creative showcase 1 2 commercials review
new model army When the McCann-Erickson unit TAG was
New Mombasa, an historic moment from the
forging a campaign for leading Xbox game
Halo universe. The structure measures
Halo 3, it was clear from an early stage that
1,200ft2, features 650 figures and, thanks to
the challenge was to reach out beyond the
the skill of New Deal Studios and tinsel town
armies of existing Halo fans. This could only
monster-making specialist Stan Winston, it’s
be done, it decided, by creating an
a marvel of miniature engineering. It’s so
emotional, human campaign.
extensive that the TV spot only shows about
The only snag was the Halo protagonist,
20 per cent of the entire diorama.
Master Chief. He’s over seven-feet tall,
It was built according to a strict rule, that
dresses in armour and is usually seen in the
no CG effects would be used in the shoot,
possession of a very big gun — hardly the
and that included explosions and flying
most sympathetic character in a games
bodies, essential to bringing movement to
enthusiast’s collection. So how did they give
the static piece. Blasts were created by
the Tin Man a heart?
taking resin casts of cauliflowers and lighting
Tag hit upon the idea of celebrating Master
them, while fibre optics and black cotton
Chief as a war hero. Every strand in the
wool were used to create smoke.
campaign is an example of humanity
To ensure that the soldiers were as ‘emotive’
commemorating a war 500 years in the
as possible, they were made using scans of
future. According to creative directors John
real bodies and a range of human heads and
Patroulis and Scott Duchon, they also looked
expressions. Anyone with enough time on
backwards to legendary figures like King
their hands will even be able to find
Arthur, Beowulf and George Washington.
miniature versions of the Believe team. “I’ve
“The game taps into one of the timeless
got a cut lip and I look really bad ass,” laughs
themes of heroism,” explains Patroulis.
Duchon. “It’s like playtime – but with two
The biggest prong in the offensive is
million dollars.”
Believe, a spot featuring a sweeping diorama,
But, says Sanders, it’s a work of art that very
directed by Rupert Sanders. Purportedly an
nearly didn’t happen. “If we hadn’t persisted
exhibit built in 2067 for the Museum of
with our approach it would have been done
Humanity, it commemorates the Battle of
by someone else and be done purely with
SH105_P12-13_halo3.indd 12
CGI,” he explains. “There would have been no
After its tour of duty, it will be split up and
diorama. We had to fight hard to proceed
auctioned to raise money for war veterans.
with this, the more expensive approach.
Running parallel to the epic diorama are a
Once we had convinced the agency, they
series of virals that commemorate Master
convinced the client, but there were a few
Chief’s heroism. War veterans from the epic
jobs on the line. I am very glad for them that
battle portrayed in the diorama relate their
the risk paid off and that the diorama exists
experiences of fighting side by side with the
outside this world alone, both as an online
big man. For Simon McQuoid, who directed
world and an exhibition piece.”
the spots Enemy Weapon and Hunted, the
It’s made such an impression that it’s set to
key to their success is the acting. “It was
leave the fictional Museum of Humanity to
really interesting to work with actors of that
be shown at real museums across the US.
age – they were such gentlemen and so
11/12/07 12:06:14
commercials review 1 3 creative showcase
“The risk paid off: the diorama exists outside this world alone, both as an online world and an exhibition piece.”
SH105_P12-13_halo3.indd 13
bloody good,” he says. To get it right,
spent working on a pilot Halo movie with
McQuoid watched war documentaries and
WETA Studios and Bungie, the makers of
spent a lot of time working with his actors,
Halo. “Neill really ramped up on the Halo
feeding them information about the Halo
fiction and it led to lot of creative thinking
universe that they could improvise with.
and excitement for the fans,” he explains.
And while TAG was busy orchestrating the
Although separate from the Believe
official Believe campaign, another set of
campaign, Patroulis says the shorts still
Halo-related virals hit the internet. Three
complement it. Their rough, grimy tone
shorts were directed by Neill Blomkamp.
feels like the work of a cameraman
According to Jerret West, global product
embedded in a war-zone. “Anything can be
marketing manager for Microsoft, the films
part of the museum,” he says. “It all fits
were a by-product of the time Blomkamp had
into the Halo gestalt.” LS
11/12/07 12:06:19