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Who better to first monthly than the global network Mark Zu this issue we f power of this character, fig pell and chall no one satisfie more than him. trepreneurs and ness owners ar understand tha ing yourself a ing with intell

Lauren G


Headup magazine


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Mark Zuckerberg


Bolivian salt flats


10 18


Truvada Pill/Aids



Li Ching Yuen

Eco hotel

Beach Crawllin

48 52

Music Realeses

Opinionist Editorial

EMANUEL RUSLI Opinionist Mark Zuckerberg is ready for his close-up.

The Education of

Mark Zuckerberg

The outlines of the Zuckerberg story thus far — the boyhood in Dobbs Ferry, N.Y., the Harvard wars over “thefacebook,” the relentless rise in Silicon Valley — are by now well known. But Facebook’s I.P.O. will begin a new chapter — indeed, a new volume — in one of the great business narratives of our time. It will also make Mr. Zuckerberg almost impossibly rich. In an instant, his 6

Headup magazine

stake could be worth upward of $18.7 billion, s stake could be worth s stake could be worth Mind-boggling figures aside, the question on many minds is this: Is Mr. Zuckerberg really ready for this? Is he — there’s no sugarcoating it — grown up enough to lead a public corporation that is more valuable than McDonald’s or Goldman Sachs? The answer to those questions will determine the future of Facebook,

Ambient & Nature

“ For Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook’s public offering is a turning point. It is the deal that will either prove once and for all that the company is changing just about everything, or that the mania over social media is spiraling out of control ”.

as well as the fortunes of its new, public shareholders. For the first time, Mr. Zuckerberg will be judged, in real time, by a relentless stock market. And that market, as C.E.O.’s everywhere know, is merciless. “You’re making a bet, and the bet is always on ‘Can the founder go somewhere?’ ” Reid Hoffman, a cofounder of LinkedIn, an adviser to Mr. Zuckerberg and an early

financial backer of Facebook, said in an earlier interview. “And Zuck’s done great.”It’s hard to argue. The question, however, is where Mr. Zuckerberg goes from here as a chief executive. He declined to be interviewed for this article, but interviews with dozens of venture capitalists and entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley, as well as with Facebook colleagues and outsiders who have mentored him along his 7

Ambient & Nature

B o l i v i a n s a lt flats Where the sky and ground merge into one. By DAILY MAIL REPORTER


square km is the Salar de Uyuni, world’is largest salt flat.

It is located in the Potosí and Oruro departments in southwest Bolivia, near the crest of the Andes, and is elevated 3,656 meters (11,995 ft) above mean sea level. The Salar was formed as a result of transformations between several prehistoric lakes. It is covered by a few meters of salt crust, which has an extraordinary flatness with the average altitude variations within one meter over the entire area of the Salar. The crust serves as a source of salt and covers a pool of brine, which is exceptionally rich in lithium. It contains 50 to 70% 8

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of the world’s lithium reserves, which is in the process of being extracted. The large area, clear skies and exceptional surface flatness make the Salar an ideal object for calibrating the altimeters of the Earth observation satellites. The Salar serves as the major transport route across the Bolivian Altiplano and is a major breeding ground for several species of pink flamingos. Salar de Uyuni is also a climatological transitional zone, for towering tropical cumulus congestus and cumulus incus clouds that form in the eastern part of the massive salt flat during

When covered with water, the Salar becomes one of the largest mirrors on Earth.


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Salar de Uyuni is part of the A lt i p l a n o o f Bolivia

The Altiplano is a high plateau, which was formed during uplift of the Andes mountains. The plateau includes fresh and saltwater lakes as well as salt flats and is surrounded by mountains with no drainage outlets. The geological history of the Salar is associated with a sequential transformation between several vast lakes. Some 30,000– 42,000 years ago, the area was part of a giant prehistoric lake, Lake Minchin. Its age was estimated from radiocarbon dating of shells from outcropping sediments and carbonate reefs and varies between reported studies. Lake Minchin (named after the Juan B. Minchin of Oruro) later transformed into paleolake Tauca having a maximal depth of 140 meters (460 ft), and an estimated age of 13,000– 18,000 or 14,900–26,100 years depending on the source. The youngest prehistoric lake was Coipasa, which was radiocarbon dated to 11,500–13,400 years. When it dried, it left behind two modern lakes, Poopó Lake and Uru Uru Lake, and two major salt deserts, Salar 11

$137 million were invested to


The Bolivian Salar truly contains large amounts of sodium, potassium, lithium and magnesium (all in the chloride forms of NaCl, KCl, LiCl and MgCl2, respectively), as well as borax. Of those, lithium is arguably most important as it is a vital component of many electric batteries. With estimated 9,000,000 tonnes (8,900,000 long tons; 9,900,000 short tons), Bolivia holds about 43% of the world’s lithium reserves;[12] most of those are located in the Salar de Uyuni. Lithium is concentrated in the brine under the salt crust at

develop the lithium extraction.


a relatively high concentration of about 0.3%. It is also present in the top layers of the porous halite body lying under the brine; however the liquid brine is easier to extract, by boring into the crust and pumping out the brine.[13] The brine distribution has been monitored by the Landsat satellite and confirmed in ground drilling tests. Following those findings, an American-based international corporation has invested $137 million to develop lithium extraction.[14] However, lithium extraction in the 1980s and 1990s by foreign companies met

Economy & Finance

MARK ZUCKERBERG and the case for a wealth tax

By Felix Salmon

Warren Buffett has, on average, built just over $600 million of net worth per year of his life, putting him just behind Bernard Arnault and well behind Bill Gates and Carlos Slim, who right now constitute the billion-dollara-year club. (I’ll save you the math: that’s $2.7 million per day.) There’s a good chance that when Facebook IPOs, Mark Zuckerberg will join that tiny group: he’s 27 years old, so the market cap we’re looking for here is $95 billion. If Facebook is worth more than that, Zuckerberg will have increased his wealth by $1 billion a year, on average, from the day he was born onwards. Which helps to put Zuckerberg’s ten-figure tax


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Ambient & Nature

When covered with water, the Salar becomes one of the largest mirrors on Earth.


Economy & Finance

Consider the case of Steven P. Jobs. After rejoining Apple in 1997, Mr. Jobs never sold a single Apple share for the rest of his life, and therefore never paid a penny of tax on the over $2 billion of Apple stock he held at his death. Now his widow can sell those shares without paying any income tax on the appreciation before his death. She would have to pay taxes only on the increase in value from the time of his death to the time of the sale.

Miller has a rather complicated way of getting America’s ultra-rich to pay taxes: if you earn more than $2.2 million per year, or own $5.7 million or more in publicly traded securities, then you have to mark your wealth to market every year and pay income tax on the amount that it has gone up. Conversely, if your wealth declines, then you can get a massive rebate. Personally, I think it would be much better idea if we simply implemented a small wealth tax, on

“We don’t build services to make money; we make money to build better services.”


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Ambient & Nature

Yes, Mark to market has done wonders for corporations

top of income tax, for the very wealthy: last year I proposed that any wealth over $5 million should be taxed, annually, at a 1% rate. For someone with $5.7 million in wealth — that’s the top 0.1% — such a tax would increase their tax bill by just $7,000 a year. But for Mark Zuckerberg, it would bite. Right now, he stands to pay essentially no taxes in 2013. But if there was a 1% wealth tax and he was worth $27 billion at the end of 2013, that would generate a


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Ambient & Nature

The houses which are preferred environmentally friendly hotels were located in Kenya, Australia, Philippines, Ecuador, Switzerland and of course Belize. The Lodge at Chaa Creek was the only Central American hotel to be included in this distinguished directory Belize’s first Green Globe certified resort, the Lodge at Chaa Creek caters to eco-adventure families , friends & honeymooners and hosts an internationally recognized Natural History

Museum, Butterfly Farm, Rainforest Medicine Trail and full service spa. The lodge’s 365 acre private reserve also accommodates the Macal River Camp and provides miles of trails for walking, birding, mountain biking, horseback riding, a fleet of ca The lodge’s 365 acre private reserve also accommodates the Macal River Camp and provides miles of trails for walking, birding, mountain biking, horseback riding, a


Ambient & Nature

Designed by Jean-Henri Morin, the Rockhouse seems to have grown organically from the volcanic rock cliffs. Molding natural stone with concrete, the entire property settles snugly into the preexisting cove formations. Private, thatch-roofed Premium Villas are scattered along winding paths, enclosed by palms and exotic flora. On the cliff’s edge, isolated duets of loungers rest on leveled platforms as high as 40 feet from the water, overlooking the most beautiful sunsets in the country. Solarheated water, furniture crafted from

Located 35 miles northwest of Manaus, Brazil, Ariau Amazon Towers has become one of the world’s dream destinations. Sitting at the confluence of the Rio Negro and the Anavilhanas Archipelago and with over 6 miles of tree top canopy walkways, Ariau affords visitors a unique opportunity to commune with the regions abundant flora and fauna while leaving the fragile eco-system completely undisturbed. Imagine a hotel


Headup magazine

PADDING AROUND THE BEAUTY OF NATURE Luxury hotels with an eco-conscience come in all shapes and sizes. Some, like Egypt’s Adrère Amellal, are in complete isolation and offer a break from modern living, with a pared-down luxury that can be hard to find. Then there’s their urban counterparts, a whole


Ambient & Nature

Li Ching-yun Secondo il mito taoista sarebbe infatti vissuto 256 anni.

Li Ching-yun o Li Ching-yuen è stato un artista marziale, tattico ed erborista cinese. L’uomo è noto per aver dato vita a uno dei più clamorosi miti di longevità umana. Secondo il mito taoista sarebbe infatti vissuto 256 anni, ed egli stesso affermava la data di nascita pure remota del 1736, che gli avrebbe attribuito in ogni caso un’età di quasi due secoli (197 anni) alla morte. Secondo la leggenda Li Chingyun nacque nel 1736 a Qi Jiang Xian, nella provincia di Sichuan che significa “Quattro fiumi”.


Headup magazine

Vagò per cent’anni sui monti della Cina, raccogliendo erbe medicinali, approfondendo la conoscenza dei segreti di lunga vita, e vivendo di erbe e di vino di riso. Si narra che a settantun anni si sia recato a Kai Xian per entrare nell’esercito cinese con il ruolo di tattico e insegnante di arti marziali.Negli ultimi anni di vita il maestro Li sarebbe vissuto, secondo alcuni, con la sua ventiquattresima moglie, una donna di sessant’anni. Altra tradizione gli attribuisce

Ambient & Nature

Li Ching.Yun nel 1802 mito di longevità umana Qi Jiang Xian

quattordici matrimoni e afferma che nel 1928 aveva almeno 180 discendenti in vita distribuiti su undici generazioni. Il generale Yang Sen, affascinato dal persistente vigore dell’uomo, lo invitò nella propria dimora a Wan Xian nel 1927, e qui fu fatta la sua fotografia. La storia di Li apparve, con il suo necrologio, sul New York Times del 6 maggio 1933 e su TIME qualche giorno dopo. Le persone della sua terra d’origine dichiaravano di possederne il ricordo fin dalla loro

infanzia, e testimoniavano che nel frattempo non era molto invecchiato. Altri riferivano che era stato amico dei loro nonni. Dopo la sua morte, i cinesi ne indagarono il passato, e un rapporto fu steso dallo stesso Yang Sen. Anche il professor Wu Chungchien si mise sulle sue tracce, scoprendo una data di nascita apparentemente ancor più remota (1677), se era vero che nel 1827 il governo imperiale aveva rivolto al maestro Li i propri auguri per il 150º compleanno. D’aspetto, egli


Tourisim Locations


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Cape Town, South Africa The African capital of cool sprawls on a

Barcelona, Spain white-sand beaches its Mediterranean coastline.

peninsula that divides the icy Atlantic that


Honolulu, Hawaii onolulu’s Waikiki Beach is now chockablock with resorts, some of them historic like the 1901 Moana Surfrider Hotel.


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from the warmer Indian Ocean

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil The city that spawned Carnival and “The Girl from Ipanema” has a buzzing beach scene throughout its 25 miles (40 kilometers) of shoreline,

Ambient & Nature

Santa Monica, California Join a volleyball game, look for sea lions, or just watch the Pacific rollers crash on the beach.

Sydney, Australia Sydney is rimmed with dozens of beaches, but Bond, a 0.6-mile crescent of golden sand 20 minutes from downtow, has become synonymous with the laid-back Aussie lifestyle. Sydneysiders come here for the booming surf. Keep your eyes peeled for migrating whales from May to early October.

Tel Aviv, Israel Call it Miami Beach on the Med. In the “bubble,” restaurants, discos, and clubs are open until dawn. By day, the scene shifts to the city’s promenade and eight miles (13 kilometers) of beach literally steps from town. Head to wide and sandy Gordon Beach to sit in a seaside café or take a dip in the saltwater pool.


Best Music Releases



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Hundred Waters


Patti Smith

Elestial Sound; 2012

WIXIW - Mute; 2012

Banga - Columbia; 2012

By Ian Cohen; March 30, 2012

By Larry Fitzmaurice; June 4, 2012

By Lindsay Zoladz; June 6, 2012

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ma doluptatum aut arum lam, volupta tatende


Headup magazine

Et denis dolorate nis sim rendaec tatint, ius et a cuptati opta sitas ad ut lam et volorem sumqui consed mod et quiatisi accatur, qui di dolore volorupta ma doluptatum aut arum

Sitas ad ut lam et volorem sumqui consed mod et quiatisi accatur, qui di dolore volorupta Doluptatum aut arum lam, volupta tatende llent,

Ambient & Nature

Laurel Halo



Quarantine - Hyperdub; 2012

Endless Flowers Frenchkiss; 2012

A Joyful Noise - Columbia; 2012

By Ian Cohen; June 7, 2012

By Ian Cohen; June 6, 2012

By Andrew Ryce; June 4, 2012

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Beach House

Father John Misty

Control System - Top Dawg; 2012

Bloom - Sub Pop / Bella Union; 2012

Fear Fun - Sub Pop; 2012

By Jayson Greene; June 5, 2012

By Lindsay Zoladz; May 14.2012

By Stephen M. Deusner; May 14, 2012

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