat. After a while I heard them sobbing. I felt really bad for them and wanted to ask them what happened, but I didn’t want to act like I need to know everything because I don’t. So I never asked, but i felt really bad. Once the bell rang I got out of my desk and then got pushed back into it be the student that got in trouble. They ran to the office crying and then later I saw them go home. I felt very bad for them, but we all have those days.
My Neighborhood
In my neighborhood I hear the neighbors dog bark whenever I get home. It
reminds me of my old dog Bear before he died. When I would get off the bus after school everyday, Bear would bark until I was close enough for him to run and jump on me and give me a lot of kisses. I was really close to Bear. I could talk to him about anything and he would talk back with his doggy breath. My neighbors would come over everyday to play with Bear and I. We would play outside in the winter until our cheeks were as red as a tomato. Then we would come inside and make hot chocolate and watch spongebob. It is usually loud in our neighborhood because kids are always outside playing. During the summer we would play hide and go seek tag, but the rules were we couldn’t hide in a hiding spot that everyone knew about. You had to find a new hiding spot or just stand in plain sight and then run for your life. The winner always got something special. It was not too special though. It was maybe a candy bar that everyone else could have, but it was always special to us being known as “the winner”. I miss playing hide and go seek tag, but now when everyone is in school, we usually have sports or homework to do. Ever once in a while all us get together, but its more like a hangout, when people are on their computers or phones, but sitting in the same room. I miss the old days.
Life in Wisconsin I have always lived in Wisconsin. It is my home. It is where I was born and where my sister was born. I remember sitting in the hospital waiting to see my new baby sister. I love the weather here even though during the winter I get annoyed with the snow drooling all over the ground. I remember when I was a little kid I would go outside and play in the snow every day. It was my favorite thing to do. I loved it. Now that I am older I barely ever get outside. I always have school work to do, but if I could go outside every day, I would. During the fall, I love to go driving and look at all the beautiful colored trees. Purples, Yellows, Oranges, Reds. So pretty! When the leaves fall off the trees, I like to make leaf piles and jump into the piles. The leaves sound like firecrackers when you jump on them. In the summer, I like to lay out in the sun and sleep. It is the most relaxing thing to do. I also like jumping through the sprinkler or swimming in my neighbors pool. Sometimes we put the sprinkler underneath our trampoline so the trampoline is wet while we are jumping on it. When we get bored from just jumping then we go to my neighbors house and swim in their big pool. I like the summer better than any of the other seasons because you can do more things. I love Wisconsin. It is my home.
Going To Work Work for me is babysitting. I love babysitting. I like to babysit during the summer so we can go to the park and run around. During the winter it is not as fun as the summer. In the winter you can go sledding, that is it. Late June to late August I babysit two little boys. One is seven and the other one is five. They are so fun to be around. We go outside and play in the sprinkler or we go to the park. They love being outside. We stay outside all day, but when we are hungry we go inside and make lunch. They like to help make lunch because they like working with food. After we are done eating they help clean up. We all do the dishes, Drew, the older one, scrubs the dishes while Dawson, the younger one, rinses while I put the dishes away. They are wonderful to babysit because they help a ton. They barely ever fight unless one has something the other one wants, but then they take turns every ten minutes. When I first started babysitting them it was hard. They were like talking monkeys. It was crazy! Both of them would run around like wild tigers, But after a while I got them under control and they are amazing now. I have a lot a fun babysitting them. I love playing with them outside until our faces turn as red as a tomato. I can not wait until this summer for another amazing summer with them.
Favorite Toy From Your Childhood
My favorite toy was not really a toy. It was a stuffed animal. Winnie the Pooh was
my favorite stuffed animal. I brought it everywhere. I remember when we would go to the store I would make sure it was with me, but I would leave it in the car so it would not get dirty. I also slept with it. Every night I would make sure it was in my bed otherwise I would not go to sleep. I remember when one night it was not in my bed and i freaked out like a lion. I looked everywhere for Pooh. I was scared that I would never find him or sleep with him ever again. Finally my mom told me he was in the wash so he would get clean. My mom made me go to bed without him that night. I remember it was hard to fall asleep without hugging him tightly. I finally fell asleep though so when I woke up my mom brought him in my room when she was coming to wake me up so I could hug him in the morning. I loved Winnie the Pooh a lot. I watched all of his movies. He was my favorite character. Pooh. Pooh. I loved him and still do. On my birthdays I sometimes get a new stuffed animal pooh or something with Winnie the Pooh on it. I do not sleep with a stuffed animal Winnie the Pooh though, but I still have a lot of stuffed animal poohs in my room.
Favorite  Holidays Christmas presents gifts toys toddlers beauty  pageants toddlers crowns shiny ornaments Â
Halloween candy chocolate valentines  day chocolate hearts stars  space aliens costumes Â
A Special Birth
M- mine A- always L- little L- lovable O- only R- ridiculous Y- yelling A- amazing U- unnatural G- goodhearted U- unnatural S- sweet T- ticklish S- screaming I- irregular S- silly T- trouble E- extraordinary R- relative
The Big Game
This year I went out for basketball. I had an amazing time. It was very fun
with all of my friends. They are like family now. In the beginning of the year, it was kind of awkward because we all did not know each other well, but after about a weeks worth of practice it felt like we all could go to each other if we needed help with anything. We were not as close as we are now then, but it still felt like we were a family. I think it was the pink panther game for Chloe’s senior exit project. It was a huge game against Westby. Both teams got pink uniforms. Our team got white uniforms with pink lettering and Westby got pink uniforms with white lettering. I liked Westby’s uniform better because the pink looked a lot better than the white. The game was very intense! We all wanted the win so we all tried our best. When the game started, we started off not so well. Our coach got a little mad and told us we all had to step our game up. The game was very close throughout the game. Sometimes Westby would be winning and sometimes West Salem would be winning. When the buzzard went off at the end of the forth quarter, it was a tied game. We were going into overtime. Soon enough it was the last minute of overtime and we were ahead 4 points. All Westby needed was 2 baskets so our coach told us that if we were going to shoot it better be a wide open basket. Finally we heard the buzzard. Eeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr!!! We won the game!
14 A Special Family Member
A special family member to me would probably be my Great Aunt Martha.
She is the best aunt I have ever had! She lives in Wichita, Kansas. She has a pool like a ocean. It is huge! Her house is pretty big too. During the summer my cousins and grandma and I, all take a road trip down to Kansas and stay for about five days. I like going down to Wichita because I get away from Wisconsin for a while and have a lot of fun. One year we went to an underground salt museum in Hutchinson, Kansas. When you first get there, they give you a helmet with a flash light on it and a belt that has something to keep you alive for a while if there was ever a fire. Then you got into a little elevator. In ninety seconds you go down underground six-hundred and fifty feet in total darkness. When you get down there they turn on the lights and you get on a little train that takes you around. You can hear your voice echo echo through the whole place. It was very cool. The walls were all multicolored from the different salts. After about ten minutes of riding in the train you arrive at a room that they call “the stock room�. In this room there is a huge pile of little rocks of salt that they let you take home in a little bag. A lot of people wanted to lick them to see what they tasted like, but the workers said they probably should not. I have a lot of fun in Wichita and I can’t wait to go back this summer!