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University of Strathclyde Department of Architecture

The Development of Specific Learning Environments for Visually Impaired Users in Schools within Scotland. Laura Satterthwaite

A dissertation presented in fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of BSc Honours Architectural Studies with International Study Registration No: 201145048 Supervisor: Dr Andrew Agapiou 10th March 2016

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education” – Albert Einstein

Laura Satterthwaite, 2016.

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Author’s Declaration

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Table of Contents Author’s Declaration ..........................................................................................................5 Table of Contents................................................................................................................7 List of Figures....................................................................................................................10 List of Tables......................................................................................................................13 Acknowledgements...........................................................................................................15 Glossary of Abbreviations..................................................................................................17 Abstract............................................................................................................................19 Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Investigation Definition.......................................................................................................21

1.2 Research Aim......................................................................................................................21

1.3 Research Objectives............................................................................................................21

1.4 Methodology.......................................................................................................................21

1.5 Limitations..........................................................................................................................23

1.6 Structure of the Paper........................................................................................................23

Chapter 2: Visual Impairment in the UK

2.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................25

2.2 Disabilities in the UK...........................................................................................................25

2.3 Sensory Impairment...........................................................................................................25

2.4 The Eye...............................................................................................................................27

2.5 Visual Impairment..............................................................................................................29

2.5.1 No Vision Loss.....................................................................................................29

2.5.2 Central Vision Loss..............................................................................................29

2.5.3 Peripheral Vision Loss.........................................................................................31

2.5.4 Mixed Vision Loss...............................................................................................31

2.5.5 Blindness.............................................................................................................31

2.6 Future Predictions...............................................................................................................31

2.7 Chapter Summary................................................................................................................33

Chapter 3: Disability & School Design

3.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................35

3.2 Disabilities in School Design...............................................................................................35

3.2.1 Equality Act 2010................................................................................................35 Page | 7

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3.2.2 Building (Scotland) Regulations..........................................................................36

3.2.3 British Standards BS 8300..................................................................................36

3.3 Mainstream School Legislation..........................................................................................37

3.3.1 Building Bulletin 103..........................................................................................37

3.3.2 Built Aspect........................................................................................................37

3.3.3 Pedagogy Aspect.................................................................................................37

3.3.4 Visual Impairment in the Mainstream School....................................................38

3.4 Special Educational Needs School Legislation....................................................................38

3.4.1 Building Bulletin 102..........................................................................................38

3.4.2 Built Aspect........................................................................................................39

3.4.3 Pedagogy Aspect.................................................................................................39

3.4.4 Visual Impairment in the SEN School..................................................................39

3.5 Key Design Principles for the Visually Impaired User.........................................................40

3.5.1 Light....................................................................................................................40 Natural Light...................................................................................................40 Artificial Light..................................................................................................41

3.5.2 Acoustics.............................................................................................................41

3.5.3 Learning Aids......................................................................................................43

3.6 Chapter Summary...............................................................................................................43

Chapter 4: Designing for Visual Impairment in a Mainstream School - Craigmarloch School

4.1 Introduction.......................................................................................................................45

4.2 Craigmarloch School..........................................................................................................45

4.3 Design Principles................................................................................................................47

4.3.1 Building Form.....................................................................................................47

4.3.2 Building Layout...................................................................................................47

4.3.3 Hydrotherapy Pool.............................................................................................49

4.4 Internal Features................................................................................................................51

4.5 Light...................................................................................................................................53

4.6 Acoustics............................................................................................................................55

4.7 Response to Legislation.....................................................................................................57

4.8 Chapter Summary..............................................................................................................57

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Chapter 5: Designing for Visual Impairment in a Special School - Hazelwood ASN School

5.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................59

5.2 Hazelwood ASN School.......................................................................................................59

5.3 Design Principles................................................................................................................61

5.3.1 Building Form.....................................................................................................61

5.3.2 Building Layout...................................................................................................61

5.3.3 Hydrotherapy Pool.............................................................................................63

5.4 Internal Features................................................................................................................65

5.5 Light...................................................................................................................................67

5.6 Acoustics............................................................................................................................69

5.7 Response to Legislation.....................................................................................................71

5.8 Comparison of Craigmarloch School and Hazelwood ASN School......................................73

5.9 Chapter Summary...............................................................................................................73

Chapter 6: Future Impact on Visually Impaired Users

6.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................75

6.2 Integration vs. Segregation Debate.....................................................................................75

6.3 Evaluation of Craigmarloch School......................................................................................76

6.4 Evaluation of Hazelwood ASN School ................................................................................77

6.5 Effects on Visually Impaired Users.....................................................................................77

6.6 Chapter Summary...............................................................................................................78

Chapter 7: Conclusions

7.1 Introduction........................................................................................................................81

7.2 Future Development of Learning Environments................................................................81

7.3 Main Drivers for Design......................................................................................................82

7.4 Case Study Findings.............................................................................................................82

7.5 Limitations of the Research................................................................................................83

7.6 Further Research................................................................................................................83

7.7 Closing Statement...............................................................................................................83

Bibliography......................................................................................................................85 Appendix A: Craigmarloch School Interview Questions......................................................91 Appendix B: Craigmarloch School Consent Form................................................................95 Appendix C: Craigmarloch School Ethics Approval Form....................................................99 Page | 9

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List of Figures Figure 1: Lateral Cross-Section of the Interior Eye: Annotations Reproduced by the Author 26 Available:http://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=6096 [28/12/2015] Figure 2: Normal Vision, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo [05/01/2016]


Figure 3: Macular Degeneration, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo [05/01/2016]


Figure 4: Glaucoma, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo [05/01/2016]


Figure 5: Retinitis Pigmentosa, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo [05/01/2016]


Figure 6: Diabetic Retinopathy, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo [05/01/2016]


Figure 7: Cataract, National Eye Institute, National Institutes of Health Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo [05/01/2016]


Figure 8: Aerial Photograph of Port Glasgow Campus: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR) Figure 9: Plan of Craigmarloch School: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR) Figure 10: Design Diagram for Craigmarloch School (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR) Figure 11: Image of the Hydrotherapy Pool: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)


Figure 12: Plan Indicating Location of the Hydrotherapy Pool Facilities: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)


46 46 48

Figure 13: Photograph showing the built-in wall storage for mobility equipment: Annotations 50 Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR) Figure 14: Plan indicating Location of Storage Facilities: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)


Figure 15: Image showing the high level glazing within the school (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR) Figure 16: Image showing the light scoops within the corridors (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)


Figure 17: Photograph portraying the acoustic panels installed on the ceiling: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)


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Figure 18: Photograph portraying the acoustic panels installed on the walls: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR) Figure 19: Aerial view of Hazelwood ASN School (from Rodger, 2007, p.27) Figure 20: Plan of Hazelwood ASN School: Annotations Reproduced by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.29) Figure 21: Design Diagram of Hazelwood ASN School Available: http://www.alandunloparchitects.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Ha zelwood-Sketchbook.pdf [07/02/2016] Figure 22: Photograph of Hydrotherapy Pool: Annotations Added by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.27)

54 58 60 60


Figure 23: Plan Indicating Location of the Hydrotherapy Pool Facilities: Annotations Added by 62 the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.29) Figure 24: Photograph showing the trail rail within Hazelwood ASN School: Annotations Added 64 by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.25) Figure 25: Plan indicating the location of the trail rail: Annotations Added by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.29)


Figure 26: Photograph showing artificial light fixtures and window positioning: Annotations Added by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.30)


Figure 27: Section showing how light enters the building: Annotations Added by the Author Available: http://www.alandunloparchitects.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Ha zelwood-Sketchbook.pdf [07/02/2016]


Figure 28: Photograph showing surface finishes defining the dining area: Annotations Added by 68 the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.30)

NB: The sources for Figures 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 and 28 appear in the bibliography (Rodger, 2007).

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List of Tables Table 1: Estimates of the Number of People in the Population with Visual Impairment in the 32 UK, 2011-2031: Author’s Reproduction of the Data (Emerson & Robertson, 2011, p. 13) Table 2: Estimates of the Number of People in the Population with Blindness in the UK, 2011- 32 2031: Author’s Reproduction of the Data (Emerson & Robertson, 2011, p. 7) Table 3: Craigmarloch School’s design responses to legislation (Author’s own) 56 Table 4: Table showing Hazelwood ASN School’s design responses to legislation (Author’s own) 70 Table 5: Comparative table highlighting the case study responses to legislation (Author’s own)


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Acknowledgements I wish to express my sincere thanks to my supervisor, Dr Andrew Agapiou, for the extraordinary support during the dissertation process. I am also grateful to Brian O’Donnell, Archial NORR, for sharing his expertise into Craigmarloch School and providing all of the necessary facilities for my research. I also would like to express my deepest appreciation to Professor Gordon Murray for supplying his professional advice and valuable guidance on Hazelwood ASN School, without which this paper would not have been possible. Finally, I would like to express my utmost gratitude to my family and friends for their continuous support throughout this process.

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Glossary of Abbreviations ASN – Additional Support Needs

BB – Building Bulletin

BS – British Standards

DDA – Disability Discrimination Act, replaced in 2010 with the Equality Act

EqA – Equality Act 2010

LRV – Light Reflectance Value

PSBP – Priority School Building Programme

SEN – Special Educational Needs

SENCo – Special Educational Needs Coordinator

UK – United Kingdom

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Abstract Nelson Mandela once said ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’ (2003). Education is fundamental to every human being. The object of education is to lay the foundations for every child’s future. Thus, as designers, is it not the architect’s responsibility to take careful consideration into creating environments to allow any child to flourish?

There are currently an estimated 0.9 million children living with a disability in the UK, of which 8% have a visual impairment (Burke, 2015, p. 40). With this figure expected to more than double by 2050 (Action for blind people, 2015) it is therefore essential to ensure that adequate learning environments, which are finely tuned to the needs of the visually impaired user, are easily accessible throughout the UK to safeguard education and thus employability of this demographic.

School design is rapidly changing due to advances in technology and teaching approach, inevitably including provisions for accessible environments, and the impact of integration within schools. The purpose of this paper was to identify and analyse the main drivers inherent to future-proofing the design of learning environments for individuals with one or more sensory impairments.

A critical analysis of existing literature was carried out to evaluate the success of current guidelines in assisting designers to create learning environments suitable for any child with a visual impairment. Mainstream and special school typologies were highlighted through the in-depth comparison of case studies to assess the response to guidelines in regards to visually impaired users. Upon review of Craigmarloch School and Hazelwood ASN School, light and acoustic qualities were identified as the key design principles to be highlighted within the future development of learning environments. However, as found within Hazelwood, tactile aids could play a vital role in assisting visually impaired user’s journey through a building. The ‘Integration vs. Segregation’ debate was subsequently outlined to emphasis the controversial views critics place on the impending integrational approach to educating visually impaired children according to both the quality of education and social integration.

As a result, further research should be carried out towards the development of an optimal model, creating niche learning environments which support and develop the education and long term employability of visually impaired users. Page | 19

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Chapter 1 Introduction 1.1 Investigation Definition A greater awareness of inclusive design for disabilities is the driving force for change to the quality of education supplied for children with a visual impairment. School design is heavily orientated on budget and quick solutions, such as the Priority School Building Programme (PSBP) which is currently in place to rebuild or refurbish 261 schools by 2017 (Beagle, et al., 2014, p. 5).

1.2 Research Aim The purpose of the research is to analyse the different types of learning environments available to determine the potential future development for visually impaired users.

1.3 Research Objectives The research aims to:

• Define the main drivers for designing for visual impairment in schools.

• Outline how successfully mainstream and special schools respond to the guidelines

through the use of case studies. • Establish how learning environments can be developed and future-proofed with the visually impaired user in mind.

1.4 Methodology There is a tendency in modern school design to focus on the efficiency of planning rather than the primary users within the space. This paper aims to understand the impact of design on visually impaired users by investigating the design principles of light and acoustics within learning environments. The focus on visual impairment within the paper led to the selected variables being centred on design aspects rather than the form of the building. Other variables thoroughly investigated within the field consist of learning aids, materiality and building layout. The primary methods of investigation for this dissertation are literature analysis, case studies and an informal interview.

- Literature Analysis Initial research was undertaken using books, journals, articles and government publications alongside the exploration of quantitative data to reveal the current and future trends. A literature review examines Page | 21

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the past and present design guidelines to understand the principles addressing special educational needs (SEN) in different types of educational facilities. An analysis of qualitative data surrounding the subject determined a relationship between sensory impairment and the learning environment.

A critical analysis of BB 103 and BB 102 evaluates government legislation in place for disabled users, creating a framework for analysis. A study into the ‘Integration vs. Segregation’ debate outlines the study, providing the current critique on the placement of impaired children within the education system. Extensive searching of public records for data on the topics within the paper provides a bank of information surrounding the topic.

-Case StudiesThis paper includes the comparison of parallel learning environments, developed from assessing the design characteristics essential in improving the education programme. Case studies are considered exemplars of impaired user centred design and greatly enhance the research. Observations were made during site visits and using visual representations to understand the articulation of learning spaces within schools.

Documentation on Craigmarloch School and Hazelwood ASN School informs the study to highlight the successes and failures of the implementations of the guidelines in place for disabled users. Craigmarloch School determines the design details of an ASN school within the mainstream setting of Port Glasgow Campus, establishing the key design principles and their effects on visually impaired children. Exploration into Hazelwood ASN School creates a comparison study to differentiate between the qualities of architectural and pedagogy elements, determining the design details of an ASN school and sociological impact on visually impaired users. This provides the practical methods key for the critical analysis of the political literature surrounding educating sensory impaired users.

-InterviewBy interviewing the lead architect of the Port Glasgow Campus project, detailed information can be gathered on the key design principles. Appendix A outlines the informal interview questions that were prepared for Brian O’Donnell to assist the process, acquiring ample first-hand information of the design process for impaired users by the firm.

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1.5 Limitations Within this paper the two case studies focused on are within Scotland, limiting the research to this area as opposed to a UK extent. Due to the constraints of the research, the two main design details of light and acoustics were investigated within the paper. This allows the potential for future research into additional aspects of design for visually impaired users.

1.6 Structure of the Paper This dissertation is arranged into a sequence of chapters. The following outlines what is discussed within each segment.

Chapter 2 provides the background necessary to understand the context of a visually impaired user within the education system. Data and illustrations are utilised to facilitate the readers understanding of visual impairments, with an emphasis on the design aspects to cater for each users independent characteristics as a consequence of the impairment.

Chapter 3 provides the options for educating visually impaired users, evaluating current guidelines within mainstream and SEN schools with visually impaired children in mind. From these regulations, the key design principles for children with vision loss are highlighted.

Chapter 4 analyses Craigmarloch School as an effective mainstream school with a designated unit. The ASN School will be summarised and evaluated alongside the building guidelines that are available.

This provides the basis for Chapter 5, creating a comparative case study of Hazelwood ASN School, identifying the key benefits and design moves that have made the school a success for visually impaired user.

The two case studies are evaluated within Chapter 6 and their responses to the guidelines are apparent. The chapter analyses the critique behind educating visually impaired users and the current ‘Integration vs. Segregation’ debate, forming predictions for ideal future learning environments.

Finally, Chapter 7 will summarise the findings of the research paper and draws conclusions to identify potential developments within the education section for visually impaired users. Page | 23

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Chapter 2 Visual Impairment in the UK 2.1 Introduction This chapter examines disability data within the UK, outlining the current disability statistics before focusing specifically on defining visual impairment. The anatomy of the eye and types of vision loss that can be experienced are highlighted. This provides an insight into the main focus of the study, delivering an understanding of the visually impaired user to gain the background information necessary to contextualise the approaches and methods of the education system they require.

2.2 Disabilities in the UK The Equality Act 2010 defines a person as having a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that has “a substantial and long term adverse effect on their ability to perform normal day to day activity” (Legislation.gov.uk, 2010, p. 4). A constant figure over time, almost 1 in 5 (19%) of the 12 million people in the UK are currently living with a disability (Papworth Trust, 2014, p. 5). Children between the ages of 0 and 16 are the fastest growing of the disabled population, with 7% (0.9 million) recording a disability in 2012/2013 (Papworth Trust, 2014, p. 24). This is key to gaining a comprehensive understanding of the various types of disabilities, in particular learning disabilities that affect “approximately 410,000 UK children and young people” (Emerson & Robertson, 2011, p. 2), to cater for each individual’s needs and provide an affluent educational service.

It is important to eliminate the notion that disabilities are solely physical, which is difficult due to the emphasis of guidelines placing prominence on mobility impairments. An example of this is the International Symbol of Access (ISA) which portrays a person in a wheelchair and is recognisable in defining disability compliant areas.

2.3 Sensory Impairment An impairment is defined as “any loss or abnormality of physiological, or anatomical structure or function, whether permanent or temporary” (Coleman & et al., 2013, p. 2), with sensory issues occurring amongst the senses. Multi-sensory impairments are common amongst children in the UK with approximately 4,000 children (3 in every 10,000) being affected, and can be present from birth, as a result of an accident or as a result of a disease (Early Support, 2012, p. 6).

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Figure 1: Lateral Section of the Eye: Annotations Reproduced by the Author Available: http://biology-forums.com/index.php?action=gallery;sa=view;id=6096

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The distance senses, sight and hearing, supply people with the key information of what is occurring around us. When one of these senses is affected, it can have a substantial effect on our understanding and often the other sense compensates. This paper focuses on visual impairments, gaining a background understanding of the causes and types of vision loss as well as the place for visually impaired students within the education system.

2.4 The Eye The eye is one of the most specialised organs in the human body, providing 80% of the awareness information that we process by distinguishing the shape and detail of images (Sardegna, et al., 2002, p. 85). An understanding of the anatomy of the eye forms the foundations for how vision loss can occur. The following section utilises the definitions taken from the Encyclopaedia of Blindness and Vision Impairment to convey the structure and function of the eye (2002).

The structure of the eye consists of; an external layer including the sclera and cornea, an intermediate layer made up of the anterior and posterior chambers, and the internal layer containing the retina (refer to Figure 1). The cornea and sclera make up the external layer, functioning to shield the eye. Located behind this layer is the anterior chamber which is filled with aqueous fluid, a clear gel like substance that provides nutrients to the cornea and lens whilst carrying waste away. The pupil is located in front of the posterior chamber, which changes in size through the use of the ciliary body to suit light extremities and control the quantity of light passing into the eye. The lens is a large transparent zone which uses muscles to focus the light which has entered the pupil at different distances.

The retina contains over 125 million light-sensitive cells including the rods and cones. Within the centre of the retina lies the macula, containing a small hollow called the fovea which is the site for cones (the area responsible for providing colour and detail of images). Figure 1 shows the path of light focusing on the fovea, providing the utmost visual acuity. The optic nerve connects each eye to the brain, and the nerve cells and fibres provide the retina with a blood supply which circulates through the choroid. The retina and the optic nerve work to transform the light messages into electronic impulses which are sent through the optic nerve to the brain.

The brain processes the information received from the eye to turn the electrical impulses into images. The “different areas of the visual cortex are devoted to different aspects of vision - colour, the shape of Page | 27

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Figure 2: Image viewed by a person with no vision loss Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo

Figure 3: Image viewed by a person with Macular Degeneration Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo

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the object, movement” (Frederickson & Cline, 2009, p. 517). Vision loss can transpire at several points when “the eye, nerves linking the eye with the brain, or area of the brain controlling vision” (Alcott, 2002, p. 67) are defected or damaged in some way.

2.5 Visual Impairment A vision impairment is defined as “a functional limitation of the eye or eyes or the vision system” (News Medical, 2013). Of the 9.4 million people living in the UK with a disability, 1.5 million people are believed to have had a visual impairment in 2013/2014 (Burke, 2015). Of this figure only 5% of people are legally blind, leading to a varying degree of sight which can be classified into different types of vision loss (Barker, et al., 1995, p. 21). The following sections utilise the definitions taken from the Encyclopaedia of Blindness and Vision Impairment to outline the various types of vision loss that can occur (2002).

2.5.1 No Vision Loss An individual is defined as having no vision loss in circumstances where there is no disorder or disease affecting their central or peripheral fields of vision. Commonly, these individuals have a visual acuity of 20/20, and are classified as fully sighted, refer to Figure 2 for how a person with no vision loss portrays an image.

2.5.2 Central Vision Loss Central vision loss is defined as loss in the central, or straight ahead, vision and may result in the reduction of clarity within the direct line of sight. It is commonly caused by the degeneration or damage of the macula, fovea, or the optic nerve.

Macular degeneration occurs as a result of the deterioration of the macula, and is the leading cause of new cases of blindness. This occurs when the eyes are denied of light for long periods, resulting in blurred or damaged vision within the central field, which can be seen in Figure 3. Damage or swelling in the optic nerve may also result in the loss of central vision due to the deterioration of the optic nerve fibres.

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Figure 4: Image viewed by a person with Glaucoma Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo

Figure 5: Image viewed by a person with Retinitis Pigmentosa Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo

Figure 6: Image viewed by a person with Diabetic Retinopathy Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo

Figure 7: Image viewed by a person with Cataract Available: https://nei.nih.gov/photo

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2.5.3 Peripheral Vision Loss Peripheral vision loss is the loss of vision in the peripheral, or side, causing tunnel vision. The two most common causes of peripheral vision loss are glaucoma and retinitis pigmentosa. Over 8.5 million cases of blindness in the world are as a result of Glaucoma, damaging the sensitive nerve cells and fibres which constricts peripheral vision (shown in Figure 4), of which cannot be restored (Sardegna, et al., 2002, p. 102). Retinitis Pigmentosa affects 4 million people worldwide and is a hereditary disease affecting the rods, causing a reduction in peripheral vision to materialise which can be seen in Figure 5 (Sardegna, et al., 2002, p. 202). Although most individuals will retain some limited vision, the progression of the disease can result in blindness.

2.5.4 Mixed Vision Loss Mixed vision loss manifests when damage is caused to a combination of rods and cones, a common outcome of Diabetic Retinopathy. Diabetic Retinopathy is a disease of the retina resulting in 7% of all blind cases, causing the destruction of circulation and sporadic patches of vision (refer to Figure 6) in both the central and peripheral fields which leads to complete vision loss if the retina becomes detached. Cataracts are the leading cause of blindness worldwide and establish via the clouding of the crystalline lens of the eye, causing dim or blurry vision to the central and peripheral field, which can be seen in Figure 7 (Sardegna, et al., 2002, p. 37).

2.5.5 Blindness A person is defined as blind if the visual acuity of the healthier eye is 20/200 or less, meaning that there is no light perception within the eye and therefore no remaining useful vision (Sardegna, et al., 2002, p. 28). Blindness can be as a result of severe cases of vision loss, congenital defects or trauma.

2.6 Future Predictions The number of people with a visual impairment within the UK is set to increase, with predicted figures doubling to around 4 million people by 2050 (Action for blind people, 2015). The UK population is also anticipated to be in excess of 77 million by 2050, implying that over 5% of people will be affected by a visual impairment (Neilan, 2015).

Of the 770,000 children aged 0-16 living with a disability in the UK, there are around 25,000 blind or partially sighted children (Papworth Trust, 2014, p. 26). It is anticipated that disability in children Page | 31

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N Ireland









0-19 20-49

16,259 25,441

16,518 25,577

17,186 25,512

17,903 25,968

18,100 26,849

0.57% 0.28%








Total 0-19

78,754 1,547

82,420 1,524

86,077 1,539

88,982 1,565

91,405 1,542

0.79% -0.02%

























































20-49 50+

874 1,178

869 1,306

858 1,420

853 1,499

864 1,560

-0.06% 1.49%








0-19 20-49

19,384 30,127

19,611 30,195

20,319 30,042

21,104 30,497

21,264 31,443

0.49% 0.23%















Table 1: Estimates of the Number of People with Visual Impairment in the UK, 2011-2031: Author’s Reproduction of the Data (Emerson & Robertson, 2011, p. 13)




N Ireland









0-19 20-49

3,180 8,852

3,230 8,899

3,361 8,876

3,501 9,035

3,540 9,341

0.57% 0.28%








Total 0-19

21,550 302

22,489 298

23,381 301

24,125 306

24,816 302

0.75% -0.02%

























































20-49 50+

304 303

302 336

299 365

297 385

301 401

-0.06% 1.49%








0-19 20-49

3,791 10,482

3,835 10,505

3,974 10,452

4,127 10,611

4,158 10,940

0.49% 0.23%















Table 2: Estimates of the Number of People with Blindness in the UK, 2011-2031: Author’s Reproduction of the Data (Emerson & Robertson, 2011, p. 17)

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will increase to over 1.25 million by 2029 (Papworth Trust, 2014, p. 36). Tables 1 and 2 show the predicted rate at which figures for visual impairments and blindness will increase over the next 15 years. This implies that the number of blind and partially sighted children will rise to over 40,000 by the year 2029 in lieu with the predicted pattern of increase. With approximately 70% of blind and visually impaired children currently being educated within mainstream schools, this increase must be addressed to supply suitable settings for the comfort of visually impaired children within the education system (Action for blind people, 2015).

2.7 Chapter Summary This chapter defined the current disability statistics in regards to visual impairment. Future predictions highlighted an expected increase in the quantity of blind and partially sighted people over the next 30 years, reiterating the importance of the placement of visually impaired children within the education system.

The majority of blind and partially sighted children are educated within mainstream schools, with design guidance in place to assist the process of developing effective learning environments. The emphasis on qualifications to obtain jobs within the current job market requires high quality education for children. The following chapter provides research into the guidelines for both mainstream and special schools.

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Chapter 3 Disability & School Design 3.1 Introduction Within recent years, the importance of creating environments that “embrace and invite the widest possible range of users” (Barker, et al., 1995, p. 7) has significantly increased as the knowledge of disabilities are better understood. Statistics show that 66% of disabled people with a degree are employed, as opposed to the 18% with no qualifications, emphasising the necessity for suitable teaching environments to be readily available for a child’s development (Coleman & et al., 2013, p. 21).

Guidelines and legislation have been produced to assist designers with the creation of flexible and accessible buildings. Utilising the knowledge of visual impairment the background of educating impaired children is outlined, with the awareness of design features providing a framework for the analysis of case studies in the subsequent chapter.

3.2 Disability in School Design The types of education available to visually impaired children are categorised into the following: mainstream, mainstream with specialist resource base, special(ist) schools, and non-maintained special schools (Early Support, 2012, p. 35). Special schools are centred on providing a learning environment suitable for each individual child’s need. However, guidelines now make it feasible to educate students with a visual impairment in mainstream schools, with many offering specialist resource bases to focus on an individual’s needs within a formal school setting. Therefore, it is crucial that the guidance documents outline specifically what is required to accommodate people utilising the building. 3.2.1 Equality Act 2010 The Equality Act (EqA) was established in 2010 to supersede the previous Disability Discrimination Act (DDA). It aims to protect people legally from discrimination by pulling together the DDA and other discrimination laws, whilst promoting equality. Any person who is registered as having a visual impairment is categorised under the EqA as having a disability, automatically protecting them legally from disability discrimination.

The legislation describes the responsibility of a school in dealing with discrimination of pupils and Page | 35

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brings together all of the discrimination policies to deliver a single act addressing discrimination issues (Legislation.gov.uk, 2010, p. 55). A clear outline of the different types of discrimination have also been introduced or updated to avoid any misinterpretation.

3.2.2 Building (Scotland) Regulations In order to develop specific learning environments for the visually impaired, minimum standards of design are essential. The Building (Scotland) Regulations are in place to outline essential guidelines and reflect the requirements of the EqA, although it has proven necessary to obtain further information from other sources into specific issues.

The standards incorporate the needs of disabled users into each section, however there is a heavy emphasis placed on physical impairments, with access strategies being orientated around wheelchair users in particular. The regulations are a good starting point for designers to understand the context of disability within a building, although further information is required into specific fields of disability.

3.2.3 British Standards BS 8300 The British Standards (BS) collaborate with experts worldwide to set standards of the quality of products and services (BSI Education, 2008). BS 8300 focuses on the approach of new building designs “to anticipate, and overcome, restrictions that prevent disabled people making full use of premises and their surroundings� (British Standard Institute, 2010, p. 1). Similarly to the Building Regulations, there is little reference to the needs of visually impaired users specifically within the documentation, with accessible environments focusing on mobility around a building.

However, guidance into visual contrast begins to refine elements that can assist visually impaired users’ understanding of different materials, doors and zones within a building. In order to retain the independence of disabled users, the BS 8300 categorises the main references of orientation as; light reflectance values (LRV), grip of floor surfaces, acoustic environments and the treatment of elements which begins to define environmental values for people with vision loss within any type of building (British Standard Institute, 2010, p. 61).

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3.3 Mainstream School Legislation Guidance documents for mainstream schools are available to assist designers in all areas of the built environment. The following sub-sections will explore existing documentation and how legislation takes into account SEN and visually impaired users.

3.3.1 Building Bulletin 103 Building Bulletins (BB) act as non-statutory guidance to assist improving new builds. The array of documents are specific to areas of design, with BB 103 focusing on area guidelines for mainstream schools. Although the document effectively outlines what should be in each space, there is no particular references to how disabled children may integrate into mainstream settings.

If addressing disability is not factored into these basic area guidelines, there is little confidence that efficient room layouts for visually impaired users are achievable. This is an issue as it is known that the majority of children with SEN and disabilities are educated within mainstream school facilities, therefore guidelines on all types of disabilities should be readily available (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2014, p. 10).

3.3.2 Built Aspect Mainstream schools are fundamentally larger than special schools, catering for all types of children. There are several ways in which mainstream schools can address children with SEN and disabilities outlined within BB 103. A mainstream school is built regardless of disability so children are taught within the same classrooms. Resourced provision is available when children are taught in a mainstream environment within a specialist base to treat different needs. Designated unit schools are a larger type of mainstream school to accommodate children with SEN being taught in separate classes within a mainstream school setting. The types of mainstream school are affected by the staff to children ratio within a classroom, and how many children with SEN or a disability are being taught within the school.

3.3.3 Pedagogy Aspect The teaching within a mainstream school is vastly different to special schools, with an average of 30 pupils to 1 teacher per classroom. Support assistants are available individually for children with SEN and disabilities, however the majority of education is provided by the teacher. Typical teaching styles include projection of learning material onto a smartboard or exercise text books. This creates many Page | 37

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issues for visually impaired children who suffer from glare or not being able to read the educational material, therefore alternative teaching methods should be available.

3.3.4 Visual Impairment in the Mainstream School Catering for any type of SEN or disability within a mainstreams setting is a large task, with schools having to cater from minor visual impairments to children who are classified as blind (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 42). Although numbers show that visual impairments are a minority within the mainstream school setting, all schools must be equipped for the scenario, with the majority of pupils aged 16-18 having a form of visual impairment.

3.4 Special Educational Needs School Legislation SEN schools provide specialist facilities to cater for the needs of children who have a disability or difficulty which makes learning in a mainstream environment unattainable. The first special schools were set up in the UK in the late 18th century to provide education for children with severe hearing or visual difficulties who were unable of benefitting from the methods of education in mainstream schools (Frederickson & Cline, 2009, p. 73). It is inherent to address the current legislation provided on SEN schools as 50% of visually impaired children have SLD or PMLD, inhibiting the opportunity for them to be taught in a mainstream school and therefore sustaining the need to be educated in special schools (Alcott, 2002, p. 51).

3.4.1 Building Bulletin 102 BB 102 is a framework for all new school designs for children with SEN to set out inclusive design principles. Approximately 1% of children are being educated in special schools, with around half having an additional disability or SEN, giving special schools a crucial place within the education system (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2014, p. 10).

The guidance is extremely useful in outlining the main types of SEN that occur within children, and the support aids that further enhance an impaired child’s learning experience. The documentation defines typical spaces at primary, secondary and post-16 which allows the designer a deep understanding of what is required at different ages. BB 102 is relevant for all types of schools, nevertheless concentrates solely on the disabled user.

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3.4.2 Built Aspect Special schools or mainstream schools with designated units require significantly more funding than a standard mainstream school project, which is a major factor for the lack of these types of school (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2014, p. 17). In contrast to mainstream schools that can house hundreds of students, special schools focus on catering for 40-60 students (Alcott, 2002, p. 80).

BB 102 outlines the available forms of SEN school, with special schools being the most prominent type within the UK. Co-location consists of a special school for disabled children and a mainstream school sited at the same location, allowing an interchange between students and staff to occur. The final type described is dual registration, where children study part time between a mainstream and SEN school, although this arises issues of unsettling the child’s pattern of learning.

Several design principles are available for designers to adhere to, which will be detailed further within the text, however the importance of access, sensory awareness, enhanced learning and flexibility particularly stand out as revolving around the students and preparing schools for future changes of function (Teaching Times, 2015).

3.4.3 Pedagogy Aspect Opposed to mainstream schools which hold classroom sizes of around 30 pupils, special schools have smaller teaching class sizes. Group sizes depend on the severity of needs within the classroom, with 8-15 children being taught with moderate needs, 6- 8 children with severe to profound needs, or 4-6 children with profound needs (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2014, p. 15). Smaller class sizes allow greater attention to be given to each child, with a 1-to-1 staff to child ratio being available depending again on each child’s needs.

3.4.4 Visual Impairment in the SEN School Special schools are tailored to the individual’s needs, supplying approximately 1% of children education in special school surroundings (Alcott, 2002, p. 71). Special schools stand out as having a large array of guidance and support for educating all types of disabled children. In particular, support areas for children with vision loss are available in areas with good natural lighting and individual task lighting to assist each individual’s needs, as well as the curriculum being available in large print or audio books Page | 39

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(Department of Education and Science, 1984, p. 26). Unlike mainstream schools, there is constant assistance for each child, giving them the best possible education within a SEN school.

3.5 Key Design Principles for the Visually Impaired User It is clear from the wide range of legislation available that there is no one design solution to cater for the needs of all visually impaired children. In spite of this, it is evident that disabled children should be put at the centre of the design and build process from the beginning in order to create optimal conditions for their education (Teaching Times, 2015).

The primary strategic design move for visually impaired people is the layout of a building. If a simple layout is applied throughout the building, it is easier for the users to memorise for future use. Visibility of key features such as columns and stairs accentuated in a contrasting colour help visually impaired users circulate through the building with ease (Barker, et al., 1995, p. 32). Lighting and acoustics are considered two of the most important design criteria for the people with vision loss, placing reliance on other senses and maximising any remaining sight (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 42).

3.5.1 Light Light has a significant influence on visually impaired users within schools, with flexible qualities required to be easily adjustable to reflect different children’s needs. BB 90 was established to provide guidance on lighting within schools, with particular detail enhancing the remaining sight of children with vision loss (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2014, p. 149). Lighting includes the natural daylight that the building receives as a result of the building orientation and form, as well as the artificial lighting providing the correct quantity of illumination within rooms. Natural Lighting The effect of natural lighting within school design should be considered from the offset, with particular regards to visually impaired users who are sensitive to light. The orientation of the school and the consequential natural shading should be used advantageously when locating spaces to minimise the chance of glare within rooms (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2014, p. 149).

Statutory daylight factor figures are in place to assist the quantity of light within buildings, with BB 102 Page | 40

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stating a minimum of 2% is required in mainstream schools as opposed to 4-5% in schools with children with SEN and disabilities (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2014, p. 150). This statement already creates a divide between mainstream and special schools, claiming that mainstream schools do not require the same daylight factors that many visually impaired users require.

Depending on the severity of the impairment, the sensitivity and quantity of sunlight can be a help or hindrance. For those children particularly sensitive to daylight, requiring control of natural light within the classrooms is essential to ensure comfortable learning environments (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 44). Artificial Lighting Artificial lighting is equally as important as daylight, supplying areas with insufficient or no natural light. Illumination allows optimum control over the artificial lighting within a room, as opposed to daylight. The placement of artificial lighting not only improves vision for impaired users, but it can also vastly reduce the quantity of shadow and glare affecting a child’s learning (Sardegna, et al., 2002, p. 120).

Overhead lighting is predominantly important for visually impaired students, with low glare fittings suiting the needs of individual users. Dimmer switches can also improve illumination within a room, allowing flexibility according to the disability requirements (Sardegna, et al., 2002, p. 3).

3.5.2 Acoustics Acoustics are an essential aspect in developing learning environments for visually impaired children due to their reliance on “the character and quality of reflected sounds� (British Standard Institute, 2010, p. 62) to compensate for vision loss. Confusion can occur as a result of poor acoustic conditions, creating inaccessible environments for children with a visual impairment.

As children with SEN are generally more sensitive to acoustics, shorter reverberation times and sound insulation between spaces is required of a quality that provides clarity of sound (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2014, p. 149). Acoustic qualities of a space can be improved with the choice of ceiling, wall and floor material. BS 8300 recommends the use of high absorbency materials to enable comfortable indoor ambient noise levels where audible information can be heard (British Standard Institute, 2010, p. 62). Page | 41

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Acoustics in special schools are generally better than in mainstream schools as a result of lower occupancy and therefore less background noise (Department for Children, Schools and Families, 2014, p. 149). A comfortable acoustic environment for visually impaired children within a mainstream school is a more difficult task to achieve.

3.5.3 Learning Aids Devices and tools known as ‘aids’ have been invented for visually impaired people to perform sightrelated tasks independently (Sardegna, et al., 2002, p. 3). Learning aids enhance any remaining use of the impaired function, as well as teaching the impaired user to maximise the remaining senses for their benefit. Auditory aids allow visually impaired users to compensate for their loss of sight with the information from hearing, and are enhanced by the quality of acoustics within the building in deciphering information. Tactile aids include methods such as Braille and colour systems to allow visually impaired users to read and orientate themselves.

3.6 Chapter Summary This chapter has clarified the context of disability within a school setting, and the guidance available to influence the designer’s decisions on providing for children with SEN. Documentation explored for both mainstream and special schools provided an understanding of what is readily available and how they differ. A review of the guidelines also exposed the impacts of the legislation on the building layout and teaching aspects within mainstream and special schools, which requires further research using case study examples.

The analysis of current guidelines defined the key design principles of light and acoustics for visually impaired children within a school. These provided the knowledge of the main features to be analysed in detail utilising case studies of a mainstream school with designated ASN unit and special environments. As a result, the following two chapters will evaluate how the understanding of visual impairment and fundamental design guidelines are translated into the built form.

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Craigmarloch ASN School

St Stephen’s High School & Port Glasgow High School


Enterprise Centre

Sports Facilities

Figure 8: Aerial View of Port Glasgow Campus: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

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Chapter 4 Designing for Visual Impairment in a Mainstream School Craigmarloch School 4.1 Introduction The architect’s role within the built environment is to set the scene for any user. In order to assess how effectively the design principles have been incorporated into a mainstream settings for visually impaired users, a representative case study is analysed. Particular detail is explored into how the building has responded to the building legislation available. Research into the areas of light and acoustics indicate how the building responds to these principles. Within Scotland, the term additional support needs (ASN) is used as opposed to SEN.

4.2 Craigmarloch School Port Glasgow Campus is a project by Archial NORR comprising of: a designated unit school (Craigmarloch School) alongside two secondary schools, an enterprise centre, and sports facilities. Figure 8 shows the different areas of the campus within an aerial view. The campus was completed in 2013, providing current indications of how disabilities are incorporated into a mainstream setting. Craigmarloch School was formed as a facility to serve disabled children of Inverclyde between the ages of 6 and 18. The school is located away from the main entrance of the site on the quiet edge, creating a safe environment for the pupils. The total construction cost for the 21,719m2 campus was ÂŁ37.5 million (Graham, 2014).

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Secondary Teaching

Primary Teaching

Specialist Teaching

Nursery Facilities

Staff & Therapy Figure 9: Plan of Craigmarloch School: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

Figure 10: Design Diagram for Craigmarloch School (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

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4.3 Design Principles The design of the school is fundamental to how visually impaired users can engage with the building. An understanding of the layout of the school assists the analysis of light and acoustics in enhancing a child’s experience.

4.3.1 Building Form Craigmarloch School branches off the main campus as a circular component, enclosing a single storey building composed of nursery, primary and secondary facilities for moderate and complex learning difficulties (Graham, 2014). The shape encloses a courtyard and is a useful tool if a child gets lost in allowing them to continue around the school. Although, this can cause issues for visually impaired children to locate themselves within the building. The simple layout can be seen in Figure 9, and was designed in accordance with building legislation.

4.3.2 Building Layout The plan arrangement of Craigmarloch School is based on inclusive design. The ground floor level is constant across the full campus to adhere to accessibility requirements of BB 102 (see 3.4.2). Allowing children to partially integrate within the mainstream schools encourages interaction between the varied functioning schools (Urban Realm, 2014). Three classroom types were developed ranging from moderate to advanced needs to address individual child’s requirements, which is diagrammatically explained in Figure 10. There are currently 137 ASN students within the school, challenging the guidelines that suggest a maximum of 40-60 pupils (Inverclyde Education Services, 2016).

The moderate learning difficulty classrooms hold a maximum of 10 students taught by 4 staff members, located closest to the mainstream schools to allow integration within the curriculum (O’Donnell, 2016). The classrooms for children with advanced needs are situated along the northern edge of the school and cater for 1-2 children amongst 4 staff members, incorporating sensory rooms and specialist equipment to assist the individuals. This approach exceeds BB 102’s guidance of a 1-to-1 staff to child ratio for children with advanced needs. However, classrooms for moderate needs pushes the maximum of 8 children to 10 which could cause discomfort.

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Ventilation System

Sensory Lighting

Hoist System

Figure 11: Image of the Hydrotherapy Pool: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

Hydrotherapy Pool Figure 12: Plan Indicating Location of the Hydrotherapy Pool facilities: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

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4.3.3 Hydrotherapy Pool The hydrotherapy pool is one of therapy facilities located within Craigmarloch School, shown in Figure 12 (Graham, 2014). Sensory cues are built into the room, including a tactile aid touch-pad system located at child height to control the coloured lights. Electrical blinds are in place to control the quantity of light entering from high level windows, providing flexibility for children’s sensitivities to light and sound (highlighted in Figure 11). There is a hoist system within the space to transfer children from the changing room to the hydrotherapy pool (O’Donnell, 2016). These features are heavily orientated around mobility impairments, however light controls and a sound system assist visually impaired children and provide flexibility for the users within the pool.

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Recessed storage within corridors

Mobility equipment storage

Figure 13: Photograph showing the built-in wall storage for mobility equipment: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

Mobility equipment storage

Recessed storage within corridors

Figure 14: Plan Indicating Location of Storage Facilities: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

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4.4 Internal Features Storage is an important aspect in holding pieces of equipment belonging to the pupils. The design incorporates low level recessed storage areas within the corridor walls, see Figure 13, to create storage. The inlets are supplied outside of classrooms, creating flexible spaces that will not inhibit a visually impaired child’s journey through the corridors. The location of the storage facilities are noted in Figure 14.

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Figure 15: Image showing the high level glazing within the school (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

Figure 16: Image showing the light scoops within the corridors (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

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4.5 Light Light is essential to the way visually impaired users portray an environment. The lighting strategy is essential in providing the required quantity and quality of light within the school. BB 90 (see 3.5.1) played a large role in how Craigmarloch School successfully enhances the remaining sight of visually impaired children through the lighting strategy.

The circular building form provides generous natural light through the use of a courtyard, manipulating the scale of areas to draw more light into the building (Cooper, 2014, p. 48). Light is conveyed throughout the building through the utilisation of less standardised corridors and more views through to external spaces. Light scoops assist bringing light into the corridor areas to relieve the low ceiling, supplying natural light through a small facet to reduce the requirement for artificial lighting, as signified in Figure 16. High level glazing is used within the central dining area to provide the lighting requires as stated in BB 102 (refer to Figure 15).

A glazed storey above the classrooms allows natural light into the spaces, as well as assisting the natural ventilation strategy. This provides two sources of natural light within each space, via windows at the front and roof lights to the rear. The high level glazing playing a large role in efficient indirect task lighting, which is important for visually impaired users who rely on light levels to avoid glare. Dimmer switches for overhead lights are available so that the correct levels of lighting can be provided artificially for students with advanced needs.

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Acoustic ceilings

Figure 17: Photograph portraying the acoustic panels installed on the ceiling: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

Acoustic walls

Figure 18: Photograph portraying the acoustic panels installed on the walls: Annotations Added by the Author (Image supplied courtesy of B O’Donnell, Archial NORR)

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4.6 Acoustics Acoustics within Craigmarloch School were calculated in accordance with BB 93 (see 3.5.2) to reduce reverberation rates within spaces. Acousticians highlighted that ceilings and walls must integrate methods of noise reduction within the spaces, especially in areas with a high floor to ceiling height. Absorptive surfaces are incorporated into classrooms using perforated plywood walls and ceilings shown in Figures 17 & 18. This makes it plausible to control reverberation within the spaces, assisting visually impaired children greatly in compensating for their lack of sight with their hearing. Teachers are attached to sound field systems to ensure that all children within the space can hear them concisely whilst teaching, using advanced technology to make the teaching experience easier. Strategies to buffer noise from corridors are also taken into account to assist the passing of noise from the corridors into teaching spaces.

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Document BB 90

Guidance Note “Natural lighting during daylight hours should always be the major source” (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 1)

“The building should be planned to take account of space organisation in relation to orientation” (Department for Education and

Response by Craigmarloch School A courtyard within the centre of the scheme supplies natural light into CLD spaces. High level glazing is used to provide additional light into the rear of the classrooms. Due to the circular shape of the building, it is difficult to locate all of the classrooms with the correct light angles and levels in mind.

Employment, 1999, p. 8)

“Solar shading should be readily adjustable to cater for a range of conditions” (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 44)

Adjustment of light levels to be at the students discretion (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 44)

“Provide contrast in the décor to aid orientation” (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 45)

BB 93

Good planning and zoning of the building to design out noise transfer between rooms. (Department for Education, 2015, p. 24)

Consider external noise such as that from roads, and locate noise sensitive rooms, such as classrooms, away from here. (Department for Education, 2015, p. 24) Avoid long reverberation times within classrooms as they decrease speech intelligibility. (Department for Education, 2015,

Blinds are installed in each classroom to allow control over the light levels. There is also a canopy installed outside the school to provide shelter and shade. Lighting is at child height, and a range of sensory lighting is incorporated into the hydrotherapy room to stimulate the children. The internal finishes are all neutral within the school which could be an obstacle for visually impaired children navigating around the school, however a series of coloured signage is apparent throughout the campus. Hygiene and additional room’s buffer noise from the corridors into the CLD teaching spaces. All MLD classrooms are accessed from the main corridor. Craigmarloch School is located to the far north away from the entrance of the campus site. It is also located closest to the town centre, which could contribute external noises. Reverberation times are potentially an issue within the spaces due to the double height spaces providing the high level glazing.

p. 54)

Include acoustic absorption processes either by making the ceiling or walls predominantly absorbent. (Department for Education, 2015, p. 55)

Speech reinforcement systems are likely to be required for some functions if the room is not acoustically well designed. (Department for Education, 2015, p. 57)

Due to the high ceilings within the teaching spaces, Craigmarloch School has incorporated both acoustic ceilings and walls to absorb any reverberations. Due to the volume of the spaces, the acoustic walls and ceilings assist with reverberation but the teachers are attached with speech reinforcement systems to make sure that every child can hear at the same level.

Table 3: Craigmarloch School’s response to light and acoustic guidelines. (Author’s own)

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4.7 Response to Legislation The main design principles of light and acoustics are analysed within Craigmarloch School to portray how the guidelines are interpreted into the scheme. Table 3 states that the design of Craigmarloch School incorporates intelligent light controls within the building, however the form of the school inevitably differentiates the type of light within each space. Lighting within the teaching spaces has been assisted through the use of high clerestory glazing classroom to allow an even supply of natural light across the whole teaching space. The design of acoustics within the scheme also created methods of buffering noise through the location of hygiene rooms, with particular detail into locating the ASN School to the top of the site to bypass the noise of traffic. Reduced reverberation times were assisted with the copious use of acoustic ceilings and walls during the teaching spaces.

4.8 Chapter Summary Craigmarloch School was analysed against current building guidelines within this chapter. Light and acoustics were evaluated in regards to the impact on visually impaired children. This reiterated how successfully the scheme took note of the legislation. Table 3 identified specific guidance notes from BB90 and BB93, including the response taken by the school. In order for the paper to be consistent, the same research will be undertaken of a special school environment to create a comparison study. This chapter shapes the basis for Hazelwood ASN School to outline the impact of a special school on visually impaired users.

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Figure 19: Aerial view of Hazelwood ASN School (from Rodger, 2007, p.27)

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Chapter 5 Designing for Visual Impairment in a Specialist School Hazelwood ASN School 5.1 Introduction Visually impaired students commonly have further educational needs, requiring specialist learning environments. To form an understanding of how special schools cater for visually impaired children, a case study of Hazelwood ASN School provides a comparison against Craigmarloch School. The design principles of light and acoustics are considered to provide continuity across the paper. Although BB 102 was not available at the time, it is referenced against the scheme to indicate the successes and failures of the school’s response to the current guidelines.

5.2 Hazelwood ASN School Hazelwood ASN School, shown in the aerial view of Figure 19, was completed in 2005 by GM+AD architects and has since been a key precedent for special schools. Hazelwood is a result of the merger of Kelvin School and Carnbooth Schools for children with multi-sensory impairments (Glasgow City Council, 2007). There are 52 children between the ages of 2 and 19, sitting comfortably within the recommended guidelines of 40-60 students (Jenkins & et al, 2007, p. 6). With little literature on SEN schools at the time, the architects worked from first principles to establish the customised facilities to meet the needs of children with multiple disabilities. The total construction cost for the 2,663m2 school was ÂŁ7.7 million (Glasgow City Council, 2007).

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Key 1. Administration 2. Hydrotherapy Pool/ Gym 3. Entrance/ Assembly/ Performance 4. Dining/ Assembly/ Performance 5. Nursery 6. General Classroom 7. Specialist Learning Area 8. Life Skills Unit

Figure 20: Plan of Hazelwood ASN School: Annotations Reproduced by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.29)


Figure 21: Diagram of Hazelwood ASN School Available: http://www.alandunloparchitects.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Hazelwood-Sketchbook.pdf

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5.3 Design Principles The aim of the design was to supply a safe and stimulating environment that challenges the children (Jenkins & et al, 2007, p. 14). As the scheme was classed as the first of its type, it had to take into account the specific requirements for multi-sensory impaired users. Alongside the day lighting and acoustics within Hazelwood ASN School, navigation issues are greatly considered to promote sensory awareness within the building.

5.3.1 Building Form The S-shape of Hazelwood ASN School guides the building around the existing tress on the site whilst breaking down the spaces internally and externally (Jenkins & et al, 2007, p. 14). The scale of the school is centred on minimising the confusion for visually impaired children navigating themselves around large spaces. The long building stretches across the mature landscape which is outlined in Figure 20, remaining at ground level to avoid blocking surrounding resident’s views (Rodger, 2007, p. 26). The form is orientated so that the south façade is glazed to provide daylight into the building, whereas the north wall incorporates sensory features (Glasgow City Council, 2007).

5.3.2 Building Layout A coherent building diagram was inherent for children to orientate themselves around the building, assisted by visual and tactile clues. The plan is organised around the main circulation ‘street’ signified as the main route in Figure 21, grouping classrooms to the north and access to more transient spaces on the south (Rodger, 2007, p. 27). The building is designed around supplying natural ventilation within the spaces, with a huge weighting on the quality of acoustics and daylighting within classrooms (Jenkins & et al, 2007, p. 14). There are 11 classrooms with a maximum of 6-8 students per classroom, with 1-to-1 teaching to ensure that each child is assisted with their education to comply with BB 102 requirements (Lewis, 2006, p. 24). The ‘street’ was designed as a flexible teaching space, creating a smooth transition between spaces to create a simple layout (Jenkins & et al, 2007, p. 15).

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Hoist System


Natural light from above

Figure 22: Photograph of Hydrotherapy Pool: Annotations Added by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.27)

Hydrotherapy Pool

Figure 23: Plan Indicating the Location of Hydrotherapy Pool facilities: Annotations Added by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.29)

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5.3.3 Hydrotherapy Pool Public leisure facilities are designed to the west of the teaching block to encourage children to navigate themselves around the school, see Figure 23 for its location in the plan (Rodger, 2007, p. 28). Hydrotherapy facilities are essential in reinforcing the concept of a challenging environment for pupils within the school, differing from the therapeutic aspect of Craigmarloch’s pool facilities to aid the community who can access the pool on an evening. The pool is located at the end of the building where the trail rail ends, therefore accessible to visually impaired children and can be aesthetically shown in Figure 22.

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Grooves to navigate

Cork-Clad Wall

Figure 24: Photograph showing the trail rail within Hazelwood ASN School: Annotations Added by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.25)

Trail Rail

Figure 25: Plan Indicating the Location of the trail rail: Annotations Added by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.29)

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5.4 Internal Features Storage is key in providing sufficient space to store mobility aids and equipment. Within Hazelwood ASN School, a unique tool was designed to combine the main navigational instrument and storage. The cork-clad wall, known as the trail rail, runs the length of the building and provides sensory clues so children can orient themselves (Rodger, 2007, p. 27). The wall steps in and out in plan to maximise storage within the wall and act as a tactile cue. Rails and grooves at different heights are incorporated to challenge the child’s independence and can be seen in use in Figure 24 (Lewis, 2006, p. 24). The heights and angles of the wall’s profile cater for children of all ages and perform as a sensory aid for children to feel their way to the classrooms, shown in Figure 25 (Rodger, 2007, p. 27). Materiality was chosen carefully to be natural and textured so that children can rely on their senses to understand their surroundings (OECD, 2011, p. 94).

The design uses how people feel in a space to be aware of feelings towards certain materials, creating warmth differences between materials. The colour scheme in place highlights the feature cork-clad wall and conveys the nature of different materials within the school in accordance with BB 102 (see 3.4.2). The external larch cladding will age amongst the existing trees on the site, stimulating the sense of smell (Jenkins & et al, 2007, p. 16). There is a baffle wall built onto the elevation facing the road, clad in natural slate to reduce the traffic noise and add an additional element of texture (Glasgow City Council, 2007).

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Overhead artificial lighting in place

High clerestory glazing to light corridors

Figure 26: Photograph showing artificial light fixtures and window positioning: Annotations Added by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.30)

High clerestory glazing to capture north light

1.8m overhang to the south for shading

Figure 27: Section showing how light enters the building: Annotations Added by the Author Available: http://www.alandunloparchitects.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/03/Hazelwood-Sketchbook.pdf

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5.5 Light Light is the primary principle from which Hazelwood ASN School was based around. The building orientation is deciphered with classrooms to the north to avoid strong sunlight and glare within the spaces, with the lighting strategy shown in Figure 26. The roof tilts up to the north within the teaching spaces to capture maximum north light through large areas of high level clerestory glazing (Lewis, 2006, p. 24). This allows an even distribution of light to penetrate the spaces without glare as mentioned in BB 102, further reducing the need for artificial lighting within the teaching spaces as recommended in BB 90 (see 3.5.1). Light controls are available to reduce the electrical consumption within the school (Glasgow City Council, 2007).

The south of the building contrastingly minimises solar gains by extending the roofline 1.8 metres beyond the building to create a shaded area within the garden expressed in Figure 27 (Lewis, 2006, p. 24). The façade is glazed to flood the area with natural light and provide a direct connection to the external garden spaces, allowing the light to filter through the trees on a summer’s day. Adaptable lighting is readily available throughout the school to enable students to take advantage of their residual vision (OECD, 2011, p. 94).

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Materiality and textures chosen to diffuse sound

Acoustic ceiling

Figure 28: Photograph showing surface finishes defining the dining area: Annotations Added by the Author (from Rodger, 2007, p.30)

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5.6 Acoustics The was a large emphasis on designing for acoustics within Hazelwood ASN School to cater for visually impaired children relying heavily on their hearing to manoeuvre their surroundings (Jenkins & et al, 2007, p. 14). Acoustic tests were carried out to ensure that the design minimised reverberation within spaces without degrading the variety of spaces, reiterated within BB 93 (see 3.5.2). The introduction of plenums and acoustic ceilings reduced the reverberation times within classrooms. The material finishes used throughout the building vary to differentiate between each space for the children, using acoustic qualities as a navigation tool, annotated in Figure 28 (Jenkins & et al, 2007, p. 16). Noise buffers between teaching spaces and classrooms were successfully created using hygiene blocks and vestibules to reduce noise transfer from the busy street environment (Jenkins & et al, 2007, p. 14).

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Document BB 90

Guidance Note “Natural lighting during daylight hours should always be the major source” (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 1)

“The building should be planned to take account of space organisation in relation to orientation” (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 8)

“Solar shading should be readily adjustable to cater for a range of conditions” (Department for Education and

Response by Hazelwood ASN School Hazelwood was designed with light being the key principle. The building has a strong north/south divide to allow south light into the external garden and circulation spaces. The layout of the building is orientated around the classrooms being situated to the north of the ‘street’ to minimise glare within the teaching spaces. The roofline is extended 1.8m past the building to the south to minimise solar gains and create a shaded area within the external gardens.

Employment, 1999, p. 44)

Adjustment of light levels to be at the students discretion (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 44)

“Provide contrast in the décor to aid orientation” (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 45)

BB 93

Good planning and zoning of the building to design out noise transfer between rooms. (Department for Education, 2015, p. 24)

Adaptable light controls are readily available through the school. This allows individual students to manipulate the lighting to the advantage of their residual vision. The primary, secondary and post-16 areas of the school are all signified with different colours, allowing children to orientate themselves to their location. The trail rail also assists with this aspect. Students enter the classrooms through a vestibule area and hygiene blocks acting as an acoustic barrier separating the classrooms from the busy street area.

Consider external noise such as that from roads, and locate noise sensitive rooms, such as classrooms, away from here. (Department for Education, 2015, p. 24)

The site is located near major traffic routes, with noise levels being buffered with the trees on the site. The classrooms were also put on the north facing onto the quiet residential area.

Avoid long reverberation times within classrooms as they decrease speech intelligibility. (Department for Education, 2015,

Reverberation times are increased within the teaching spaces due to the roof sloping up to provide the large glazed areas.

p. 54)

Include acoustic absorption processes either by making the ceiling or walls predominantly absorbent. (Department for Education, 2015, p. 55)

Acoustic ceilings were used within the teaching spaces at Hazelwood ASN School in order to reduce reverberation within the higher volumes.

Speech reinforcement systems are likely to be required for some functions if the room is not acoustically well designed.

Due to the intimate classroom sizes and 1-to-1 teaching facilities available, speech reinforcement is required.

(Department for Education, 2015, p. 57)

Table 4: Hazelwood ASN School’s response to light and acoustic guidelines (Author’s own)

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5.7 Response to Legislation Comparable to Craigmarloch School, strategic design moves to control light and acoustics were analysed throughout Hazelwood ASN School. The distinct separation of north and south within the scheme reiterates BB90 (see 3.5.2), placing an emphasis on the benefits of sourcing as much natural light as possible within school. However, the quantity of high clerestory glazing ultimately impacts on the acoustics within the teaching spaces due to higher volumes of space. Detailed consideration was taken when specifying light controls are directly linked to visual impairments to prioritise the residual vision of the pupils. In regards to visually impaired users, Hazelwood performs above the recommended guidelines due to the refined population of users within the school all having some form of visual impairment.

The scheme reflected many elements of BB 93, with acoustic buffers in place like Craigmarloch School to reduce noise transfer between spaces. Table 4 outlines the response to BB 90 and BB 93 design guidance, highlighting reverberation solutions within classrooms. Due to Hazelwood now being over a decade old there is a lack of modern technologies such as speech reinforcement systems, although guidance justifies that they are only required in poor acoustically designed spaces.

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Document BB 90

Guidance Note “Natural lighting during daylight hours should always be the major source” (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 1)

“The building should be planned to take account of space organisation in relation to orientation” (Department for

Due to the circular shape of the building, it is difficult to locate all of the classrooms with the correct light angles and levels in mind.

“Solar shading should be readily adjustable to cater for a range of conditions”

Blinds are installed in each classroom to allow control over the light levels. There is also a canopy installed outside the school to provide shade. Lighting is a child height, and a range of sensory lighting is incorporated into the hydrotherapy room to stimulate children.

Education and Employment, 1999, p. 8)

(Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 44)

Adjustment of light levels to be at the students discretion (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 44)

“Provide contrast in the décor to aid orientation” (Department for Education and Employment, 1999, p. 45)

BB 93

Response by Craigmarloch School A courtyard within the centre of the scheme supplies natural light into CLD spaces High level glazing is used to provide additional light into the rear of the classrooms.

Good planning and zoning of the building to design out noise transfer between rooms. (Department for Education and Employment, 2015, p. 24)

Consider external noise such as that from roads, and locate noise sensitive rooms, such as classrooms, away from here. (Department for Education and Employment, 2015, p. 24)

Avoid long reverberation times within classrooms as they decrease speech intelligibility. (Department for Education and Employment, 2015, p. 54)

Include acoustic absorption processes either by making the ceiling or walls predominantly absorbent. (Department for

Education and Employment, 2015, p. 55)

Speech reinforcement systems are likely to be required for some functions if the room is not acoustically well designed. (Department for Education and Employment, 2015, p. 57)

The internal finishes are all neutral within the school which could be an obstacle for visually impaired children navigating around the school, however a series of signage is apparent throughout the campus. Hygiene and additional room’s buffer noise from the corridors into the CLD teaching spaces. All MLD classrooms are accessed from the main corridor. Craigmarloch School is located to the far north away from the entrance of the campus site. It is also located closest to the town centre, which could contribute external noises. Reverberation times are potentially an issue within the spaces due to the double height spaces providing the high level glazing. Due to the high ceilings within the teaching spaces, Craigmarloch School has incorporated both acoustic ceilings and walls to absorb any reverberations. Due to the volume of the spaces, the acoustic walls and ceilings assist with reverberation but the teachers are attached with speech reinforcement systems to make sure that every child can hear at the same level.

Response by Hazelwood ASN School Hazelwood was designed with light being the key principle. The building has a strong north/ south divide to allow south light into the external garden and circulation spaces. The layout of the building is orientated around the classrooms being situated to the north of the ‘street’ to minimise glare within the teaching spaces. The roofline is extended 1.8m past the building to the south to minimise solar gains and create a shaded area within the external gardens. Adaptable light controls are readily available through the school. This allows individual students to manipulate the lighting to the advantage of their residual vision. The primary, secondary and post-16 areas of the school are all signified with different colours, allowing children to orientate themselves to their location. The trail rail also assists with this aspect. Students enter the classrooms through a vestibule area and hygiene blocks acting as an acoustic barrier separating the classrooms from the busy street area. The site is located near major traffic routes, with noise levels being buffered with the trees on the site. The classrooms were also put on the north facing onto the quiet residential area. Reverberation times are increased within the teaching spaces due to the roof sloping up to provide the large glazed areas. Acoustic ceilings are used within the teaching spaces at Hazelwood ASN School in order to reduce reverberation within the higher volumes. Due to the intimate classroom sizes and 1-to-1 teaching facilities available, speech reinforcement is not required.

Table 5: Comparative table highlighting the case study responses to legislation (Author’s own)

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5.8 Comparison of Craigmarloch School and Hazelwood ASN School The key features of Craigmarloch and Hazelwood have been summarised in Table 5 to highlight contrasting responses by the schools in regards to light and acoustics. It is clear that Hazelwood utilises light in a more effective manor than Craigmarloch, whose courtyard and circular form produces complications in acquiring constant light levels through the building. Table 5 highlights how light controls are highlighted with the user in mind, and Craigmarloch is particularly successful in stimulating the children with an array of sensory aids. Décor is heavily orientated around the visually impaired user throughout the special school, in contrast to Craigmarloch whose neutral finishes could confuse the children. This is due to the internal finishes remaining constant across the whole campus.

Both case studies reflect the guidance outlined in BB 93, with methods of sound control from traffic evident in both of the schools. Hazelwood takes advantage of the existing trees on the site as a noise buffer whilst Craigmarloch locates the ASN facilities at the opposite side of the site to the entrance. Similarly, both schools utilise high level glazing which contrastingly increases reverberation rates within spaces. This is solved more successfully within Craigmarloch where both acoustic ceilings and walls are utilised as opposed to Hazelwood’s use of solely acoustic ceilings. Hazelwood class sizes are generally smaller than Craigmarloch School, reducing the requirement for speech reinforcement systems within spaces.

5.9 Chapter Summary This chapter outlined the highly successful Hazelwood ASN School, focusing on the level of detail surrounding light and acoustics within the building. The two case studies were then compared to highlight the successful and unsuccessful outcomes regarding their approach to light and acoustics. It is inherent to understand the impact this may have on visually impaired user’s in the future in association with the guidelines to be followed and how the public have reacted to the development of learning environments. The following chapter will focus on the current ‘Integration vs. Segregation’ debate before deducing how the case studies apply to the theory in regards to educating visually impaired users.

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Chapter 6 Future Impact on Visually Impaired Users 6.1 Introduction As discussed, the quantity of children living with a disability in the UK is increasing. This emphasises the requirement for effective learning environments to cater for the increasing quantity of children with SEN. Although it is unknown specifically when integration began, legislation such as the Education Act 1981 was already placing a statutory emphasis on educating children with SEN in mainstream schools when appropriate (Legislation.gov.uk, 1981, p. 2). This uncertainty has led to a large debate over how children with SEN should be educated, which is outlined before utilising the knowledge of the available legislation to evaluate the two case studies’ reliability. The reference to the case studies provides the background information necessary to explore the validity of the policy that is gradually seeing an increase in the number of children with SEN being educated within mainstream settings (Department of Education and Science, 1984, p. 1).

6.2 Integration vs. Segregation Debate As school design progresses, issues arise regarding the placement of SEN children within the education system. In 2013/2014, the “number of pupils entering special schools increased by nearly a third” (Garner, 2014), marking a significant milestone in educating disabled children within special school settings. Special school teaching provisions are a large factor in this progression, with expertise staff allowing specialist schools to outperform mainstream schools results (Independent School Parent, 2016). On this basis, many critics contend for segregated provision, believing children’s needs are best met within a special school (Alcott, 2002, p. 116) . This is supported by the parent’s views that smaller, specialist schools offer the resources required to teach children effectively as opposed to a busy mainstream school environment (Alcott, 2002, p. 117).

Alcott defined the key benefits of special school provision for pupils with SEN, focusing on the pedagogy aspects of specialist staff and manageable teaching group sizes to supply individuals with educational programmes appropriate to the needs of the pupils (Alcott, 2002, p. 116). Special schools create a protective environment for disabled children, providing a safe base with opportunities for friendships with other students as well as supplying the inherent therapeutic needs (Alcott, 2002, p. 116). These environments allow a child’s confidence to accompany their learning, supplying an Page | 75

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environment unique from mainstream settings as the users are not required to fit in alongside the teaching programme (Independent School Parent, 2016).

Although it is argued that there will “always be a place in the education system for special schools� (Alcott, 2002, p. 11) it is currently outweighed by the prospect of integrating children into mainstream schools, questioning the requirement for special schools. Inclusive school design involves the integration of children with SEN into the mainstream school environment. The introduction of children with visual impairments into school design are categorised into three main levels; location, social, and functional (Alcott, 2002, p. 8). Location is the primary focus of integration, with visually impaired children being educated at the same school as non-disabled users. This allows visually impaired users to interact and receive the same type of education as others, whilst raising the awareness of disabilities to other pupils (Alcott, 2002, p. 9).

Integration is based on adapting schools to supply additional arrangements for children with SEN, however there have been strong views on the level success of impaired children accessing the same curriculum as an equal to other children (Frederickson & Cline, 2009, p. 71). A survey by Mencap outlined the views of the quality of education children receive within mainstream settings, with 81% of 1,000 parents completing the survey acknowledging that schools are failing children with SEN (Garner, 2014). This is furthered by 65% of parents who believe that within a mainstream setting, children receive a poorer education than those without special needs (Garner, 2014). Deeper research into the flaws proves that integrating children with SEN into mainstream school leads to higher levels of social exclusion than in special schools, with 80% of children with a learning disability being bullied within mainstream settings (Papworth Trust, 2014, p. 25).

6.3 Evaluation of Craigmarloch School With integration becoming popular within new build mainstream schools, it is understandable that issues arise regarding the transition for children with SEN. Craigmarloch School (as discussed in Chapter 4) acts as an exemplary solution, providing specialist facilities for children with SEN within a mainstream learning environment. Completed within the last decade, it is a modern example of integration, providing designated ASN facilities within a mainstream campus. This allows children with SEN to interact with the other pupils within the same site, whilst receiving the specialist provision and allowing integration where possible. Page | 76

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It has been proven through the analysis of the school against existing guidelines that the school successfully incorporates high levels of detail into the ASN facilities to exceed the requirements of mainstream learning environments. In regards to the ‘Integration vs. Segregation’ debate, Craigmarloch School has made conscious design moves to eliminate opposing opinions. By designing the school as a separate ASN facility within the campus, it rules out conflicting views on the quality of education children would receive within a mainstream setting. This encompasses the educational qualities of a special school, but the social benefits of integrating into a mainstream location.

6.4 Evaluation of Hazelwood ASN School Although the quantity of special schools is increasing, the level of integration into mainstream settings is surpassing due to the demand for learning environments to educate children with SEN. In contrast to the mainstream settings of Craigmarloch School, Hazelwood ASN School is renowned for its specialist nature to ensure the best quality education for its students. These settings warrant a debate for educating children with SEN in special facilities to benefit from 1-to-1 teaching which is centred on each individual. This approach also raises issues of segregation for the pupils, who will ultimately struggle to integrate into the community after becoming accustomed to the safe learning environment.

Chapter 5 carried out an analysis of the successful design measures that the school has taken to cater for children with visually impairments, offering educational facilities within a small base to allow pupils to manoeuvre safely throughout the site. Hazelwood exceeds the expectations of current guidelines, with design elements such as the trail-rail in place to challenge the pupils whilst navigating around the building to encourage interaction with the building. The quality of education within Hazelwood cannot be faulted. With the design measures of light and acoustics included from the beginning of the design process, the environment is catered to the specific needs of each user that can be controlled for any circumstance.

6.5 Effects on Visually Impaired Users As a result of the ‘Integration vs. Segregation’ debate, the main effects of the learning environments were analysed with the visually impaired user in mind. Special schools are generally smaller in size, easing orientation and navigation around the building for children with a visual impairment. This is vital in reducing confusion for children. The 1-to-1 teaching provisions within special schools also allow a greater quality of education for visually impaired users. This allows ample resources to assist the Page | 77

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pupil’s education, with specialist staff understanding the pupil’s learning requirements. The acoustic details within a school also determine how comfortably a visually impaired user can settle into the learning environment, a detail which was well acknowledged within both schools. This shows that attention to the small details are becoming more apparent within mainstream schools as integration rate increases.

The lack of awareness of children with SEN is to be addressed in terms of resolving social exclusion of visually impaired users within mainstream settings. The Mencap statistics detailed in 6.2 state a large quantity of children with SEN are being bullied within a mainstream setting. Ultimately, if integration is to occur procedures must be set in place to slowly integrate mainstream children into the social environment to educate other pupils of their requirements and create an inclusive environment for all pupils to enjoy.

6.6 Chapter Summary This chapter confirmed that although there are public views on how children with SEN are educated, it ultimately does not account to the development of learning environments. Through the discussion of the ‘Integration vs. Segregation’ debate the public views on learning environments for children with SEN found that there is a high regard to the quality of education within a special school, which is flawed by social exclusion. The case studies were evaluated as a response to the debate which outlined the successes and failures of the pedagogy aspects within mainstream and special schools. A review of how the debate applies to visually impaired users was then researched to formalise an argument on how the type of learning environment ultimately effects learning and social prospects.

The responses of the case studies provide valuable insight into how learning environments are catering for children with SEN and the adaptations mainstream schools are now undergoing. The next chapter reviews the aims and objectives with regards to the research that has been undertaken, followed by a discussion of what appropriate measures could be taken in the future to provide a comfortable learning environment for visually impaired children.

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Chapter 7 Conclusions 7.1 Introduction The expansive body of knowledge gathered within the paper focused on the main drivers of light and acoustics in designing learning environments for visually impaired children. The research provides knowledge on a niche market of pupils and how effectively mainstream and special schools convey the existing guidelines through the assessment of two case studies. By conducting an in depth analysis of two existing schools functioning for children with SEN, conclusions can be drawn on developing architectural solutions for visually impaired users.

7.2 Future Development for Learning Environments The aim of this paper was to analyse the different types of learning environments available to determine the potential future development for visually impaired users. The body of research defined the key features that should be mandatory to future schools for children with vision loss:

• Intelligent responses to light and acoustics

• A condense floor area constricting pupil numbers between 60-80

• Small class sizes and specialist teaching facilities

• Tactile aids, such as the trail-rail in Hazelwood ASN School

The ‘Integration vs. Segregation’ debate gives the prominent views that special schools supply a better quality education to children with SEN but can suffer from social exclusion, as opposed to mainstream schools introducing pupils into an inclusive environment in which children with SEN will not flourish academically. Mainstream schools are vastly improving with each new build scenario, in particular designated units within mainstream settings. Mainstream schools should apply the specialist approach to education if integration is to occur, creating environments suitable for any user. With further knowledge and money invested into the design of new build schools, a model learning environment could be developed with ample opportunities for children with visual impairments to flourish.

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7.3 Main Drivers for Design A focus on visual impairment within the paper was construed due to current figures showing that the majority of visually impaired children are currently educated within mainstream settings. Research into the types of vision loss highlighted the distance senses of sight and hearing inherent to supplying people with essential information of what is happening around us. This research led to the main design principles that are inherent to the design of a school being defined for children with a visual impairment.

Disabilities are now better understood due to regulations assisting the design of buildings. Through the evaluation of current guidelines, light and acoustic elements were highlighted as the key drivers of school design and were evaluated against case studies. A focus of light was defined as necessary for manipulating the remaining vision of impaired children, as well as providing even light levels to avoid distracting children with vision loss. Visually impaired children rely heavily on hearing to compensate for their lack of sight, therefore acoustics were identified as essential in assisting a visually impaired child’s learning.

7.4 Case Study Findings Craigmarloch School provides a modern solution to educating visually impaired children within a mainstream setting. It encompasses an ASN facility as part of the wider mainstream campus, allowing integration into the main campus where appropriate. The circular plan of the school acts as a navigational tool which could both assist and confuse visually impaired children in orientating themselves within the scheme. Even light levels are achieved through high glazing to the rear of classrooms as a response to BB 90, with acoustic ceilings and walls apparent in accordance with BB 93.

In contrast, Hazelwood ASN School is less than half the size of Craigmarloch, providing facilities for a maximum of 60 students within the 11 classrooms. The simple layout of the building incorporates a tactile aid tool to assist and challenge the children in navigating through the building, allowing children to use their sense of touch to understand their surroundings. Similarly to Craigmarloch, Hazelwood incorporates high level clerestory glazing to supply classrooms with natural north light, as well as solar shading to the south. The scheme responds effectively to the current guidelines surrounding light within schools over a decade after completion. Knowledge of the acoustics within Hazelwood also show similarities to Craigmarloch, with acoustic ceilings and plenums complying with the regulations Page | 82

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to reduce reverberation times for visually impaired users.

7.5 Limitations of the Research Due to the capacities of the research, there are several limitations to the extent of information that the paper covers. There is the potential to investigate further guidance in detail due to the abundance of information constricting the research to the areas of light and acoustics. The case studies highlighted within the paper are both located within Scotland to draw comparisons and eliminate locational factors, preventing the research being applied on av UK extent. The long term effects of educating visually impaired users within particular learning environments can only fully be understood through first-hand accounts of the user’s experiences.

7.6 Further Research Further research into the statistical qualities of the schools, using a wider range of case studies will create a UK wide study on learning environments for visually impaired user. From this, a model for school design incorporating multi-sensory teaching could be produced to suit every child.

7.7 Closing Statement Although there will always be a place for special school education, the integration process will ultimately see the inclusion of visually impaired children into mainstream schools. Ultimately, the future development of learning environments for visually impaired children will originate from placing the child at the centre of the design process.

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Rodger, J., 2007. GM + AD / Hazelwood School. Architects Journal, pp. 11:25-33. Sardegna, J., Shelly, S., Rutzen, A. & Steidl, S., 2002. The Encyclopedia of Blindness and Vision Impairment. New York: Facts on File INC. Scottish Accessible Information Forum, 2009. The Social Model of Disability. Belfast: The Stationery Office. Teaching Times, 2015. Designing For Disabled Children and SEN. [Online] Available at: http://www.teachingtimes.com/articles/designing-disabled-children-sen.htm. [Accessed 16 September 2015]. Urban Realm, 2014. Port Glasgow Shared Campus. [Online] Available at: http://www.urbanrealm.com/buildings/914/Port_Glasgow_Shared_Campus.html [Accessed 4 January 2016]. White, R. W., 2010. Designing a Visible City for Visually Impaired Users: Breaking the Barriers of Disabling Architecture. Glasgow, UK: University of Strathclyde PhD Thesis.

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Appendix A Craigmarloch School Interview Questions

Interview Questions for the Architect

The researcher (Laura Satterthwaite) conducted a semi-structured interview with Brian O’Donnell of Archial NORR to obtain information on Craigmarloch School. The questions are outlined below with the summarised response. Port Glasgow Campus Introduction The agora is the hub of the campus, with everything opening up from this point. The two high schools have their own education, social spaces, and teachers but share the business and technical facilties. The high schools are completely symmetrical buildings. Craigmarloch School Introduction The school has a secure playground area and is formed by the merger of Glenburn and Lilybank schools. Glenburn School had children with moderate difficulties, whereas Lilybank School had severely impaired children who require multiple pieces of equipment and a limit of 1-2 children per classroom. Each node point of the building is glazed so there are no standardised corridors within the building and they are all naturally lit to create transparent spaces. A single door separates Craigmarloch from the rest of the school, offering a non-intrusive transition between the spaces. There are currently 110 students within the school with a maximum of 10 students per classroom. Since completion, there have been issues with the underfloor heating system not being as responsive as radiators. This has led to overheating becoming a problem due to the length of time it takes to cool down and adjust after turning it off. Building form Why is the building the shape it is? The circular route of the building allows a courtyard within the centre, as well as creating a route so that if a child gets lost it means they can continue the circle to reach where they need to be. The shape also creates a curved outdoor canopy covering the entrance to protect the students exiting off the buses. Why is the ASN School positioned where it is? The school is positioned away from main entrance to the site on the quiet edge to reduce the noise pollution. This allows the school to be located on a sheltered part of the site, still being close to the heart of town. Building layout How do children navigate around the school? Craigmarloch is single storey to allow access for every pupil across the site. The whole campus is completely level on the ground floor to allow inclusive design right throughout the campus. How are the classrooms located throughout the school? There are 3 classroom types for moderate, profound and advanced needs. The standard classroom contains a classroom with a quiet room attached. Classrooms for children with moderate needs include a classroom, quiet room and a hygiene room. Classrooms for enhanced adapted needs

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includes a classroom, hygiene room and ceiling hanger for a hammock. Adapted needs classrooms also require air conditioning to control ventilation within the space, as well as a sensory corner with a cone shaped roof and curtains. Every classroom also has its own pergola and external sheltered space outside to create access to the external environment. There is also a separate sensory room within the school with 3D projectors. The quiet rooms are seen as particularly successful for children to take a moment away from the classroom environment. Several doors separate the building and are controlled by cards for the teachers. They have created issues as in Glenburn they used to give students responsibilities like the register and they cannot get through the building. Whereas in Lilybank the children were not given those responsibilities due to their behaviours. Where is the hydrotherapy room located? The hydrotherapy pool is located at the bottom of plan by entrance and staff and gym. The facilities incorporate sensory cues such as coloured lights at child height to enhance the experience. Electrical blinds are in place to control the light levels for each user. Hoists are in place to take children from the showers to changing to the pool. There is also a sound system to enhance children’s sense of hearing within the space. Where is the music room in plan? The music stage is clad in plywood with exposed glulam structure. A sliding folding screen separates it from assembly hall. Music is not a huge theme within Craigmarloch, but they now have an orchestra. Lighting Are there any light features within the building? Light scoops are apparent throughout the school to tunnel natural light into the building. They are located between the classrooms and assist the sense of space due to the low ceilings. How was natural light factored into the design of Craigmarloch School? The theme of light and views throughout was apparent from the design of the building, with more natural light and less corridors to break down the barriers between spaces. There is a glazed storey above the classrooms to allow more natural light into the spaces, as well as assisting the ventilation strategy. The high glazing allows 2 sources of light in each room, windows to the front and high glazing to the rear. Acoustics How were acoustics considered in the design of Craigmarloch School? The consideration of acoustics was apparent due to adjoining classbases and the requirement for buffers between corridors and classrooms. Acoustic ceilings and walls are apparent through absorptive surfaces within the classrooms. These are in the form of perforated plywood boards on classroom walls. A high ceiling height in spaces could be difficult to control reverberation, requiring perforated acoustic ceilings to reduce echo within the space. Each classroom also has a sound field system, hooking the teachers up to a microphone to ensure that every child can hear the teacher.

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Dining Area How does the dining area establish social aspects for children with SEN? The teardrop dining area has a clear storey of glazing above to allow natural light to filter into the space from above without distracting the pupils. Some children have the choice to move into the mainstream dining room if possible, allowing social integration. On Fridays the cafÊ within Craigmarloch School is used as a drop in cafÊ in which students are assisted by senior members to help out with cooking. Translucent glazing is used to border the dining area from the school to allow shadows to be seen through and assist the breakdown of the spaces. Internal Features Hazelwood ASN School has the trail-rail, are there any elements like this within Craigmarloch? There are no navigational features as such because children within Craigmarloch can use the whole school therefore it would be a costly approach that would have to be applied to the whole school in order to not individualise one area with assisted measures. What internal features within Craigmarloch assist navigating and orientating around the school? There are 3 tiers of signage within the school, from letters to logos and more complicated drawings to allow a variation of materials so that children are able to react to at least one of the tiers of detail. The same signage is available across the campus and is colour coded depending on the floor. What material finishes are used throughout the building? A vinyl floor finish is used throughout the school for easily managed problems. How is storage incorporated into the design of the school? Storage was designed within the corridor walls outside the adapted classrooms to reduce clutter within the corridors and ensure open corridors throughout the school. This supplies ample storage children’s mobility equipment. External Materials Rosslyn blend red facing is used within Craigmarloch School. The roof is standing seam. The exposed glulam frame allows texture and warmth within the internal environment of the school.

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Appendix B Craigmarloch School Consent Form

Participant Information Sheet for Architect Name of department: Architecture Title of the study: ‘The Development of Specific Learning Environments for Visually Impaired Users in Schools within the UK.’ Introduction The researcher (Laura Satterthwaite) is an undergraduate architecture student at the University of Strathclyde. The architecture department can be found at; James Weir Building, 68 Montrose Street, Glasgow, G1 1RS. What is the purpose of this investigation? The aim of this investigation is to gather in-depth knowledge of Craigmarloch ASN School within the Port Glasgow Campus. This will allow the researcher to write a factually correct case study on the school to be included within their dissertation. The case study is trying to understand how mainstream schools are reacting to inclusion, in particular design principles for visually impaired users. Do you have to take part? The investigation is an informal discussion to allow the researcher to gather information on the design of Craigmarloch School, in particular design aspects catering for visually impaired users. Material such as design drawings and images would be particularly useful in providing visual data for the researchers study as well as any additional documentation on the project. The research is voluntary and it is the participant’s decision to take part in the investigation, and they have the right to withdraw without detriment at any point. What will you do in the project? You will take part in an informal interview on Tuesday 26th January 2016 in Archial NORR’s Glasgow office for around one hour. Why have you been invited to take part? As an architect who has been involved within the design process of the case study, you are able to give a personal insight into why and how design decisions were made within the process. What are the potential risks to you in taking part? There are no potential risks in taking part in the study. What happens to the information in the project? The information, with consent, will be referenced within the researcher’s text to provide first-hand information on Craigmarloch School. Further materials such as documents and images may also be utilised in this way. If required, the source can be anonymous and care will be taken to maintain confidentiality. The University of Strathclyde is registered with the Information Commissioner’s Office who implements the Data Protection Act 1998. All personal data on participants will be processed in accordance with the provisions of the Data Protection Act 1998. Thank you for reading this information – please ask any questions if you are unsure about what is written here.

The place of useful learning The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263

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What happens next? If you are happy to be involved in the project, you will be asked to sign a consent form to confirm this. After the investigation is complete into different learning environments to cater for visually impaired users, a copy of the researchers work will be available as feedback if required. Researcher contact details: Laura Satterthwaite Architecture Department James Weir Building 68 Montrose Street Glasgow G1 1RS 0141 552 4400 Chief Investigator details: Andrew Agapiou Architecture Department James Weir Building 68 Montrose Street Glasgow G1 1RS 0141 552 4400 If you have any questions/concerns, during or after the investigation, or wish to contact an independent person to whom any questions may be directed or further information may be sought from, please contact: Secretary to the University Ethics Committee Research & Knowledge Exchange Services University of Strathclyde Graham Hills Building 50 George Street Glasgow G1 1QE Telephone: 0141 548 3707 Email: ethics@strath.ac.uk

The place of useful learning The University of Strathclyde is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, number SC015263

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Appendix C Craigmarloch School Ethics Approval Form

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