Google Penalty: Do Not Panic Just Yet To get to the top of search engine ranks, many companies hire SEO companies in a hurry before actually going through their background check or seeing how experienced and good they are. This is why, it is important in the first place to hire a good, reputed and well established SEO services to get higher ranks and value for money. However, many companies get into the loop of the SEO companies with bold claims and end up paying big amounts to get the results they claim, they will deliver. There are two things that happen, either they fail badly while increasing your burden further by generating low quality links to your site and secondly, just to show you results, they will try SEO methods which are deemed as inappropriate by Google. Thus, this will increase your overall cost, hamper your online presence, consume loads of time to get back up to where you were in terms of rankings. Google Penalty is easily imposed on these sites as they seem to be linked to too many notorious websites which influences your site negatively and even though you have done nothing wrong, your SEO company has and thus, Google will take that into account and penalize you. Getting your site back into the good books of Google is not an easy task as you have to reverse the whole process and depending upon the volume of SEO package you ordered from the last SEO company, for which the Google Penalty is imposed, length of reverse process will be determined. Thankfully, there are companies who will help you with link removal while you sit back and relax as the process is fastened because of their experience and expertise and you need not worry about the budget, as these services are affordable and reliable as well. For more information on google penalty removal, visit: