Nst booklet AIESEC Italia 2017 - 2

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NST Applica+ons Lego Army

“Remarkable people make

significant outcomes.”

MC Lego is calling up for you to join us in the journey of building significant AIESEC in Italy. We need a body of people that will help us to ACT FAST, driving AIESEC in Italy forward. We promise you an intense ride, challenging role and opportunity to contribute to building AIESEC in Italy we have never seen.

Applica'on Opened: 4 th of August Applica'on DDL: 9 th of August, 23:59 Selec'on 'meline: 10-13 th of August Announcement: 14 th of August


Expansion CT (2 posi.ons)


14/08 - 31/01

Posi'on descrip'on Working closely with Expansion director and expansion managers to support expansions in their development with a focus on marke:ng and oGV and approach new market to open new expansions.

BaEle this NST contributes to 4 new Expansion Inita:ves Opera:ve by 30th of November

LAG %growth of expansions #new ini:a:ves %Sa:sfac:on on services from Expansion Managers

LEAD #expansion managers chats #educa:on chat with expansion teams #mail sent to professors/alumni to open new expansions #Expansion visits

Skills & Competencies Cri:cal Analysis&Strategic Perspec:ve • Accountability&Discipline • Coaching & Developing Others • Knowledge of Expansion Plan and strategies • Knowledge of MKTG/oGV processes • TL or VP experience is required


NST Consultants (3 posi.ons) 2 for LCs and 1 for Expansions(2 posi.on)

Posi'on descrip'on • LC analysis based on TXP MoS • LC diagnosis (main boYlenecks) based on the analysis • LCVP consultancy for ac:on plan based on diagnosis • Ac:on plan tracking for :er/en::es • Tier chats

BaEle this NST contributes to % of Produc:ve Members

LAG % Support Standards Delivered

LEAD %Individual chats done % of Tier chats done %Network analysis done

Skills & Competencies Proac:vity, Communica:on Skills Knowledge of the Network


14/08 - 31/01

NST Educa.on Analyst (1 posi.on) Posi'on descrip'on • Take part on the crea:on of the Virtual Educa:on Framework • Network analysis on Educa:on Needs (main boYlenecks) • Implement Virtual Educa:on channels in the Network • Support Consultants on implemen:ng Local Educa:on Plans

BaEle this NST contributes to 70% of members involved in virtual educa:on

LAG % of members cer:fied for their role within 30 days of the term

LEAD % of LCs with more than 70% of cer:fied members #Network Analysis that convert into new trainings,

Skills & Competencies • Fast Response • Analy:cal Vision • Implementa:on Skills Timeline

14/08 - 31/01

NST Team Management Analyst (1 posi.on)

Posi'on descrip'on • Create and Implement materials for Talent AYrac:on, Recruitment and Alloca:on • Support Consultants on implemen:ng Local Performance Evalua:on • Development and Implementa:on of TDP in the Network • LC analysis of Team Standards Applica:on

BaEle this NST contributes to 90% Average Talent Capacity by January 2018 and 85% Team Standards Applica:on

LAG % of Team Standards Implementa:on Talent Capacity %

Skills & Competencies • Fast Response • Analy:cal Vision • Implementa:on Skills • Knowledge of the network

LEAD %LCs with a clear plan for Admissions, %of LCs using TDP, %LCs with at least 90% of Produc:ve Members, % LCs with full Talent Capacity


14/08 - 31/01


IR MANAGER OGV (2 posi1ons)

Posi'on descrip'on

Working closely with MCVP OGV in analyzing the performance of the en:ty and the en::es they will be in charge to track, keep the communica:on between AIESEC in Italy and our en:ty partners to ensure proper account management and downscale the IR strategy to LC level.

BaEle this NST contributes to

Increase the contribu:on of realized at winter peak to the overall goal from 19% to 30% by the 28th of February


# RE within country partners % growth in exchange with country partners % standard implemented

LEAD # Openings reserved from country partners % of applicants for country partners Process :me between applicant to accepted

Skills & Competencies • Analyzing data skills • Management skills • Coaching skills • Defining problems skills • Strategic thinking skills. Timeline

14/08 - 31/01

CONSULTANT OGV (2 posi1ons + 1 for expansions)

Posi'on descrip'on Working closely with MCVP OGV in analyzing the performance of en:ty, par:cipa:ng in crea:on and delivery of contents and solu:ons to solve boYlenecks inside OGV areas.

BaEle this NST contributes to

Improve the conversion between Applicant to Accepted from 60% to 70% by 31st of May, Increase the contribu:on of realized at winter peak to the overall goal from 19% to 30% by the 28th of February

LAG % of LC plan achievement


#weekly touch points #weekly analysis #consultancy chats

Skills & Competencies • Analyzing data skills • Management skills Timeline Coaching skills • 14/08 - 31/01 • Defining problems skills • Strategic thinking skills.


IGV LC Consultant (2 posi1ons) Posi'on descrip'on Working closely with MCVP iGV in analyzing performance of the en:ty, par:cipate in crea:on and delivery of contents and solu:ons to solve func:onal boYleneck. Support LCVPs in downscaling strategies at local level.

BaEle this NST contributes to All LC jump one :er in 6 months

Skills & Competencies IGV func:onal background


% of LC plan achievement

LEAD #weekly touch points #weekly analysis #consultancy chats


14/08 - 31/01

IGV NST IR (1 posi1on) Posi'on descrip'on

Work closely with MCVP IGV in analyzing the en:ty performance and other en::es he/ she will be in charge to track. Keep communica:on between AIESEC in Italy and other en::es to ensure proper management and downscaling on na:onal IR strategies at local level, as well as ensuring alignment and implementa:on of exchange standards.

BaEle this NST contributes to 85% of EP approved within country partners


# RE within country partners % growth in exchange with country partners % standard implemented

LEAD # of Approval within country partners # of Accepted within country partners # of touch points with country partners # Ac:vity co-delivered with country partners

Skills & Competencies GV background preferred


14/08 - 31/01

Global Family Strategy Manager (1 posi1on) Posi'on descrip'on

Work closely with MCVP iGV to co-create and implement na:onal strategies to improve Global Family strategy for summer peak based on CRM strategies implemented during winter peak realiza:on.

BaEle this NST contributes to Increase contribu:on of not SDG#4 projects in overall realiza:ons by 30%

LAG # of new Global Families % Plan Achievement

LEAD # of touch points with LCVP iGV % strategy implemented at local level # of ac:vi:es run for aYrac:ng Global Families

Skills & Competencies GV or sales background preferred

Timeline 1/9 - 31/3

IGV Brand Ambassador (1 posi1on) Posi'on descrip'on

Work closely with MCVP iGV to co-create and implement na:onal strategies to improve IGV product brand by developing strategy, material collec:on in local reali:es and help crea:ng new brand for upcoming new products.

BaEle this NST contributes to Increase contribu:on of not SDG#4 projects in overall realiza:ons by 30%

LAG # of clicks to project landing page % conversion visitor to applicants

LEAD # of touch points with LCVP iGV # of material collected % strategy implemented at local level # of ac::vi:es run for aYrac:ng Global Families

Skills & Competencies Good skills in photo/video making and edi:ng

Timeline 1/9 - 31/3


Social Media Manager (FB) (1 posi.on) Posi'on descrip'on

The social media manager will analyze online trends and create online content strategies, as well as create instant marke:ng posts when necessary. They will interact with commenters and will answer all private messages.

BaEle this NST contributes to

- Increase contribu:on of Approvals coming from Virtual Markets from A to B by the 28/2 - Improve the conversion rate between Visitor and Signup from 0,9% to 5% by the 31/7 - Increase contribu:on of Winter Peak Realiza:ons from 19% to 30%


# of comments on engagement posts, reach of all content.

LEAD Percentage of answers and reac:on :me # of comments answered # of instant marke:ng posts

Skills & Competencies Good skills in photo/video making and edi:ng


14/08 - 31/01

Content Designer (2 posi.ons) Posi'on descrip'on

Content designers will create online and offline materials for AIESEC campaigns. Content designers will be responsible of the development of graphic design strategies to support the execu:on of MKTG ac:vi:es.

BaEle this NST contributes to

- Increase contribu:on of Approvals coming from Virtual Markets from A to B by the 28/2 - Improve the conversion rate between Visitor and Signup from 0,9% to 5% by the 31/7 - Increase contribu:on of Winter Peak Realiza:ons from 19% to 30%

LAG Facebook reach MOS of offline campaigns

LEAD # of images created # of animated GIFs created # of offline graphic materials created

Skills & Competencies Photoshop (medium)


14/08 - 31/01

Videomaker (2 posi.ons) Posi'on descrip'on

The videomaker supports mktg ac:vi:es by crea:ng engaging videos that showcase our programs and ac:vi:es. They will develop materials crucial to the development of the facebook page and of MKTG ac:vi:es in general.

BaEle this NST contributes to

- Increase contribu:on of Approvals coming from Virtual Markets from A to B by the 28/2 - Improve the conversion rate between Visitor and Signup from 0,9% to 5% by the 31/7 - Increase contribu:on of Winter Peak Realiza:ons from 19% to 30%


FB reach # of likes on video posts

LEAD # of videos created

Skills & Competencies video edi:ng skills: (basic required, medium preferred)


14/08 - 31/01

Copywriter Posi'on descrip'on

(2 posi.ons)

Copywriters are responsible for the crea:on of all post descrip:ons and wriYen elements in all design crea:ons (images and videos) and will work with content designers and videomaker to create engaging posts

BaEle this NST contributes to - Increase contribu:on of Approvals coming from Virtual Markets from A to B by the 28/2 - Improve the conversion rate between Visitor and Signup from 0,9% to 5% by the 31/7 - Increase contribu:on of Winter Peak Realiza:ons from 19% to 30%


Number of clicks

LEAD # of posts per week # of likes

Skills & Competencies wri:ng (medium) internet skills (medium)


14/08 - 31/01

Blog writer Posi'on descrip'on

(2 posi.ons)

Will be responsible for the crea:on of blog ar:cles on AIESEC.it . The blog writer will work with the social media manager to create blog content strategies that increase traďŹƒc to AIESEC in Italy's website and support exchange programs.

BaEle this NST contributes to - Increase contribu:on of Approvals coming from Virtual Markets from A to B by the 28/2 - Improve the conversion rate between Visitor and Signup from 0,9% to 5% by the 31/7 - Increase contribu:on of Winter Peak Realiza:ons from 19% to 30%


Skills & Competencies

number of clicks to landing page and conversion to OP

wri:ng (high)

LEAD # of ar:cles audience reached per content


14/08 - 31/01

Educhange Fb Page Manager (1 posi.on)

Posi'on descrip'on

The Educhange Fb Page Manager will create online content strategies to promote EduChange, as well as create instant marke:ng posts when necessary. They will interact with commenters and will answer all private messages.

BaEle this NST contributes to Increase conversion rate in circolare MIUR between applica:on and open from X to Y by 31/12


Skills & Competencies

number of clicks to landing page and conversion to OP

photoshop skills (basic), computer skills(medium), easily reachable

LEAD # Schools applying for Educhange


14/08 - 31/01

Digital Team Leader Posi'on descrip'on

(1 posi.on)

The digital team leader is responsible for the digital conversion team. He is directly accountable to the MCVP B2C and responsible for the team experience of the team.

BaEle this NST contributes to

- Increase contribu:on of Approvals coming from Virtual Markets from A to B by the 28/2 - Improve the conversion rate between Visitor and Signup from 0,9% to 5% by the 31/7 - Increase contribu:on of Winter Peak Realiza:ons from 19% to 30%

LAG % of growth in conversion

LEAD weekly team mee:ngs weekly tracking tool update

Skills & Competencies full accountability team management Digital experience Marke:ng experience


14/08 - 31/01

Lead Nurturing Manager Posi'on descrip'on

(2 posi.ons)

Lead Nurturing manager is responsible for conversions #sign up -> #applicant and #visitor -> # sign up through crea:ng content, execu:ng email & other LEAD nurturing strategies and measuring success of this conversions. LEAD Nurturing Manager will also be in charge of website live support.

BaEle this NST contributes to

- Increase contribu:on of Approvals coming from Virtual Markets from A to B by the 28/2 - Improve the conversion rate between Visitor and Signup from 0,9% to 5% by the 31/7 - Increase contribu:on of Winter Peak Realiza:ons from 19% to 30%


# of leads generated through live support, % of growth in conversion

LEAD :me of answering on live support open rate of emails email conversion # of email campaigns executed

Skills & Competencies wri:ng, design (basic), zapier, mailchimp knowledge, availability


14/08 - 31/01

Web Analyst (1 posi.on)

Posi'on descrip'on The web analyst is responsible of sending weekly reports of the website performance and giving solu:ons for boYlenecks.

BaEle this NST contributes to - Increase contribu:on of Approvals coming from Virtual Markets from A to B by the 28/2 - Improve the conversion rate between Visitor and Signup from 0,9% to 5% by the 31/7 - Increase contribu:on of Winter Peak Realiza:ons from 19% to 30%

LAG # of reports sent, # of visitors, bouncing-rate

LEAD :me of answering on live support open rate of emails email conversion # of email campaigns executed

Skills & Competencies Google Analy:cs, Web strategies, Google AdWords


14/08 - 31/01

Consultant (2 posi.ons)

Posi'on descrip'on

Consultants are accountable for campaign management and downscaling the strategies to the LCs and having monthly consultancies with them + followup on those.

BaEle this NST contributes to Increase contribu:on of Winter Peak Realiza:ons from 19% to 30%

LAG % of LC plan achievement

LEAD #weekly touch points #weekly analysis #consultancy chats #strategies proposed

Skills & Competencies LCVP Mktg experience, coaching skills


14/08 - 31/01

Consultant for Expansions (1 posi.on)

Posi'on descrip'on

Consultants are accountable for campaign management and downscaling the strategies to the Expansions and having monthly consultancies with them + followup on those.

BaEle this NST contributes to Increasing no of Applicants(350 applicants oGV by June 18)

LAG % of LC plan achievement

Skills & Competencies LCVP Mktg experience, coaching skills

LEAD #weekly touch points #weekly analysis #consultancy chats #strategies proposed


14/08 - 31/01


OGET Consultant (2 posi.ons)

Posi'on descrip'on

Working closely with MCVP oGET in analyzing the performance of the en:ty, par:cipa:ng in crea:on and delivery of contents and solu:ons to solve boYlenecks. Support the LCVPs in downscaling the strategies at local level.

BaEle this NST contributes to C. Rates OGT, W.Peak OGE, LCs :er jump, Network MGMT, CXP Op:m


Skills & Competencies

% of LC plan achievement VPs From Plenary

LEAD #weekly touch points #weekly analysis #consultancy chats #strategies proposed


14/08 - 31/01


(1 posi.on) Posi'on descrip'on

Working closely with MCVP oGET in ensuring the goal achievement and team standards for NST IR Managers. Responsible for the whole IR strategy implementa:on and downscaling.

BaEle this NST contributes to IR, C. Rates OGT, W. Peak OGE

LAG # APD in EYP % growth in EYP

Skills & Competencies From Plenary

LEAD #ACC in EYP #APP in EYP % P/A in touchpoints with EYP % P/A in touchpoints with IRM


14/08 - 31/01

IR Manager (3 posi.ons)

Posi'on descrip'on

analyzing the performance of the en:ty and the partners they will be in charge to track, keep the communica:on between AIESEC in Italy and our en:ty partners to ensure proper account management and downscale the IR strategy to LC level

BaEle this NST contributes to IR, C. Rates OGT, W. Peak OGE

LAG # APD in EYP % growth in EYP

Skills & Competencies No required

LEAD #ACC in EYP #APP in EYP % P/A in touchpoints with EYP


14/08 - 31/01

Data Analyst (1 posi.on)

Posi'on descrip'on

Working closely with MCVP oGET in analyzing processes of OGET. Responsible for analysis, evalua:on, hacking and improvement of Customer Journey for Global Talent and Global Entrepreneur products on a na:onal level.

BaEle this NST contributes to C. Rates OGT, CXP Op:m

LAG % growth in Conversion Rate APP-ACC

Skills & Competencies No requieren

LEAD % process :me improvement % customer interviews response rate % improvement of Ra:o between applicant and applica:on


14/08 - 31/01


Chair for legalities - Legality Audit Manager Position description Inside the F&L Board, responsible to create and to track a framework for legality standards, to consult the MC and the LCs about Legal Ecosystem

Battle this NST contributes to LC having ≼1 of Liquidity Index

Required: Legal Background, LCP or LCVP Finance experience, deep understanding of legal and financial ecosystem of AIESEC in Italy, Italian Speaker

LAG External audit passed unqualified audit report

LEAD #audit conducted to LC #consultancy conducted to MC #research conducted on possible legal solutions for our entity

Skills & Competencies

Timeline 1 year

LC Consultant - Auditor x 3 Position description To consult the LC about financial and legal management - creation of checklist and tracking of accounting and financial management of the local committee - National Investments Strategy co-creation one of them will be the chair

Battle this NST contributes to LC having ≼1 of Liquidity Index

LAG #liquidity index of the LC #standards fulfillment #LCs passing membership check

LEAD #investments support #accountancy and legal check #monthly chat #audit conducted

Skills & Competencies Preferred: LCVP Finance or LCP experience, Finance Background, Accountancy skills Budgeting Skills


14/08 - 31/01


Conference Committee President

Position description

CCP for all the national conferences till June 2018 - Final responsible for relation with hotels - in kind partners, local stakeholders and transportation companies

Battle this NST contributes to All conferences profit ≼ than break even point,

LAG # of conferences in profit #new venue #new accounts created #partner renewals of partnership

Skills & Competencies

LEAD #meeting with main stakeholders #months before the conference with site and transportation booked #money saved with in kind partners


1 year

Sales and Account Manager (2 positions)

Position description Responsible for creating new accounts for in kinds partner - New sites for national conferences market research and relations.

Battle this NST contributes to All conferences profit ≼ than break even point,

LAG # of conferences in profit #new venue #new accounts created #partner renewals of partnership

LEAD #meeting with in kind partner #new partner #new sites

Skills & Competencies


1 year / Availability for shorter period would be taken in consideration

PR manager for Opportunities Position description Contribute with fresh and creative ideas to write press releases about the opportunities GV, GT and GE of the winter campaign. Be responsible for tracking press review system. Contributing with a market research of new media partners and influencers aligned to our goals and vision.

Battle this NST contributes to Increase from 40 to 65 the number of press release published by externals by 31/01

LAG #articles published

LEAD #press releases #Number of new media partners found #Number of new Influencers found

Skills & Competencies good writing skills, AIESEC products understanding, strategical thinking, creative mindset


14/08 - 31/01

PR manager for Impact in Italy and External Relevance Position description

Contribute with fresh and creative ideas to write press releases about the stories of impact of our incoming projects and news about the organization in the external world. Be responsible for tracking press review system. Contributing with a market research of new media partners and influencers aligned to our goals and vision.

Battle this NST contributes to

increase from 40 to 65 the number of press release published by externals by 31/01


Skills & Competencies

#articles published

good writing skills, AIESEC products understanding, strategical thinking, creative mindset

LEAD #press releases #Number of new media partners found #Number of new Influencers found


14/08 - 31/01

GRANTS MANAGER Position description Responsible for grants on two sides: 1. Researching of European grants available according to AIESEC products and needs. Help in finding possible partners and in the writing part of the project. Participation to free european events and courses if needed. 2. Research of grants and prizes at local and regional level to support LCs that want to apply to them. Data and GCPs collection and analysis. Run meetings with MC ER Manager. Contribute to materials creation. Report of activities to MC ER Manager 

Battle this NST contributes to Increasing from 0 to 180 the openings from national sales to big NGOs and institutions

LAG #grants applied/grants won; #of openings opened through EU funds 

LEAD #grants found; #applications

Skills & Competencies Legalities and European calls experience preferred but not required. Communication and writing skills. Analytical thinking.


14/08 - 31/01

NEW PROJECT PIONEER/ EXPLORER Position description Penetration in new market for one iGV project. Active research of new sales contact toward institutions, NGOs and foundation we can have strategic alliances with in order to support the project.

Battle this NST contributes to Increase contribution of not SDG#4 projects in overall realizations by 30%

LAG # open with new product iGV

LEAD # touch point with MCVP # report # lead open # sales/consultancy meetings

Skills & Competencies Sales skills preferred; Analyze products, market, possible stakeholders, public administration (institutions)


14/08 - 31/01

FUNDRAISING MANAGER Position description Researching and target listing of foundations and NGOs classified by compatibility with AIESEC products and research and application to prizes and grants compatible with AIESEC. Participation to events if needed. Run meetings with different stakeholders and MC ER Manager. Contribute to materials creation. Report of activities to MC ER Manager 

Battle this NST contributes to Increase from 0 to 7K revenues from grant and prizes by 31/07


Skills & Competencies

#Funds raised; #of Exchanges through stakeholders 

Good selling skills. Good knowledge of AIESEC and its products. Solution orientation and flexibility. Good communication and reading skills both in italian and English. Time management.

LEAD #foundations found; #meetings; #proposals; #grants founds; #applications done


14/08 - 31/01

NST Partner’s Care Position description Responsible for implementing the of Partner’s Care Strategies: from Lead Generation to Lead Nurturing, the NST will work in with the MCVP ER and in synergy with the ER Managers to consolidate Partner’s leads and accounts.

Battle this NST contributes to

Increase Revenues from 17K to 33K revenues from Accounts by 30/07 Increase Revenues form 18K to 30K from New sales 30/07

LAG # of re-contacts form Accounts # Hot leads generated

LEAD # Content Created # Mails sent # Researches for leads

Skills & Competencies Writing Skills Mail chimp analytics Google Analytics Resilience Creativity Graphic Skills


14/08 - 31/01

Electrolux Manager Position description Responsible for the Delivery Of Electrolux iGT Opportunities in the North East of the Country. The position is paid.

Battle this NST contributes to Increase Revenues from 18K to 30K from New sales 30/07


Skills & Competencies

% standards delivered NPS from EP

Availability to move on north east territory by owns car Flexibility iGV Background (preferred) Updated Standards knowledge Stress Management

LEAD # Standards delivered


14/08 - 31/03

OCP YSF 2018 Position description President of the Committee for the realization of the YSF 2018, TL of the OC Team, will work in close contact with ER Team.

Battle this NST contributes to Gain 1000 Visitors from YSF Initiatives

Skills & Competencies


Team Management Time Management Solution Orientation Analytical Thinking Communications Skills Strategical thinking

# Participants # Number of Strategic Partners

LEAD # OC Team Meetings # Sales # Communications Media


14/08 - 30/04

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