Why Retirement Planning is Must

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Why Retirement Planning is Must

Laurent Carrier

8 hours shift, deadline pressures, obligatory business meetings, important assignments that need to be done. Those days are finally over. To be replaced with a lazy afternoon at the beach, relaxing afternoon nap, enjoyable family bonding with loved ones, exciting tours at dream city. Who doesn’t love retirement? Whether you are salaried or consultant, young or old, wellpaid or not, we all have aspirations, objectives, and dreams for the golden years. However, while you are making those personal planning, remember financial planning as well as it is the key to the realization of your goals and dreams for later years. That is not all, journey with Laurent Carrier, a renowned retirement planner, as he unfolds why you need to plan for retirement so that you just don’t retire, but retire in comfort.

Medical Contingency ⬩ Aging is most times characterized by the emergence of complex health state, therefore it is very important to promote good health at any age.

⬩ Any health issues can become a pest eating up your post-retirement income and with adequate planning, you can prepared for whatever life throws at you.

⬩ Moreover, if you are not well prepared for retirement, this can be depressing for you and your loved ones.

⬩ “Life sometimes does not go as planned and when unwanted situations arise, you might not be able to face it head-on,” says Laurent Carrier This might cause your sleep, your peace of mind, your happiness and even your health.

⬩ Hence, save up to have a happy retirement.

Financial Freedom “Nothing brings mental satisfaction and happiness than the ability to take care of yourself without depending on anyone,” says Laurent Carrier. “Not to talk of the families to rely on are also having their responsibilities and duties, thus, shouldering yours is like mounting more pressures on them,” Laurent adds. From feeding to going on vacay to helping out loved ones financially, a well-planned retirement will ensure these are made possible.

Inflation ⬩ Prices of goods and services will not always be the same as the years rolled by due to inflation.

⬩ This means the value of the money you saved up will not be the same say in 5 years.

⬩ Therefore, you do not only need to save to prepare for the retirement you also need to invest.

⬩ Start building your nest egg now with inflation in mind to ensure you are well equipped for the future.

Ability to Meet Financial Needs

⬩ Some families may be dependent on you even after retirement and adequate planning will ensure you can meet their requirements.

⬩ This might be education, daily expenses, medical expenses, and some other thing.

⬩ Moreover, you can make a great impact on your loved ones when the need arises.

⬩ This can be helping out a family member having financial obstacles, contributing to the financial needs of your grandchildren, gifting something remarkable to a relative.

Take Some Breaks and Enjoy Life ⬩ Even if you plan to work after retirement, you still cannot work forever. You will find out that what you can do with ease when you were young might not be that easy when you are getting old. ⬩ Retirement is, therefore, the time to check off your bucket list and enjoy life.

⬩ Your dreams of traveling, donating to an orphanage, pursuing your passion, (among others) can only be made possible when you plan for your retirement.


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