1 minute read
Carol MacLennan
Director Of Tennis
Are you ready for some Tennis? Check out what’s happening at the courts. Brand new LED lights have been installed on all 4 tennis courts as well as the pickleball courts. The tennis courts are getting their Spring “Makeover” very soon and should be ready for play by mid-April.
We are looking forward to another exciting Ladies Spring League season. LCCC has 3 teams in the Philadelphia Spring League. Matches begin on Monday, April 24th and Wednesday, April 26th. Thank you to our hard working captains Kelly Moye (Monday - Cup 6), Marianne Sims-Kellogg (WednesdayCup D) and Deepa Barot (Wednesday - Cup G). Good Luck Ladies!!! Interested in playing on a team? Email Carol MacLennan at cmaclennan@laurelcreek.org
Weather permitting, Adult tennis and pickleball clinics will begin the third week in April. Registration will open in the app for Adult Clinics as soon as the courts are officially open for play.
After School Kids’ Tennis begins Tuesday, May 9 at 4 pm and runs every Tuesday and Thursday for 6 weeks. After School Red Ball Tennis classes for ages 5 thru 7 will be held every Thursday from 4 to 5:30 starting May 9.
Before you know it, it will be time for “The Racquet Game”, Laurel Creek’s signature tennis game at summer camp. Junior Summer Tennis Camp begins Monday, June 19 and runs for 10 weeks.
New this year…Men’s Advanced Doubles every Tuesday night. Advanced registration required. Level of play 4.0 and above. Pickleball show up and play – Thursday nights starting at 6 pm.
You can now make pickleball court reservations in the new app. Reservations for tennis courts and the ball machine will open as soon as the courts are ready for play. And this year, once you reserve the ball machine, you will automatically be prompted to reserve a court. No need to book each one separately.
Looking forward to a smashing season on the court!