Get Real Get Going Campaign

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Increase interest of people across the country to move to Detroit and work for Doner

By highlighting the progress we’ve made, and the opportunities we can offer

RESEARCH TARGET AUDIENCE College Graduate Ages: 20-25 Fresh out of college/in the beginning of their career Perhaps on their 1st-2nd real job Self-concerned

Young Professional Ages: 26-34 More likely to be considering starting a family within the next few years More mature in their professional career

RESEARCH SECONDARY After scowering databases, we found out several important facts about Detroit and Doner

People outside of Michigan don’t see the opportunity that exists. They are not willing to look beyond the bad press

Detroit, and in turn, Doner is not the most appealing place for adults to start their career

The city and surrounding area is full of people of all ages and backgrounds putting their all into making this a better place

The spirit of Detroit comes through in Doner’s culture and work every day

Many members of the millennial generation value their 20s and 30s for the potential to travel, gain corporate experience meet influential people and make a difference in their community or industry 72% of millennials say they are willing to sacrifice a higher salary for a more personally and professionally fulfilling career 54% believe that career advancement opportunities are more important than salary




PRIMARY We created a 10 question survey using We asked questions pertaining to the type of person taking the survey (gender, age) and questions about the positions and living situations that we think might be beneficial to our research. We had 122 people respond to our survey, but when analyzing the results, we looked at the first 100 answers.
















CREATIVE CONSUMER INSIGHT We know there are other agencies and cities that appear more desirable to millennials. And although Doner and Detroit are in the midst of a movement, we know misconceptions of both are keeping people from discovering all the opportunities available.



MANIFESTO What sounds crazier than making a living at an ad agency? Making it in Detroit. Yet somehow, that alone does a lot of the work. You say, “I’m from Detroit,” and you instantly grab peoples’ attention. Whether it’s judgment, respect, or a sense of fear, you notice us. If you want to crinkle your forehead and back up, go for it, we get it, but what are you so scared of anyways? We have killer ideas that bleed with a passion and innovation you may not be used to. Our culture encompasses the epitome of cool, running deep in each and every one of us. An uncompromising hunger for success and a drive to move forward that’s uniquely Detroit. Move people emotionally. Move clients in business. Move people in their careers. We’re pushed to work hard. To struggle. And when we make it, we push others. Not with a fear of being stabbed in the back. But with the confidence in knowing we have what it takes, to get us anywhere, and then get you there too. So don’t let your opinion be poisoned by some jerk who’s never felt Detroit dirt under his boots. Yeah, we’re tough. Yeah, we’ve got each others’ backs so you better watch yours. And yeah, you might come face to face with a middle finger or a 24 foot iron fist when you try to beat us down. But this is what drives the spirit of Detroit. An attitude born in ashes and bred in the fires of resurgence. An attitude that refuses to silent, roaring at the top of our lungs as a beacon of hope. That reminds us to keep our thoughts fresh, our pencils sharp and our hearts open. To face obstacles like true Detroiters. We wanna welcome you because it is not until you live and breathe us, will you begin to feel as we do. We won’t hold your hand because you need two to steer. We’ll give you a push but training wheels are for the weak. So, when you hear “Detroit”, we challenge you to unclench your teeth, lower your brow, and lean in. Get real. #Getgoing.

l a e r t e g e g Get Real is all about showing people what is actually going on in Detroit and getting people to look passed all the misconceptions. It’s about the sense of community, the progress and the opportunity in Detroit.

g n i o g t e

Get Going is all about how Doner moves people, not only people in their careers, but also their clients businesses towards success, and their work to award winning creativity! Get Going is all of the executions Doner is implementing to get people going.

RICKSHAW To reward the love for Detroit and build awareness of the good things going on in the city, we scrubbed through Twitter and found people who were sharing good things about Detroit. We contacted these strangers and offered them a rickshaw ride in downtown Detroit. Our video will display how Doner gets the people of Detroit going. This video will be shared via Doner’s social media and on portfolio schools’ pages. The Rickshaw was the kick off to our entire campaign. After countless hours of watching recruiting videos, we found that as millennials we didn’t want to be TOLD how cool of a place Doner is to work, we wanted to SEE how cool of a place Doner was to work. So we created an idea that physically moves people, which is Doner at its core. We’re doing our part to put Motor City back on it’s wheels. We created a physical metaphor, as to how Doner is moving the city forward, moving your career forward, and how we move our clients forward. And what better way for a metaphor to do this than embody the collective spirit of Doner and Detroit, a spirit of progression, innovation and community.

FACEBOOK, TWITTER & INSTAGRAM Millennials are heavily engaged in social media so we will utlitize Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to share this video. #advertising #Doner #getgoing #creative #adweek #CreativeCircus #VCUBrandcenter #AdClubUCF #AdClubTXST

IMPS 79K at $0

MOTOWN GIRLS We all know how boring and mundane Career Fairs can be. So, to liven up the atmosphere and show off Doner’s creativity we will be implementing Motown Girl Recruiters to accompany Doner’s Recruiters. These women will be dressed up like Detroit Motown girls on roller skates. They will pass out Detroit’s signature coney dogs wrapped in a print ad that we design. The advertisement will include a sample of Doner’s work and the campaign manifesto. This will gain the attention and interest of prospective future employees while showcasing Doner’s creativity.

CONEY DOG WRAPPERS We figured a great way to get some extra advertising into the Motown girls execution, would be to make the coney dog wrappers into print ads. One side will be an example of one of Doner’s ads. The other side is simply a graphic layout with our Get Real Get Going manifesto in the middle.

motown and coney dog wrappers combined

280K IMPS AT $0 GET REAL # GET GOING What sounds crazier than making a living at an ad agency? Making it in Detroit. Yet somehow, that alone does a lot of the work. You say, “I’m from Detroit,” and you instantly grab peoples’ attention. Whether it’s judgment, respect, or a sense of fear, you notice us. If you want to crinkle your forehead and back up, go for it, we get it, but what are you so scared of anyways? We have killer ideas that bleed with a passion and innovation you may not be used to. Our culture encompasses the epitome of cool,

get real

#GETGOING d by powere


get real



d by powere


running deep in each and every one of us. An uncompromising hunger for success and a drive to move forward that’s uniquely Detroit. Move people emotionally. Move clients in business. Move people in their careers. We’re pushed to work hard. To struggle. And when we make it, we push others. Not with a fear of being stabbed in the back. But with the confidence in knowing we have what it takes, to get us anywhere, and then get you there too. So don’t let your opinion be poisoned by some jerk who’s never felt Detroit dirt under his boots. Yeah, we’re tough. Yeah, we’ve got each others’ backs so you better watch yours. And yeah, you might come face to face with a middle finger or a 24 foot iron fist when you try to beat us down. But this is what drives the spirit of Detroit. An attitude born in ashes and bred in the fires of resurgence. An attitude that refuses to silent, roaring at the top of our lungs as a beacon of hope. That reminds us to keep our thoughts fresh, our pencils sharp and our hearts open. To face obstacles like true Detroiters. We wanna welcome you because it is not until you live and breathe us, will you begin to feel as we do. We won’t hold your hand because you need two to steer. We’ll give you a push but training wheels are for the weak. So, when you hear “Detroit”, we challenge you to unclench your teeth, lower your brow, and lean in. Get real. #Getgoing.

get real


d by do powere

get real



d by powere




BUZZFEED ARTICLE To reach millennials on the media they use most, Doner will sponsor a Buzzfeed list. This article will follow the satirical theme of content typically seen in Buzzfeed by spinning common negative misconceptions about Detroit into positive attractions in the city. Not only will this list be an entertaining read, but it will challenge our target to get real about their perceptions of Detroit.





BANNER ADS To continue on the get real aspect of the campaign, we took to our only outwardly paid media. Banner Ads. We continued the sarcastic, Detroit edge as seen in the Buzzfeed article. We are challenging the viewer to move past the misconceptions, and get to know the real Detroit. It specifically targets our audience because of placement. When clicked on, the banner will take the viewer to our microsite. We will utilize the Mixing Board, Doner’s in-house programmatic Trading desk to target specific audience segments with a custom site list, RON, RT, and BT tactics. Banner ads will go live at the end of each quarter around the same time students will be graduating and applying for jobs, placed in NYC, Chicago, LA, Boston for ages 18-34. These are the cities we are currently losing talent to.

3MM IMPS $15,000 BASED ON A $5.00 CPM

MICROSITE Since our campaign executions are widespread, we have created a microsite solely for our campaign. This will be the hub for everything “Get Real. Get Going.” On the homepage viewers will see our logo. If they roll over “Get Real” and click, it will take them to a news feed of featured Detroiter articles, positive Detroit news, and hot places to be in the D. If viewers roll over “Get Going” and click, they will be directed to a blog roll of posts that include what we are doing with our campaign, news about our executions, and where the viewer can find more information about Doner. The neighborhood ambassador page and a link to Doner job applications will also be included on this portion of the site.

The Neighborhood ambassadors, similar to the Tuesday Tips, would feature our employees. Research shows we have employees who live in Detroit. So we use this to our advantage to share their advice about interesting places to visit, when and where to go, and special events or attractions in the area. This will be beneficial to our target audience because Millenials are concerned about their social life, especially when moving to a new state. The big brother/sister aspect of this will help them feel more comfortable and welcome.

Tuesday Tips are tips given by internal employees speaking on a range of topics. Some of these topics include career advancement, design, and portfolio building. These tips would not only be useful to our target audience but highly shareable. It would also show our work culture through our employees.

SMALL BUSINESS CLEAN UP With all of the businesses popping up in Detroit, we wanted to help them get going and make the city a better place. Our efforts will be focused on quick turn-around projects designed to benefit the community, generate press interest in Doner and revitalize the city. Possible executions range from logo redesign for ‘at home’ Etsy sellers to repainting the exterior of a locally owned business in need of our help. We will not limit the possibilities of what Doner can achieve, although we will focus on projects that are small enough for a team of a few volunteers within the agency to finish in a short time frame.

COMMUNITY CLEAN UP By showcasing how we take care of our own community and the agency’s creative problem solving abilities, we will attract the attention of our target. And, the more projects, the more people we affect, the greater the impact. One way we will do this is with reverse graffiti. This means using cleaning products to create our logo in the graffiti.


Q3 2014 july aug.


29 6 13 20 27 3 10 17 24 31 7 14 21

Q4 2014 oct. nov.


28 5 12 19 26 8 9 16 23 30 7 14 21

Q1 2015 jan. feb.


28 4 11 18 25 1 8 15 22 1 8 15 22

RICKSHAW MEDIA TACTIC SOCIAL MEDIA BANNER ADS MOTOWN GIRLS university of central florida university of texas university of florida michigan state university university of michigan western michigan university central michigan university grand valley state university oakland university byu adlab miami ad scadd chicago portfolio school vcu creative circus ccs

25 MM IMPS - $15,000 SPEND - $0.06 CPM

Q2 2015 april may


29 5 12 19 26 3 10 17 24 31 7 17 21

l a e r t e g g n i o g t e g Throughout this challenge, one thing was clear to us: Doner needed a way to appeal to out of state millennials who didn’t have trust in the city of Detroit.

Get Real Get Going is the solution Doner is looking for. It is the simple idea of

pushing your current perceptions aside and taking another look. After seeing what opportunities lie in Doner and Detroit, our target will be inspired to grab a hold of

these chances and get going towards making the career they have always dreamed of. With creativity driven solutions, like our Small Business Cleanup, more inspiring views of Detroit with our Rickshaw and Buzzfeed article, and stand-out recruiting methods, like the Motown Girls, Our “Get Real. Get Going.” campaign will get the target excited about Doner and ready to fall in love with Detroit.

Get Real. Get Going.


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