TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction to Tarot Major Arcana cards Minor Arcana suits Minor Arcana cards Spreads
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BEGINNING YOUR READING Create a Sacred Space Before diving into a reading, I always like to begin with a small ritual. The beauty of ritual is that it is unique to each person. There is no right or wrong way to create a sacred space, and a ritual can be as simple or as elaborate as you please. Before starting a reading, I set my cards out on a cloth along with some crystals and anything else that may be calling me. I will also light sage or palo santo to clear my deck of any residual energy. It is helpful to take a few breaths to center yourself before drawing any cards. Get Acquainted When acquiring a new tarot deck, I find it is beneficial to “speak� with your deck in a sense. You can ask it questions through an interview spread, which you can create yourself or refer to the spreads chapter of this book. There are other ways to bond with your deck, such as sleeping with the cards under you pillow. Craft a Question This is one of the most important parts of the reading. When crafting your question for the deck, spend time putting careful thought into what you are asking. Make sure to ask open ended questions that apply to what is important to you and hold you accountable for youractions. Tarot is an amazing tool to help you see situations from different angle, but only you have the ability to truly impact your future. Once you have a well crafted question, give your deck some context and ask your deck while shuffling the cards. You may go about this process internally or aloud. While I may prefer to speak with my deck, do what feels right for you.
Shuffling and Drawing After you have crafted a question and picked a spread, you will begin your reading by shuffling and cutting your deck. How you shuffle and cut the deck and draw cards is completely up to you. Interpretation One you have drawn your cards and placed them into your spread, take a look at the cards and note your overall impressions. Examine them carefully and refer to the guidebook for more in depth explanations if needed after your initial reactions. However you choose to learn the meanings, it is important that in your reading you read the cards as a conversation. They are important to read individually, yet they all work together to create an overall narrative and perspective. Whether you are new to Tarot or an experienced reader, I find it beneficial to keep a journal dedicated to my readings where I can craft my questions, write down initial reactions, and make connections between the cards on paper. This is also a helpful tool for you to celebrate successes and growth in your personal development. Good-bye You may choose to thank your deck and say goodbye before ending your reading. If you are an empath, someone that reads for others, or is sensitive to energy, it is beneficial to ground and protect yourself after a reading to release excess energy.
MAJOR ARCANA The Major Arcana consists of 28 cards that represent the life lessons and archetypal themes that influece our lives. When you see a Major Arcana card in a Tarot reading, you are being called to reflect on themes of the card and their relation to your life at this time. When a reading is predominantly made up of Major Arcana cards, you are experiencing a pivotal events that have long-term effects. There are important lessons that you must pay attention to in order to progress further in your spiritual and personal quest.
beginnings, opportunity, innocence The Fool is the first card of the Divine Intervention Tarot Deck. The fool has no number as it is the neither the first or last card of the Major Arcana. The card depicts a figure wandering aimelessly along mountain-tops, unprepared for what challenges may lie ahead. At the bottom of the mountains are white roses, symbolizing his purity and innocence. This card often symbolizes new beginnings and opportunities. Similar to the Fool whose journey is unknown, it is sometimes necessary to follow ones desires and take risks.
THE MAGICIAN power, skill, accomplishment
The Magician points both upward toward the Universe and downard toward the earth, symbolic of the spiritual and material realms. The Magician manifests their goals, and this card reminds you that you have all the resources to do so. The Magician calls you to take action in pursuing a path to your goals. It is important to keep in mind that one must be diligent in focusing on their intentions.
intuition, divine feminine, subconscious
femininity, nature, beauty
The High Priestess depicts a mysterious woman amidst a veil of pomegranates, signifying abundance and fertility. She calls for you to embrace the Divine Feminine, and to allow yourself to trust your intuition. Let your intuition guide you toward the answers that come from within yourself. When this card appears in a reading, it is a good time to connect with your Higher Self through meditation and visualization.
The Empress embraces and connects with a lush forest. She wears a crown of twelve stars that reinforce her connection with the cycles of the natural world. This card urges you to visit with nature and calls on you to embrace and connect with your feminine energy. When the Empress appears in a reading, take a moment to offer gratitude for the abundance that surrounds you.
THE EMPEROR authority, structure, father-figure
Only the Emperor’s hand is visible, yet his presence is heavy in this card. His hand cradles underneath an Ankh, the symbol of life, inside of an orb, representing all he rules. Imagery of planet Mars reinforces this cards connection with Aries, with mountains behind the Martian horizon to serve as a reminder of greater heights. The Emperor suggests that you are adopting a fatherly role, or people may be relying on you for stability. This card can signify a strong leader that faces challenges without fear of conflict. This card calls for you to bring wisdom and clarity to the challenges and situations at hand.
THE TEACHER wisdom, conformity, institution
The Teacher, known as the Hierophant in many tarot decks, depicts a humble figure behind three veils of transparency to represent the three worlds over whichinfluences, the conscious, sub-conscious, and super-conscious. The Teacher suggests that you should work with a teacher or mentor, or that you have already mastered a particular concept that you are now teaching to others. This card may suggest that you are following conventions and not yet ready to take risks. The Teacher calls for you to identify with others and their thinking in order to open your mind to further knowledge.
THE LOVERS love - harmony - trust
This Lovers depicts a naked man and woman standing beneath an angel. The couple stands behind a pile of fresh golden delicious apples, denoting temptation of sensuality. The arrival of this card suggests that you have a beautiful connection with someone, whether it be a soulmate, close friendship, or family relationship. This card signifies communication and trust built upon vulnerability, transparency and honesty. The Lovers may signify that you are recognizing your values and beliefs, and encourages you to live collaboratively.
THE CHARIOT success, determination, control The Chariot depicts a strong heroine gazing upward at a crown of stars, suggesting her connection to the celestial world. Her armor shines through two crescent moons and she is being guided by a black and white cat, alluding to duality and opposing forces. This card encourages you to take action and stick to your plan regardless of any bumps in your path. The Chariot calls for you to be assertive in expressing your desires and setting boundaries.
STRENGTH courage, compassion, inner strength The Strength card depicts a woman and a lion, whose ferociousness is tamed and calmed by her energy. This card testifies to your inner strength, suggesting that you have the ability to remain calm during rough waters and overcome challenges. This card suggests that you are compassionate and provide support to those who seek it. Strength urges you to make yourself aware of your emotions and approach situatations with warmth and an open mind.
THE HERMIT inner guidance, solitude, privacy The Hermit stands among a snowy mountain range with his hand outstretched, holding a lantern only bright enough to illuminate the next few steps of his path. The Hermit is on a path to self-discovery, and suggests that you are drawing your energy inward to find answers and introspection. The Hermit may also signify that a mentor-figure will enter your life and help you find answers.
WHEEL OF FORTUNE luck, a turning point, destiny
The Wheel of Fortune card depicts a clock with no recognizable time. The chaos and distortion of the clock reminds us that life is constantly changing around us. This card can reassure in tough times that things will get better, while grounding us during blissful times. The Wheel of Fortune can signify a critical turning point in your life, whether it be opportunity or unexpected changes. The Wheel also signifies Karma, reminding us that we receive what we give. This card suggests that change is positive and calls us to take the invitation.
truth, cause and effect, law
new perspectives, letting go, pauses
The Justice Card depicts a figure holding a scale, representing intution and balance, and an upward sword, signifying firm decision making. This card denotes justice, truth, and law. Justice calls for us to hold ourselves accountable for our actions. This card may suggest that you have done something with regret, but Justice comes along with a level of compassion and understanding. It also suggests that the decisions you make now will have longer term effects.
The Hanged Man depicts a woman with peace and serenity on her face as she is integrated upside down into nature, opening her eyes to a new view of the world. This card suggests that sometimes we need to take a pause and release our old habits that do not serve us in order to have a new perspective. This card may suggest that projects will come to an unexpected halt, which should be met with patience and grace. Surrender to these pauses in time and use them as an opportunity to reflect. The Hanged Man may reflect feeling stuck and urges you to let go
change, transition, endings The Death card depicts an integration of both the human brain, and life inside of the human body. It is important that one understands the meaning behind this card as it is commonly misunderstood. This card signals the ending of something major in your life that is no longer serving you. This card may also signify a time of self transformation and suggests letting go of unhealthy attachments and breaking bad habits.
balance, patience, moderation
addiction, attachment, restriction
The Temperance card depicts a feminine woman accompanied by masculine figures that pour water between two vessels, signifying the flow of life’s cycles. Temperance brings balance and invites you to remain calm during stressful times. This card shows that you have a clear vision of your goals and are taking your time rather than rushing.
A half-man, half-goat creature represents balance between positive and negative, masculine and feminine, human and animal. The Devil card represents the negative forces that hold us back from being better versions of ourselves. These may be behaviours, habits, relationships, etc. The Devil can also denote a co-dependent relationship.This card calls for you to become aware of these negative energies in order to take action to change them.
chaos, sudden change, revelation The Tower sits upon a cove while lightning strikes the building. The Tower appears mighty, yet it collapses with seemingly no effort. When the Tower appears in a reading, you should expect massive change and chaos. This card suggests that you may be building a foundation upon lies or illusions. It is best to surrender and let the experience shape you into a more wise and resilient person.
hope, faith, renewal
illusion, subconscious, anxiety
A female dips her fingers gently into the ocean while twinkling stars glisten through the sea and sand. The Star card suggests that you are coming into yourself after a period of turmoil. This card brings hope and faith, and welcomes a time of significant personal growth. You may find yourself looking for inspiration or purpose in your life, as there are many big changes that are transforming you and your perspective.
The Moon shines and reflects into pink and purple ripples of waves and sand. This card represents the fear and illusion that you are projecting into your future. This may come as a product of painful memories that were never properly dealt with. This card urges you to avoid making split second decisions and to allow your intuition to guide you. When the Moon appears in a reading, pay attention to the lunar cycles and utilize them to set intentions and honor achievements.
positivity, warmth, success
absolution, rebirth, inner calling
A content sun shines above a field of sunflowers, making this card radiate optimism and positivity. The Sun reassures you that no matter what your positive energy will follow you and bring joy. If you have been going through a rough spell, this card assures you that things will get better. You made your way through the challenges and are full of confidence.
Hands reach out from their graves, ready to be judged in response to the call of the Archangel. The Judgement card suggests that you may be experiencing spiritual awakening, or that you need to make a life changing decision. This card appears in a reading when you are approaching a significant stage in your journey after reevaluating past experiences.
THE WORLD completion, accomplishment, integration A nude woman dances through laurel wreaths as her body moves into the future. When the World appears in a reading, you are celebrating the completion of a long term project, relationship, etc. This card suggests that things have come full circle and you have a sense of accomplishment. The World invites you to reflect on the journey toward accomplishment and celebrate your success. If you have not reached completion yet, the arrival of the World suggests that you are very close. Literally, this card can signify long-term travel overseas.
MINOR ARCANA The Minor Arcana consists of 56 cards that reflect the daily events of our lives. These cards provide insight into our present situations, and help guide us toward the manifestation and achievement of our goals. The influence of these cards is temporary, and can easily be impacted by the actions you take. These 56 cards are typically comprised of four suits: Cups, Pentacles, Wands, and Swords. Each suit contains 10 numbered cards and 4 Court Cards, Page, Knight, Queen, King. These Court cards represent different personality traits we may be experiencing. The Divine Intervention Tarot Deck uses a different system to illustrate these suits. These beautiful cards use everyday imagery based off of the allegorical Raider Waite deck to help guide you toward your goals.
feelings, emotions, intuition
finances, work, material possessions
This suit often appears in readings about relationships and your emotional connection with yourself and others.
This suit often appears in readings about career and financial wealth.
thoughts, words, actions
energy, motivation, passion.
This suit often appears in readings about communicating your ideas, making decisions, and asserting your power.
This suit often appears in readings about life purpose, spirituality and new ideas.
ACE OF PISCIS love, compassion, creativity
The Ace of Piscis shows a school of fish swimming through peaceful teal waters over the palm of your hand. This card suggests that you have an abundance of love flowing through you and your life. This card calls on you to express your emotional flow. It often appears in relation to creativity, and reinforces your comfort in expressing yourself. This card can denote a new relationship, friendship, birth of a new idea, or inspiration.
unity, partnership, mutual attraction
friendship, creativity, collaboration
Two of Piscis depicts two sea snakes swimming toward eachother, eventually wrapping around eachother. This card speaks to the flow of love between two people. This card signifies deep connections and undconditional love. You may be entering a new partnership with a lover or business partner that is mutually beheficial. This card suggests you and the other person bring out the best in eachother and are on create balance and synergy.
This card depicts three fish happily swimming around a diver as though they are dancing. The diver reaches upward toward the surface in celebration. This card encourages you to gather with friends as it indicates periods of time where one is more sociable, such as holiday seasons or vacations. This card may also speak to creative projects and encourages collaboration to achieve your goals through sharing your passions with others.
meditation, contemplation, apathy
regret, failure, pessimism
The Four of Piscis depicts four jellyfish drifting through peach and yellow toned waters. This card may indicate a time where you are turning your energy inward and creating space to accept new opportunities and challenges. This card may appear when you are feeling disengaged and invites you to re-evaluate to reconnect with your inner self and gain clarity. This card may also denote that you are shutting yourself out from opportunity due to prior rejection.
A bridge crosses a large river above five piscis, blantantly telling us to build a bridge. This card appears when a situation has turned out unexpected leaving one with regretful feelings. This card may suggest that you’re stuck in the past and letting negativity hold you back from your fullest potential. This card suggests that forgiveness is vital and lessons are to be learned from mistakes and disappointment.
memories, innocence, joy
choices, opportunity, illusion
The Six of Piscis shows six goldfish swimming in their bowl illuminated by a clock, reminiscent of childhood memories like summers at local county fairs. This card takes you back to happy memories, mentally or physically and invites you to give yourself permission to be playful. This card can also refer to children in your life or suggest time spent with young ones.
In this card, seven fish lay before you amongst a pile of desirable jewels. The Seven of Piscis signifies new opportunities, and maybe multiple options. Get curious with each option and be careful not to get tunnel vision. This card invites you to focus on what will move you closer to achieving your goals and to avoid getting side tracked.
disappointment, withdrawal, escapism
satisfaction, gratitude, fulfilment
Eight Horseshoe Crabs pile on top of each other underneath the moon. They are arranged as though one may be missing on the very top. This card suggests that you may sense that something is missing. Things may appear fine to others, but you are aware that it is not serving you and you must move on. You may be trying to escape an emotional situation or issue. The Eight of Piscis calls you to ask yourself what fulfills you and revisit your goals and values.
A group of nine fish form an asrch in the water, representing emotional fulfillment. This card refers to moments where you feel full of love and gratitude. This card suggests that the stars have aligned and all aspects of your life are abundant. The Nine of Piscis encourages you to express gratitude for this abundance and indulge in life’s pleasures. It is important to appreciate these moments as they are not permanent.
TEN OF PISCIS love, harmony, alignment A woman stands beneath a beautiful rainbow firing the flash of her camera off into ten fish illuminating the watery sky. This card embodies happiness and joy. It suggests that you’ve created abundance in your life that you are sharing with others. It suggests deep connections with mutual support. This card encourages you to follow your heart and let your emotions guide you. The Ten of Piscis appears when you are experiencing an idyllic state of love and harmony.
creative opportunity, possibility, curiosity
imagination, beauty, charm
A fish surprisingly sits inside of a coffee percolator, an unexpected sight. The Page of Piscis suggests that new ideas or opportunities have presented themselves to you. You have a lot of creative passion right now, and this card invites you to keep going forward with an open mind. The Page of Piscis calls for you to trust your intuition in order to create abundance and reach your goals. This card may also indicate that an unexpected suprise is to come.
A man holds a fish in his hand while schools swirl hypnotically around them. The Knight of Piscis signifies a balance between intuition and emotion, with skillful handle over them allowing you to charm others. This card suggests that you are motivated by action, and are no longer dreaming of your goals, but making them a reality instead.
compassion, care, emotional stability
emotional balance, diplomacy, balance
The Queen floats above a school of fish, seemingly coexhisting with no effort or care. This Queen of Piscis suggests that you are hightly intuitive and can easily flow with energy around you. It may be that others confide in you because you are either a good friend or someone with abilities to heal. This card encourages you to trust your intuition and lead with your heart.
The King holds out a fish in his hands, reinforcing his handle on his emotions. This card signifies that like the King of Piscis, you too have incredible control of your emotions and creativitiy. This card may suggest that you remain emotionally mature when surrounded with negative energy from others. This card is compassionate and suggests that it may be beneficial to carefully navigate through interactions with others in order to keep calm and peaceful energy.
new opportunity, manifestation, abundance The Ace of Spheres depicts a hand emerging from purple and pink veils of clouds, cupped beneath the glowing Moon. This card represents new beginnings and opportunity relating to material world. Perhaps a new job offer or investment opportunity. This card marks the beginning stages of manifesting your goals. It suggests that your ideas are ready to be translated into reality. The Ace of Spheres also symbolizes wealth in many forms, whether it’s new opportunities and ideas to generate income, or a financial gift.
time management, adaptability, multitasking
collaboration, teamwork, learning
Two hands hold two donuts, connoting a playful nature, while the infinity symbol links the material to man. This card appears in readings where you are juggling multiple roles or priorities. Two of Spheres suggest that you are rushing from one thing to another with little time in between. It invites you to investigate your priorities and manage your time properly. This card encourages you to be patient and flexible during this busy time.
The Three of Spheres depicts three woman bearing bowling balls, reinforcing this cards theme of collaboration and teamwork. This card represents different levels of experience in collaboration, stressing that people with different levels of experience and skill can bind together and contribute uniquely. This card may also suggest that you have ideas for what you want to manifest and are just getting started. As you continue you will recognize your abilities and skills.
security, conservatism, control
loss, isolation, worry
The Four of Spheres depicts arms tightly wrapped around a ring of citrus, while one is balancing in place of his head and two below create a secure foundation. This card asks you to examine your relationship with your wealth. It suggests that you may have created abundance by maintaining focus on your goals. It may encourage you to find a healthy balance between your spending and saving goals. Loosen your grip and keep balance.
A figure and their companion treck through icy conditions. They are so focused on their journey that they fail to pay attention to the five balloons floating around them, symbolizing hope and faith. This card denotes financial loss and suggest hard times in terms of your work and finances. This card suggests that you are feeling isolated as a result of whatever loss. This card encourages you to become self aware and shift your energy into creating opportunity and abundance.
giving, receiving, generosity
long-term, perseverance, investment
The Six of Spheres depicts two hands outstretched, prepared to give or receive one of the apples that sits upon the scale. While this card can simply mean financial harmony, it may also suggests that you are on the giving or receiving end of generosity. You may be sharing your wealth and abundance with others, or if not financially, you are generous with your love and support. If not sharing, you may be receiving gifts or charity from those around you. Take the help from those around you but be mindful of becoming dependent on the help of others.
A woman peers downward into the yolk of one of seven eggs, taking the time to break and enjoy. The Seven of Spheres encourages you to put your attention and energy in the right areas that align with your goals and values. This card encourages you to approach things with a long-term perspective. If you have been putting hard work into something, it will likely pay off. This card can also denote frustration with slow results. The Seven of Spheres calls for you to be patient and celebrate progress.
mastery, apprenticeship, repetition
power, skill, accomplishment
The Eight of Sphere’s depicts eight prints from trees that have been cut down, layered ontop of beautiful green evergreens. This card reinforces repetitive tasks and skill development. You may be working to improve your skills, or perhaps continue your education. The Eight of Spheres suggests that you are diligent, hardworking, and seeking to master these skills. This card encourages you to continue your quest and you will be met with success after focus and dedication. This card suggests that you also continue working and improving your own self as well.
The Nine of Spheres depicts the fruits of life, golden coins, vines abundance with grapes, a large mansion, all things that signify wealth and abundance. This card suggests that you have been working toward creating theis abundance and now is time to enjoy. When this card appears in a reading, it suggests that you are welcome to reward yourself and celebrate your efforts. This card may also speak to financial independence, and suggests that you are at a point where you no longer need financial support from those around you.
wealth, family, long-term success
manifestation, financial opportunity, skills
The Ten of Spheres arrives in a reading as a positive sign. This card suggests that you have reached a point of completion in your journey. This may be the product of a career choice, investment, relationship, etc. This card may suggest that you feel compelled to share your success with others, or that you are acting as a provider for others.
A young girl stands in a grassy field while mountains collide with the landscape, signifying upcoming obstacles. This card denotes new beginnings and opportunities, whether it be a new job or business. This card suggests that you are using manifestation to bring your dreams to life. The Page of Spheres does not specify the fullfilment of these dreams so much as it denotes the motivation and energy in those inital moments. This card encourage you to stay focused on your dreams and try something new to improve your skills and learn more about your goals for success. 75
hard work, routine, productivity
nurturing, providing, prctical
The Knight of Spheres appears when you have been working toward your goals with a clear plan and schedule. It suggests that encisioning your goal and sticking on your bath comes naturally to you, and you will work hard to get thhe job done. This card may suggest that you are approaching life more conservatively and establishing routine in order to reach your goals and success. This card suggests that you are on the right path and invites you to be patient and perservere.
The Queen of Spheres is surrounded by luscious sunflowers to reinforce her connection with the earth as well as her relationship with material success. She represents a parent archetype, and may suggest that you are maintaining a balance between caring for family and creating financial abundance for yourself. The Queen of Spheres may also represent prosperity and the ability to share your generosity and wealth with those around you.
KING OF SPHERES business, leadership, security The King of Spheres arrives in a reading when you are confident and successful at attracting wealth and opportunity. This card may indicate that you very easily can translate your passion and goals into something tangible. You have reached your goals through diligence and attention to detail. It suggests that money flows easily to you as you no longer struggle to achieve your desires.
ACE OF WINGS new ideas, success, breakthroughs
In the Ace of Wings, a moth calmly sits upon the hand that emerges from the foreground of a divine yet intimidatingly dark sky. This may suggest that the road ahead will come with challenges. This card encourages you to continue having an open mind and embracing new ideas. Now is a great time to start a new project or activity. The Ace of Wings reminds us that we are at the beginning of our journey and can succeed if we use our energy wisely.
TWO OF WINGS decisions, options, avoidance The arrival of the Two of Wings indicates that you are facing a challenging decision and the possibilities of each option are leaving you stumped. It may be helpful to draw one or two cards to get more clarity. You may be lacking the information you need to make an informed decision. This card asks you to reevaluate the situation and see it through a new perspective in order to make the right decision. Alternatively, this card may suggest that you are trying to avoid a situation or decision, and calls for you to make your choices with your best intentions as avoidance leads to greater conflict. 82
THREE OF WINGS heartbreak, grief, sorrow When the Three of Wings appears in a reading, it suggests that you are deeply hurt and disappointed. This card is about emotional release, and calls for you to express your sadness as part of the process. The Three of Wings encourages you to move forward on your path in life, and that these emotions are necessary challenges we face to help us grow and develop. This hurt is only temporary and can be conquered with patience, forgiveness, and love.
relaxation, contemplation, rest
conflict, defeat, competition
The Four of Wings arrives when you have reached a milestone and encourages you to take a moment of rest before the next phase. This card stresses the importance of a healthy mind and body and reinforces the negative impacts of constant stress and tension. It suggests that you take a step back and take a break if you have been going through rough times. The Four of Wings challenges you to spend time alone to help you re-evaluate and recharge. This card may also indicate that you re-assess your priorities and review your own progress.
The Five of Wings may appear after disagreement or conflict that has left you with regret and negativity. This card suggests that you pick your battles going forward, as this situation may have left you feeling isolated. TheFive of Wings calls on you to apologize and patch up any conflicts. This card may also indicate competition or defeat.
transition, change, release
deception, strategy, betrayal
A butterfly emerges from it’s cocoon as this card calls upon your state of transition. This transition may be physical or mental, and is essential for your development. The Six of Wings calls for you to let go of whatever is not serving you and focus on your future. This card invites you to leave any baggage behind and use it as an opportunity to move toward a better version of yourself.
She smirks as the seven wings fly by seemingly unaware of her presence. The Seven of Swords is representative of deception and trickery. It suggests that you may be trying to get away with something, or that you may be the victim of someone elses deception. More positively, this card can call on you to be strategic and put yourself first to achieve your goals, even if this means letting others down.
limitations, feeling trapped, negative perspective
anxiety, fear, worry
The Eight of Swords reveals that you are feeling trapped with little to no options. When this card appears in a reading, it warns that you are creating negative patterns and limiting yourself. This card assures you that there is a way out with the help of new perspective. The Eight of Swords may suggest that you are allowing yourself to play the victm but you are not powerless. This card suggests that you tune into your intuition and trust yourself to make a decision.
The Nine of Wings suggests that negative perspectives and feelings are weighing you down and getting the better of you. This card reminds you to remain grounded, as overly obsessing about negative outcomes may manifest these scenarios into reality. The Nine of Wings reminds you that most of the fear and worry is self produced and not an accurate representation of what is around you. When this card appears in a reading, it is a good time to reach out to others for help seeing the light in the situation.
endings, betrayal, loss
curiosity, ideas, enthusiasm
The arrival of the Ten of Wings suggests an inevitable ending. This ending may come as a shock and leaves you grieving. It may also suggest that you have been the victim of someones betrayal. The Ten of Wings may seem negative, but is about letting go and allowing yourself to heal. This card encourages you to dust yourself off and reflect upon the situation. Ask yourself what you can learn from this experience and you will eventually recognize why the hurt was necessary.
The arrival of the Page of Wings suggests that you are full of positive energy, new ideas, and plans for your future. This card brings about excitement for new projects and new ways of thinking. The Page of Wings suggests that you are being expressive and communicative about your ideas and opinions. This card encourages you to move ahead despite and speed bumps along the way. This card can also represent a relationship between you and someone who is wearing you out with their abundance of energy.
ambition, action, quick wit
independent, communication, without bias
The Knight of Wings suggests you are highly driven and ambitions. Nothing and no one can get in the path of your dreams, and you seem to go about challenges and obstacles with ease and determination. This card suggests that you rely on your high energy to help you take action in manifesting your goals. This card reminds you to take a moment to consider potential challenges or dead ends.
The Queen of Wings suggests that you are able to lead with your head rather than your heart. You dont let empathy or compassion distract you, rather you directly connect with others through intellect. You are open to hearing the thoughts and opinions of others yet simultenously decipher true from false and confront any mistruths that may arive. You are upfront and honest while expecting the same from others. People come to you for clarity beause tell it like it is and have clear expectations of yourself and others.
KING OF WINGS mental clarity, authority, truth As a symbol of intellectual power, the King of Wings appears when you are in a position of authority. This card suggests that you express yourself with intellect and confidence. You provide an objective point of view and make unbiased decisions, while being a master at balancing your emotions. You may worry about coming across as uncaring but the King of Wings suggests that the detachment is beneficial. This card suggests you use your logic to navigate what may lie ahead.
ACE OF POINTS inspiration, new opportunity, growth
The Ace of Points suggests that new ideas and creativity are flowing and inspiring you. This card encourages you to follow your heart and pursue any passions, even if you may be questioning their success. This card is a sign that you are working on the right project and urges you to trust your instincts. The Ace of Points is just a seed, but it is up to you to make it grow and flourish.
planning, progress, discovery
progress, opportunity oversea, expansion
The Two of Points suggests that you are putting your inspiration into action. This card suggests that yyou are not ready to make your move, and that you have to establish a clear plan first. This card encourages you to step out of your comfort zone and let your intuition and passion guide you. This card suggests that you are planning out how to achieve your long term goals to set yourself up for success.
The Three of Points suggest that any careful plans are now well underway and are met with further consideration. This card signals that you may have a chance to broaden your horizons, whether it be through travel or study. You are becoming aware of the opportunities on your path. The Three of Points encourages you to dream big and be adventurous while still considering what changes and challenges lie ahead.
celebration, relaxation, homecoming
conflict, tension, disagreement
The Four of Points is a blissful celebration of the happy things in life. This card encourages you to celebrate and enjoy time with loved ones, whether you have a reason or not. This card shows that you are returning to a familiar person or place. The Four of Points can also suggest that you are renovating your home or searching for a new one. This card speaks to a time of pause and relaxation to acknowledge your hard work.
The Five of Points suggests that you are in the middle of tension and competition with others and it is impacting you from moving forward toward your goals. The Five of Points encourages diffeeences of opinion. If you are in a situation where everyone is shouting and no one is listening, take this as an opportunity to open your ears to what others have to say. In the process, others may follow suit and mutually repect others views. This card reminds you that we have something different to learn from everyone.
success, progress, confidence
challenge, protection, competition
The Six of Points appears when you are feeling confident and successful after reaching an important goal. This card suggests that you are receiving public aknowledgment for reaching your milestone which is continuing to raise your confidence and give you the energy to continue. This card encourages you to be proud of your achievements while keeping in mind that you still have some way to go.
The Seven of Points suggests that you are being challenged by others that are striving for your success, or disagreeing with your thoughts and opinions. You may need to seek a lawyer or surround yourself with a strong support system. The Seven of Point calls for you to draw upon your self confidence to overcome any obstacles that may be blocking your path. This card also encourages you to map out risks or threats before acting on any plans.
movement, action, fast change
resilience, courage, persistance
The Eight of Points suggests that you have the freedom to move forward in your plans now that the obstacles of the Seven of Points has passed. This card encourages you to move with the fast paced energy around you and allow it to move you closer to your goal. This card invitews you to be focused on your actions and align your energy with your goals. It may be helpful to remove certain distractions in order to be highly productive and accomplish your goals.
The Nine of Points reminds you that you stand tall and strong in moments of chaos. You may be feelings exhausted after facing challenges and struggles, but this card asks you to trust that it is a test of your strength. The Nine of Points reminds you that you can overcome these obstacles and encourages you to keep pushing to the finish line. Other forces may oppose you and try to make things difficult for you, but it is important to keep your eyes set on your goal.
burden, responsibility, hard work
inspiration, ideas, potential
The arrival of the Ten of Points notes that you may be carrying a heavier workload or responsibilities. You may be unconsciously taking these on, and this card asks you to stop and assess which of these tasks concern your broader goals and hold importance or urgency. This card notes that the end is in sight. However, be aware that when you reach completion, you may have other duties that come as a product of this achievement.
The Page of Points indicates that you are experiencing a time of creatvitiy with endless possibility and expression. This card asks you to ground your creatvitiy to make it physical. This may be easier by mapping out a strategy or test your ideas before committing and moving forward. This card notes that your mind is curious and will follow where it is lead.
KNIGHT OF POINTS energy, action,impulse The Knight of Points exhibits the pursuit of the idea that was forming in the Page of Points. This card indicatws that you are full of energy and motivation that you are channeling into action. This card may suggest that you are so committed to your vision that nothing can interfere. Your passion and enthusiasm is toxic to others and they enjoy benefiting from your energy. The Knight of Points reminds you to take a moment to consider if your ideas and focus your passion on the things that will move you closer to your goals.
QUEEN OF POINTS courage, confidence, determination The Queen of Points reminds you that you are optimistic and full of ideas. You are determed and focused on your goals, while remaining a social butterfly and maintaining a busy life. This card shows that you inspire and instil confidence in others around you. The Queen of Points signifies the time to put yourself out there and meet new people. It also encourages you to dig deeper within yourself to find things to express with others and enable a deeper connection.
SPREADS Past, Present, Future
A great spread for beginners to get insight into the past, present, and future of any situation. You may tailor this by switching the spread to thoughts, words, and actions, or make up placements of your own
1 Deck Interview This spread is a great way to get to know your deck, as all of them are different.
KING OF POINTS loyalty, nobility, leadership The King of Wands appears in a reading when you are stepping into a role as a leader. Your vision is clear and you are working toward it with the support of others around you. Your natural charisma and determination draw others toward you as they are confident in your vision and want to be a part of it. The appearance of this card may suggest an opportunity that is presenting itself. The King of Points urges that you are the determining factor of its success or failure.
1. Tell me about yourself 2. What are your strengths? 3. What are your limits? 4. What are you here to teach me? 5. How can I best learn from you? 6. What is the outcome of working with you?
The Tower
This spread is a great way to seek insight into any situations that have caused upheaval in your life.
1. What changed? 2. How to move on 3. What can I learn from this change? 4. What are you here to teach me? 5. How can I release these emotions in a healthy way?
9 4
6 8
3 3
The Celtic Cross One of the most popular spread is the Celtic Cross, which offers more thorough insight into the different aspects of the situation. This spread is more complex and may be difficult for beginners. 1. The Self 2. The Problem 3. The Past 4. The Future 5. Conscious 6. Unconscious 7. Your Influence 8. External Influence 9. Hopes and Fears 10. Outcome
Laura Mae Barboza Š 2019 lauramaebarboza.com Designed at the University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, CVPA Type set using Montserrat, designed by Julieta Ulanovsky, and Lato, designed by Šukasz Dziedzic.