What Can LP&A Do For You TODAY? Public Affairs Messaging Crisis Communications Media Relations Public Opinion Research Branding
Development Water Issues Healthcare Corporate Government Associations
Clutter In/Clarity Out
We aren’t those other firms “I truly believe LP&A has been the best addition to our team! Your brilliance, keen awareness of environmental matters, writing skills, though-provoking strategy contributions, impressive PR material and the stomach to deal with the media has made our team go from good to GREAT.” — Ron Metzler, Shea Homes
“Thank you again for your insights and guidance. I truly a cannot thank you enough. You are stellar in every way!” — Christina Noonan, Los Angeles Dept. of Water & Power Commissioner
“To do important work for important clients” Who we are and what we do We’re not exactly the “I like people so I went into PR” kind of PR firm, even though we do like people just fine.
It’s just that we like winning high-level, big stakes communications campaigns more than we like influencing your next donutbuying decision.
“Help me win a controversial issue.� When your issue comes down to a vote of the people or an action by a regulatory board, or you simply need perceptions changed and outcomes influenced, we have unique and finely tuned skills that can help achieve your strategic objectives.
“Talk to the media for me – or teach me how to.” If your message needs the media, our reputation as a PR firm reporters trust can supercharge your story. Or, if you’re trying to avoid the spotlight, we’re pros at that, too. Or, we’ll help you create your own media so you can enjoy complete command of your message.
“Get me through a crisis.�
An aggressive reporter. An attorney after a big reward. Even an honest error by a good employee. All can cause a crisis that can hurt the bottom-line and tarnish good will. In a crisis, think of LP&A as a safety net for your reputation.
“Find out what those important to me think.” 1. Understand the public’s opinion. 2. Change as necessary. Because clients depend on us for step two, we’ve made step one our job, too.
“Build my brand– on paper and online.” Your brand is your organization’s DNA mixed with how the public perceives it. It’s best built through believable, powerful messages created by a strategic agency like LP&A. Why? Because a pretty logo means nothing if there's no substance behind it. And we're experts at style and substance.
Important Clients/Water
Important Clients/Land Development
Important Clients/Cities and Agencies
Important Clients/Public Affairs
Important Clients/Branding and Messaging
Important Clients/Crisis Communications
Our Tool Box
Strategic Communications Support Community Outreach Grassroots Campaigns Messaging Brand Development Brochures Direct Mail Websites Social Media Media Relations
Special Events
For more information: Laer Pearce, APR Laer Pearce & Associates Office: Cell: E-mail: Web:
949/599-1212 ext. 202 949/683-3360 laer@laer.com www.laer.com
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