Yung Yu, Lin | Design Portfolio (2019-2021)

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2019 21






WORKS FROM 2019-2021


PROFILE I'm Yung-Yu, Lin As a third grade Industrial Design student in National Cheng Kung University, I'm good at observating and have a keen eye on details in life, also enjoying catching the touching moments through photograhy. I believe that designers can make the world better step by step through the details. +886-978-319713 @alc_7

Skills Product Design


Ideation development

Film Photograph

Lean design analysis

Street Photograph

Concept sketch 3D Modeling & Rendering

Film Making

Language English Japanese


Experience BenBenMars Industrial Design Intern, 2020 Jul.-Aug.

NCKU ID Association Dep. of filming ,


Workshop D-camp & iCaps, 2021 Xiao Ching She Emotional Design Workshop, 2019

Awards NCKU ID Winter Exhibition, 2019 Bronze Award 7



Product Design


Side Projects









Aliet Brush


To i l e t b r u s h e a sy t o s t o r a g e



Standing fan all for your family



Chopsticks with holder itself


ALIET BRUSH L i g h t a n d H a n d y To i l e t B r u s h E a sy t o s t o r a g e


“ A new form of toilet brush, also a new form about cleaning.”

PRODUC T DE SI GN | A l i e t B r u s h


Cleaning the toilet also needs good experience.

When cleaning the toilet with toilet brush, there are many problems, such as the dripping waterand the bacteria growth in the bucket. Which disturb the using experience.



keep the brush airy to keep from bacteria


light and handy easy to storage

PRODUC T DE SI GN | A l i e t B r u s h


" What if bucket combines toilet brush to make a better experience ?



01. Easy To Storage After using, push the brush in the toilet. It will be storaged.Press the button on the handle, and the brush will eject out.

PRODUC T DE SI GN | A l i e t B r u s h

02.Easy To Dry The design hollow the bottom to ventilate the brush so that the water would be easy to dry when storage.


PRODUC T DE SI GN | A l i e t B r u s h

Design Process Ideation through functions to form.


Form Design


To b e l i g h t

PRODUC T DE SI GN | A l i e t B r u s h

t and breathe.


ALIET BRUSH L i g h t a n d H a n d y To i l e t B r u s h E a sy t o s t o r a g e


Kazeki A l l F o r You r F a m i l y

Product design 2020.Sep-2021.Jan Collaborate with Yi-Xin Chen

University-Industry cooperation p r o j e c t w i t h E U PA


PRODUC T DE SI GN | Ka z e k i

" A better cool feeling of the blowing wind and a better experience when used together between the nuclear family members.



The demand of electric fans in the family is dif ferent from the pas t.

T h r o u g h i n t e r v i e w, w e f o u n d o u t t h a t c o m p a r e d w i t h t h e demands of the speed and sound of electric fans in the past, the young nuclear families care more about the f e e l i n g s w h e n s h a r i n g t h e f a n w i t h e a c h o t h e r.

PRODUC T DE SI GN | Ka z e k i


Contextual Inquir y Find out problems through obser vation and inter view




What do they really care about?

I hope the oscillating fan ca that i could enjoy the contin

The flow wa if wind ca

While sharing the fan with my family a or in living room, I always feel disappoi oscillating fan isn't blowing at


an swing faster so nual blowing wind.

PRODUC T DE SI GN | Ka z e k i


as too concentrated. It's better an be sent wider and further,

at dinner time inted when the t me.


Fro m e i g h t f a m i l i e s ' i n te r v i ew a n d 110 responses from sur vey.

metimes I can't choose the correct air flow immediately because of the interface.



P r o d u c t Ta r g e t S t r a t e g y

A new experience of wind sharing with your family Detect the family members when oscillating.

To bring the wind wider and maintain the cool feeling To bring the wind wider and maintain the cool feeling.

The farther wind which reach all corners To bring the wind farther.

Interface which is more fully human Interface which is instinctive and comfort.



1. Bilayer Front Net Cover To bring the wind wider and maintain the cool feeling.

2. Infrared Sensors Detect the family members when oscillating.

3. Concentric Circles Back Net Cover To bring the wind farther.

4. Control Interface Interface which is more fully human.

PRODUC T DE SI GN | Ka z e k i





01. Bilayer Front Net Cover In order to diffuse the wind while maintaining the air flow , we designed 24 different shapes of the fence for the front net cover , and found the best shape based on solidwork flow simulation.

PRODUC T DE SI GN | Ka z e k i

We found that a fence with concentric circles on the outer circle can increase the angle of wind diffusion, while a fence with a 20-degree vortex tilt on the inner circle can follow the moment of inertia of the wind to maintain the air flow.


02. Infared Sensors Using Arduino hc-sr501 infared sensors on the pole to induct how many people and their locations in one area. When family members share the oscillating fan in the living room or eating at the dining room, the sensors induct and calculates to made the fan oscillate faster during the unmanned area. So that the probability that each members gets the cool feeling increase.

PRODUC T DE SI GN | Ka z e k i

03. Concentric Circles Back Net Cover To increase the distance wind can reach, we took the application of the tunnel effect to the back net cover. Through asking the professor from the dep. of aeronautics and own experiement, we found out when the fence is in the shape of concentric circles with a 20-degree vortex tilt, the speed of the wind will be the fastest, which reaches the farthest distance.


PRODUC T DE SI GN | Ka z e k i

04. Control Interface We observed and redesigned couple series of icons on the control interface of the existing fans, and also added some new buttons based on our functions. Then we had subjets to rate each series due to comfort and satisfaction to find out the final interface.

Kazeki A l l F o r You r F a m i l y


Kazeki A l l F o r You r F a m i l y


STICK UP Chopsticks with a holder itself


It is a problem for everyone that the chopsticks often fall off the bowl when eating without a h o l d e r. H e r e i s a n e w f o r m f o r c h o p s t i c k s t h a t c ou l d s t a n d by i t s e l f.

PRODUC T DE SI GN | S t i c k U p


Chops ticks of ten fall of f the bowl without using a holder.

There are almost 90% of asians using chopsticks as their eating tool, regardless of eating indoor or o u t d o o r. It is a problem for everyone that the chopsticks often fall off the bowl when eating without a h o l d e r. W h i c h c a u s e s s a n i t a r y p r o b e l m s .



to keep the front edge of chopsticks from table


confortable to hold, easy to use

PRODUC T DE SI GN | S t i c k U p

What if making the chopsticks with a holder itself ?

" 49


PRODUC T DE SI GN | S t i c k U p

Concept The main concept of this design is to extrude the rubber on the chopstick to make it a holder itself A f te r u s in g i t w h e n e a t i n g , yo u ca n extru de it ver tic ally like a ballp o in t. Th e r u bbe r w i l l b e e xt rud e d a n d b e co me dis c - liked. So that yo u can lif t on t h e t a bl e . W h e n yo u a re g o i ng to u s e it, extru de again , the ru b b er will be f alt te d, a nd yo u w i l l g e t a o ri g i nal cho p s tick .


Press it like ballpen, the rubber will be extruded.

H u m a n Fa c t o r s Study shows that, most of the Chinese hold their chopsticks at 9-15cm from the bottom.Thus,the design place the rubber at the same position to make user co m fo r t a b l e w h e n h o l d i n g.


Feeling the temper ature with your chops ticks.

The emotional ideation W h e n we’re e a t i n g , we d o n’t fe e l t h e t e m p e r a t u re o f fo o d i m m e d i a t e l y, b u t t h e c h o p s t i c k s d o . I h o p e c h o p s t i c k s are not only a tool for dining, but also enjoying the delicacy with everyone.

PRODUC T DE SI GN | S t i c k U p


Form Design



FRILLED LIZARD To b e w a r m a n

PRODUC T DE SI GN | S t i c k U p

d stretchable.





A culture tranfer candle from Siraya

Film making


Promotional flim shooting and editing


Archeology and Design

Transformed the Siraya wreath and through packaging the wreath culture

combination of the image of the the burning into a scented candle, design allows people to understand of Siraya.

SI DE PROJ E C T | H a la u

Collaborate with G u o - w e i S hy u , K a i - y e n C h e n , C h i a - y i Ye n


SI DE PROJ E C T | H a la u

"Halau" means wreath in Siraya. "Halau" is a indispensable item during the Siraya festival. "Halau" not only represents the cultural features of the Siraya, but also has the meaning of blessing to the clansmen.


Field Research To dig deeper into the Siraya's culture, we went to the Kabuasa village and participated in their night festival. Through the festival, we found interested in the wreath they wore, which represents amulet to the Sirayas .

SI DE PROJ E C T | H a la u

Discovery We found more research and have more understanding with the Halau. After the festival, many Sirayas will burn the wreath or throw it on the roof. Each flower material on the wreath also has different meanings, and are taken from local.


Tr a n s fo r m e d t h e c o m b i n a t i o n o f t h e i m a g e o f t h e Siraya wreath and the burning into a scented candle.Through packaging design allows people to understand the wreath culture of Siraya.


SI DE PROJ E C T | H a la u

Halau's outer packaging which is decorated with black thread is taken from the traditional black and white clothing of Siraya. After opening the package, there are slip sheet introduces the tradition and taboo about the wreath, also the meanings of each flower materials.



Film Making As a member of the dep. of film in the student association for three years, I have learned alot step by step from editing films to being a director alone to direct the new members. Instead of professional skills on editing or shooting, I ' m b e t te r a t t r a n s f e r a b s t r a c t c o n c e p t o f t h e exhibition into images and connect them together. Hope you enjoy!

NCKU ID 2018 Summer Student Exhibition “ 例行公事 ” Promotional Flim

NCKU ID 2019 Winter Student Exhibition “+ -” Promotional Flim

NCKU ID 2019 Summer Student Exhibition “ 非常 ” Promotional Flim

NCKU ID 2020 Winter Student Exhibition “ 已知用火 ” Promotional Flim



BBM Intership


Su m m er intership from 2 0 2 0 Jul. t o Aug.

Emotional Design Workshop


Promotional flim shooting and editing


BenBenMars Summer Internship Jul.- Au g . 2020

Benbenmars is a company of product design and brand marketing located in Tainan. This was my fir st internship, I was lucky to join benbenmar s and work with the designer s through the whole summer. I had learned how they design in the industr y way, to meet the customers' needs.

E X PE R I E N CE | B e n B e n M a r s I n t e r n s h i p

Except for the skills of design, I had learned how to work more organized and with high ef ficiency like they do, also enjoy the moments and read extensively to have dif ferent sight of view of ever y problems. I also completed a per sonal side project and learned new things from the marketing department. At the last day of internship, I shared what I had done during the whole summer on the open house they held for the interns, and got feedbacks from the audience. It was really an unforgettable experience for me.


Emotional Design Workshop J an . 19 - 2 2 2 0 19

The emotional design workshop is par ticipated and held by three schools, NCKU, NTUST, and NTUT. We discover, explore, and had an integral project completed through the days.

E X PE R I E N CE | E m o t i o n a l D e s i g n Wo r k s h o p

It was the first time I had a chance to learn more and deeply about emotional design. Through discussing with teammates from dif ferent universities and learning from teachers of various professions, I practiced a lot about how to transfer abstract feelings into dif fe re nt ways exce pt from a product . T he more impor tant t hing I gain from t he workshop is there are many dif ferent ways to express the inner thoughts of ideations,


SKETCHES 2019-2021









2019 21



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