Lauren Adams T e x a s
A & M
U n i v e r s i t y
‘ 1 4 832.492.5986
Lauren Adams
Student of Environmental Design Profile
Currently enrolled at Texas A&M University as a third year Environmental Design student. Having currently completed the Real Estate licensee requirements through Blinn College, I hope to one day combine my real estate and architecture knowledge into a business.
Work Experience
Editor, “REimagine” and “REinnovate,” Dr. Susan Rodiek; College Station, Texas - Fall 2013 - Spring 2014 Worked as editor of two architecture student books of work for Dr. Susan Rodiek. The books contain all of Dr. Rodiek’s students’ work from the fall and spring semesters. Office Assistant, Leiker Orthodontics; The Woodlands, Texas - 2007 to 2011 Worked at an orthodontic office for four consecutive summers. Tasks included lab work, creating patient charts, computer entries of patient information, filing charts, recall system, patient correspondence, marketing program, etc.
Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas - Bachelors of Environmental Design, Fall 2012 to Fall 2015, 3.66 GPA Blinn College, Bryan, Texas - Real Estate, Fall 2011 to Summer 2012/2013, 3.85 GPA
Experience with Autodesk Revit, Autodesk AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Google SketchUp, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Illustrator. Strong hand drawing skills, wood modeling skills, attention to detail, hard and efficient worker, professionalism, and personal skills.
Tau Sigma Delta National Honor Society of Architecture and the Allied Arts - Spring 2014 - Member Golden Key International Honour Society, Texas A&M Chapter - Spring 2014 - Member American Institute of Architecture Students - Fall 2012 to Present Christian Architecture Leaders - Fall 2012 to Fall 2013 Aggies Support USO - Fall 2013 to Present Phi Theta Kappa International Honor Society - Fall 2011 - Member Sigma Kappa Delta National English Honor Society- Fall 2011 - Member
Community Service
The Big Event - Spring 2012, Spring 2013 Bryan Rotary Field of Valor Volunteer - Fall 2013
Texas A&M University
Fall 2012
Composition Series
Relief + 3D Studies
Block Engagement: Cityscape of Puzzles
Spring 2013
Marker Renderings: A Study of Materials
Building Analysis: New Art Museum by SANAA
Portal: Movie Inspiration
Hidden Room Retreat: Panoramic Hideaway
Fall 2013
Container Lifestyle: Industrial Peaks
New - Age Senior Home: Botanical Living
Spring 2014
Great Pacific Garbage Patch Proposal: Coral Escape
Healthcare Project: Volare Dialysis Center
Drawings and Sketches
Fall 2012
T e x a s P
r o
A & M
U n i v e r s i t y
Composition Series Academic - Individual
A single composition with emphasis on relationships of elements was to be used for this series. The purpose was to reiterate various ways in which the design can be transformed while continuing to use only the line elements from the original compostion. The new iterations were then painted using acrylic paints.
Relief + 3D Studies Academic - Individual
This study was conducted to transform a 2D composition into a 3D relief. A paper and graphite composition was used to generate the design for the chipboard relief.
Block Engagement C i t y s c a p e
o f
P u z z l e s
Academic - Individual
The first stage in this final study was to create a 3D puzzle composed of twelve pieces. The pieces were then taken apart and arranged to form a structure of larger scale, an abstract city plan. This project places a strong emphasis on visible relationships of the pieces and how they work in the new structure.
exploded isometric of original puzzle pieces
diagram showing locations of original puzzle pieces
diagram showing locations of new structure
diagram showing relationships between the puzzle pieces
overlay of all diagrams
perspective of cityscape with stream of water
Spring 2013
T e x a s
A & M
U n i v e r s i t y
P r o f e s s o r s E r i c a Q u i n o n e s a n d R u s s e l l W. R e i d
Marker Renderings A
S t u d y
o f
M a t e r i a l s
Academic - Individual
The marker renderings were to be used as a study to comprehend the characteristics of m a s o n r y , r e f l e c t i o n , w o o d , m e t a l , l i g h t , a n d w a t e r. P r i s m a c o l o r m a r k e r s , w a r m g r e y s , a n d c o o l g r e y s were u sed to ex pre ss t he varyi ng shad ow s and shades o f e ac h m at e r i al s t udy.
Building Analysis N e w
A r t
M u s e u m
B y
Academic - Partner
A building analysis was conducted to understand how to interpret and recreate an already existing building, The ability to read floorplans and recreate a model to scale were the skills acquired from this study.
diagram of flow through the floor levels
view of terrace on seventh level
view of fourth level interior
new art museum by sanaa
Portal M o v i e
I n s p i r a t i o n
Academic - Individual
The design inspiration for a portal was to be derived from two conflicting characters in a movie. The characters were to have opposite but harmonious personalities. The i n s p i r a t i o n s f o r t h i s p r o j e c t w e r e t h e c h a r a c t e r s “ Tu c k ” a n d “ F D R ” f r o m “ T h i s M e a n s Wa r. ” T h e w o o d p o r t i o n i s t o represent “Tuck” for his rugid appearance and family oriented values, while the plexi glass portion is to represent “FDR” for his polished appearance and shallow values. One character has a separated family life, one has a void that has not been filled, and both collide in war over the same girl. view through portal
level one plan
level two plan
Panoramic hideaway H i d d e n
R o o m
Academic - Individual
R e t r e a t
The meaning of a hidden room can be interpretted in different ways. It can either mean a room that is not visible or a room that is visible but the entrance is not. The latter meaning is represented through this project consisting of four rooms and a fifth room that is to be the hidden room. In this project the hidden room was visible through glass in every room of the structure, but the two entrances were hidden. One was hidden through glass itself and the other was hidden through a walkway underneath part of the structure.
section of hidden room
view of second main stairs
view of main stairs and window ledge projections
divided view of hidden room in the center
Fall 2013
T e x a s D
A & M S
U n i v e r s i t y a
Industrial Peaks C o n t a i n e r
L i f e s t y l e
Academic - Partner
Inspiration for this project was derived from the mountains of G a t l i n b u r g , Te n n e s s e e . S i x s h i p p i n g c o n t a i n e r s w e r e t o be used to create an innovative and sustainable design. Two of the shipping containers were angled upright and serve as the main stairways of the home, master bathroom, and mechanical room. The containers are arranged in a way to serve as the main support walls of the home while creating a breezeway atrium at the h e a r t . T h e r o o f t h e n reinforces the mountainous concept through its peaking in the southwestern point.
common area level
entry level
southern facade
view of entry level with atrium below
view of the common area
view from the loft
Botanical Living N e w - A g e
S e n i o r
H o m e
Academic - Partner
A senior assisted living facility was to be designed with an emphasis on therapeutic benefits of n a t u r e . I t w a s t o b e l o c a t e d i n D o w n t o w n B r y a n , Te x a s a n d h o u s e t e n t o s i x t e e n r e s i d e n t s . T h i s design incorporates the importance of the sense of independent living, access to nature, and social interactions.
Botanical Living
A Entrance B Common Area with Central Fire Place C Ice Cream Parlor D
D Interior Botanical Courtyards and Stream E Media/ Activity Room F Wheel Chair Accessible Planters G Activity/ Croquet Garden
A botanical garden with fountains flowing into a stream is located inside the heart of the buildi n g . Va r i o u s c o u r t y a r d s a r e n e s t l e d w i t h i n t h e g a r d e n s c r e a t i n g t h e s e n s e o f i n d e p e n d e n t l i v i n g of the units and direct daily contact to the therapeutic benefits of nature.
view of interior courtyard
view of flowing botanical garden and common area
Spring 2014
T e x a s D
A & M S
U n i v e r s i t y a
Coral Escape
Great Pacific Garbage Patch Proposal Academic - Partner
A structure was to be designed to serve as a proposal for a resolution to the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This design is that of a resort and a recycling/clean-up facility for the Garbage Patch. The coral reef served as the inspiration of this design and is prominent through the organic coral structures projecting from the sur face. The coral was to serve as a reminder of the effects that industrialization has on nature.
front facade
Wa t e r p a r k a n d i n f i n i t y p o o l l i n e t h e b a c k o f t h e r e s o r t .
Marina with rental equipment, excursions, and putt putt golf.
Crop land designated for facility sustainment.
Scuba Bowl houses rescue coral and marine life. Underwater restaurant is located within the Scuba Bowl.
view of the roof top terrace
view from inside the scuba bowl
Volare Dialysis Center Healthcare Project Academic - Partner
The goal of our dialysis center is to create a hospitable environment with an architectural statement that portrays the journey in which each patient will experience in his or her own way. The layout of the treatment center is versatile in order to create options for a social or private experience while maintaining dialysis code and flow efficiency. The architectural design and materials on the building will be derived from the surrounding areas to create a more intimate and home-like feeling with a modern twist.
The lobby was designed to be like a glass box to help welcome people into the building.
Covered Drop-Off
The staff has a smaller hallway off to the side to differentiate itself from the public areas.
Front Porch
Reception/ Records
Water Room / Storage MED Waste
Social Worker PT Home Training Dietician
Weighing / Lockers Exam Room Nurse Mngr Director
Conference Room Staff Lockers
Sep. Room
Med / Lab Prep
The access hallway between the lobby and the treatment floor is a large corridor with a direct route to the treatment area. The treatment room was designed to be single loaded space. This allows for more privacy and not direct face to face contact with other patients. There is a garden placed behind the treatment room to provide a serene environment. The windows and the structural beams on the building are designed to show the journey of what each patient is going through during treatment. The rising and the falling of the window design represents the better and the hard times during the process. The design is to express hope to all patients through the moving paths.
view of waiting room
view from hallway leading into treatment area
Miscellaneous Academic - Individual
Sketches/drawings of pre-existing buildings and monuments. Some of which are found on Te x a s A & M U n i v e r s i t y g r o u n d s .
T e x a s L
A & M e
U n i v e r s i t y A