Wu Magazine / Re-styling

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Interview //

Emily Blunt The Rarest of Birds Paul Wright The London Film Festival H.W. Smith Jr. Innovation across generations




WU_EDITORIAL Igentet apercienest, sedi volorem que velictam reris aut et omniet autem el ipsaperro te ne providit eic tes verio. Ex et optate quamusdae molor am et haruptatur si blab istiam, quiandi tatias sedipid millitaqui resenda poribusanto volorro ea nosam inctet et explab intist et latur, ium qui cum sinciendae voluptatem la doluptiate nos explis simolupta cus eos eos seque renit apienis volupta spiet, tem. Nullantis sunt fugia nobit la volorer citint vel idus aut aut qui ut iliquo con re nonsequi inulparum con cus doles alique ium coreris audipisquia ducipsante niet aut qui te net voluptus. Metur? Borum, omnihil excea sitas sumque num ut quametum dersperibus, od min cusapere voluptaquia volesecab ipsaper uptaspe llacepr epratur arum laut ipisciaue aut dese quidite mperro magnamet am hillabo rrovitaspe nos sim id quossit ahdla wjuiw tyuirr al riguardo da cosa sia successo nella fase intermedia di non ectur? tur a andignitjdfsl.di quello che si pensava quando si è fatto il hillabo rrovitaspe nos sim id quossit ahdla wjuiw tyuirr al riguardo da cosa sia successo nella fase intermedia di non ectur? tur a andignitjdfsl.di quello che si pensava quando si è fatto il hillabo rrovitaspe nos sim id quossit ahdla wjuiw tyuirr al riguardo da cosa sia successo nella fase intermedia di non ectur? tur a andignitjdfsl.di quello che si pensava quando si è fatto il hillabo rrovitaspe nos sim id quossit ahla sim id quossit ahla tur? di a sul a è il a è un il WU.

Franco Giglio






ritual outlet of a frustrated nation




Paul wright

the london short film festival


The lost and found music selection of the month




Being Blunt the rarest of birds




“I have been a lot of times, just to be a part of what’s happening, it’s history that is being made here for us and, who knows, for Europe as well.�


he ferocious display evoked a society unhinged. There were staccato booms, Ă DVKHV VLUHQV WKH URDU RI SROLFH PRWRUF\FOHV GULIWLQJ VPRNH Ă LPV\ EDUULFDGHV VPDVKHG glass storefronts and jeering youths with cloth draped over their faces, and clubs and marble chunks chipped off building fronts in their hands. Greeks had indulged in another contained eruption, heavy with choreography and symbolism, to convey disgust with their political class. The culture of protest and violence by a hardened minority is now a routine form of collective therapy. It turns out there is a framework to the chaos, and even police play a part by blasting away with tear gas that riles up the crowd, but doesn’t make it go home. Both sides usually act with a degree of mutual restraint, in contrast to the popular uprisings in the Middle East and North Africa, which have often elicited bloody crackdowns and even warfare. Greece does have a dark history of military dictatorship, terrorism, political assassination, and anarchism. And modern-day protests don’t always follow a script. Last year, three clerks died when their bank was torched by rioters. Much of the current protest is about extreme gestures that are, fortunately, grounded only in performance. At one noisy protest, a young man made eye contact with a policeman in siOHQFH WKHQ GUHZ D Ă€QJHU DFURVV KLV WKURDW LQ D slitting motion. Another agitated man plucked a few grimy euro banknotes from his pocket and waved them at police lines. “Here, you want my money? Take it!â€? he fumed sarcastically before pocketing the money again. The anger and fear are real of the unknown as Europe and international lenders struggle to help Greece dodge a bankruptcy that FRXOG LQĂ LFW QHZ WXUPRLO RQ JOREDO PDUNHWV

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Greeks feel their lives are stalled and protest is the only way to release reservoirs of boiling emotion.

The protests, which began on 5 May 2010, were sparked by plans to cut public spending and raise taxes as austerity measures in exchange for a â‚Ź110 billion bail-out, aimed at solving the 2010–2011 Greek debt crisis. The memorandum signed between Greece and the IMF became largely unpopular in Greece, with some polls showing that 62% of the people asked believe it was a bad decision.. Amid accusations that the government has not achieved its goals according to the IMF memorandum, some countries in the European Union have stated that they will not be lending Greece any more money if the IMF does not do so, including the Netherlands, Germany and Sweden.[56][57] Some EuroSHDQ RIĂ€FLDOV ZHQW VR IDU DV WR VD\ WKDW Greece should start selling away its assets to other European nations in order to receive loans, and the Dutch Minister of Finance said that the Greek parliament would not like this proposal and characterized the opinion of the Greek parliament as “a sensibilityâ€? that no one can consider .

“I vote, You vote, He votes, She votes, We vote, You vote, They stealâ€? A stun grenade exploded in the hand of D *UHHN ULRW SROLFHPDQ VHYHULQJ D Ă€Qger. Police and demonstrators ceased combat and scoured the debris-strewn street, uniting in a frantic search for the missing digit. 7KH\ IRXQG LW 7KH Ă€QJHU ZDV UXVKHG off in a wet towel to a hospital, where doctors reattached it to the injured man. The brief scene of solidarity, witnessed by an Associated Press photographer, was one of many twists in a wild drama on the stage of central Athens this week. On one hand, Greece delivered an image of rage and rift to the world with the battles around parliament, where lawmakers approved an austerity bill in an attempt to avert a default that could LQĂ LFW Ă€QDQFLDO PD\KHP DFURVV (XURSH and beyond. About 300 people were injured over two days.

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Meanwhile, unemployment exceeded 15%, while a big percentage of full-time workers were only awarded the minimum wage of 592 Euros, or even less. Rumours in regards to Greece’s exclusion from the Eurozone also added to the mounting frustration, but these were categorically rejected by the Greek government, the European Central Bank, the Bank of Greece and IMF-director nominee, and French Finance Minister, Christine Lagarde. On 29 June 2011, amid violent protests, the second austerity package was passed with 155 votes in favor in the 300-seat SDUOLDPHQW 7KH QH[W GD\ WKH 2IĂ€FH RI WKH High Commissioner for Human Rights of the United Nations reported an independent UN expert’s warning that the austerity measures could result in violations of the Greek people’s human rights, such as “rights to food, water, adequate housing and work under fair equitable contionsâ€?.

The vice-president of the Greek government, Theodoros Pangalos, adopted an ironic stance towards the movement, “movements without ideology and organization, that is to say movements based on anger, can only lead to either an ineffective release [of tension], which at the end of the day is of no interest to the political world, or pave the way for an undemocratic change of regime by organized minorities�.





The London Short Film Festival. Hardcore Swedish feminist porn, the debut short of Garth Marenghi (known as Mathew Holness), Rhys Ifans getting surreal with the Chapman Brothers and London harpist 4FSBmOB 4UFFS QFSGPSNJOH MJWF UP BOJmation. London Short Film Festival, the NPTU EJWFSTF BOE FYDJUJOH mMN GFTUJWBM JO existence, kicks off this week for ten days of laughs, stomach churns, pant rumbles and drink and oustanding new directors.


“Yeah, I’m only 30, I thought retrospectives come about when you’re at the end of your career�. I

n keeping with their reputation for

bringing new talent to the forefront, LSFF are staging an exclusive retrospective of last year’s BAFTA short mMN XJOOFS 1BVM 8SJHIU " CSJMMJBOUMZ JOOPWBUJWF mMNNBLFS IJT mMNT NBLF BGfective use of abstract yet emotionally charged sequences with traditional narrative. The event, Death & TransmHVSBUJPO XJMM TIPX GPVS PG IJT mMNT including BAFTA winner ‘Until The River Runs Red’, and be followed by B 2 " 8FMM XPSUI B MPPL GPS mMNNBLers and cinephiles. Dazed Digital met

I’m sure a psychoanalyst would IBWF B mFME EBZ XJUI UIF XIPMF thing. I guess you just write what feels true to yourself. There’s often a central character who has been thrown into alienation. 1BVM 8SJHIU Yeah, people on the fringes of society, they’re the characters I’m most interested in. I guess, getting into a world of these people and wondering how they might have got that way.

VQ XJUI 1BVM 8SJHIU UP DIBU BCPVU TUZMF and themes in his work.

%B[FE %JHJUBM *T UIJT UIF mSTU UJNF you’ve had a retrospective of your mMNT 1BVM 8SJHIU Yeah, I’m only 30, I thought retrospectives come about when you’re at the end of your career. It’s great, obviously. It will be interesting to see them back-to-back as well. Not many laughs in there though, it needs something in the middle, half time entertainment or something. Do you see common themes that tie them together? 1BVM 8SJHIU It’s not deliberate, but * E TBZ JU T USZJOH UP mOE CFBVUZ BOE love in pretty dark places; death seems to pop up a lot. I wouldn’t over analyse it too much myself,


There’s often a central character who has been thrown into alienation. 1BVM 8SJHIU Yeah, people on the fringes of society, they’re the characters I’m most interested in. I guess, getting into a world of these people and wondering how they might have got that way. 8FSF ZPV TVSQSJTFE XIFO ZPV XPO the BAFTA? 1BVM 8SJHIU .Z WFSZ mSTU mMN BDtually was nominated for a BAFTA, so that was 4 or 5 years ago, Hikikomori. It’s been good, I’ve always had enough people supporting my work. It’s great when you’re trying to do something a bit different that certain people are digging it anyway.







“So it was a puzzle for me to decide how I wanted to present them.�


IF %BSKFFMJOH -JNJUFE w 8FT "OEFSTPO T mGUI GFBUVSF mMN PQFOFE UP mixed reviews in about 200 theaters on Sept. 29, but for its wider release to almost 800 theaters, next Friday, NPWJFHPFST XJMM mSTU TFF B TIPSU mMN — one that got rave reviews — and, the hope is, “The Darjeeling Limited� will get a bump in ticket sales. " ZFBS CFGPSF mMNJOH i5IF %BSKFFMing Limited,� Mr. Anderson made a 13-minute movie called “Hotel Chevalier� featuring one of the characters from “The Darjeeling Limited.� The short, in contrast to the feature, received nearly universal praise when it XBT TIPXO BMPOHTJEF UIF MPOHFS mMN at some festivals.

Mr. Anderson, who paid to make the short himself, said he was not sure how its distribution would be handled. “The Darjeeling Limited� has a distinct “opening of the story� sequence that made him “reluctant to attach the short to it.� But he knew that he wantFE BVEJFODFT UP TFF CPUI mMNT i4P JU was a puzzle for me to decide how I wanted to present them.� After some discussion with executives at Fox Searchlight the decision was made to offer it on iTunes (and since Mr. Schwartzman’s character QPJOUFEMZ VTFT BO J1PE BOE EPDLJOH station, there was some inherent synergy there).

“The Darjeeling Limited� is about three brothers, played by Adrien BroEZ 0XFO 8JMTPO BOE +BTPO 4DIXBSU[man, traveling together in India on a spiritual quest. “Hotel Chevalier,� which Mr. Anderson wrote, takes QMBDF JO B GBODZ IPUFM SPPN JO 1BSJT and tells some of the “back story� of .S 4DIXBSU[NBO T DIBSBDUFS +BDL

Nancy Utley, a chief operating ofmDFS PG 'PY 4FBSDIMJHIU TBJE UIBU IFS company did not even know about the short until “The Darjeeling Limited� was completed. Even though Fox was aware of the critical acclaim, the company decided not to release it along with the feature. She said Fox EFDJEFE UP SFNBJO inFYJCMFw PO XIBU to do.

5IF TIPSU TUBST /BUBMJF 1PSUNBO BOE though she does not appear in the movie, her character is important to it, Mr. Anderson said (And just as imQPSUBOU GPS QVCMJDJUZ .T 1PSUNBO T mSTU OVEF TDFOF

i8F UIPVHIU JU XPVME CF UPP DIBMMFOHing to moviegoers to be exposed to the short in theaters right at the beHJOOJOH PG UIF SVO w TIF TBJE i8F wanted to make sure ‘The Darjeeling -JNJUFE HPU FTUBCMJTIFE mSTUw

The Darjeeling Limited

8JUI UIF XJEFS SFMFBTF MPPNJOH BOE “Darjeeling Limited� doing small busiOFTT BU UIF CPY PGmDF KVTU PWFS million so far), it seemed the obvious DIPJDF UP JODMVEF UIF mMN T NPSF QPQVMBS little sibling as a bonus. Fox Searchlight also is hoping the short is Oscar-worthy and plans to promote it as a contender in the best live-action short category. Moviemakers are in demand among advertisers, who have a growing appetite for cinema-quality video that can run on television, online and in theaters. 5IF BEWFOU PG IJHI EFmOJUJPO UFMFWJTJPO means commercials must be expertly mMNFE BEWFSUJTFST TBZ BOE UIF SJTF PG DVRs means people need compelling reasons to watch ads rather than skip.

The Darjeeling Limited

“commercials are getting in and out in three days, and exists in a few weeks�

The Darjeeling Limited

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8FT "OEFSTPO JT CFIJOE TPNF GBTU paced spots now running for AT&T, XIJMF %BWJE .BNFU NBEF IJT mSTU UFMFWJsion commercials in April for Ford. Ben "GnFDL UIF BDUPS XIPTF mSTU QSPKFDU BT a movie director, “Gone Baby Gone,� came out on Friday, has just signed a contract with a company in Santa Monica that produces commercials; he has also been looking at storyboards for AT&T. American Express uses Hollywood personalities: Martin Scorsese, M. Night Shyamalan and Mr. Anderson have all appeared in its ads. i8F XBOU UIF CFTU DSFBUJWF NJOET JO UIF world thinking about our brand,� Mr. Scotti said. “It’s about creating a piece that’s going to be both art and commerce.�


Innovation, Gliding Across the Generations


oes inventiveness run in families? Is there a gene that awakens the entrepreneurial urge? A look at the Smith family offers at least anecdotal evidence that the answer is yes. Nick and Billy Smith, California-born brothers, grew up admiring the derring-do of their father’s father, a mechanical engineer and sometime SBDF DBS ESJWFS OBNFE ) 8 4NJUI +S — or Bill to his friends. “He was all about having a good time — still is,� says Nick, 22. That’s why, in 2006 on a visit to their grandfather’s ski cabin in Vail, Colo., the brothers were drawn to its dusty atUJD 5IFZ XFSF DFSUBJO UIFZ XPVME mOE TPNFUIJOH GVO UP EP UIFSF i8F XFSF MPPLJOH GPS TDIOBQQT PS mSFXPSLT one of the two,� Nick says. “I think it was both,� says Billy, 26. Instead, poking around, the Smith CSPUIFST GPVOE B DSBUF mMMFE XJUI cardboard boxes, each about the size of a travel umbrella. A drawing on every box showed a man on skis, a parachutelike sail attached to his wrists and legs. Ski-Klipper, the label said. The boys hurried downstairs, demanding to know what they had found. Capes? Kites?


i0VS HSBOEGBUIFS KVTU TBJE A1VU UIFN on. They’re a lot of fun,’ “ Billy says. Flash forward to April 6, 2010, when the brothers received a patent for something they call the Sporting-Sail. It has almost the same design their grandfather created in the late 1960s — and quickly abandoned, he says, because he was too busy — but is made from modern materials. And the product — which lets users harness the wind to decelerate on steep inclines — is not just for skiers any more. “There are more kids skateboarding today than playing Little League baseball,â€? Nick says, explaining the modern need that inspired their company, called Sukräfte — a melding of the words “surfâ€? and “skate.â€? As he put it, there are 18.5 million skateboarders worldwide, “and not a sinHMF FGmDJFOU CSBLJOH TZTUFN PO UIF market — ka-ching!â€? Billy Smith works as a wet-suit deTJHOFS BU 1BUBHPOJB UIF PVUEPPS clothing company, when he is not tending to their start-up business. He recalls a childhood in which the two brothers puttered in the family garage in Mill Valley, Calif. “The garage was the base,â€? he says, recalling how he created bags from recycled ma-

e d I W

E L G N A MAGAZINE_focus on


terials as a teenager while his brother shaped surfboards BOE TLBUFCPBSET i4FXJOH NBDIJOFT UP TDSFXESJWFST 8F IBE JU BMM 'JCFSHMBT ,FWMBS DBSCPO mCFS SVCCFS TDSBQT w �Nick says, “The garage was the think tank.� He graduated on Friday with a bachelor’s degree from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California. The brothers’ mother, Brigitte Smith, is an architect, and their father, Bill Smith III, is a landscape architect. The sons credit their parents along with their grandfather with encouraging their creativity by setting an example. “Reinvent the descent� is the marketing slogan the brothers coined GPS UIFJS QSPEVDU XIJDI DPTUT and comes with a lifetime guarantee. But the principle that guides the company is best articulated in UIJT EFTDSJQUJPO PO UIFJS 8FC TJUF TQPSUJOH TBJMT DPN “A Downhill and Downwind Friend and Family Tradition.� 'SPN IJT IPNF JO VQTUBUF /FX :PSL ) 8 4NJUI +S now 83, says he based his Ski-Klipper on a contraption he saw while skiing in Europe in the ‘60s. “I love deep and steep, but sometimes it’s a little steeper than I’d

rather,� he says with his strong tone of voice. “But with the sail I could do some pretty darn steep places.� Mr. Smith, who signs his e-mail “Bill, the OLD OLD man,� has nevertheless already enjoyed 39 days of skiing this year. He says that growing up in Cooperstown, N.Y., he was always inventing things. “I had a science club I belonged to,� he says. “You couldn’t do this today, but we made bombs and huge hot-air balloons that you could let go.� Later, that tinkering spirit led him to be a co-founder of what is OPX .D-BSFO 1FSGPSNBODF 5FDInologies, a Detroit-area company that, among other things, builds engines and drive trains for automakers. He says his Ski-Klipper side venture, developed on a lark, stalled when one Vail ski resort prohibited the use of hang gliders and his product. “I thought we would try to sell a few, but I had a lot more to do, so I boxed them up and stowed them away,� he says. Asked about his grandsons’ reinvestment in the idea with an emphasis on skateboarding, he sounds tickled. “They’re good lads,� he says. “They’re staying out of trouble.

“He’d be like, ‘Follow me! We’re still following him�

The Smith's Brother with granfather


ness to grow, they have big ambitions. They hope to develop Sukräfte into a lifestyle brand with many products. And to think it started because their pyrotechnic-loving grandfather had a yen for fun. “He’s mellowed out a little bit with the explosives, but when I was 8 years old, he’d be on the chairlift, lighting bottle rockets,â€? Nick recalls, laughing. Billy says: “He’d CF MJLF A'PMMPX NFĂž 8F SF TUJMM GPMMPXJOH IJN w In Laguna Beach -California, Chance Gaul cannot drive a car yet. He is only 14. But he is already the fastest thing on wheels around here. 8IJMF 1PSTDIFT BOE .FSDFEFT #FO[FT QSFDBSJPVTly descend the windy canyon roads here at 25 miles per hour, Chance bombs down at 40, sometimes even 60 m.p.h. on his skateboard, savoring the sea breeze on his face. But this may be his last ride here. The future of downhill skateboarding is in jeopardy in the region where the sport was born, with bans spreading across Southern California and lawmakers questioning whether people — teenagers mostly — should be barreling downhill at 60 m.p.h. with very little between them and the pavement. So what does it feel like to use a Sporting-Sail? Nick and Billy Smith liken it to the feeling you get on a roller coaster when you’re going over a hump. “As you’re on your way down a hill and you deploy this thing, you get instant stability,â€? says Billy, who received a bachelor’s EFHSFF JO BSU BOE CVTJOFTT GSPN UIF 6OJWFSTJUZ PG 1VHFU Sound. “As a result you can take a new line down the same old run.â€? /JDL SFDBMMT UIF mSTU UJNF IF UFTUFE UIF TBJM PO B TLBUFboard during a downhill run. He was just north of the Golden Gate Bridge, on a steep, closed road that heads into Fort Baker. He’d been there before, but this time, he was in control. “I could go straight — I didn’t have to put my hands down or wear out my shoes or slide,â€? he says. “I opened up the sail and it decelerated me,â€? he adds. “Then I tucked back up and got going again. By the time I was done with my third run, I had 30 people on the bridge watching me. It was a whole new approach to the downhill experience.â€? The Sporting-Sail is available at only a few retailers. "CPVU PG UIF TBJMT IBWF CFFO TPME TP GBS NPTUMZ POline. But while the brothers are in no hurry for the busi

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Emily Blunt Chanel black dress Anonymous industry hat Photo by James Alexson


BEING t n u Bl

the rarest of birds.


SFUUZ XJUUZ &OHMJTI BDUSFTT &NJMZ #MVOU mSTU came to the public attention (at least StateTJEF JO T TVNNFS IJU 5IF %FWJM 8FBST 1SBEB BT UIF UBSU UPOHVFE QFSTPOBM BTTJTUBOU to Meryl Streep’s terrifying fash-mag Editor-inChief. This catty yet comic role may have been her breakout performance in Hollywood, but Blunt was already familiar to her fellow Brits for inhabiting several intriguing characters earlier that decade, both on stage and screen. From QMBZJOH B TNJUUFO MFTCJBO 5BNTJO JO 1BXFM 1BXlikowski’s lush and moody teen romance, My Summer of Love (2004), to a chilly, estranged EBVHIUFS JO 4UFQIFO 1PMJBLPGG T 57 ESBNB Gideon’s Daughter, opposite Bill Nighy, Blunt’s choices seem designed to showcase her im-

pressive range as an actress and even a singer. According to the imdb, co-star Meryl Streep has praised Blunt as, “˜the best young actress I’ve worked with in some time, perhaps ever�. Now the doe-eyed, porcelain-skinned, Londonborn brunette is appearing in a romantic drama XJUI B TDJ m UISJMMFS FEHF PQQPTJUF IVOLZ .BUU Damon, in The Adjustment Bureau. Damon plays a man who gains an unauthorized glimpse of the future Fate has planned for him, only to realise he wants something else. On the verge of winning a seat in the U.S. Senate, ambitious politician David (Damon) meets beautiful, contemporary ballerina Elise (Emily Blunt) and both are instantly smitten with each other. But mysterious men pop up and engineer events to keep the two apart.

“if I open a script and the description reads nice, normal girl, I slam it shut�



Gossip reporters are often complaining that there are few paparazzi shots of you doing anything naughty. Is there an art to staying off the tabloid radar? 1FPQMF BSF MJLF i8F XBOU UP TFF IFS GBMM PO IFS GBDF OPU wearing underwear.� That sounds just awful. They can clamor for those pictures, but I am determined not to reveal any of that. I did manage to smash the front of my 1SJVT UIF PUIFS EBZ * IJU B DVSC During shooting for The Devil Wears Prada, you had a habit of showing up on set whether you had a call time on that day or not. Is directing in your future? *U XBT NZ mSTU SFBMMZ CJH GFBUVSF 5P TFF UIJOHT NPWF MJLF a well-oiled machine is so interesting. But I was lonely as well. I knew no one [in the area] apart from people on the set—and it was a riot. I was in heaven every day working on that movie.


I heard you once instructed a photographer not to airbrush you—that can’t be right, can it? I told him not to make me thinner. I hate when your legs are three times the length they actually are. I heard they could raise your nipples if you have a slightly see-through top, lift your bum—they can do everything. I can underTUBOE UIFSF BSF UIJOHT MJLF TIBEPXT UIFZ OFFE UP mY BGUFS B shoot, but it’s unfair to represent an image of yourself if it’s OPU USVF 5IFZ SF HPOOB TFF XIBU ZPV MPPL MJLF PO mMN BOZway, so why try to cover all your wobbly bits in a photo? So many rising actresses lean on romantic comedies to build their rÊsumÊs. Your CV is so much more diverse. Tell me about your search process. *U T BCPVU USZJOH UP mOE UIPTF TDSJQUT UIBU TVSQSJTF NF UIBU have a fresh spirit. There really is a dearth of material out there, especially for women. Some romantic comedies

“ I think there’s a tendency to think women can’t be funny �

BSF HSFBU &WFSZPOF JT USZJOH UP SFXSJUF 8IFO )BSSZ .FU Sally—which is the best—but no one has come up with JU ZFU * KVTU mOE DMJDI�T B CJU UPVHI UP TXBMMPX You’ve been quoted as saying your character in :ROIPDQ *ZHQ &RQOLIIH LV SUREDEO\ WKH ÀUVW LQnately good character you’ve ever played. I’m telling Buckingham Palace! Victoria had a horrible temper—feisty and stubborn and determined. Gwen is an icon of purity. She’s willing to see the goodness in everyone, to extend a hand for everything. She’s quite a strong girl, a damsel in distress to #FOJDJP T 8PMGNBO I know you have a ton of projects going on, so thank you for your time. Actually, right now I’m working on a project called Sitting on the Couch and Eating.






ichael Angelakos hears music in his head and knows exactly how he wants it to sound. The young composer/performer has already created two studio masterpieces Manners and Chunk of Change and with his fellow musicians JO 1BTTJPO 1JU JT UBLJOH IJT QFSGFDUJPOJTU pop vision to a whole new level in concert. Soulful, memorable, danceable, earnest and unabashedly pop, the muTJD .JDIBFM "OHFMBLPT EFMJWFST PO 1BTTJPO 1JU T EFCVU BMCVN .BOOFST SFveals a complex and challenging 21st century sound and sensibility, baroque and intricate in its construction with exquisitely soaring hooks and melodies DPVQMFE XJUI FOJHNBUJD MZSJDT nPXJOH straight from the id. Launched a mere three years ago as a humble one man multi-track laptop project in Angelakos’ DPMMFHF EPSN SPPN 1BTTJPO 1JU IBT SBQJEMZ FWPMWFE VOEFS mSF JOUP BO JO EFmand concert attraction, with sold out tours and a growing international reputation based on the power and immediacy of the music. And then there is UIF JO DPODFSU 1BTTJPO 1JU B MPPTF ZFU tightly calibrated ensemble who turn Angelakos’ musical studio blueprints into a cathartic live experience. 1BTTJPO 1JU IBT FWFO MBOEFE IJHI QSPmMF TMPUT PO B TFSJFT PG JOUFSOBUJPOBM GFTtivals including Australia’s Big Day Out.

“Manners� will be on sale as part of iTunes Best 44

JUST REALESED the best new music


Notable Releases Do you love jazz or does country music get you kicking? Are you a classical connoisseur or does rap rock your world? Whatever your taste, here you can ÀQG VRPH SUHWW\ FKDUPLQJ VHOHFWLRQV \RX ZHҋUH ORRNLQJ IRU

The “Two cousins� single comes out with this amazing new video for Slow Club from their forthcoming album out in September, featuring dancers Ryan Francois and Remy Kouame performing an homage to dancers Al .JOOT BOE -FPO +BNFT 5IF NVTJD JO no way “matches� the dancing, and yet creates such a beautiful juxtaposition and mellow rythim.

There’s some lovely sentimentality in their music that feels like all the summer picnics are all coming together in one place. A warm sound and an innocence that really does thrust you into a lovely happy place. This band are in a similar vein to ‘Lady and Bird‘ but at the same time manage to sound unique, like something else too. Beautiful acoustic harmonics.

You could call Ume shoegazer. Or maybe you’d like to call them a power QPQ PVUmU :PV DPVME UBML BCPVU QVOL JOnVFODFT :PV DPVME TBZ UIFTF things, but you’d be wrong – not because these things don’t apply, but because they don’t get at what Ume is at its core. Ume is a rock band. You remember when you could use those four letters by themselves?

“This is another one of those, er, singalongs,� says Beirut’s Zach Condon, sounding slightly embarrassed by what’s going on around him. Once again, the cavernous Academy erupts into a choir of audience voices, with every second hand in the building raised into the air. Songs that turn large crowds of adults into excitable, jibbering kids.

The mood is so dreamy, so tender, you almost miss the sardonic edge UP UIF MZSJDT 8IBU 7JODFOU $BDDIJone brilliantly evokes is the ache and longing of suburban teens. His way with a pop melody – especially on 5FnPO )FBSU o TVHHFTUT IF EFTFSWFT a whole lot of fame for his ability to blend the lugubrious and the lovely, the ugly and the pretty.

*G +PTĂ? (PO[ĂˆMF[ IBEO U DPNF BMPOH the global advertising industry would have invented him. A Swede of ArHFOUJOF FYUSBDUJPO XJUI BO BGmOJUZ GPS "GSJDBO SIZUINT (PO[ĂˆMF[ JOJUJBMMZ ESFX XPSMEXJEF PS BU MFBTU 8PSME 8JEF 8FC BUUFOUJPO XIFO IJT BDPVTtic Knife cover turned up on a San Francisco-shot commercial for a +BQBOFTF IJHI EFG 57 XJUI IJT NVTJD





What makes certain foods so expensive? Brand names A more expensive price tag usually indicates higher quality. Advertising and marketing in the United States is a major expense -- a full page print BE JO B OBUJPOBM NBHB[JOF DBO IJU mWF mHVSFT "OE QSPEVDUJPO DPTUT GPS B 57 commercial usually runs hundreds of thousands of dollars, which doesn’t even include the cost of air time.

Organics Rare Foods Some foods cost more money because of the simple fact that they’re hard to come by. Everybody knows that when the demand is greater than the supply for any product, the cost is going to go up. Many of these same foods require more human resources and labor to acquire or produce. Saffron is a spice famous for its distinctive taste and considerable expense, due to the staggering OVNCFS PG nPXFST JU UBLFT UP produce a very small amount of the spice. Macadamia nuts are also on the pricey side for the same reason -- only trees that are at least seven years old can produce them.


Farmers that use agrochemicals have operations that are heavily subsidized by the government. Agrochemicals weren’t developed with taste, nutrition or the environment in mind, but they help to produce abundant amounts of food by allowing farmers to grow fruits and vegetables faster and cheaper. Organic foods are grown without using chemical fertilizers, which is considerably more labor intensive.

8JUIPVU UIF VTF PG QFTUJDJEFT IBOE weeding is necessary and paying labor costs is more expensive than paying for the pesticides. Organic farms use manure and compost, which is much heavier and costlier to ship than chemical fertilizers. The cost of PSHBOJD DFSUJmDBUJPO JT BMTP B TJHOJmcant line item in the budget of an organic farmer.

Truffles They are extremely expensive because of the labor required to put them on your plate and the fact that they only exist in a few regions. Despite a lot of effort, these underground fungi have never been able UP CF BSUJmDJBMMZ DVMUJWBUFE -PDBUJOH USVGnFT JT B WFSZ UJNF DPOTVNJOH



The world’s most expensive caviar is a UZQF PG *SBOJBO CFMVHB DBMMFE "MNBT 1BMF amber in color, it comes from sturgeons that are between 60 and 100 years old. A 3.9-pound container will set you back

Saffron, the most expensive spice in the world, has sold in recent years for BT NVDI BT QFS QPVOEĂž 5IF price tag is so high because it must be harvested by hand and it takes more UIBO UISFBET PS mMBNFOUT PG UIF DSPDVT nPXFS UP FRVBM POF QPVOE of the spice! Most saffron comes from Iran, Turkey, India, Morocco, Spain, and Greece, and in the ancient world the spice was used medicinally and for food and dye.

Bread 'PSHFU 1PJMÉOF T GBNPVT 'SFODI TPVSEPVHI BU B MPBG *O %JBOF Duyser of Florida noticed that the toasted sandwich she was eating appeared to contain an image of the Virgin Mary. She kept it for ten years (it never went moldy), before selling it to Canadian casino GoldFOQBMBDF DPN GPS JO

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editore M.C.S. snc Via Monte Stella, 2 10015 Ivera (TO) redazione Alzaia Naviglio Grande 14 20144 Milano Tel. +39 02 4549 1091 Tel. +39 02 8907 2469 info@wumagazine.it direttore responsabile Stefani Ampollini s.ampollini@wumagazine.it art director Maurizio Maselli maselli@artworkweb.com

fashion editor Luigi Bruzzone l.bruzzone@wumagazine.it caporedattore Andrea Zappa a.zappa@wumagazine.it caposervizio cultura ed eventi Enrico S. Benincasa e.benincasa@wumagazine.it IRWRJUDÀ E. Castaldo, M. Cherubino, Neil Krug, R. Menengoni, P. Proserpio, Oliver Rath, E. Zamponi

WU msgazine è un marchio registrato SUHVVR OҋXIÀFLR LWDOLDQR %UHYHWWL H Marchi (U.I.B.M.) del ministero dell’Industria e dell’Artigianato con il n° mi2008c013413. E’ vietata la riproduzione, anche parziale, di testi e foto. Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Milano. N° 43 del 29 Gennaio 2009

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