2 minute read
Bob Hennefer
Head Golf Professional
Beginning April 1st, you must post your score after every round. Maintaining a Handicap Index enables you a wide range of competitive golf opportunities. Whether it’s to verify your entry into a local, state, or national championship, a club member guest, Monday outings or used in casual matches with friends maintaining a handicap is crucial to being able to participate in competitive events. At Laurel Creek you must post your score on the day you play after every round. Need a handicap? See a member of our team to get you set up!
Attaining PGA Membership is a long and tedious process and shows the true dedication of the Golf Professional to their career. Brett was elected to PGA Membership on March 1st, 2023. Congratulations, Brett!

You may see an alternate logo on some apparel, golf bags, hats and leather goods this Spring. This is not replacing our current logo, just as with other pieces in the pro shop, we try to get a little creative on select products. We have brought in some of our spring orders with this logo and we hope you find something you like! I would personally like your feedback both positive and negative so we can gauge how we are doing, please reach out to me and let me know what you think!

All ladies with full golfing privileges are invited to join the Laurel Creek Women’s Golf Association. Our 9 Holers and 18 Holers tee off on Wednesday mornings, and our season runs April through October. Play as few or as many weeks as you like. If you have any questions, or would like a membership application, please reach out to Kelly Redcay at kellyanneredcay@hotmail.com.
Opening Day for the LCWGA, scheduled for April 19th, is a 9-hole scramble followed by lunch. This is always a fun event that you won’t want to miss! Our annual Kick Off Cocktail Party is the night before and is a perfect way to meet other LCWGA members. Current and potential members are welcome at the party. (Please sign up for both events on the LC app.)
Unsure about whether the LCWGA is a good fit for you?
Perhaps you have the same excuses that some of our current members had before joining…
EXCUSE: I’m not good enough to play and will hold everyone up.
RESPONSE: If you have a bad hole you pick up your ball. We all do. Nobody cares.
EXCUSE: I don’t have enough time to join a league and play golf every week.
RESPONSE: Our 9 Hole group is open to all levels of golfers. You will be done with your round in approximately 2 hours, and you can play as few or as many Wednesdays as you like during the season. Just show up when you can and enjoy our beautiful course with a fun group of ladies.
EXCUSE: I missed the cut-off date, so I’ll wait until next season.
RESPONSE: There is no cut-off date to join our league. You can register at any point during the season. The best time to join is now so you can participate in Opening Day, and other events we have planned for spring, but if you decide not to join now then change your mind in a few months. It’s never too late!
Don’t forget to sign up for Spring Clinics, led by Director of Instruction, Dave Quinn These clinics are a great way for every level of golfer to come together and improve their skills in all areas of the game to prepare for the season. Each week a different topic will be covered. You may choose to attend all clinics or just the ones that interest you the most. For more information, please contact the Pro Shop. (You may sign up on the LC app).
Thursdays from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. April 6, April 13, April 20, April 27, May 4th. Sundays from 10:00 to 11:30 a.m. April 2, April 16, April 23, April 30, May 7. $40 per session or pre-purchase all 5 sessions for $150