Project description
WKLY is an app designed for college students to help them organize their life between classes, tasks and free time. The app was designed to be easily understandable for the user to manage their time and receive a useful feedback about their performance. But how does the system works? The users put their schedule (or sync with other calendars apps: google calendar, Ical and OneNote) and add tasks, so every week the app does a planning for them, sorting it by the importance of the task, importance of course and due date. After that, while completing a task in the app, they have to put some data about their performance doing the task. Provided that, the users are going to receive feedback about their productivity and progress over the weeks. Therefore, the users are going to be able to manage and keep track of their activities and their progress about productivity X procrastination, being able to improve their performance.
This app was designed to have a different visual communication, a different approach how to organize visually your plan. During research, we discovered that people usually create plans to have a visual organization of their time, because of that the whole graphic design process was focused on how to make the user organize visually their time in a more intuitive way, being able to see their day quickly. WKLY is was designed to be intuitive and easy to use, using affordances users are used to see in another app. Meanwhile, the colors are used to make the system more easily understandable, dividing each day of the week per color so that the user can recognize faster each day of the week. All this supporting the goal to give important information to the user quickly and providing a system that helps them improve their productivity.
Top ten findings in generative research
1. People work and plan better with visual reminders; 2. People get frustrated by not being able to follow their planning; 3. Flexible plans are and interesting path because is more important to the interviewers to complete the plan not the order that they do it; 4. Most of the tools used for time management are lacking feedback of performance, so the user can’t improve their performance working; 5. People pursue a way of balancing work and life, being able to do good work and not being overwhelmed by it at the same time;
6. There’s a bad procrastination and a good one, the good one keeps them from getting stressed out because they’re working all the time and not having any fun. The bad procrastination is when it keeps you from working, it’s like an addiction that you can’t run away from; 7. They have problems sorting their priorities while planning; 8. Understanding how long they take to accomplish a task is important, because most of times they think they know how must time, but they take way longer than expected; 9. Through time and by having more responsibilities in life, they’ve learnt better how to manage their time; 10. People like using app for manage time because of the features, such as reminders.
task analysis
Flow 1 - prototype user flow login OneNote insert schedule
sync with other apps
google calendar Ical
add course
add another course
weekly plan
add task
add another task
daily view plan
task info
complete task
task is gone
Flow 2 - user general flow through the app insert schedule
add course
weekly plan
add task
daily view plan
task info
complete task
complete weekly plan
feedback of week
progress through weeks
Prototype done with: proto.io Link: https://laurencepereira.proto.io/ share/?id=7f66a802-0891-4fb0-8e5e50136ea10bbb&v=1
Project 2: Life logger Class: Interaction design - Foundations Teacher: Christina Wodtke Student: Laurence Pereira Fall 2015