Fuzzy Pop Music

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creative showcase 1 6 commercials review

fUzzy pop music Yeah Yeah Yeah La La La. The words

rather than construct them using CGI,

especially behind furry things, because

Wilson, ruefully, “because you worked so

from which you will not be able to

ten hairy puppets were crafted by Kiwi

you get this silvery glow behind them,”

hard on everything and you don’t want

escape this summer.

modelmakers Glass Hammer. And if that

he says. “And it makes it a little harder to

anything to go to waste. And you want

The season’s big Coca-Cola spot has

wasn’t real enough, Albert and Bellon

tell that they’re fake.”

everyone watching to know how many

arrived. It’s a quirky, fantastical, hand-

even fleshed out complex back stories

The five day shoot in Mount Mangere in

clever jokes you thought of.”

made affair from Mother and Blink

for each monster — or Nufsaid, Mrmaster,

New Zealand was extended by a day

But, in the end, head must overrule

director Dougal Wilson. It features a

Samson, Stretch, Crétin, Tincré, Geo,

because of bad weather — but unstable

heart. The team spent hours working on

trampish organ player, whose Coca-Cola-

WWWdot, Forwardslash and Lick.

meteorology wasn’t the only challenge

some pieces of stop-frame animation,

powered instrument contains a troupe of

Perhaps they’re a little too real for

the team had to face. Mount Mangere is

turning the organ player’s beard into a

singing monsters — not to mention an

Albert. “Finding the creatures was very

a place imbued with Maori heritage,

dancing rainbow, but it didn’t make the

earworm of a soundtrack from Scottish

tricky,” he explains. “They live in a very

meaning no one can dig the soil or

final 60-second ad, as it would’ve been

popster Calvin Harris.

remote location I can’t disclose. Even if

interfere with the vegetation. So when

overcrowded. (It will be in the 90-second

With an organ player and a gremlin choir

they seem really nice and have beautiful

the team found a large tree stump right

version — along with an emotional solo

as the stars of the show, it was obvious

voices, they are still animals and can bite

where they wanted to film, the location

turn from one of the monsters.)

very early on that music would be an

So having them on a shoot was like

manager had to consult the local Maori

Nonetheless, the 60-second spot is still

important part of the piece. With this in

having 10 wild animals and it took all

and take part in a prayer ceremony

fizzing with ideas and originality. And the

mind, Mother approached EMI

Dougal’s talent to make them do what he

before they could trim it back.

creatives hope that the campaign will

Publishing, who in turn briefed a

wanted them to do...”

While the spot speaks — well sings — for

grow beyond this one spot. Their goal is

selection of artists, including Goldfrapp,

With its little hairy-oobits and gorgeous

itself, anyone hungry for a more in-depth

to encourage different artists to cover

The Go! Team and Mr Oizo. They settled

backlighting, the spot is reminiscent of

look at its evolution would do well to get

Yeah Yeah Yeah La La La every summer

on a track by electrokid Harris, who

fantasy classics like The Dark Crystal. DP

their hands on Wilson’s ideas book — he

– which is a big vision for a nonsense

worked closely with Wilson to develop

Alwin Kuchler worked hard to capture

creates one for every job he does.

sentence dreamed up by one of Albert

Yeah Yeah Yeah La La La. The track is

the backlit, lazy, summer haze — he and

Pouring over Wilson’s sketch book

and Bellon’s friends. “The ambition is to

set to appear in Harris’s upcoming

Wilson had to work out a tricky shooting

requires a comfy chair and a good cup of

do funny work around YYYLLL every

second album and will also be released

schedule which involved calculating the

tea. Sketches, cryptic Post-It notes,

year and to ‘launch’ summer with it!”

as a limited edition vinyl.

angle of the sunlight.

random picture-book scraps, it’s a tome

says Albert. “As soon as people see or

Creatives Thierry Albert and Damien

But the stress was worth it, reckons

bursting with ideas — too many to make

hear the new Yeah Yeah Yeah La La La

Bellon were keen that the little critters

Wilson. “I think this kind of photography

the finished spot.

campaign, they will know that summer

should seem as real as possible. So

looks a little dreamy and magical,

“It’s really hard to lose ideas,” muses

is coming...” LS

“Finding the creatures was very tricky… They live in a very remote location I can’t disclose. Even if they seem really nice and have beautiful voices, they are still animals and can bite. So having them on a shoot was like having 10 wild animals.”

showcase SH115_P16-17_coke.indd 16

15/5/09 11:59:12

commercials review 1 7 creative showcase

SH115_P16-17_coke.indd 17

15/5/09 11:59:19

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