Top Retirement Tips For Your Golden Years

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Top Retirement Tips For Your Golden Years

Aging is inevitable but financial security is not everyone, especially for those that aren’t well prepared for the later years. Retirement planning is not limited to only senior year, in fact, planning early means more room for retirement savings to grow.

Whether you are planning to retire, or you aren’t close to it, here are retirement tips shared by Laurent Carrier, a financial advisor and renowned retirement planner. Follow these tips to prepare the ground for a secured future.

Start Planning For Retirement Early Planning for retirement can never be too early. The earlier you start - the better. This will give you longer time to grow your savings before you retire. Moreover, people at a younger age can put their assets in riskier investments such as stocks or options that could generate a higher rate of return. “Starting early means happier retirement as you will be able to take advantage of the power of compounding interest, “ Laurent Carrier says.

Avail Of Catch Up Contributions Are you already in the ’50s or ’60s and still can’t boast of enough savings for retirement? Here is the good news. There are other ways in which you can boost your retirement savings and still meet up with your goals.

IRAs and 401(k) contributions plan are limited but workers who are 50 years and above are allowed to pass the limits. Putting extra penny can help you to meet up with your goals.

Invest Wisely > > > > >

The nearer you are to the retirement year, the more you have to be prudence with investment. This means, the closer you are to retirement, the lower the level of risk the portfolio should bear. Reason being that if anything goes wrong tomorrow, you won’t have to carry over losses even to retirement years. Let your portfolio contains low-risk securities such as bonds and less of high-risk ones such as stocks. It doesn’t matter if the return is less, at this stage you need a more stable income and a reasonable level of risk.

Plan for future healthcare cost > >


Need to travel and make memories, go cruising and sightseeing, retirees do have a lot on their buckets list. These goals sure come with costs and expenses. That is why it is important to include expenses while planning for retirement. This will determine your savings, investment and how much to withdraw.

One of the major retirement expenses is healthcare and it is vital to plan for unforeseen medical expenses. You can have a separate account for savings on medical costs, or invest in a health savings account.

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Work With A Professional You visit a doctor to monitor your health and stay healthy, working with a retirement planner is a smart way to plan for your golden years. Not only will they help you to develop a holistic approach to your finances, but also to reach your financial goals. Plus, most professionals are also financial planner equipped with knowledge concerning investment and making decisions.

They can help figure out the mix of investment that will generate return, they understand how to outpace inflation, an enemy of compounding and can help with risk minimization. Moreover, most retirees admit that working with professionals give them peace of mind that retirement years are secured.

These retirement tips given by Laurent Carrier, a financial planner and the brain behind will help you to plan for better retirement years.


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