Water & Oil In this lesson we looked at the at mixing oil and water together creating bubbles, we raised the mixture and added a glase state under it so that we could place fethers under it to create a better background and involve more coulur in to the image and make it more interesting. I zoomed in and used a macro technique, to get the bubble effect. Next time I want to experiment with different background and look at using Photoshop to enhance the bubbles to make them more visible. I like these image as the fathers create and interesting background and the bubbles enhance and intensify the colures making the image stand out, I really like the way they came out.
William Eggleton
He is an American photographer that look at using bright complimentary colures in his photographs to create an interesting and exiting image. He takes images of everyday objects and setting from the 1970s, he uses complimentary colures to make originally dark and dull setting more vibrant and interesting to look at. most of his phtos are still life but he also uses portrait images in the same way, using a dull everyday setting and using colures to make it more inviting. One of his most well known phots is the middle image the image is of a cafĂŠ seace were there id a lady and a man facing each other, with the ladys back to the camera and the mans face not shown, he uses the complementary colures green of the seating and red of the brick wall to make the colures more vibrant. The plane background focuses the attention on the lady with a 70s haircut wearing a purl neckless and a pink top or dress the pick is a contrasting couler making it pop out in the image. William Eggleton uses coulur in different ways to make a once uninteresting image in to a vibrant image. I personally really like his work and would like to try out is techniques and see what I can come out with.
Fruit & Veg In this lesson I looked at using different fruits with contrasting colour backgrounds, I used many different fruits with such as a pineapple, tomato's, and lemons for the images. I experimented with lights and the positioning the fruit, whilst testing close up. I like these images as they are bright and eye-catching, I especially like the pepper images as they textures fit in together and create a professional image. On some of the images I uses Photoshop to enhance the colours and make it stand out. Next time I will look at experimenting with different colour backgrounds, with a wider variety of fruits.
Slinkachu Inspired Photography
In this lesson I looks at using small human fingers in set ups inspired by Slinkachu. I went around the school sit and pleased the fingers in different positions and places to create an interesting and different image. I like these images as thy a new and inspiring, you can use them in so many different ways and create so many new pinchers and use them with different effects. Next time I will experiment with Photoshop and different lightings and set ups.
He is a photographer that looks at using mincer people in everyday urban settings, and creating new story's and scene in every photo. He uses natural light and does not use Photoshop on his images. I like his photography because it is new, you can use it in so many different ways and create your own scene. I like the almost serial look of the pinchers, and the set ups make the scene look realistic. I would like to try his style and see what I can come up with and try to experiment with different fingers and settings, to create a new style. In the pitcher to the far left he uses a puddle he found and a lost shoe to create a "sea monster" scene, he uses a bottle cap as a raft for the fingers, and you can see the amount of time and effort it would take to create the image.
Urban & Rural landscapes For this homework I looked at urban and rural landscapes, I used my iPhone to take the images and edited some using the edit settings on my phone. I like the way they came out as they showcase different landscapes. I took night and day images to get different effects and used sun rises and sun sets to create siloes and interesting sky images. I really like these two images as the sun set creates bright vibrant colures and the reflection in one image creates an interesting image. the other phisher is does not show as bight colures but the symmetrical fetchers and line of trees lined into one make the image different and interesting. next time I would like to try more urban landscapes and use Photoshop to edit and enhance my images.