Design. Think. Make. Break. Repeat. A Handbook of Methods Revised Edition This book introduces the reader to the changing role of design as a way of thinking and a framework for solving complex problems and achieving systemic change. It documents 80 methods that cover all stages of a design process, providing actionable guidance for applying the methods across a range of projects. The methods are complemented by seven case studies to demonstrate their application in different domains, from designing interfaces for autonomous vehicles to addressing health and wellbeing. Free templates and resources, available at, make this a great resource for design educators as well as practitioners leading workshops in their organization or looking for inspiration to transform their practice. In this revised edition, the authors look beyond the human-centered design paradigm and provide an introduction to life-centered design. This extended focus is reinforced through design methods for considering the broader ecosystem in which products and services are used, including the use of natural resources, ethical concerns, and the long-term impact of design decisions.
Authors Martin Tomitsch, Madeleine Borthwick, Naseem Ahmadpour, Clare Cooper, Jessica Frawley, Leigh-Anne Hepburn, A. Baki Kocaballi, Lian Loke, Claudia Núñez-Pacheco, Karla Straker, and Cara Wrigley are educators and researchers bringing together various design perspectives. All authors are either currently working at the University of Sydney’s Design Lab or are Ph.D. graduates from the Design Lab. At the University of Sydney, they teach courses on interaction design, creative technology, design thinking, design innovation, and strategic design. The book is brought to life by their collective, multidisciplinary expertise based on decades of teaching and using design methods in their research and practice across institutions.
Info February 2021 Paperback 224 pages 23 x 19 cm $ 45.00 ISBN 978 90 6369 585 9 ISBN 978-90-636958-5-9
9 789063 695859
• Builds on the success of the 1st edition (12,000 copies sold) • A popular title for course adoption at universities around the world • To support the book’s use as a teaching resource, each method comes with a slide deck template, available for free on the accompanying website