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2.5.Research question, aim and objectives
2.5. Research question, aim and objectives
The dissertation seeks to address the issues around affordable housing in Romania in the present day and looking forward. As limited time and resources are available for this research, the scope of the dissertation is limited. It therefore focuses on one city in Romania. Ploiesti is a city of 224 406 inhabitants that since the revolution, according to the UN (2016), has had a continuous decline in population (UN, 2016). According to the Agency for Regional Development (2013) report, its proximity to the capital, the rising home prices and housing costs have led many young adults to move to cheaper areas, in Bucharest or to emigrate to other countries (ARD, 2013). Ploiesti is a typical city, from Romania, that must manage depopulation, especially among the younger generation (ARD, 2013). The focus of the dissertation is on young adults because the literature review reveals that this particular age group in Romania is in need of affordable housing (section 2.3) Thus, the research question that arises is: What issues do young adults in Ploiesti, Romania face in accessing affordable housing ? The aim of the research is to identify some of the issues related to affordable housing that young adults encounter in Ploiesti, Romania and how their specific situation compares to the national figures. This will be done by completing three objectives: 1. To review the current government programmes aimed at young adults’ access to housing. 2. To gather primary data on young adults in relation to their housing issues in Ploiesti 3. To draw conclusions as to the housing issues young people in Ploiesti face.