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Laura Delgado
I'm an overeducated 1950s housewife living in the wrong era. I love old-time radio shows far more than TV and have about 75,000 shows. I love to write and am grateful to have my first, steady paying writing job. I love having my Ph.D. in my back pocket, although I pull out my Great Books college education far more often. I am a very conservative Roman Catholic, and I often fantasize about a world in which Vatican II had not happened (born in the wrong era). I'll take my Priest facing the same way as the congregation, my Eucharist on my tongue, and from the Priest's consecrated hands, thankyouverymuch. I love my four children born within 40 months of eachother, and am convinced that if they don't get me to Heaven, then nothing will (except maybe those darn migraines).