Nature Walk

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Keegan Zimmerman


Keegan Zimmerman

Nature Walk by Keegan zimmerman


Keegan Zimmerman

This book is dedicated to grammar snobs.


Keegan Zimmerman

Table of Contents My Name 2 child poems 3 My Happy Time 4 Horrid Macintosh 5 Never Stop 6 Wagon Drive 7 The Poor Minecrafter 8 Why Don't You Listen 9 Work Hide and Seek 11



Keegan Zimmerman

My Name My name is a mix. In its Irish and Gaelic origins it means small fiery one. The Irish also believe That they are thinker’s. Like the Myth Busters I like to say. My Expression number is seven. I am understanding, knowledgeable, aware, studious, meditating. Thought and analysis are all, I have a good mind, and I am especially good at searching out and finding the truth.I am capable of analyzing, judging and discriminating, that very little ever escapes my observation and deep understanding. I tend to operate on a different wave length, and many of My friends Do not know me well. My soul number is eleven. Much of my thinking and interests relate to the abstract and far off dreams. I have a dream of a perfect world, I am highly idealistic and inspirational. My devotion to my beliefs are extremely strong. I have a very good mind that is well equipped to handle higher more abstract forms of thought. My dream number is five. I dream of being totally free and unrestrained by responsibility. I see Myself Interacting with the natives in many nations, living for adventure and life experiences. I am Named after nobody. I seem lost trying to find my way. One day 15 years ago My mother and father were talking to one of their close friends and the name Keegan came up in conversation. My mother liked it. Before I was born it was decided that i would be named Keegan. To Me the name means nothing, but something for people to call me.



Keegan Zimmerman

Wisconsin Wisconsin dairy cows farmers city folk Milwaukee madison people diversity ethnicity religion gods people imagination dragons myths myth busters experiments science school west salem high

Snowy Snowy stuffed bear pet dog cat shoot hunting deer wolves puppy woof onomatopoeia literary devices poetry english stories my past 3


Keegan Zimmerman

My happy time When I thInk of the words “Happy TIme� I thInk of a tIme when a person Is so relaxed the want to fall asleep. Its a place that they would spend the rest of there lIfe If they could. WIth those thoughts. When I am at my happiest Is when I am huntIng or fIshIng, well just beIng outdoors and away from the modern world. There Is a certaIn hushed feelIng when I am In nature. I have wondered why I am so relaxed, but I gave up because I realIzed the reason I could not fIgure It out was because I dId not want to know why I was so relaxed. The realIzatIon of that conclusion baffled me. I thought about It one nIght, I thought long and hard. It eventually made sense as to why. I have always wished to lIve when my father was a kId when everythIng was simpler there was no horrible economy to worry about. There was less technology to worry about. That Is why I lIke beIng surrounded by nature. When I am there I lIke to shut my eyes and lIsten to the anImals move about. I would lIke to just slip away, away from all of the computers and tablets. Just to surround myself wIth majestic and beautIful nature. If there Is an afterlife where you are allowed to rome the earth that Is where I would stay, for all of eternity I would stay In the forests and run wIth the deer. I wIll forever stay wIthIn the loving arms of Mother Nature.



Keegan Zimmerman

Horrid Macintosh The mac’s we were given for school. They are the worst thing that has ever happened to the West Salem High school. Some kids love them because of the advancements they allow in that child’s learning, other students think they are great because they can now play games as much as they want and no matter what the school does they can and will always find a way around it so that they can play their precious games. Me, I think they are worthless. I hate them, I completely and utterly despise them. They do not aid in my learning, if anything they hinder it. My problem with school and homework is that my mind is always distracted. I always think oh well if I watch T.V. or play a game for half an hour it'll help me concentrate but it doesn't, obviously. With these macintosh that problem quadruples. Now i have distractions at school, in class, and even more when at my house. I try to stop myself ,but i guess i am to weak minded. There has been more than once i have almost punched, thrown, kicked, head butted this infernal machine. I get so frustrated with it. I am a person that most the time knows what i want to do, and when it involves this computer then i am always fighting it to do what i want it to do. For others these computers may be great ,but I hate them and always will hate them.



Keegan Zimmerman

Never Stop These words were pounded into my head by several adults in my life. I have never been the biggest, strongest, fastest, but i have always had the biggest capacity to withstand. When I was young my dad would have me crawl from one end of the house to the other. as I would crawl I would stop and complain but he would always say don't stop only babies stop. I hated being called a baby so I kept going. A while later in life when I saw the movie Rocky, I took the quote “it doesn't matter how hard you can hit only how hard you can be hit and still get up� straight to my heart. I remember that one day when my brother and I were fighting. I thought of that and stood right back up. He cocked is head to one side and asked why i got up. i said cause I'm a fighter i said. He shrugged his shoulders grabbed me and threw me down again. So, what did I do, Got up again. that happened five or six times before my brothers arm got tired. In sports i always strived to do my best, Because I am not the biggest, fastest, strongest I need something to set me apart from others. I chose heart. Every time the star of the line bragged I about pushing me further. When the next drill came I went at him again and it ends up we are pretty much even. Every one of my coaches that i have ever had commented on my heart when I was done playing for them.



Keegan Zimmerman

Wagon Drive long street narrow smell of rotten wood old houses decaying browns greens yellows dead grass dogs barking then silence no kids playing no happiness old dead houses



Keegan Zimmerman

The poor Minecrafter in his world he was building away. chop trees, kill chickens, grow melons, trade with villagers, mine, repeat. he was just running around busily in his blocky world. Thump. Thump. as he looks up the teacher is heading his way down the aisle. quick three finger swipe to the side, and its gone. soon the teacher returns to the head of the classroom. This is when he resumes his game. he is now fighting a mob of zombies and to destroy them he must click quickly. He does not realize that this has caught the attention of the teacher. The teacher now trying to be much more stealthy, sneaks to the back of the class. Then they slowly close in on the unsuspecting student. As the student finally finished his foe, he got the feeling he was being watched. He turned just in time to see the teachers hand shut and grab his computer. He frowned. The teacher then proceeded in holding the computer up high and walking victoriously back to the front, where he placed it on the table. The teacher then proceeded on with the lesson. after a while the student walked to the front grabbed a kleenex and blew his nose. On his trip back however he took a different route. As he slid past his computer he stuck out his hand and grabbed. the tried to continue to his desk, but the teacher quickly caught on to his plan and took the computer back. and so the poor minecrafter fell.



Keegan Zimmerman

Why Don't You Listen Once upon a time there was a young child that thought he was treated like he was five years younger than he was. His parents asked little of him. They asked for him to do a chore everyday even of the tiniest sort. When he could not do that what were they to do but to take away his privileges. so they said no television after eight at night. He still did not comply so they said no when he asked to go over to a friends house. This made the child mad with the parents. With no proper logic he thought his best choice was to ignore them even more, because he was a fighter and would not surrender. Every time his parents asked him to do something he ignored them and sat there. So once again the parents would punish him. As much as it hurt to see his toys being thrown away, he sat there because his dignity of “being a man� was more important than happiness to him. One day the parents sat down with the child. there was a long silence. Then the father spoke why do you disobey us? The young boy just looked at him with all his anger. Then the mother added we still love you. With this the young boy broke down hurling himself into his mothers arms, needing the love he had deprived himself of for days. The boy now understands if you take care of some things they will take care of you.



Keegan Zimmerman

Work My work is a contradictory statement. the bosses say that they treat there employees the best, yet yell foul language into your face, they don't respect you, they expect you to do more your capable of doing. When i go to work i do my best, but for the owner thats not enough apparently. I try to always please him but it seems like it is impossible for me to do so. On a much brighter note, the other people that work there of all ages are nice, friendly, encouraging, and just plain fun. I always ask myself why i keep working there, three reasons always pop into my head. first, I need the money. Second, the people other than a couple are nice. Third, I have nowhere else to go. I am fifteen so I can not just get a job anywhere. These are the reasons why i stay. I almost felt disappointed in myself at first that i was letting my boss down. Now though i realize i have done nothing but my job, the best i can. Wash all of the dishes, put the ones from the dining room in a tray, put that tray into the dishwasher, go to the back sink rinse off all of the cook’s dishes, carry them to the front sink, load them into a tray, put that in the dishwasher when the first batch is done, repeat. Oh wait in between that fill dinning room ice machine, take out trash cans, bring ice to the bar, take out bottles, take cardboard from bar out, bus tables, take cardboard from back out, clean up any messes that happen, put the clean dishes away after they dry, oh and don't forget to do anything anybody tells you to do.



Keegan Zimmerman

Hide and Seek When I was a child I loved playing the game hide and seek, because i always tried to explore new areas of wherever I was. I would always try and climb a new tree or fit in another hole under the porch. There was a time when I was playing at my grandmas, when i sat under the porch for an hour and a half because I crawled into a new hole, and they couldn’t find me. After 10 minutes of searching they got bored and forgot what they were doing so they started playing another game. The whole time i was crawling around under the porch finding and discovering new things. About and hour after they forgot me all of our parents said it was time to come in. When my brother came in my parents asked wheres Keegan? Thats when he realized he forgot me. Everybody started running around the house trying to find me. They were all yelling things like KEEGAN! or Where are you! This whole time i thought they were still playing the game, so I didn't make a noise or respond. Finally my mom looked under the porch. She yelled Found Him! then I yelled good job mommy! I crawled out of the small hole, She hugged me. I said woah mom whats wrong? She said nothing just nothing and smiled. I never knew anything was wrong. Until later my cousin said sorry to me and I asked for what? He then told me what had happened. Later that night I told my mom I was sorry. All she said was I love You, and never forget that.



Keegan Zimmerman

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