Flight gallery brief

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Science Museum Gallery Project Laura Stankunaite

Research from videos about gallery design

• Gallery needs a graphical hierarchy – a change in scale in graphics when importance of information is considered (more important things are usually bigger)

• Let natural daylight in, it creates a change of pace and a contrast between light and dark • Make the fundamental (usually boring) objects such as pillars and lifts, more interesting by covering it or using it for a display

• Objects should be grouped around a space by theme, for easier and more organized interaction • Dark spaces can be used in moderation to create a more intimate and mysterious atmosphere • A gallery room should have a focal point, bigger in scale, which can be seen at each angle of the room • Center piece should briefly reflect the theme of the room and set a theme for the objects surrounding it

Mood Board - Research of movement and flow Since I'm redesigning the flight gallery in the Science Museum, I need to take inspiration from the general aesthetic of movement. I need to take the abstract form of movement and develop it into a practical design.

Mood Board – Movement and flow in structures

Science Museum Flight Gallery

Centerpieces dominating space

As I will only be focusing on the key features of these gallery designs, I won't be including many variations of drawings to emphasize the key interests

Light dominating space

Simple walls dividing space

Interactive spaces for a flight gallery

Disabled access stairs Instead of a lift for disabled access, there could be a design for integrating a ramp with stairs, space efficient and practically aesthetic.

People exploring the inside of a plane themselves – better viewing experience

Other examples of an interactive plane space

Primary source drawing visiting National Maritime Museum

Plan drawings of space layout

My primary interpretation of the museum plan: - circular plan with many space filling and interactive displays


Imperial War Museum

Primary photos

Science Museum Mathematics Winton Gallery

Key features of movement and flow simplified


Elevation The curved overhead structure and layout of the gallery represents airflow around the Handley Page aircraft suspended at its center. The design was driven by equations of airflow used in the aviation industry, which are still an important area of mathematical research.

Architecture in fashion – movement in clothing fabrics could be reflected onto architectural forms Beautiful relationship between fashion and architecture, apparent through looking at a Japanese designer and architect. (Miyake and Kuma)

Kuma was influenced by pleated dresses of Japanese fashion designer Miyake. Materials mimic pleats of soft woman's dress while using industrial materials appropriate for construction.

My interpretation of using movement in fabric to mimic movement in structures

Primary source photos of ink in water The ink highlights movement and flow in water

Model experimentation using scrunched up paper

The paper 'records' movement when scrunched up and therefore can make interesting structures

Movement in paper folding and drawings



Exploring movement and flow in plaster models 1

Moulding plaster to record movement and flow from liquid forms to solid

Exploring movement and flow in plaster models 2

Aerodynamic air flow movement

Using the research of air flow in context

Model drawings

MVRDV Library Uses the same general pattern (on previous slide) of how air flows around objects

Developing ideas for a final design Idea 1

Idea 2

Idea 3

Idea 4

Idea 3 was inspired by this model

Idea 4 was inspired by the air flow drawings

Further developing Idea 1/2 and planning model scale



First floor

Smaller details Big lighting displays made by panels can be visually appealing and are also relevant to exploring the theme of movement and flight, the walls have this design to dominate the space with vivid colours making the aeroplane displays more interesting to look at

An interactive space in the centre for people to walk through could be interesting for kids and adults both

In order to not fill the space with dated designs of museum square glass cases; I have made only two corner displays with seating for the smaller objects. The rounded edge also stimulates a circular movement pattern for people to follow when in the gallery space

Sketch Up Model

Archicad Model Render My final design has a focal point, from walking in, of the interactive tunnel space. It has disabled access through the lift and also stairs that match the circular design. The group meeting space on the second floor is also for a different viewing experience of the plane models with disabled access. The walls have a space filling light display to dominate the space with light and guide people through the experience of flight and movement. There is a subliminal flow aspect in the design through the circular circulation pattern as people interact with the flight gallery in many ways.




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