1 minute read


Proposed Vegetation And Landscapes

What we want to achieve with our interventions is the generation of new public spaces full of activities and where the vegetation takes the protagonism.


In Gandria we found that there are still some green areas along the lake-coast and we want to extend them into the new public spaces, recreating a natural “lake banks”.

Morover, there is a productive and naturalistic interest related to the Olives tree, which represents a source of income for the city. We want to give it back the importance, as a symbol, introducing it among the interventions.

We also want to improve the existing vegetation by introducing species that we can find around Gandria, the Olive;s trail and Mont Bré. We selected species that can grow in warm areas, in walls and on sunny rocks, and others that can float.

We are proposing tree types of green areas related to the mountain, the lake banks and the water. By creating these spontaneous and native gardens, as mentioned by Gilles Clément in his book of “The Third Landscape”, we want to improve biodiversity and return the botanical value to the place.

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