Example Process Journal: Caroline
The purpose of this document is to demonstrate evidence of the assessment criteria within the Process Journal.
Example of how standards are presented to students:
The design brief was to combine drawing with collage (either physical or digital) so having introduced the unit we began by using magazine images to explor composi on through. This enabled the students to be ‘dpoing’ while they digested the task ahead and ideas began to form. Evidence towards criterion Bi
A different sort of mindmap requires students to develop their ini al thoughts through research, and find specific examples of Global Issues. Students had been introduced to the design brief, and had some thinking me while they were crea ng their collages. Evidence towards criteria Cii and Dii.
Developing a specific research ques on enables students to conduct more focused research. Online they used Pinterest to store a selec on of visuals related to the Global Issue they had selected. Evidence towards crikteria Ciii, Di and Dii.
Observa onal drawing prac ce with a difference; students were asked to select an image from their research and combine it with a drawing of their hand. The challenge was to use composi on and choice of imagery to enhance meaning. Evidence of criteria Bii, Aiii, Dii and towards Ciii.
Observa onal drawing from image found during course of research Evidence of criterion Bi.
Analysis of the editorial illustra on of Peter Strain using content, form, process, mood model. Students are encourages to prac ce skills and techniques including layout and drawing on these pages. Evidence towards criteria Ai, Aii, and towards Dii.
Connec on are made between research and analysis and own developing ideas. Evidence of criteria Aiii, Di and Diii.
Planning including statement of intent and annota ons showing links to research. Criteria Ci, Cii and towards Ciii, Di and Dii.
Planning including statement of intent and annota ons showing links to research. Criteria Ci, Cii and towards Ciii, Di and Dii.
Developing drawn work to be used within finished design. Markmaking technique links to analysis of Peter Strain’s work. Criteria Aiii and Bii.
Experiments with cool colour schemes, development of idea and reflec ons. Evidence of criterion Cii, Ciii, Dii.
Criterion Dii and Diii.