My Life Stories By: Jinal Patel
I Dedicate this to my family and friends
Table of Contents Positive Story from School!................................................................................................5 Negative Story from School!..............................................................................................6 Life in Wisconsin!...............................................................................................................7 My Neighborhood!.............................................................................................................8 Childhood Games!.............................................................................................................9 Birth!.................................................................................................................................10 Big Game!........................................................................................................................11 Advice from Adults!..........................................................................................................12 My Name!........................................................................................................................13 Family Members!.............................................................................................................14 Works Cited!....................................................................................................................15
Positive Story from School ! One positive story from school was during homecoming. The week of homecoming was my favorite week so far this year. I loved the theme, all the decorations, and all the dress up days, even though I only dressed up for one of the days. I enjoyed seeing all the different looks, and I loved it when people went all out. Although, in my opinion, the most fun part of that week was the pep rally and the parade. ! The pep rally was really fun because I liked watching the game competitions in between, and the swing dance competition was also really fun to watch. All the dancers were very good. Also, the talent portion of the Mr. and Mrs. West Salem contest was entertaining and watching every grade perform their skit was fun, even though our skit sucked. My favorite part of the pep rally was when they announced who got first place on their floats. I really wasn’t expecting the freshmen to get first place. In fact, I don’t think anyone was. We were all really surprised and shocked. ! I really liked the parade because this year I actually got to be in the parade instead of just sitting in the crowd and watching. I really enjoyed seeing friends from the middle school in the crowd. I enjoyed seeing my A/A. The part I didn’t like was after the parade, I actually had to walk back to the school because there wasn’t enough room on the float. Besides that, homecoming was the best part of high school so far.
Negative Story from School ! When I think of negative experiences at school, a lot of things come to mind, but one thing comes to mind in particular. In sixth grade I moved here from Michigan in March. I was new at this school district, so I did not know anybody. I did not have many friends, so I already felt really alone. I only had one friend, and everyday at lunch we sat together at one table. Just the two of us. One month passed by and it was April, and one day my friend had to go make up a social studies test at lunch, so she went to the social studies room. I ate lunch by myself that day. Oh, and did I mention that this day just so happened to be my birthday? So, I sat there alone, on my birthday, eating lunch. I felt so awkward just sitting there, and nobody even asked me to sit with them. ! My first impression of the people at this school was that they are heartless like the tin man from The Wizard of Oz. That day at lunch, not only did I feel really alone, but also, I was surprised because I thought people would be nice to the new girl. I thought someone would come sit by me. I thought someone would offer me to come sit with them, but I guess I thought wrong. I wanted to move back to Michigan and go to my old school, where people were actually nice.
Life in Wisconsin ! I’ve only lived in Wisconsin for two, almost three, years. It’s definitely the prettiest state I’ve lived in. I love the scenery, especially in this area. When I first moved here, I didn’t think I was going to like it because West Salem is such a small town and I’ve always lived in big towns. Also, we moved here in the winter, so the trees were bare and the the ground was covered in snow. It didn’t look so pretty. ! But now, I love living here. I love being surrounded by the country, and I love the freshness. I love seeing animals in the wild. I love Wisconsin in the summer and fall because in the summer it’s warm but not too warm, and everything is green and fresh. ! In the fall there are beautifully colored leaves everywhere. Also, in the fall, the temperature is just starting to cool down, which feels good after the summer heat. Speaking of the temperature cooling down, the winter in Wisconsin isn’t my favorite, but it’s not too bad. I hate the cold and snow, but I do enjoy tubing, so that’s what makes winter not so bad. Also, I hate winter because I hate shoveling. I’m just glad I don’t live in the northern part of Wisconsin. It would be too cold there. ! Spring is just an okay season. I like some parts of it and dislike other parts. I like that it’s getting warm, and during the spring I’m usually looking forward to summer. I don’t like that it’s still sort of cold and that you can never predict the weather. Sometimes it’s cold and snowy, other times it’s rainy, and lastly there are some days when it’s sunny. So overall, I like Wisconsin and it’s weather.
My Neighborhood ! My neighborhood is an average neighborhood. Our neighbors are nice...well, most of them are, and our neighborhood is safe. There are so many kids in our neighborhood, but also there are lots of old and middle aged people. There are only two people my age, but we never hang out. People my age that used to live around here told me there used to be so many teens that lived here, but they all moved away. ! My neighborhood has so many little kids that are always annoying people. Sometimes, I feel like the kids are bees just waiting to sting innocent people. The kids that live here are so naughty. They are always up to something. This one kid, who rides my bus, always gets into physical fights with other kids for the most stupidest reasons, and in the winter, he throws snowballs at the cars passing by, while waiting for the bus. My bus driver makes him sit in the first seat because he always up to trouble, even on the bus. ! My neighborhood also has older people. Most of these people are friendly, especially my next door neighbors. The only thing I don’t like is when there is a small amount of snowfall in the winter, my neighbors don’t move their snow because they think it will just melt. In reality, however, the snow melts and just stays in a puddle, and then at night, when the temperature drops, that puddle of water freezes into ice. The slippery sidewalks cause so many people to fall. My neighborhood wouldn’t be half bad if the kids weren’t naughty and people cleaned their sidewalks.
Childhood Games ! One of the games I learned to play as a child is Carrom. I was taught this game by my friend and her brother. Even though I learned to play this as a child, I still play it today. This game requires good aim and patience because the game can take a long time to finish like Monopoly. ! The game board is wooden and hard unlike most other board game, and it is a big square. The other game pieces are pucks. Some are white, some are black, and there is one that is red. The red one is the queen, and it’s worth 500 points. The white pucks are worth 200 points and the black pucks are one hundred points. There four holes at the corners of the board and you have to try to get the pucks in the holes, so in a way this game is sort of like pool. ! This game reminds me of long, hot, sweaty summer days because that is when I started playing this game. So now every time I play this game, I remember those summer days. My friend is very competitive and she always wins, but she had been playing that game for a really long time. Sometimes we played as a team against her brother. Now, when I play this game, it is usually with my mom. We do not let my dad play because he is not a patient person. Also, my brother cries when he loses, so we don’t let him play either. In conclusion, this is a fun game to play with friends or family.
Birth ! I had no problem with the day I was born on until last year. I was born on April twenty, and I thought it was an good day to come into this dangerous world. In the spring, everything is coming back to life again, and I can hear the pitter-patter of the rain outside. The flowers are growing, and animals are coming out of hibernation. Also, it’s finally getting warm outside. Yay! So, it’s a pretty good time of the year. ! I had no problem with the day I was born on until last year. Last year, on my birthday, I found out that my birthday is also Hitler’s birthday. Certain people made fun of me for that, but I can not help what day I entered this world. There are a lot of other awful things that have happened on April twenty. There was a school shooting at Columbine high school on this dreadful day. I’ve only heard about this day; it happened in 1999, and I was a year old so I don’t remember anything. ! I had no problem with the day I was born on until last year. Last year, I realized that the BP oil spill, in the Gulf of Mexico, started on my birthday. This really upsets me because this killed a lot of animals, and I love animals. Also, it damaged the environment, and it took a really long time and a lot of money to clean up the mess it made. So, I don’t hate or love the day I was born on.
Big Game Track Sport Run Jump Kangaroos Australia Cricket Sport
Cricket Ball Bat Baseball Babe Ruth Candy Unhealthy Health class P.E. Sports
Advice from Adults ! Almost every adult tells me this, but it’s mostly my teachers who always repeat this over and over and over. However, most students don’t take their advice. “Never procrastinate,” are the words I hear a lot. I live by these words. I try and get everything done as soon as possible. I love this piece of advice because it has helped me so much, especially in high school. I think more people should use this advice. ! Because of this piece of advice, I have good grades in all my classes. I try to finish all my homework right away instead of waiting until the last minute, so I can make sure I can get all my homework done on time. Now, I’m so used to getting everything done right away that if I don’t do it, it will bug me until I do get it done. Also, when I’m working in a group, I have to make sure everyone finishes the project or assignment quickly and doesn’t wait until the last minute. ! Because of this piece of advice, I did really well on most of my semester finals. The only final that I didn’t do as well as I wanted to was on the English final, but the score on that one wasn’t too bad. I started studying for my tests about two weeks before my exams. I realized this was way better than cramming for tests, and it definitely helped me. I really like this piece of advice, and I wish more people used it.
My Name ! My name, Jinal, is a Hindu name. It means Lord Vishnu. Lord Vishnu is a Hindu god that is responsible for the balance of good and evil on earth. It can be a male or a female name, but I have only heard of it as a female name. My name is number five. It is average and nothing special. It’s bright pink like a Walzertraum Garden Rose. It’s intelligent, but it is uncoordinated and weak. ! I was named by my mom’s sister. She picked this name because my family is very religious and my name is, also, religious. Also, she thought it sounded nice, and there was no one in my family whose name started with the letter “J.” ! My name is actually pronounced so that the “i” in Jinal sounds like long “e” and the “a” sounds like a “u”, but when I first started school, my preschool teacher couldn’t pronounce my name correctly so she pronounced it Jenelle. From then on, everybody at school has pronounced it like that. Sometimes, teachers and substitute teachers pronounce my name really weirdly. It is not funny. I just wish they would pronounce it the way it is supposed to be pronounced. It is really embarrassing. Also, when people pronounce my name Jenelle, they think it rhymes with my last name, Patel, and my middle name, Lal, but if you pronounce my name the way it is actually supposed to be pronounced, it does not rhyme with either my middle name or my last name. I wish I could change my name to something that was easier to pronounce but was unique at the same time.
Family Members Dad Strict, Smart Tutoring, Mentoring, Advising, He gives good advice. Father
Brother Silly, Stupid Playing, Playing, Playing He is really mean. Sibling
Works Cited “Vivid Flower.” JODepot. N.p., 16 June, 2012. Web. 4 March, 2013. “Uber Games Carrom.” Masters Traditional Games. N.p., n.d. Web. 5 March, 2013.