unit bridge - green urban community

Page 1

unit bridge green urban community

the site

a place where the nature and manma

use the minimal amountcollide of electricity and way. in a very unconscious they have no cars. Treasure hill is a fusion (source: urban acupuncture, marco casagran between the rural and the urban. It is also a place where the nature and manmade The organic growing of the structure h collide in a very unconscious enabledway. various types of housing. T

unit bridge

whole building has headed to a st where it is entirely planned and con

(source: urban acupuncture,structed marcobycasagrande) it’s residents. The uncontrol

green urban community

shifting of the constructions has enab apartments for very specific needs of t inhabitant’s. The freedom within the bui also created has a close commun The organic growing of ing thehasstructure that is becoming very unusual within t enabled various types borders of housing. The of a modern city. Shared functio such as theto urban whole building has headed a farming, state have also re forced the community. The agriculture where it is entirely planned and part concalso an important of the constructio And naturally it is also structed by it’s residents.architecture. The uncontrolled identity defining action and provider shifting of the constructions has ofenabled the ancestors peasants.

E10 calculated uncertainty ӏ clairvoyance in architecture

apartments for very specific needs of the Treasure Hill is a small country within a c inhabitant’s. The freedomIt holds within the hierarchies build- by means it’s own also by architecture. T ing has also created a sociality close and community whole construction has formed very inst that is becoming very unusual theand without a tivily withoutwithin an author It has functions, it’s own ways of moving a borders of a modern city.rules. Shared living, reminding of the oldest mesopo such as the urban farming, rein- Still it ho mianhave cities inalso it’s primitiviness. essential valuesisthat should a forced the community. the Theveryagriculture be incorporated in a modern city. With also an important part ofcharacter the constructions of returning to the very ba questions architecture. And naturally it ofis human also needs, an Treasure becomes very modern construction in identity defining action simplicity. and provider for the ancestors of peasants.

a u t u m n 2 0 1 0



Treasure Hill is a small country within a city. It holds it’s own hierarchies by means of plan 1:5000 sociality and also key by architecture. The whole construction has formed very instictivily without an author and without any rules. It has it’s own ways of moving and living, reminding of the oldest mesopotamian cities in it’s primitiviness. Still it holds the very essential values that should also be incorporated in a modern city. With it’s character of returning to the very basic questions of human needs, Treasure Hill becomes very modern construction in it’s simplicity.

aerial view

27 pl

15 pl

general layout plan 1:500

the valley

01 corte steel

1 02 stainless steel


03 clear glass

04 opaque glass


05 roof gardens


The bridge reunites the old city structure both sides of the valley. Despite the great views the area is mostly unused by pedestrians and the only access to the bottom of the valley is limited to the railroad platforms. Basically the valley serves only for car and train traffic. The future green belt and new pedestrian connections would allow more pedestrians to area, and this combined with the attractions on the bridge would change the nature of the valley to much more vibrant and vivid. The idea is to capture the lively atmosphere of the Jægergårdsgade and continue the flow and nature of the street through the alley on the bridge across to the other side also to animate the street life on Banegårdsgade and Orla Lehmanns Alle. The main idea on the bridge structure is to create public platform for the circulation and activities on the third level. The housing is mostly situated on units from third to fifth level but there is also some housing units on the lower levels. Every unit contains a certain function. Some units are meant for commercial functions, for small businesses or as studios, creating more social life on the bridge. Also the common green gardens and squares on the third level add up to the image of a small urban street. There is also four units meant only for circulation. They lead from first level and railway platforms to the third level.


05 01


elevation to west 1:200




03 04

elevation to east 1:200

the unit


the formation of apartment unit



green areas

platforms and existing roads above has an



With the conditions existing in this place, parallelity to the conditions in and for the fact thatinteresting the housing unit should also point in the treasure hillbe a crossing treasure hill.cityWith a constantly new struccentre, I would like to concentrate on the ture a unusual place I think it is also circulation of the people. I thinkinit would be example of circumake the extremely important to easier to movecreate a place for a new kind lation in cityof ment in the building easy and accessible urban community. from different levels and directions, as well public squares as make the public space i.e. hallways and halls as exciting and itriguing as possible. With the conditions existing in thisstudios place, That’s why I would like to approach the apartments public spaces in the and apartment building for the fact that the housing housing typologies in Treasure Hill sketchcommercial 01 unit with the same principles as the public housing typologies should also be a crossing point in the routescity spaces in the city centre.



circulation in the aarhus centre


green areas access

bigger roof garden

example of circucentre, I would like to concentrate on the

lation in building Beside the routes I would also like to bring the organic growing ofcirculation the structure toof mythe people. I think it would be project. I would like toextremely see the building as important to make the movea gradually transforming organic entity ment in the that is shaped and reconstructed by it’sbuilding easy and accessible users and it’s inhabitants. I would like to levels and directions, as well from different create the feeling of freedom which as make the people often associate with town housespublic space i.e. hallways and to apartment building halls by offering a as people exciting and itriguing as possible. cnahce to realize themselves more freely That’s why I within tha building that is usual. This free- would like to approach the dom, besides the possibilites your in the apartment building publicto alter spaces apartment would also include places dediwith the same principles as the public cated for urban farming, commercial funchousing typologies routes and urban farming in Treasure Hill tions and personal studios. spaces in the city centre.

apartments commercial routes example of circulation in building

entrance and bathroom

commercial unit elevations 1:200




bedroom 7,5m²

5770 +2,660











low ceiling



plans of the housing unit 1:100 00







kitchen/ living area 20,2m²

master bedroom 14,6m²

green garden 23,4m²





00 43

61 00


The units are constructed from steel frame and steel and glass plates installed on top of the steel skeleton. Thanks to the strength of the structure and the stability these units gain when put together, the whole bridge structure can be supported only with the structure of the units. The extra wall space between neighbouring units can be used as installation space for plumbing and electricity as well as extra storage space.


low ceiling



53 1900







sections of the housing unit 1:100



+3,590 +2,660

installations 3000



perspective view from the platform

All the housing units are similar, suitable for singles, couples or small families with floor area of 52 m� . The units are slightly modifiable, though the bathroom and kitchen are basically set and the small space does not give that many options for room diversity, the residents can decide themselves wether they need any division walls or only glass railings as presented. Also the rooftop gardens are optional as they are an independent structure just added on top of the units. The windows on the bottom floor of the units, opening to the public alley, are opaque glass this way offering privacy.


total thickness, public gardens: 450 mm grasses, shrubs, trees

with floor area under 1,6m: 70,1m²


total thickness, private gardens: 250 mm perennials, grasses, shrubs

without floor area under 1,6m: 52 m²


bathroom 4,6m²


unit (34)


entrance 5m²



intensive soil mix 200-400 mm 3 mm separation fabric 40 mm drainage plate 6 mm protection fabric




3800 3000

Every unit has it’s own roof top garden. On the third floor most of these gardens are public, but on the fifth floor they can be kept private, offering only visual connection to the neighbours. Gardens can also be made common or mutual for two or three of the units by installing steel pathways between the gardens.

bicycle storage and entrance or bathroom and entrance


low ceiling


green gardens

private garden (level 4-5)

public garden (level 3)




master bedroom and entrance or store/studio and entrance

laundry room and entrance or store/studio and entrance

laundry room and entrance or store/studio and entrance

circulation unit or commercial unit


2nd bedroom, living area and kitchen or kitchenette and storage


apartment unit or commercial unit

more living space


Beside the routes I would also like to bring the organic growing of the structure to my project. I would like to see the building as a gradually transforming organic entity that is shaped and reconstructed by it’s users and it’s inhabitants. I would like to create the feeling of freedom which people often associate with town houses to apartment building by offering people a cnahce to realize themselves more freely within tha building that is usual. This freedom, besides the possibilites to alter your apartment would also include places dedicated for urban farming, commercial functions and personal studios.

reducing walls

slope for the stairs


routes and urban farming

stretching roof garden


sketch 02

ways to combine the units

apartment unit elevations 1:200

public squares


routes and urban farming

slope for the stairs

example of circulation in city


city. s of The ticany and otaolds also it’s asic Hill it’s

program phase - the inspiration

public roads


has The ate nclled bled the ildnity the ons, eine is ons an for

treasure hill



premises to by increase the value of public life in the railway tracks and to maximize housing roads opening them in two directions. The whole city centre and it offers the possibilites to concept of increasing routes and interlacbuildof the anrailway artificial hill in middle roads of the ing different levels in terms platforms and existingrailway roads above has an and to maximize housing green by tracks interesting parallelity to the conditions in squares opening treasure hill. With a constantly newthem struc- in two directions. The whole circulation in the ture in a unusual place I think it of is also concept increasing routes andaarhus interlaccentre easier to create a place for a new kind of ing different levels in terms of the railway urban community.


ion also ade



the building

cohesive system

reflects the speed and direction of the railroads. coherent system enables most economical use of the cells. requires views only on one or two sides of the building


organic growing

reflects the vegetation on the site. free orientation of the cells allows different variations of views and openings to multiple directions. requires free space on all sides of the structure.


27 pl

27 pl


on the site

I decided to combine the best of both systems in the final bridge, not making it too monotone, but still maintaining some sort of principle and coherence in the structure. The final form of the bridge was, aside it’s diagonal nature as a bridge, mainly regulated by the orientation of the units. The bridge is designed so that every apartment unit has long views from the top floor. Most of the units are facing west to the long views over the railroad. Some of the units are also facing to the south towards Banegürdsgade and some towards north to Orla Lehmanns Alle.

-0,750 +0,000










+0,000 -0,450


plan of level 02 1:400



plan of level 04 1:400

15 pl

housing unit +0,000


plan of level 05 1:400

15 pl

circulation unit +7,250

commercial unit roof gardens roof gardens

-1,000 +0,000

public street

playground +7,250

playground +7,250



plan of level 01 1:200

plan of level 03 1:200







section west-east 1:200


perspective view from the valley on the bridge











+6,690 +5,500



+ 0,000



+0,000 -0,750 - 1,000

section south-north 1:200

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