November 2013 SPLASH

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Fall 2012

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

In This Issue: Election Award Nominations WATERCON Art

a d va n c e d va lv e t e c h n o l o g i e s , i n c . 3

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

4 BLACK & VEATCH • CMT Inc. • TNEMEC S P L A S H Fall 2012

Table of Contents

About Illinois section awwa

Chair Report...........................................................................06 Chair Elect Report..................................................................07 Vice Chair Report...................................................................08 ISAWWA Water Trailer ...........................................................08 Trustee at Large Report ........................................................09 AWWA Director Report...........................................................12 Water Efficiency Committee..................................................13 Water Distribution Committee...............................................13 District 2 Trustee Report (Jensen)........................................14 ISAWWA WaterCon 2013 Waterworks Museum...................15 District 5 Trustee Report........................................................16 MAC Committee......................................................................16 Legislative Report..................................................................17 District 2 Trustee Report (Putz).............................................20 The Kazoos are Gone, But Top-Ops Carries On....................21 T-CON......................................................................................21 District 4 Trustee Report .......................................................22 Membership Committee........................................................23 ISAWWA 2013 Election Package...........................................26 Call for Nominees - George Warren Fuller Award.................34 George Warren Fuller Award Nomination Form....................35 ISAWWA Water Tapping Contest Champs.............................29 Backflow Committee..............................................................38 Illinois State Junior Science Fair...........................................40 Young Professionals Committee...........................................41 Small Systems Committee....................................................46 Ya Zhang’s Drinking Water Quest.........................................47 The Barber Shop and AWWA.................................................48 Augustana College Students.................................................49 Education Committee............................................................52 2013 Awards..........................................................................53 ISAWWA Board, Trustees And Committee Chairs.................56 Splash Advertisement Order Form........................................57 Index Of Advertisers...............................................................58

American Water Works Association (AWWA) is the authoritative resource on safe water, providing knowledge, information and advocacy to improve the quality and supply of water in North America and beyond. AWWA advances public health, safety and welfare by uniting the efforts of the full spectrum of the water community. The Illinois Section of the American Water Works Association (ISAWWA) has over 2100 members throughout the State of Illinois. Illinois Section AWWA is the resource for seminars, workshops, video rental library and teleconferences. The Association develops and delivers low cost and convenient educational seminars for water industry professionals. If you would like to place an ad in Splash, please fill out the form in this magazine and return electronically to or mail to the address below. Illinois Section AWWA 545 South Randall Road St. Charles, IL 60174

Cover photo of Double Valves by Lindsay Olson Lindsay will be displaying her fine art during the Exhibit Hall Grand Opening on Monday at WATERCON 2013. She graduated from Columbia College Chicago and has taught there for 12 years. She and her husband can be found most often paddling their canoe “The Leaky Cauldron” on Chicago area waterways. Visit her web page for more information:

Executive director Report Laurie Dougherty: Scan with your QR phone scanner to read.

T able o f c o n te n t s • ab o u t i s a w w a • e x ec u tive d i r ect o r r e p o r t 5

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

chair report Kevin Lookis, Chair

a social media site and have it shared with many people instantly! This comes to mind as we had a “Tweet Along” using Twitter of an abbreviated tour of our facility at Evanston for small children. It was a huge success; and, for those of you that are technologically inclined, go to this link: utilities/water-division/evanston-tap-watertweet-along/index.php and you will see what I am talking about. It was amazing that many people followed the event via smartphone or computer and made comments as we moved along.

Did you hear that? It is all too often that we just do not listen. I bring this up as a reminder of just how much we can learn if we just take the time to hear what people say. There is an old adage that reminds us all that we have two ears and one mouth…which means we should be listening twice as much as we speak! Try it sometime and you will be amazed at what you can learn. This also serves as a reminder of how much communications have changed just in the last 10 years. Who would have thought that we could post almost anything via

The fall has been a busy time for the Illinois Section. We continued to roll out more functions on our new website and have had many compliments on the ease of use and efficiency of the site. Keep watching…this is only the surface of what can be done! In addition, the Governor signed new Clean Water legislation and we were asked to participate in the press conference that was held at the Shedd Aquarium in October. The Section has worked tirelessly for many years to become and to maintain our status as a major stakeholder with regards to local, state and national water issues; and our

participation at the press conference shows just how much this hard work has paid off! Laurie Dougherty, our Executive Director, and John Donahue, President Elect of the AWWA attended on behalf of the Section. Remember that the election of new officers is approaching and the slate of candidates is in this issue as well as the early bird registration for WATERCON. Finally…I want to thank all of you who continue to serve and to assist the Illinois Section as we strive to provide as many training and education opportunities as possible. Remember that this is one of the most important functions and a cornerstone of our organization, and we could not succeed without the efforts of many volunteers. I know there are many members out there who would like to volunteer, and I want to encourage everyone to seek out a colleague and volunteer together! Again, please check out the training schedule for the remainder of this year and remember... “Training, Training, Training”! I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday season and see you in March!

6 C hai r r e p o r t • w a r r e n s a n d c o m p a n y • kli n g n e r a s s o c . S P L A S H Fall 2012

Chair Elect report John Van Arsdel

Greetings my fellow ISAWWA members! I look out the window and see leaves blowing and swirling about in the changing wind and temperature pattern of the fall. Along with that came much needed rain that was surely missed this past summer. And, at this time of the year, we also see our yearly gathering of folks at the ISAWWA office in St. Charles to review abstracts for the upcoming WATERCON conference in March ’13. We were fortunate to again have 25 water and wastewater folks work their way through over 200 abstracts and shape them into another wonderful, action-packed, state-of-the-art festival, celebrating our great stewardship of the world’s greatest natural resource: Water. Every time I have been a part of this abstract act, I am in awe as to how we manage to sift through everything and get the sessions into a presentable format, in such an orderly fashion… Well, maybe not so orderly, but the end result is a schedule of presentations where there is a little something for everyone; a great opportunity to sit and listen to someone passionately talking about their particular topic. I have always had a great time at this event, working with the folks from the IWEA. And lunch was great, too! As this is the season of change, we see a change in the Chair of the Water

Efficiency Committee. Our very talented Amy Talbot is moving out west to California to pursue a different venue in water. I had the opportunity to watch Amy grow considerably in her role as Chair of this committee from the day she took the challenge on, to now as she waves goodbye. I have spoken a few times to others in AWWA as to our roles as water stewards and our challenge to create qualified water leaders. Amy is a good study of learning by doing and leading by example. She has taken her experiences from ISAWWA and leveraged them. This is what we are about… educating our water stewards to become better leaders. So, as Amy moves on, we should fear not for the Water Efficiency Committee, for we have been blessed with an equally talented new Chair, Danielle Gallet. I have worked with Danielle before and she will be great in this role. Welcome, Danielle! By now you may have received a call as a part of our first Membership Week in November. As a part of this celebratory week of AWWA Membership, the Board made phone calls to as many people as possible in ISAWWA, thanking them for their participation in our grand society of water gurus. This will certainly gave those on the Board a real opportunity to gain new perspectives from our members on what it is the membership wants from the organization in exchange for the dues they pay. However, it will also allow the Board to share their experiences on what motivated each one of them to volunteer to take on the role of being a leader for the Section. Hopefully, we will have continued interest from newly minted water professionals who will consider taking the time to participate with the Section Board. March 2013 is moving closer. That means WATERCON 2013 will be upon us before we know it. As stated earlier, we have the abstracts for the presentations sorted, ranked, and scheduled. However, this is just part of the fun. The schedule has changed a bit. Exhibits will open on Monday afternoon instead of Tuesday morning. That will give a bit more exposure to the exhibitors for convention floor traffic. Last year there was a bike

ride on one of the mornings, and that will happen again. Bring your card playing talent (and an extra shirt in case you lose the one you have) as well, for the Texas Hold ’em poker games will be in action. Water main tapping contest will be there as well as the Meter Madness contest. Come cheer your favorites on as the winners will have the opportunity to go on to ACE ’13 to compete with others from the other sections. Test your knowledge of water by either participating in or watching Top Ops. Bid on objects donated for the Water for People Silent Auction. There is something for everyone to do. It will be the New Year before I have the opportunity to write another article. So, for now, I wish everyone a blessed holiday season. Stay healthy and do good work. I thank all who have made this great group we call the ISAWWA such a success. I look back a few years, (21 or so…) when I joined AWWA. I have seen positive changes throughout. I invite those who have not experienced working with our Section to do so. Get on a committee and become involve. If not now, then when? If not you, then who? This has been a great time for the water industry. We all are here to pump you up.

Please dive right in and make a big splash. Submerge yourself in the mainstream of water. Become awash in new knowledge from our deep wells and ride the waves of even newer technologies. There is more than enough in our reservoirs to quench the thirsts of everyone. This is not just a pipe dream… Water at your Service!

chai r elect r e p o r t 7

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

vice chair REPORT Theresa O’Grady

an abstract. There would not be a Technical Program without the speakers volunteering their time to develop the presentation and then to present it. There is a lot more planning still left to do for WATERCON 2013, and there are still many opportunities available to get involved. If you will be attending the conference and would like to volunteer at the conference, you can contact ISAWWA staff. Now that the weather is starting to worsen, it might be a good time to get caught up on operator contact hour and professional development hours. There are several upcoming in-person training sessions available as well as webinars. Check out the website, www.isawwa. org, under the Training tab on the left hand side of the screen for information on upcoming training. Don’t forget that webinars (live and archived) are free for AWWA members. This is one of many benefits of being an AWWA member.

Preparations are in full swing for WATERCON 2013. The Technical Program Committee met last week to select abstracts for the Technical Program. It was a hectic 5 hours, but we left with a preliminary line-up for the technical program. It was the first time I went through the process; and, while it is a little overwhelming at first, everything The new website has been online for seemed to come together. We appreciate almost a year and we are always looking the efforts of everyone who submitted for ways to make it more useful for

ISAWWA Water trailer Kevin Lookis, Chair

Did you know the Illinois Section has a trailer for use which was designed as an excellent educational tool at any local function – especially during the summer months? The trailer is set up to provide water via drinking fountains and hand washing stations using a simple hose connection. There are excellent graphics that adorn the trailer with discussions on the water cycle, water efficiency and water uses. There are photos here and on the website so take a look. I share this with you now so that anyone interested can plan ahead and reserve your date now! At this point, the trailer is used some 15 times per year, mostly at festivals and activities during the summer months. In Evanston, we have used it several times for our “Paint Evanston Purple Day” function with Northwestern University at Ryan Field Football Stadium. We have also used it at our Farmer’s Market during National Drinking Water Week, as well as our annual Green Living Festival. If your community has a special celebration during the spring, summer or fall, using the water trailer is a great way to promote your water utility as well as the use of Tap Water…Good for You…Good for the Environment!

8 vice chai r r e p o r t • I S A WW A Wate r t r aile r S P L A S H Fall 2012

ISAWWA members. If you have any ideas or suggestions for ways of improving the site, be sure to contact ISAWWA staff. As noted prominently at the top of the website home page, ISAWWA strives to be the authoritative resource in the State dedicated to Safe DRINKING Water. If there are any issues related to drinking water in the State that come across your desk, please share the information with ISAWWA staff so that it can be shared with all ISAWWA members. Finally, ISAWWA cannot thrive without volunteers. If you currently volunteer, whether it is on a committee, presenting at a seminar, or in any other capacity, thank you! If do not currently volunteer, please consider volunteering. Whether you are new in your career or on the verge of retiring, it is never too late to get involved. You can check out the website,, contact me or contact ISAWWA staff to find out how you can get involved in ISAWWA. Theresa O’Grady, CMT 630-820-1022

trustee at large report Dennis Bowe

former water utility when I walked out the door on my final day. In a recent employer survey, 76% of firms responding reported there was no succession plan in place to address employee retirements. The loss of skilled intellectual labor coupled with a loss of knowledge base will have serious consequences if the trend is not reversed. This is especially true in the Drinking Water Industry. Few among us have the time or interest to transfer information and knowledge to our colleagues and subordinates. The Drinking Water Industry is facing a serious institutional knowledge vacuum. Increasingly, the baby boomer generation of water professionals is retiring, taking with them valuable experience, knowledge and insight. As a recent retiree, I must admit that I unintentionally contributed to a reduction of knowledge capital at my

Knowledge sharing is widely recognized as the most effective method of ameliorating this loss. We must all participate in measures that reduce and mitigate the so-called “brain drain” syndrome. The majority of ISAWWA committees and programs are committed to the mission of developing and educating water professionals. From the Backflow

Committee to the Young Professionals Committee, there are a myriad of opportunities to share knowledge and wisdom. If you are a veteran water professional, ISAWWA is a tremendous forum for sharing intellectual resources and experiences. Clearly, the strength of an organization comes from the membership. This is also true of industry. Please consider contributing toward Section and water industry strength. Everyone has something to contribute. There is a committee with a relevant constituency for you. Feel free to contact an ISAWWA Officer, Trustee, or Committee Chair to discuss your role and your committee membership. Share your knowledge and experience; share your time and talent - join and participate in ISAWWA committees and programs. Do what you can to perpetuate the professionalism and capabilities of the (your) Drinking Water Industry.

t r u s tee at la r g e r e p o r t • n at g u n 9

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

10 C a d y a q u a s t o r e i n c . S P L A S H Fall 2012

t r i n e m u n ici p al s e r vice s , llc 11

Illinois Section American Water Works Association


Holy cow! This was a particularly rough summer. Not enough water in the river to treat and that which WAS there created treatment challenges. But, the water professionals at our water plant were poised to attack the issue head on and make the “best quality water, at a reasonable price, delivered directly to the spigots of our citizens”. Who are these “water professionals”? Well, if you work in the water profession, YOU are a Water Professional. If you are reading this article, you most likely are one of those Water Professionals. Webster Dictionary gives the definition of professional as: of, relating to, or characteristic of a profession.

Many people think of the word “professional” as someone who wears a suit, sits in a corner office and has reached a certain station in life (or someone who thinks they have). Well, I sometimes wear a suit, I sit in a corner office, I don’t think that I have reached any station in my life, and I rarely act professional; but I can tell you that all the staff here at my water treatment plant are water professionals in the same vain that I am. It’s about the passion and professionalism that you bring to your job that makes you a Water Professional. I want everyone (management, union, public sector, private sector, manufacturers, consultants, etc.) to know that we are all Water Professionals. And what a great profession to get passionate about WATER. It’s the best job in the world. There are many opportunities in the water industry. The water sector has a wide range of rewarding job opportunities fitting a broad range of skills. General areas include engineer; organizational services; communications; policy and education; instrumentation; laboratory and science; operations; maintenance; trades; and environmental. The industry has something for everyone at every level. Many of the careers in the water industry allow you to begin at an entry level without a college degree, for those who may not think that they are college material. Work in our field is extremely stable. There is always going to be a need for safe water; and, therefore, there

will always be a need for qualified and experienced water professionals. Jobs in the water industry will never be replaced by a computer. Computers will help make the work easier, more streamlined and sustainable, but never replace the human in the industry. The jobs are extremely portable. With the experience you gain as a water treatment professional in one place, you can take that experience with you and it is directly transferable to other locations, around the block or around the world. There are many opportunities for advancement in the water industry. This profession brings out the best in people, making them want to learn more and advance. Many water professionals may have advanced through their organizations. There are always chances for advancement in the field, should you find yourself with the enthusiasm to move up in an organization or even into another branch of the industry. You can choose a job in water that is inside a building. You can choose a job that is out in the field. You can choose a job that sits at a desk. You choose one that is very physical. The choices are endless. I am extremely passionate about spreading the good news of advancing career opportunities in the water profession. I, like you, am a Water Professional. Let’s all work to engage the next generation of water professionals.

12 a w w a d i r ect o r r e p o r t • ta n k i n d u s t r y • hm g e n g i n ee r s , i n c S P L A S H Fall 2012

Water Efficiency Committee Amy Talbot, Chair

Efficiency Committee) and Using Green Codes to Garner Water Use Efficiency (August 29).

August was a busy month for the Water Efficiency Committee. We hosted two webinars: Outdoor Water Use Efficiency (August 20 with the WI Section Water

For the Green Codes Webinar, Thomas Pape and I presented to Illinois AWWA members on the advantages of using green codes to achieve water efficiency in homes and businesses in Illinois. The presentation illustrated the diverse areas of water use that the codes can garner efficiency and water demand reduction without affecting lifestyles, services or commercial business interests. The presenters also showed how the codes can be used to customize and develop ordinances, service agreements, and rate structures that benefit both the water provider and the water user.

Green codes have proven to be successfully implemented by incorporation into the existing administration and enforcement of the codes and permitting divisions of a city or county. Some utilities have used the codes to reward efficient users with lower water costs. The webinar provides a comprehensive summary of the advantages of the green codes for Illinois water providers, and how to best use the codes in your water demand management plans. Are you interested in learning more? Both webinars are still available on the ISAWWA website under the Training section. All webinars are free for members.

Water Distribution Committee Owen Keenan, Chair

that you would like to share with the membership, we want your picture! All pictures must be submitted by utility personnel in digital format, please. Submit all pictures by email to Lisa Hoffhines at Anyone who is an ISAWWA member may submit a tower photo even if they are unable to attend the conference.

The Water Distribution Committee has been working on the technical program for the 6th Annual Distribution Conference to be held on Tuesday, April 23, 2013 in Countryside, Illinois, and we are proud to announce this new event from our Committee: ISAWWA Water Tower Picture Contest Our Committee will be collecting submissions on line of your water tower. If you are proud of your tower’s paint job or have a unique logo/lettering design

The pictures submitted will be displayed by a looping power point presentation at the Water Distribution booth at the WATERCON 2013 conference. One submission per utility will be allowed. Your submission must be emailed to Lisa no later than January 1, 2013. The field will be narrowed down to 13 finalists by votes received at our booth at WATERCON 2013. Based upon these votes, the winning water tower photo will be on the cover of our calendar, and the remaining 12 water tower photos will be shown on each monthly page. A signed release will be required from the finalists to use your tank photo in the calendar. The water tower calendars will be distributed at our Water Distribution Conference to all

attendees. It’s just one more good reason to attend our Conference on April 23rd. If there are any corporate members or utility members who wish to help sponsor the calendar, please contact Brad Schotanus at The sponsors will appear on the front cover. Our Committee is very fortunate to have an old water tower pro like Brad to take charge of this event. (I know, who am I to call someone else old?) By the time this article is received by our fellow ISAWWA members, the holiday season will be upon us. So please accept from everyone on our Committee our wishes for a Merry Christmas, and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

w ate r e f f icie n c y c o mmittee • w ate r d i s t r ib u ti o n c o mmittee 13

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

District 2 trustee report Don Jensen, Trustee

education campaign. To a lesser degree, the same is true of conservation rates.

While we all have experience in water rate development and implementation, the conservation rate is a challenge. On the face of it, these seem straightforward and Minimizing waste and our collective ‘footprint’ on Mother Earth it the right and logical. But, as always, the devil is in the details. If your utility does not read meters responsible course. Work such as our Water Efficiency Committee’s recent Water monthly, and cannot readily differentiate single family homes from multi family, Energy Nexus study illustrates the wider environmental consequences of ‘wasteful’ commercial, industrial, institutional and non-profit customers, implementation water use. Limiting water loss through of a new increasing block ‘tiered’ rate leaks has always been a priority for our industry as has ensuring that we meter as structure will be quite difficult. Crafting a rate structure that will inspire conservaton accurately as possible. while ensuring adequate revenue to operate the utility, and which apportions Apart from the environmental benefits the marginal costs of peak water of water conservation, there are more production to those who are driving that direct financial benefits. Our traditional approach has been to periodically increase demand, is no small task. “Paradigm shift”, “Sea Change” - gotta supply as our community’s population Difficult as this new direction is, it is love those buzzwords! Whatever you and water needs increased. Of course, inevitable. There is a whole Alphabet chose to call it, the water industry is such projects are expensive. The new Soup of organizations that have taken up experiencing a slow-moving, but inevitable, wrinkle is the charge that we are given the cause of water conservation including fundamental change. When I first entered to discourage water consumption. While AWE, WaterSense, Water – Use It Wisely, this field, over thirty years ago, our mission this is nothing new in California, Nevada Clean Water Action, Sierra Club, Audubon was clear: Provide as much of the highest and Arizona, to those of us on the shores Society, Public Interest Research Group, quality water at the lowest possible cost of the Great Lakes it certainly is. Public Center for Neighborhood Technology, as the community required. Ample water education efforts are always a key element National Environmental Trust, Alliance for supplies were vital in attracting new of conservation efforts. the Great Lakes, The Wilderness Society, business and industry. Greater volume Such devices as bill stuffers, toilet dye kits, River Network, Center On Sustainable water sales spread our fixed costs and Communities – you get the idea! These press releases, web pages, social media reduced water rates. To encourage groups, and many more, represent a consumption, we even offered ‘wholesale’ ‘tweets’ and public service announcements powerful and relentless lobby insistent on water rates to larger customers by means are all employed. Financial incentives such water conservation. as toilet and shower head rebates, along of a decreasing block rate structure. The with disincentives, tiered or ‘conservation’ more you used, the less each additional Fortunately, as we take up this new rates, as well as seasonally adjusted rates gallon cost. We took pride in operating challenge as AWWA/ISAWWA members, and quota/penalty systems, are commonly our facilities for optimal production and we have at our disposal a wealth of used. pointed to record high days, months and resources both in the way of AWWA years with pride. publications and web sites and through Because outdoor water use accounts our community of colleagues. Related for the majority of discretionary water Things aren’t so simple anymore. Led resources are available at: use, most water conservation plans also by our brethren in the arid West, and • AWWA Conservation Community: incorporate irrigation restrictions. These spurred on by the increasingly pervasive range from the simple time of day and environmental consciousness of the community/conservation.aspx (Login required) odd/even schedules to requirements populace, we are now in the business of • ISAWWA Water Efficiency Committee: discouraging consumption of our product. that irrigation systems employ sophisticated soil moisture sensors and Can you think of another industry with iciency&hhSearchTerms=efficiency&#re restricting spray patterns to avoid paved such a mandate? scol_605435 surfaces. Implementation of any of these • ISAWWA Conservation Community: As one who is naturally conservative, presents a new set of challenges to the educated in the natural sciences, and water utility. We don’t have the budgets group.aspx?code=conservation nor expertise to mount an effective public participated in the first Earth Day, I am in philosophical agreement with this idea.

14 d i s t r ict 2 t r u s tee r e p o r t S P L A S H Fall 2012

ISAWWA WaterCon 2013 Waterworks Museum Laura Alley, Committee Chair

The Waterworks Museum is returning to WaterCon 2013 for another wonderful year. The Museum has been such a success the past few years that the Section wants to continue to recognize the water industry’s history. The Museum has been host to several interesting items over the years. This past March, Museum visitors were wowed by a massive section of cast iron pipe provided by the City of Springfield. Also on display was surveying equipment, blueprints, meters, record keeping books, photographs and newspaper articles. The Section even displayed past editions of Splash, typeset, and a variety of promotional items from years past. As with any museum, the Waterworks Museum depends greatly on the participation of the community. Maybe you have an artifact that you would like to share. Look around your office or plant, and you might be surprised at what you find. All interesting water and wastewater artifacts are welcome. Artifacts can be from any era, decade or year. The artifacts are only on display during the conference because the Section does not maintain a permanent collection. Please bring your artifacts to help illustrate how the water industry has advanced throughout the years. If you are interested in displaying an artifact or volunteering to help monitor the Museum, please contact me at 630-739-8824 or Space is limited so please let me know what you plan on bringing as soon as possible.

w ate r c o n 2 0 1 3 w ate r w o r k s m u s e u m • f a r n s w o r th g r p • Utilit y s e r vice c o . 15

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

District 5 trustee report Larry Coloni, Trustee

Where does the time go? If you’re like me, you are finding it harder to get all the things we need to accomplish completed. Is it because we are doing more with less? I think not. We can always count on the bureaucrats sending down another regulation and reporting requirement. If you have not attended a regulation update lately, then you need to. If you were one of the lucky water system professionals who attended the recent Illinois Public Service Institute, then you know what I am about to say is true. This year’s Institute was awesome! There were great speakers and accommodations,

but the attendees were the ones who make this a premier leadership training event. I always learn from the people who attend. My involvement is as a Planning Committee member. If you have not attended, talk to someone who has and you will hear how great this event is. As I write this letter my thoughts are with your spouse and families who sacrifice for you, so you can fix that water plant issue or repair the broken water main on those days when we are supposed to be with them. I hope you and your family have a great Thanksgiving and Christmas without any call-outs.

MAC Committee Terry Locke, Chair

more visitors into the exhibit hall. The new exhibit hall schedule for Watercon 2013 is: Monday, March 18 - Grand Opening 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. (Meet ‘n Greet 5–6 p.m.) Tuesday, March 19 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. (Meet ‘n Greet 5–6 p.m.) Wednesday, March 20 8 a.m. to 12 noon

Booth spaces are still available for WATERCON2013! Register online today at Don’t miss out on the largest water conference covering potable water and wastewater issues in the State of Illinois. This year’s revised exhibit hall schedule is designed to bring

You’re all going to want to make sure you don’t miss the Grand Opening. We’ve got a lot of fun stuff being planned that will get everyone involved. The MAC Committee and the ISAWWA will once again sponsor a free webinar for exhibitors. This year’s webinar, “Get the Most From Pre-During-Post” is loaded with valuable information and tools you can use to maximize not only your experience in the exhibit hall but also your follow-up process after the show concludes.

16 d i s t r ict 5 c o mmittee r e p o r t • M A C C o mmittee S P L A S H Fall 2012

Even those of you that have participated in trade shows for many years will gain valuable insights into how to increase your booth traffic; and, most importantly, how to assure yourself of 100% lead follow-up. We have scheduled two different sessions so everyone in your company can attend. The dates are Tuesday, February 19, 2013, at 9:00 am and Friday, March 8, 2013, at 11:00 am. I can guarantee that you will pick up tips and ideas you never thought about from the Voice of Trade Show ROI, Richard Erschik. Register today at If you have any questions regarding the MAC Committee and what we do, feel free to contact any member of the committee. You can find the list of members on www. We look forward to seeing everyone at WATERCON2013 in Springfield, March 18 – 21, 2013.

fall 2012 LEGISLATIVE NEWS Terry Steczo and Maureen Mulhall

the agenda for the fall legislative veto session.

More Money for Water In a year during which all of the news about State finances seems depressing, at best, Governor Quinn announced a Clean Water Initiative that will make $1 billion available through the State Revolving Fund for low cost loans to local governments for waste water and drinking water capital projects. These dollars are on top of $19 million in federal funds that the Governor announced in January available to small and rural communities. Both programs together will immeasurably improve drinking and waste water infrastructure, put thousands of people to work, and greatly enhance the safety of the Illinois water supply. Making the Clean Water Initiative even more attractive is the fact that no new State funding is required. This program is being funded by the equity built up in the State Revolving Fund, which in turn will support additional borrowing capacity. More Budget Woes The State budget continues to be a moving target, with dollars being repositioned like pieces in a 10,000 piece puzzle. For example, the proceeds from the sale of the Thomson prison was originally planned to finance capital projects. Whoops! In the meantime,

the pile of unpaid bills continued to grow. This week’s plan for the proceeds is to spend those dollars to pay off some of the outstanding bills. Another example of this moving target involves the Medicaid budget. The General Assembly passed, and the Governor signed, the SMART Act a few months ago. This version of Medicaid reform was expected to plug much of a $2+ billion hole in the Medicaid budget by limiting many medical services and much more thoroughly verifying eligibility of clients, among other changes. The administrative rules to implement the SMART Act have, for the most part at this time, been suspended by the Joint Committee on Administrative Rules. Failure to fully implement the SMART Act in a timely way may have a devastating effect on the current State budget, let alone exacerbate the problems already anticipated in the FY 2014 budget. And how about prison closures that have been halted, state employee layoff notices that were rescinded, etc, etc.? Every one of these reversals carries its own budget implication. Water Issues May Be On Tap in Veto Session Two important issues that could have an impact on water quality may be on

The hydraulic fracturing (fracking) industry has been trying to gain a foothold in Illinois and has been very active in Wayne, Hamilton and Saline counties in southeastern Illinois, but other parts of the State may also be in play soon. Senate Bill 3280 has been introduced to attempt to create the rules and regulations necessary to prevent environmental hazards and possible contamination of water and air. The legislation was approved by the Senate, but with the understanding that discussions and negotiations would continue. Thus far, there has not been an agreement on guidelines and regulations; but there could be some pressure to pass legislation before the Legislature’s January 8 adjournment. In an effort to stop PCBs from being disposed of in the DeWitt County landfill, and possibly compromising the potable water drawn by 14 governmental entities from the Mahomet Aquifer, House Bill 6153 was introduced in the waning days of May. DeWitt County was able to provide permission for the PCB disposal because the landfill is located within its jurisdiction. The legislation will upend that capability by either providing others communities that draw water from the aquifer with a voice in the decision, or by banning the disposal in the Mahomet Aquifer period. Happy New Year? From inauguration day 2009 until inauguration day 2013 there will be a 40% turnover of legislators. Only a few of those are legislators who are moving from the House to the Senate or vice versa. For the most part, we are looking at a remarkable number of neverbefore legislators. But those newly elected members won’t be sworn in until January 9. From January 2 through January 8 there will be an le g i s lative r e p o r t 17

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

LEGISLATIVE NEWS (cont) equally remarkable number of lame duck legislators. And with the number of votes necessary to pass a bill back down to a simple majority after January 1, the first week of January could be filled with wheeling and dealing. Will that be the week that pension reform is finally addressed? How about school funding

reform? To quote Bette Davis, “Fasten your seatbelts. It’s going to be a bumpy night”. Stay tuned. Session Schedule The lame duck General Assembly will return to Springfield for their annual veto session on the following dates. Nov 27-29 – Veto Session – 1st week Dece 3-4 – Veto session – 2nd week

18 le g i s lative r e p o r t ( c o n ti n u e d ) • H R g r ee n S P L A S H Fall 2012

The schedule for the newly elected 98th General Assembly should be published sometime during the second week of veto session. If you live in a district with a new legislator be sure to take some time in December to introduce yourself and strive to be the go-to person on water issues for your legislator(s).

val - matic 19

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

district 2 trustee report Andrea Putz, Trustee

Once we understood our roles and equipment, we realized we needed a lot more than our PPE to practice. This is when we were reminded how wonderful the people in our industry are. T-shirts from M.E. Simpson; money for supplies from Swan Analytical Instruments, RMS Utility Services, and The Kupferle Foundry Company; a pipe cutter from Underground Pipe and Valve; word-of-mouth support from Tony Cuzzone and many more; and support from our employers Strand Associates, Inc., Lee Jensen Sales, City of Chicago, and Midwest Water Group, Inc. for allowing us the time and flexibility to practice and to compete. As many of you know, the Illinois Women’s Tapping Team had our debut performance at Watercon 2012 where we completed our second tap with no penalties for a time of 6:05. With the support of ISAWWA, we were on our way to nationals at ACE 12 in Dallas, Texas. This is the story of our journey. When the Women’s Tapping Team formed, we knew we had our work cut out for us. The most important job was to practice, practice, practice. But where? With what materials? And when? Our team is unique, not only in because we are women, but also because we are not coworkers and none of us work hands-on with water main. Michelle and Lisa are sales representatives, and Andrea and Candace are engineers. Our daily tools are closer to computers, cell phones, and calculators than bits, wrenches, and pipe.

Even with the gracious support of our industry, there would be no Women’s Tapping Team without the City of Chicago and Chuck Bartucci. The Chicago facility at 39th & Iron would become our Friday afternoon workplace, and Chuck helped us to find what worked best for us - not to mention all the tools we borrowed. After Watercon 2012, the victorious Westmont Crankers hosted a practice for us. We were able to get some additional outside advice and plan for ACE 12, but during our first tap we managed to smack Michelle in the face with a wrench. Although she was a trooper and wanted to keep practicing, she was voted down and practice ended early so we could ice her poor face.

We are extremely proud to be the first Illinois Section AWWA Women’s Tapping Team. Knowing that we were on our way to nationals, we had two specific goals: drop our time from Watercon and get a The Arlington Heights tapping team has to better name/logo. We are now known get our first big “thank you!” These guys as the Land of Lincoln Lady Tappers and graciously hosted our first practices and showed nothing but patience and respect as we love our hot pink on black angry Abe they answered all of our questions, starting Lincoln logo. Easy stuff out of the way, with “What exactly are the names of the four we put everything into tapping faster. We know that our times look terribly slow roles?” and followed by many more. We compared to the men’s times, but when received their help before Watercon 2012, we completed our first tap in under 4 but we continued to use their training and minutes, you’d have thought we just advice in our practices for nationals. 20 d i s t r ict 2 t r u s tee r e p o r t S P L A S H Fall 2012

climbed Mt. Everest we were so proud. We weren’t going to embarrass ourselves or ISAWWA at nationals. What an experience ACE 12 was! The men’s teams virtually flew around the pipe to complete their taps. The ladies’ teams we were competing against turned out to be surprisingly supportive, bringing gifts for each of the other teams. When it was our turn to tap, we could feel the support of our ISAWWA family, but we were focused on one voice -Lisa’s. Tapping in Dallas was like nothing we’d experienced before. Although we weren’t able to achieve our best practice times, we vastly improved from Watercon with an official best time of 4:16. ACE 12 was a chance to learn about new products and advances in our industry, to take advantage of seeing other tapping teams compete in person, to bond with our fellow ISAWWA members, and to make new friends in the industry. We made the most of the opportunity to attend ACE 12 and had a great time doing it. We sincerely thank the organization for their financial support to get us to Dallas. We’re making plans for the future: using what we’ve learned to improve our technique, coming up with fundraising ideas, making sure Andrea’s doing her push-ups, and practicing under higher water pressure. We are grateful for the support we’ve received and hope you can all take the time to watch us compete at Watercon 2013!

Andrea Putz (The Crankstress), Candace Scholz (Mistress of Copper), Michelle Hoepner (Star-Woman) Lisa Martini, (Allenatrice, the Italian feminine version of “coach”)

the kazoos are gone, but top-ops carries on Larry Thomas, Top-Ops Committee Chair

few enhancements to make it even more enjoyable for the audience Top-Ops is a contest between teams of water treatment operators. Questions asked of the contestants encompass all aspects of water supply, treatment, and distribution, and are comparable to those on the water operator certification exam. A moderator poses a variety of multiple choice questions to the panel of teams each of which attempts to respond correctly using a white board to write the letter corresponding to their response. Each team that presents a correct answer scores a point. If the answer is wrong, they lose a point. The rules are easy, the questions may not be. Top Ops is looking for a few good men and women to compete in the 2013 Top-Ops Contest. Last year, teams sponsored by Elgin, Lake Forest, and Summit vied for the traveling (not so much) trophy, with Elgin taking the top honors. As you know, we tried out new rules last year to help make this a contest based on knowledge rather than speed. The contest went well, so we’re going to do it pretty much the same way with a


Teams can consist of one, two, or three operators. Here’s the big thing: the operators on a team do not have to be from the same utility. You can put a team together representing a utility, a county, a local operators’ association, or a bowling team. In order to compete in Springfield, operators do not need to be members of AWWA. They do need to work full time as a water treatment plant employee, a water

distribution system employee, or as a firstline supervisor. Engineers, upper-level supervisors who do not work as a day-to-day operator are precluded from participating as an official team. (We will allow some “spring training” teams under some circumstances, but those teams are not officially entered and not allowed to win.) ISAWWA Conference registration is complimentary for participants for the day of the competition (Tuesday). ISAWWA will also provide one room night accommodation for the contestants during the conference with double occupancy. Additionally, the Illinois Section will assist with travel costs for the winning team to compete at the AWWA conference. Please consider putting a team together for this coming WaterCon. After all, if you win, your team may be awarded some of last year’s Grand Opening kazoos! To submit your team, go online to www. Oh, by the way, if you’re looking for me, I’ve moved. You’ll find me at Stanley Consultants in Chicago. Write me at or call 815-355-0923 if you have any questions.

The T-Con Committee (formerly Information Management and Technology Committee) is very busy planning for our next conference. We are in the process of reviewing presenter papers and putting together the agenda for the day’s events. This year we are changing our location of the conference to College of Lake County in Grayslake, Illinois. The Committee has visited the College, and we are excited about the new layout of the campus. The conference will be held on June 5, 2013. Registration has opened up for the event, so hurry up and reserve a spot. If you have a particular topic you would like to hear about, or if you would like to be an exhibitor, please contact Lisa at the Illinois Section offices (

Doug Strempek, Chair

SAVE THE DATE! T-CON: The Midwest Water & Wastewater Technology Conference Wednesday, June 5, 2013 at the College of Lake County in Grayslake, IL Sponsored by Illinois Section AWWA, Central States Water Environment Association and Illinois Water Environment Association

Submit a paper for consideration online:

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Illinois Section American Water Works Association

District 4 trustee report Lori Stenzel, Trustee

pH, alkalinity, fluoride, chlorine, hardness are all important to the color as well as the taste of the beer. Not only is brewing an art, but also a chemistry, to achieve a good taste.

I can’t believe it is almost Halloween! Once November starts it seems to fly past, and before we know it another year is gone. I guess there is some truth to the saying that as you get older the time really flies! I just came back from attending the 25th Annual Small Systems Conference at the Giant City Lodge in Makanda (it was very beautiful with all the fall colors in spite of our drought conditions). Those who didn’t attend Wednesday night’s sessions really missed out on some very interesting speakers. I did not realize how important the water quality is to the small brewery companies and the dialysis industry. I am sure everyone includes the dialysis centers on their call and fax list when there are boil orders in their area or are changing from chloramines to free chlorine, but you should also include the small brewery companies in your town. Craft beer is becoming an increasingly popular trend. With beer being over 95% water, the chemistry of the water not only affects the taste but also the brewing efficiency. The fluctuations of

22 d i s t r ict 4 t r u s tee r e p o r t S P L A S H Fall 2012

Then the dialysis centers shared with us how water quality plays a very important role in their process of filtering waste products from the blood. They know a lot about the water treatment by having two tanks with GAC to remove the chlorine, a reverse osmosis system, because even slight chlorine will be detrimental to the patients; pH is very important and may require a softener, a DI system, Ion Exchange as well as a Backflow Prevention Devices installed on all their equipment. The similarities of the two speakers with the importance they stressed on water quality and their knowledge of water treatment was very impressive. Thursday had ~150 in attendance with a good variety of information to absorb! A couple of updates Mike Crumly, IEPA Compliance Assurance Manager, shared at Giant City Lodge included: They are hoping to roll out, by the end of the year, an Operators Certification Program that will allow you to enter your training online. The Advisory Board is considering having an “Operator in Training” certificate. This would allow you to take the operators test (A, B, C, and/or D), pass it, and receive a certificate instead of a license. Then one may have a better chance to be employed at a water plant to gain the experience needed to receive the license. Also, many proposed rule changes (TCR, Lead/ Copper, Perchlorate, etc.) won’t be done until sometime in 2013, due to this being an election year. USEPA CCR Committee is looking at an electronic distribution, which would be a cost savings to the water systems.

Also, many have started or will be starting DBP Stage 2 testing, which is a challenge to parent supplies to juggle the sampling schedule with their satellites or just water systems in general. Schedule 3 and 4 systems will be doing monitoring plans now, so make sure you pick sites that are available at any time. Again, if you have questions, call Mary Reed. I cannot stress enough how important it is to COMMUNICATE with your satellites and with Mary Reed at the IEPA to avoid problems the month of or week of sampling. In September the 81st Annual Illinois Potable Water Supply Operators Association Conference that was held in Springfield had record attendance of ~750 and continues to grow. The ISAWWA Annual Regulatory Update had a good attendance of over 130 with lots of good information to share. The afternoon provided three breakout sessions which was something new and went very well. Just when we have been blessed with rain and winter is around the corner, one would think the drought is over, but just the contrary. Some areas of Illinois are still in a drought and have to conserve water! This definitely has been a challenging year for us all. Visit our website at and check out the Latest News and Calendar to keep up to date on what is happening in the water world. Remember to network with your fellow operators, professionals in the water industry, and IEPA folks to make your life easier.

Membership Committee Randy Lusk, Chair

This year for membership appreciation month, we made our first attempt at calling EVERY member to thank them for being a member and for all they do for ISAWWA. If you would like to help with this task next year, please contact the Section office in St Charles (866-5213595). Thanks to those who have already volunteered and an early thanks to new people who will join us after they read this.

Another summer in the books, fall weather and colors are here, and we are once again about to wrap up another year. 2012 has been a pretty good year, but we need to end it strong. We need a few more YP members in order to hit a challenge thrust upon us by AWWA at the beginning of 2012. Everyone has worked so hard to hit this goal that I don’t want to end up short by only a few members. I am asking everyone to reach down deep and help find a YP or regular member to help us hit this goal and end 2012 strong. I will let everyone know how we finish in the next issue of Splash. I want to thank all members for keeping ISAWWA one of the strongest in AWWA, we are currently 7th overall. Great job everyone!

We are also offering a membership for $70 (plus assessment) for Operators that will include a study manual to help them while preparing for their water class test. It has 1385 sample questions and answers. It is organized for A, B, C and D licenses. This promotion will end on December 31, 2012. The membership is usually $159 so as, you can see, it’s a large savings and they get a free study guide included. (New members only). Call Sandi to sign up for this one, it’s a wellkept secret. 866-521-3595 ext. 3. I am sure many of you know that we set up booths at certain shows throughout the year to promote ISAWWA. This year the volunteer numbers have been off the charts, we have had so many new folks helping out and learning through experience how to talk to members and potential new members. Don’t be shy, come out to the booth and learn and help educate people on the benefits of AWWA membership. The shows for this year have come to a close but don’t worry, I will have a new list of shows for you to

see in the next issue of Splash for 2013; and, as always, a Doodle will go out. ISAWWA is participating in the 2012 Membership Matters Challenge. Our goal is as follows: 1. YE Total Students: 41 (Currently at 44) 2. New YP: 10 (Currently at 8) 3. Y E Total Membership Goal: 1878 (Currently at 1884) 4. R etention Goal: 88% (currently at 92%) I am asking all members to help ISAWWA reach this goal and show why we are one of the top sections in AWWA. One of the new key elements is our website. Everyone needs to learn how to use it and take advantage of it since you get it for being a member. It includes everything from webinars to Buyers Guide (for vendors). Learn it, love it and use it. Also, don’t forget free webinars for 2012, new and taped ones. The new members should have been receiving calls from their trustees; this is something new we started this past year and has been going great. I want to thank all the trustees for stepping up and calling all the new members to welcome them to ISAWWA and to make them feel at home. It takes time and all of you have done a great job, thanks again. By the time next issue hits, we should be able to say World Champion Chicago Bears.

membe r s hi p c o mmittee • h o r n e r & s hi f r i n , I n c . • n d ia n i n c . 23

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

24 ba d g e r mete r • a q u a back f l o w • p ee r le s s mi d w e s t , I n c . S P L A S H Fall 2012

d i x o n e n g i n ee r i n g , i n c . • w ate r w ell s o l u ti o n s • s t r a n d a s s o ciate s 25

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

Illinois Section AWWA 2013 ELECTION PACKAGE Officers | Trustees | All Districts

The Illinois Section of the American Water Works Association is pleased to offer you a slate of candidates for election to Board and Trustee positions. This is your ballot package. In order to encourage you to cast your vote, the Illinois Section of the American Water Works Association is offering you a choice of voting procedures. The options are: 1. Paper ballot returned by U.S. Mail 2. Paper ballot faxed to the Illinois Section Office 3. Internet secure anonymous ballot via website at Whichever method you choose, you are allowed to vote only one time. In order to ensure that each member casts only one ballot, the ballots are randomly numbered. When you cast your vote, please enter the number that appears on the back mailing panel of this issue of SPLASH . This number is not tied to your name or member number, is is randomly numbered only to alert us to duplicate ballots. Biographies have been submitted by the candidates. Paper ballot returned by U.S. Mail. To vote via paper ballot, please mark your choices and mail your ballot to: Laurie Dougherty, Exec. Director Illinois Section AWWA, 545 S. Randall Road, St. Charles, IL 60174 Paper ballot faxed to the Illinois Section AWWA Office To vote via fax, please mark your choices and fax your ballot to: 866-521-3591 toll free Internet anonymous ballot via website To vote online, locate your district and ballot number on the back panel of this issue of SPLASH, and use the appropriate url listed below:


Ballots must be cast by January 30, 2013 Illinois Section American Water Works Association 545 South Randall Road, St. Charles, IL 60174 Phone: 866-521-3595 Fax: 866-521-3591 web:

26 i s a w w a 2 0 1 3 electi o n S P L A S H Fall 2012

Illinois Section American Water Works Association CANDIDATES BIOGRAPHIES Chair

(vote for one, one year term)

John Van Arsdel John H. Van Arsdel is Vice President with M.E. Simpson Co., Inc. He is a graduate of Valparaiso University with a B.A. in Geography. He has completed water operators’ classes and seminars on water filtration and distribution. He has over 23 years’ experience directing projects for water utilities concerning water loss, water audits, mapping programs, metering programs, condition assessment programs, and flushing programs. He has presented seminars for water operators for over fifteen years. This includes various topics for the ISAWWA Education Committee, several papers at Illinois, Wisconsin and Michigan AWWA Section meetings, as well as papers at ACE in 2007, 2009, 2012 and papers at the 2010, 2011, 2012 AWWA Distribution System Symposium. He has maintained an active role in local and state water works organizations including holding offices on various boards and committees. As Vice President of M.E. Simpson Co., Inc., John serves as the main point of contact for client development and customer relations for the eastern U.S. John joined the AWWA in 1991 and currently is a member in several sections including Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Chesapeake, and Florida. In 2003 he was one of two trainers for the “RAM-W Modified” Vulnerability Assessment training for the Illinois Section. He has served as the ISAWWA Chair-Elect for 2012, Vice Chair for 2011, and Secretary Treasurer for 2009 and 2010. He served as ISAWWA Chair for the Membership Committee (2006-2009) and received the national AWWA Zenno Gorder Award (2006 and 2009) and a Diamond Pin Membership Award (2006 and 2009), as well as the AWWA Ambassador Award (2009) for membership. John also serves on the Education Committee, Water Efficiency Committee, and Water for People Committee. John is the current chair of the national AWWA Water Loss Committee (2010-2013), a member of the Apparent Water Loss sub committee, and was involved with review and editing of the rewrite of the M-36 Water Loss Control Manual. Local water works memberships include the South Suburban, Mid Central, North Suburban Water Works Associations, and the West Shore Water Producers.

Chair - Elect (vote for one, one year term)

Theresa O’Grady Theresa L. O’Grady, P.E. is a Senior Water Resources Engineer with Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc., where she serves as the Group Manager of the Water and Wastewater Group in the firm’s Aurora office. She has been with CMT for 18 years and has served as the project manager for water-related municipal design and construction projects in Northeastern Illinois including water treatment plants, wells, well houses, ground storage tanks, elevated storage tanks, pump stations and watermains. Theresa has been an active member of AWWA and ISAWWA since 1996. She has served on the ISAWWA Board as Vice-Chair and for four years as District 2 Trustee. She has served on various ISAWWA committees including the Young Professionals Committee for six years and is currently serving as Chair of the Technical Program Committee for WATERCON2013. In addition, Theresa has authored and presented papers at the Illinois Section, Indiana Section and Missouri Section AWWA conferences. Theresa has also been an active member of the Mid Central Water Works Association since 1997 and served as Program Chair for six years. Theresa graduated with a Bachelors degree in Civil Engineering from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana in 1994 and is a registered Professional Engineer in the State of Illinois.

ca n d iate bi o g r a p hie s 27

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

Illinois Section American Water Works Association CANDIDATES BIOGRAPHIES Vice Chair

(vote for one, one year term)

Greg Swanson Greg Swanson is Utilities General Manager for the City of Moline, where he has worked in the public water supply field since 1977. His work experience encompasses a broad range of activities ranging from treatment operations and distribution system maintenance to utility management and workforce development. Greg has served as project manager for numerous water utility planning, construction and service enhancement projects. He holds an Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Class “A” Water Operator’s Certificate and was selected as the Illinois Potable Water Supply Operators Association “Surface Water Operator of the Year” in 2000. Greg is currently completing his second term as the ISAWWA District 1 Trustee and serves on the Association’s Source Water Protection and Outreach committees. Greg has presented on a variety of drinking water topics at various professional, civic, and educational organizations throughout the Midwest. He is a strong advocate of public outreach efforts that promote knowledge and appreciation of water supply system benefits and challenges. Greg values the many resources and opportunities that ISAWWA provides to Illinois drinking water professionals and appreciates the opportunity to serve the Association and its membership

Secretary/treasurer (vote for one, one year term)

Chad Laucamp Chad Laucamp is an Associate at AECOM. His responsibilities include project management of water treatment plant and water distribution system design projects. He has over 14 years of experience working in the water industry. Chad has been a member of AWWA for over 12 years and currently serves on the ISAWWA Board as Secretary-Treasurer. He was previously a member of the Technical Program Committee for 7 years, and served on the Young Professionals Committee for 6 years, including the Chair of this committee for 4 years. In addition, Chad recently served as Vice Chair on the 2010 AWWA Annual Conference and Exposition (ACE) Planning Committee. Chad presented a paper entitled “Vulnerability Assessment and Security Applications” at the AWWA Distributions System Symposium in 2004. He also presented “Water Utility Emergency Response Planning and Training” at the ISAWWA Security Seminar in Ottawa, IL. In 2005, Chad codeveloped a “Planning a Successful Tabletop Exercise” workshop and co-taught the workshop at the 2005 ISAWWA Annual Conference. In 2012, Chad co-presented at Watercon a paper entitled “Chicago Uses Hydraulic and CFD Modeling to Assess the Effect of Future Water Demands.” Chad attended The University of Iowa where he received his Bachelors Degree in Civil Engineering in 1996 and his Masters Degree in Environmental Engineering in 1998. Chad is a Registered Professional Engineer in Illinois.

28 ca n d iate bi o g r a p hie s S P L A S H Fall 2012

Illinois Section American Water Works Association CANDIDATES BIOGRAPHIES TRUSTEE, DISTRICT 1 - NORTHWEST (vote for one, two year term)

Ed Rice

Ashley Bernard

Edward Rice is the Operations Manager for North Park Public Water District which is located in Machesney Park, north of Rockford, Illinois. Ed has worked at the District for 6 years and was previously the Public Works Director for Rockton, Illinois. Ed has worked as a civil engineer for 33 years in various capacities for the both the private and public sectors. He has enjoyed the rare opportunity to work as a consultant/ designer, as a contractor, as a developer and as a public administrator, all in one career.

Ashley began his career with the City of Rockford Water Division as Customer Service Coordinator in 2009. He was promoted to the position of Water Operations Manager for the City of Rockford in 2010. He currently holds a Class “C” water supply operator’s license issued by the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency. As Water Operations Manager of the largest groundwater supply in Illinois, Ashley oversees the daily operations of the Rockford Production and Customer Service sections. He has been actively involved with planning and design of new treatment facilities. Ed has been a member of the Education Committee of the Illinois He also has tackled the challenges encountered with the new Section of AWWA the last 5 years and he also is the Secretary/ treatment facilities as they go live. Ashley has an excellent working Treasurer for the Northwest Branch of the Illinois Section of APWA for relationship with his staff and takes pride in their accomplishments. the past 6 years. Ed holds a Class C Public Water Supply Operator’s license in Illinois and is a Professional Land Surveyor in Wisconsin Ashley is dedicated to providing the best quality drinking water and Illinois. In 2008 Ed completed the Illinois Public Service Institute possible to the citizens of Rockford, and is a firm believer in educating 3 year program. He completed the Rock Valley College Successful the community about the benefits of high quality drinking water. Supervision Series program in 2005. After high school, Ed attended the University of Wisconsin where he studied Civil Engineering and Ashley is a current member of the American Water Works Association. Business Management.

BALLOT ON PAGE 32 DISTRICT MAP ON PAGE 33 To locate your district and ballot number, see the back mailing panel of this issue of SPLASH.

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Illinois Section American Water Works Association

Illinois Section American Water Works Association CANDIDATES BIOGRAPHIES TRUSTEE, DISTRICT 2 - NORTHEAST (vote for one, two year term)

Don Jensen

Jeff Freeman

Don is the Superintendent of the Highland Park Water Plant, a position he has held since 1986. This is a 21 MGD Lake Michigan plant serving 60,000 people. Prior to that, he worked as a Plant Operator at the Lake County Public Water District for seven years. Prior to his career in water treatment, Don worked as a Sanitarian for the Lake County Health Department from 1974 to 1979.

Jeff Freeman obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign. Jeff has over 16 years of environmental engineering experience. He currently is a Vice President and Principal at Engineering Enterprises, Inc. (EEI) Sugar Grove, IL. He is the Principal-In-Charge of EEI’s Environmental Group. He has worked with many communities on the planning, design and implementation He is a 1974 graduate of Carthage College in Kenosha, majoring of Water Works System and Wastewater System improvements. He in Biology and German and holds an Illinois Class *A* Water Plant is a registered professional engineer, certified floodplain manager and Operator certificate. LEED accredited professional. In addition to AWWA/ISAWWA, Don is a member of the West Shore Jeff has given several presentations at the Annual ISAWWA and Water Producers Association (past president), Instrument Society of ISAWWA/IWEA joint conferences. He is a two time recipient of the America and InfraGuard. Thurston E. Larson annual conference best paper/presentation award. Jeff has been a member of the ISAWWA Annual Conference Technical Don serves as ISAWWA District 2 Trustee and is also a member of the Program Committee for six years. He also has been an active member Backflow and Water Efficiency Committees. of the ISAWWA Education Committee for the last five years. Jeff currently is working with the Education Committee as the Northern ViceChair and the Webinar Subcommittee Chair. He is the incoming 2013 Education Committee Chair. Jeff looks forward to the opportunity to serve ISAWWA members through his continued committee involvement, and would be honored to serve District 2 members on the Board. Jeff, along with his wife Val and three kids, call Burlington, Illinois home. Family activities are often focused around the three kid’s sports schedules, with Jeff often helping as a coach.

30 ca n d iate bi o g r a p hie s S P L A S H Fall 2012

Illinois Section American Water Works Association CANDIDATES BIOGRAPHIES TRUSTEE, DISTRICt 3 - WEST central (vote for one, two year term)

Ray Weller

Kent Cox

Ray Weller is the Water Superintendent for the City of Litchfield where Ray has been employed for over 37 years. He is also the ROINC for 4 other water districts/communities.

Kent Cox is the Water Treatment Manager for the City of Macomb. The City of Macomb also provides water to Western Illinois University, and three surrounding communities. His responsibilities include daily management of the water treatment operations, project management of five million dollars in treatment plant upgrades, and multiple water main replacement projects.

Ray has been an instructor at Lincoln Land Community College’s main campus since 1988 where has helped fellow water professionals to pass their state certification exams. He is a past president of the Central Illinois Water Plant Operator’s Association, has served on the IEPA Operator CEU Committee helping Illinois certified operator’s keep up with other states, and is an active member of the Illinois Certified Operator Certification Exam Review Committee since 1986. This committee has also re-written the Task Analysis. Ray is also on the IPWSOA Planning Committee, first Vice President of the IPWSOA, a member of the Central Illinois Water Plant Operator’s Association, and the SWCWPOA. Ray has been a Class *A* Certified Public Water Supply Operator since 1977.

Kent is a 20 year veteran of the water and wastewater treatment industry. He has been in the public sector since coming to Macomb in 2007. Before coming to Macomb he was employed by TEST Inc as Field Service Representative for the Western Illinois Region. In this capacity he operated and maintained multiple small water and wastewater systems over two counties. Kent holds a Illinois Class A water supply certificate, a Class 1 wastewater certificate, and a Bachelors Degree in Public Administration from Western Illinois University.

Trustee, AT LARGE (vote for one, two year term)

Chris Ulm Chris Ulm graduated from Bradley University with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering in 1996 and accepted a position at Strand Associates in Joliet. At Strand he continuously sought additional responsibilities and became the head of the Joliet office Water Department in 2002 and held that position until 2007. In 2007, Chris became the Assistant Director of Operations for the Joliet office and retains that position today. Chris is a licensed Professional Engineer and remains actively involved as the manager of projects for both public and private water systems in the Northern Illinois region. Chris has been an active member of ISAWWA since 1998. In 2001 he joined the education committee and served as education committee chair from 2006 to 2010. While serving as education committee chair, the committee increased the number of educational seminars offered and began issuing biannual training calendars. Under his leadership, the committee began offering webinars as a form of training and also recorded some of the training events for future viewing by water professionals. The committee increased its activity to the extent that a new full-time ISAWWA staff member was brought in to greatly assist in the management of the education program. Chris’ involvement in ISAWWA has also included serving on the technical committee and membership committee, attending all of the annual conferences since 2000, and presenting papers at many of the conferences. Chris was honored to receive the Section’s Volunteer Appreciation award in 2009. Chris resides in Channahon Illinois with his wife Amy and three children. He is also an active member of the Channahon Lion’s Club and Minooka Bible Church, and he promotes water quality and the water profession throughout the year by arranging and assisting with tours of the Village of Channahon and City of Joliet Water Treatment Plants for school classes and scout troops.

ca n d iate bi o g r a p hie s 31

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

2013 Election Ballot - Illinois Section AWWA BOARD OF TRUSTEES All Members vote for positions in this column.

Members vote for trustee in your district only. To locate your district and ballot number, see the back mailing panel of this issue of SPLASH.


TRUSTEE, DISTRICT 1 - Northwest (Vote for 1)


John Van Arsdel

CHAIR-ELECT (Vote for 1) ( )

Theresa O’Grady

( )

( )

Ed Rice

( )

Ashley Bernard

( )

TRUSTEE, DISTRICT 2 - Northeast (Vote for 1)

VICE-CHAIR (Vote for 1)

( )

Jeff Freeman

( )

Don Jensen

( ) Greg Swanson

( )

( )


TRUSTEE, DISTRICT 3 - West Central (Vote for 1) ( )

Ray Weller

( )

Chad Laucamp

( )

Kent Cox

( )

( )

TRUSTEE, At-Large (Vote for 1)

Fax ballot to: 866-521-3591 or

( )

Chris Ulm

( )

Mail to: ISAWWA - 545 S. Randall Road St. Charles, IL 60174

Your Ballot Number: Your District:

32 2 0 1 3 e l e c t i o n b a l l o t S P L A S H Fall 2012

Or Vote Online:

d i s t r ict ma p o f illi n o i s 33

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

call for nominees - george warren fuller award Melanie VanHeirseele, Committee Chair

talent and constructive leadership which characterized the life of George Warren Fuller.

Annually, each section of the American Water Works Association is requested to select a member of that section to receive the prestigious George Warren Fuller Award. This is one of the highest honors that can be bestowed on a water industry professional. This year’s recipient for the Illinois Section was Kyla Jacobsen. Kyla works tirelessly on behalf of the Section and is an avid proponent of AWWA and the principles of safe drinking water. Perhaps there is someone you know, like Kyla, who goes beyond the expectations of their job on behalf of the water industry. This is the type of person who should be nominated. While the deadline for nominations isn’t until December 31, 2012, it isn’t too early to start thinking about who you would like to see receive this honor at the annual Section conference next March in Springfield. The nomination form can be accessed and submitted on line at www. To qualify for the Fuller Award, the recipient must be a member of the Illinois Section AWWA. The award is intended to honor an individual for their distinguished service to the water supply industry in commemoration of the sound engineering skills, diplomatic

George Warren Fuller was born in 1868 in Franklin, Massachusetts; graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1890; and worked for the Massachusetts State Board of Health for five years following a year spent at the University of Berlin working with the engineer of the Berlin water works. While with the Board of Health, Fuller was in charge of the Lawrence Experiment Station, working to develop ways to treat the growing volume of wastewater. At that time, the Station was recognized as the leader in research on the purification of water supplies and treatment of sewage in the country.

George Warren Fuller was, first of all, a capable engineer, equipped with a mind that never closed a channel to new ideas. He was an inventive technician, first in the laboratory and later in engineering and design. He was a skilled negotiator, a public relations counsel who was able to persuade reluctant city officials that they were wise and right to authorize sanitary improvements. Upon his death in 1934, Fuller was honored for In 1895 Fuller was selected to take over his “understanding, kindliness, sound the filtration experiments for the Louisville judgment and tact.” Water Company, where he studied the suitability of various processes that While George Warren Fuller’s career might prove adaptable to purifying turbid established a record that is difficult waters such as the Ohio River. The to equal, water professionals make report of these studies opened up a new contributions to public health and era of water purification practice and safety through their daily work. There is demonstrated the ability of coagulation probably someone you have admired for and rapid sand filtration to handle muddy their commitment to the advancement and highly variable waters. The studies of the water industry; perhaps in demonstrated the importance of effective a very small way, but nevertheless coagulation and sedimentation prior to effectively. The Illinois Section Fuller filtration. Award Committee is looking for worthy nominees to receive the 2013 George Following his research in Louisville, Warren Fuller Award. The form that Fuller conducted similar experiments appears below can be accessed at the in Cincinnati before he established Illinois Section website (www.isawwa. a consulting engineering firm in New org/FullerAward ) and submitted York. During his 34 years of practice, electronically or completed and faxed to Fuller advised more than 150 cities, 866-521-3591. commissions and corporations on major water supply and sewerage improvements. During his career he was chairmen of a board of experts advising the Sanitary District of Chicago regarding problems involved in disposing of its sewage, which ultimately led to the reversing of the Chicago River.

34 call f o r n o mi n ati o n s - g e o r g e w a r r e n f u lle r a w a r d S P L A S H Fall 2012

One of the most significant of Fuller’s characteristics was his belief in organization and his devotion to standards. As chairman of the Council of Standardization of AWWA, he was responsible for the successful publication of the Manual of Water Works Practice in 1925. Fuller is also a past president of AWWA.

George Warren Fuller Award Nomination Please fill out the following form and fax to (866) 521-3591 or Complete the form online at Questions? Please call 866-521-3595 or email Deadline for submittals is December 31, 2012. The Fuller Award Committee is seeking nominations for the award to be presented in 2013. The Fuller Award is presented to members who are being recognized for their distinguished service to the water supply field. The person must be an Individual Member or duly appointed representative of an organization member of AWWA. Please take the time to recognize a fellow Illinois Section member who has exhibited talent and leadership and whose contributions to the water supply industry characterize the life of George Warren Fuller.

Nominee’s name: Nominee’ title: Address: Phone:

Email: Email:

Eligibility/Justification - Please provide details of the nominee’s distinguished service in the water supply field which entitle him/her to this award:

Date: Submitted by: Date: Submitter’s Address: Submitter’s Phone:

Submitter’s Email: Email:

Date Submitted:

NEW AND IMPROVED FOR WATERCON 2013 Illinois Section AWWA and Illinois Water Environment Association Conference March 18-21, 2013

Exhibits March 18-20, 2013 Monday from 1 p.m. to 6 p.m. (Grand opening at 1 p.m.) Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesday from 8 a.m. to noon Technical Sessions Wastewater: Monday 9 a.m. to Weds 5 p.m. Water: Monday 1 p.m. to Thursday noon

• More small group interactive session • Expanded new product sessions • “Mission “ activities • New revised Logo Hunt • Career Fair - Tuesday

g e o r g e w a r r e n f u lle r a w a r d n o mi n ati o n f o r m • Ne w & I m p r o ve d Wate r c o n 35

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

36 r . e . p e d r o tti C o . i n c . • aci p c o S P L A S H Fall 2012

ISAWWA WATER TAPPING CONTEST champs travel out of state to compete Tony Cuzzone, Tapping Contest Chair

Westmont was invited to participate in the tapping contest at the Wisconsin Water Association conference in Appleton, Wisconsin, this past September. They competed against the Madison team which consisted of Coach Greg Kolek, Copperman Don Russell, Star Man Bob Kempfer, and new Cranker David Laux. The Wisconsin team competed in the ISAWWA Water Tapping Contest last March 2012. Madison defeated Westmont with a best time of 1:52.

Above, in hats: The Westmont Team Coach Mike Ramsey, Copperman Jim Kates, Star Man Brian Beusse, and substitute Cranker John Buschman (Tony Falada was unavailable). Left: Trophy presentation to Mike Ramsey Below: Westmont competing

We think Madison got pumped up when Westmont put their Chicago Bear hardhats on for the first tap. A good time was had by all. Jeff Fischer was the organizer and announcer. Photos and information were provided by Owen Keenan, M.E. Simpson Co., and Jeff Fischer, Fischer, Harris and Associates. I finally had the opportunity of presenting the ISAWWA Water Tapping Contest Traveling Trophy, Men’s Division, to Coach Mike Ramsey of the Village of Westmont Tapping Team earlier this year (photo at right). The presentation was made at the City of Elmhurst City Hall for the team taking First Place at the 2012 Annual Tapping Contest held at WaterCon in Springfield. Again, congratulations Mike and your Team!

Anyone who is interested in joining a water tapping team, or organizing a team, please contact me and we will get you started. And not just males, female teams are needed to be formed also! Tony Cuzzone, ISAWWA Water Tapping Contest Chair Phone: (630) 530-645 or Email:

i s a w w a w ate r ta p p i n g c o n te s t cham p s t r avel o u t o f s tate t o c o m p ete 37

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

Backflow committee Mike Eisenhauer, Chair

•H ave all cross-connections in your water system been removed or protected by an approved backflow assembly? • Have all testable backflow prevention assemblies in your water system been tested by a licensed CCCDI in the last twelve months?

Effective Backflow Management • Do you know where all of the backflow assemblies are located in your water system?

In the last two issues we have discussed the first two elements in all effective backflow programs. Locating existing backflow prevention assemblies (survey) and causing existing crossconnections to be removed or protected by a backflow prevention assembly (inspection) are both critical to an effective program; and the really good news is that both activities are actually baseline functions. What is meant by a baseline function is an activity in which the bulk of the work is performed only once to produce the required data or information you need and that information then becomes

your “baseline”. New information is then simply added to your baseline, as new backflow assemblies are installed or new inspections are performed. This approach, of course, is only effective if the information on all newly permitted plumbing modifications and all newly installed backflow prevention assemblies are incorporated into your baseline survey and inspection tracking systems. The final element in all effective crossconnection control programs is ensuring that all installed testable backflow prevention assemblies are tested at least annually. This annual test, and all of the related information associated with the test, must be recorded so that the water operator can be assured that the hazardous connection being protected by the backflow assembly is actually performing to all of the applicable standards. The accumulation of all of this information is commonly known as your record keeping system.

38 back f l o w c o mmittee • n o r ma n n o e c o . , i n c • ba x te r & w o o d ma n S P L A S H Fall 2012

Always keep in mind: the reason that a backflow assembly is installed is because, at the point of connection to the water distribution system where the backflow assembly is located, there is an actual or potential piping connection that can deliver hazardous contaminants or pollutants into the potable water system.

Now that we know what to do to have an effective record keeping system, the question becomes, how do we do it? The two main methods of maintaining an effective record keeping system are commercially available software administered by water department personnel and outsourcing to a professional management firm.

All effective backflow prevention record keeping systems start by establishing an annual due date for the inspection and certification of the backflow assembly test. The due date is typically the anniversary date of the initial or first test when the backflow assembly is newly installed. After establishing the due date, do not change the date. Maintain the original due date for as long as that assembly is in your record keeping system. For those properties with more than one backflow assembly, you will probably establish a date where all backflow assemblies within that property will have the same due date. This leads to a more cost effective method of notifying your customers when their backflow assemblies are due for inspection.

When choosing to administer your backflow program in-house, keep in mind a few of the administrative requirements that you will need to develop.

If you choose to outsource the administration of your backflow program you will have to ensure that your administration partner is well versed in all of the applicable IEPA rules and regulations and has the ability to adequately perform all of the information tracking duties listed above.

To conclude this series on effective backflow management, let’s review the basic steps common to all effective backflow prevention programs. First and foremost, your water system must have an adequate tracking or record keeping system. Each and every day 1) Choose the correct commercial backflow test reports are sent to water software for your water system. Many systems across Illinois and all of this software packages are designed to information must have some place to be only allow the water utility to track deposited. It is the duty, as well as the up to a certain number of backflow responsibility, of each water purveyor assemblies. When you reach the to ensure that all backflow assemblies allowable number of assemblies you in your distribution system are tested must up-grade your user package to and maintained at least annually. accommodate your growing backflow Remember that your current backflow program. program is as small today as it will ever be, so find a record keeping system that 2) Make sure that the water department works for you and get started today. personnel charged with all of the Second, and equally as important, is data input have been trained in to conduct a system survey to identify the technical aspects of backflow all backflow prevention assemblies in In addition to establishing the annual prevention, so that when backflow your distribution system and to make due date for backflow prevention test forms are submitted to the water sure that all of those assemblies are assemblies located in your distribution department, all of the information integrated into your record-keeping system, documentation of many required by the IEPA is included on system. Last, but most certainly not other bits of information is required the test forms. least, is to identify all existing crossor recommended to truly accomplish connections in all of the structures an effective record keeping system. 3) Test due notification letters must be served by your water system and either Some of this additional information sent in a timely fashion to allow the cause those cross-connections to be are things like: contractor name and consumer time to have their backflow removed or to be adequately protected license number; tester name and license assemblies tested and the results by an approved backflow prevention number; test gauge calibration; date of forwarded to the water department assembly. each test; repairs or servicing required; prior to the annual due date. date of repairs; hazard protected Backflow Assembly Identifiers - i.e., size, 4) Make sure that you verify with the manufacturer, make, serial number, appropriate state regulatory agencies type (RP or DC), location; Test Results (IEPA & IDPH) that the companies as i.e., first check reading, second check well as the individual CCCDI’s that reading, relief valve opening, buffer, submit backflow tests have valid pass/fail; Property Information - i.e., current license’s. name (owner and or tenant), physical address, mailing address, city, state, 5) Provide adequate staffing to ensure zip, phone number, notification contact, that all backflow test reports onsite contact. submitted are entered into your tracking system in a timely manner. back f l o w c o mmittee ( c o n t . ) 39

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

Illinois State Junior Science Fair Randy Vanderwerf, Chair

ordinary tap water to determine which was the safest to drink. He tested all samples for pH, E. Coli, and nitrate and found that tap water had the least amount of contaminants and was the best water.

Once again the Science Fair subcommittee of the Outreach Committee had an inspiring time at the Illinois Junior Academy of Sciences State Science Fair held on Saturday, May 5th at Assembly Hall in Champaign. Our judges observed junior and high school students present their projects that focused on issues important to our drinking water industry. This year, we selected three outstanding projects – two in junior high and one from high school. One of our junior high award winners was 7th grader, Finn McCarthy from Immaculate Conception Grade School in Elmhurst for his project “Which Water Source has the Highest Water Quality.” He tested several water sources, including tap water, bottled water, Lake Michigan water, rainwater and others. Samples were tested for free chlorine, alkalinity, nitrate, hardness, E. Coli, and several other parameters. Finn’s hypothesis was correct that tap water had the highest water quality.

Maybe our water districts and municipalities can use the information from these two scientific studies to promote their water and save consumers money from buying bottled water! Our high school award winner was 10th grader Valerie Fung from Niles West High School in Skokie for her project “The Ability of Zeolites to Filter Cobalt Chloride from Water.” Valerie’s project involved finding the best ratio of zeolites to cobalt chloride solution as a model for absorbing heavy metals from water. She hypothesized that as more zeolites are added to the solution, more cobalt would be absorbed because of available pore space. The zeolites were synthesized by preparing separate solutions of aluminum isopropoxide and silica gel, mixing them together and heating them. The zeolites were added in measured amounts to the solution, filtered, and absorbance numbers measured from a spectrometer. Valerie determined that the best combination was 50 ml of 0.1M cobalt chloride solution with 2.0 grams of zeolites added for 24 hours. This produced a new concentration of 0.001 M, the highest concentration of cobalt in water that you can safely drink.

The other junior high award winner was 8th grader Abdullah Islam from Thomas G. Scullen Middle School for his project “Water Wars! Bottled vs. Tap.” Abdullah tested several commercial bottled waters (Aquafina, Dasani, Ice Mountain) against 40 illi n o i s s tate j u n i o r s cie n ce f ai r S P L A S H Fall 2012

Finn and Abdullah each received a check for $250 and Valerie received a check for $375. Please join these three winners at next year’s March conference to see them present their amazing projects and encourage their work in the water industry! We also selected 7th grader Vivekae Kim’s project “A Comparison of Water Technologies” as an honorable mention. ISAWWA’s involvement in the science fair would not be possible without our dedicated committee members! Our volunteers this year were Steve Gerdes and Kathy Gerdes (Town of Normal), Paul Burris (DuPage County Public Works), Mike Turley (Village of New Lenox), Terry Wilson (Village of Manteno), Ray Ames and Jacque Ames (Stanley Consultants), and Elizabeth Doellman, David Farrar and Diana Flanagan (Illinois American Water Company). I would also like to give Lara Biggs (City of Evanston) a special thank you for filling in for me as the coordinator at this year’s science fair. Please consider contacting your local schools to provide support for the science fair and other education activities. If you would like to participate in next year’s science fair, please email me (Randy. and I will include you on the mailing list. We can always use more members for the science fair and other Outreach Committee activities.

young professionals Committee Cameron Jones

As the air outside begins to cool and the leaves start to change, it is clear that fall has arrived. Fall brings with it not just my favorite season of the year, but also the end of a great transition in my life from University to the Professional World. It has been an exciting and challenging time that I look to use to continually move forward. I have also transitioned roles in the Young Professionals Committee from a student representative member to the Junior Trustee for District 3. Our plan is for the Junior Trustee position to make the YP Committee not just a Chicagoland group, but to expand it across the State. I look to have events and tours in the District 3 area in the coming year. If anyone is interested in helping as a Junior Trustee for one of the districts or would like to help me in District 3, please contact us. The more people involved, the more we can do and the better it will be. In the September issue of Splash YP Committee Chair Brian Kooistra mentioned the planning of the Mega Tour, and I would like to report that it went off without a hitch. A group of 38 people attended the tours of some of the largest water/ wastewater plants in the world. We visited “the District” (Metropolitan Water Reclamation District) at their Calumet Water Reclamation Plant; and we toured the Chicago Department of Water Management’s Jardine Water Purification Plant.

the City of Chicago and the southern suburbs) and serves a population of over a million people with a design average flow of 354 MGD. There is a TARP (Tunnel and Reservoir Plan) Pumping Station located adjacent to the treatment plant. Calumet will probably be one of the last plants in the area to not disinfect its effluent, which is discharged into the little Calumet that goes to the Cal-Sag (shipping canals). Much thanks to the staff at Calumet plant, and Lou Storino to from MWRD/IWEA, for helping us put the tour together. Jardine Water Purification Plant has been in service since 1964 and is the largest conventional treatment plant in the world. It draws raw water from water intake cribs offshore in Lake Michigan and sends nearly one billion gallons of safe, reliable water each day to consumers in the north and central portions of the City and suburbs. Commissioner Powers addressed our group to explain some of the Water Department initiatives like MeterSave (a program to get Chicago’s homeowners on a meter and a move to AMR) , and capital projects like increases in the replacement of water mains in the distribution system (they hope to do 70 miles of main this year). Thanks to Andrea Putz (YP Committee member, District 2 Trustee, and City of Chicago employee) for helping set up the tour at Jardine. The event was well received with 38 registrations and a good turnout of students from IIT.

Calumet Water Reclamation Plant began operation in 1922 and The paintball grudge match that was mentioned in the previous is the oldest of the seven wastewater treatment facilities within Splash is put on hold at this time due to injury and scheduling, but is on the agenda for the future. the metropolitan Chicago area. Calumet treats the wastewater from an area of approximately 300 square miles (parts of

y o u n g p r o f e s s i o n al s c o mmittee 41

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

42 illi n o i s ame r ica n w ate r c o . • c d m s mith S P L A S H Fall 2012

m u elle r c o . • back f l o w s o l u ti o n s i n c . 43

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

44 w ate r s o l u ti o n s u n limitie d , i n c . • f l o l o c o r p. • f e r g u s o n w ate r w o r k s S P L A S H Fall 2012

t o n k a 45

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

Small Systems Committee

Jon Meyer, Chair

that are released due to this process. This is an especially sensitive issue for small water systems in the State whose primary source of water is generally groundwater.

Hydraulic fracturing has become a hot topic in recent years after it became known that, after hydraulic fracturing in the State of New York, some residents’ water actually became flammable! The oil & gas industry has slowly been moving westward, and has been leasing mineral rights in the State of Illinois in recent years; especially in the southern portion of the State where the New Albany shale is located. The controversy with hydraulic fracturing is the injection of contaminants, such as fuels, into the ground, leading to the potential for groundwater contamination by these fluids as well as the oil and gas

46 Small S y s tem s C o mmittee S P L A S H Fall 2012

who is a groundwater hydrologist with the Illinois State Water Survey (ISWS). Steve has worked with the ISWS since 1983, completing projects generally focused on the Mahomet Aquifer and Because hydraulic fracturing is exempted arsenic problems in small community from the Clean Water Act, in April, 2012, and non-community water supplies. the U.S. EPA issued a Memorandum of Steve also manages the website www. Agreement among the U.S. Departments This website of Energy and Interior and U.S. EPA about provides users with free resources Collaboration on Unconventional Oil and and support for water and wastewater Gas Research. The U.S. EPA expects to operators. He holds a BS in Agricultural release a progress report of this study Science and Agricultural Engineering and this year, and a final draft report for peer MS in Civil Engineering from the University review and comment in 2014. Until then, of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Steve you are encouraged to visit the national is a member of the National Ground AWWA Small Systems website and click Water Association, the Illinois Rural Water on the links regarding hydraulic fracturing Association, and the Illinois Section of to stay informed regarding this issue as the AWWA. In addition to serving on the well as to view the other tools and issues Illinois Section Small Systems Committee, presented on this page. he also serves on AWWA’s Small Systems Outreach Services Committee The Small System Committee is continuing and is a Trustee for the AWWA Small to plan for WATERCON 2013, and will Systems Division. I would like to thank continue its Small Systems track on Steve publically for the effort, time, and Operators Day. This track is geared commitment he has made into helping towards more “nuts-and-bolts” training, make this Committee enjoyable and and we hope those of you who attend will successful. enjoy the program. Please visit the Small System Committee All of my fellow committee members page on the new ISAWWA website for more deserve credit, and over the coming information. If you have any questions, or issues of Splash I would like to introduce would like additional information, please you to each of them. This month, I contact me at or would like to highlight Mr. Steve Wilson (312) 780-7754.

aec o m • H e n r y p r att c o m p a n y

Ya Zhang’s Drinking Water Quest Greg Swanson, District 1 Trustee

ISAWWA student member Ya Zhang is a hardworking graduate student who is performing advanced scientific drinking water research at the University of Illinois. Ya recently presented her research findings relating to phenotypic and phylogenetic analyses of coliform bacteria at AWWA’s Water Quality Technology Conference in Toronto in November 2012. Her highly specialized research involves the use of DNA fingerprinting to identify and classify coliform organisms. She employed this information to assess the accuracy of various coliform testing methods used to test drinking water throughout the United States. Public water supplies will ultimately benefit from her efforts to enhance coliform testing accuracy, since we rely on these tests to gauge the effectiveness of our treatment processes and the quality of water provided to our customers’ taps. Ya has also been working to identify and possibly to track the sources of fecal pollution in water derived from Karst regions, which are prevalent throughout the Midwestern United States. The topography of these areas feature crevices, sinkholes, caves, springs and sinking streams. As a result of these features, the associated groundwater is vulnerable to fecal contamination. The goal of her research is to identify new approaches that will allow rapid and accurate identification of fecal contamination sources in such regions. Ya grew up in a suburb of Beijing and observed first-hand the impact rapid development and industrialization were having on the surrounding water resources. Inspired by these observations and her sincere desire to make the world a better place, Ya completed her undergraduate studies in Environmental Engineering at Tsinghua University. She then focused on water environmental studies at the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the University of Illinois in Urbana-Campaign. Through the University of Illinois, Ya met Professor Wen-Tso Liu, who became

her research advisor. Professor Liu is an accomplished educator and award winning researcher. Ya’s interest in advanced water studies meshed perfectly with Professor Liu’s own extensive research background and interests. This alignment produced a fertile learning environment and Professor Liu reports that Ya has done exceptionally well during the past three years, maintaining 4.0 GPA. Perhaps, more importantly, he observed that Ya possesses an open and curious mind and that she is a hard worker who willingly invests many hours in the laboratory to complete research tasks in a timely fashion. Professor Liu is pleased that Ya has decided to continue her PhD research in the University of Illinois program. Professor Liu states, “It will be beneficial for the water industry to have such a young and bright professional to join the effort in protecting the water resource on the earth.” Ya is quick to express her sincere appreciation of Professor Liu and others who have helped her along her path. She further notes that water utilities across the U.S. responded to her request for coliform isolates or raw water samples and that without such cooperation her research would not have progressed smoothly. She comments that working with the AWWA community, she learned how to develop a “long-term win-win relationships” in which she could ask for help and, in return, share her own research. Ya seems to particularly relish the opportunity to give back to others.

so far, as a young researcher in the water industry, and will strongly encourage young students in my program to participate.” When Ya completes her doctorate studies, she would like to return to China and apply the knowledge and skill she has acquired towards solving the environmental water resource problems that initially set her on her educational quest. Given Ya’s accomplishments to-date, along with her ability to work with advanced scientific principles and technology, it is clear she will make great contributions as her career unfolds. Just as her coliform and Karst

region research efforts have produced findings that will directly benefit U.S. water supplies in the future, I believe her future endeavors abroad may yield benefits here in the U.S. as well.

ISAWWA is fortunate to have an intelligent and active researcher like Ya as a member of our Association. There is common agreement that young professionals are needed to meet the many scientific, When asked to comment on her AWWA technical and operational challenges experiences, Ya responded, “AWWA provides a wonderful platform for research, confronting our drinking water supplies. As Ya discovered during her AWWA training, communication and having fun interactions, collaboration and professional together.” She went on to offer some networking are one of the fundamental interesting insights contrasting her keys to success in the world of water. experiences at the WQTC in Toronto and Each of us should reach out to encourage, WATERCON in Springfield. “WQTC has support and appreciate students and young placed more emphases on basic and professionals, like Ya, who are embracing applied research, and WATERCON2012 these challenges and assuming important has emphasized more on solving practical roles in meeting mankind’s ongoing need issues and problems related to the water treatment and process operation.” She also for safe drinking water in our ever-changing world. stated, “I have enjoyed the experience, y a z ha n g ’ s d r i n ki n g w ate r q u e s t 47

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

the barber shop and awwa Dennis Ross, Past Chair

locating water mains was done with a probe rod; repairing a water line didn’t require calling one number for locates, it required calling several numbers. Often digging was done with no locates at all, instead you were instructed to just take it easy and be careful. Drawing valve cards became a part of my duties, which meant finding a valve assigning a number and measuring how far away from an oak tree and sidewalk it was located. Never would have imaged that someday you could just stand next to the valve and acquire a longitude and latitude for that spot; and, if the oak tree died, you could still find that valve.

While sitting at the barber shop getting a haircut, I once again noticed in that pile of hair the prominence of more gray than black hair. Now this is not a new revelation on my part; I have seen it many times over the years. But it did give me cause to think about my life past, present and future. Wondering what I would write about in my Splash article, as looked at this mostly gray pile of hair on the floor, I began reminiscing about just how much things have changed. I started in the water industry at the age of 17 while still in high school in a part time position as a draftsman. The year was 1976, draftsmen used a parallel straight edge, a couple of triangles, ink, and drew on mylar. It was not unusual to see an ash tray heaping with ashes and cigarette butts on the desk of my superiors. There were no computers, email, GIS, GPS or plotters. A few years later I transferred to meter reading, drove a Chevy Luv truck, read the meter by lifting the lid, wrote the reading down in a meter book and did the math to determine the usage. An average day was about 300 meters. I would never have dreamt that job could be done from a central location in a matter in minutes. A few years later I began running the service truck, new customer turnons and turn-offs, disconnects and the like. Those orders came to me in a stack of hand-written tickets, which I would sit down and route out before starting my day. I would never have dreamt of those orders coming to a PC in my truck. Or that there would one day be meters that could be turned on or off remotely. Locating valves was done with a dip needle;

48 the ba r be r s h o p a n d a w w a S P L A S H Fall 2012

Communications were much different as well. A pager was the best way to get in touch with the on call operator. The first cell phone I ever used had to be mounted in the service truck, a huge box behind the seat. It was a party line so you had to pick up the receiver and check if the line was in use before you made a call. The real kicker - it was a rotary dial phone. We never would have believed that someday we would carry that same phone ability, minus the rotary dial, in our shirt pocket. The list of advancements number more than the gray hairs I looked at on the floor of the barber shop. No doubt these things have made our life easier, creating new and improved ways of doing old jobs. Some days when the new technology doesn’t perform as the salesman said it would, or I simply don’t understand how to make it work for me, I wonder: “Is this really better?” The answer always is: Yes, this is much better. As I think about the years to come, retirement and passing the industry off to the next generation, I can’t help but think about what things are ahead, what new tools will be there to help them perform their jobs even better. This is an exciting and rewarding industry and the future holds much promise for all of us. There is no doubt AWWA has been on the forefront of all of the changes I have seen in the past 36 years of my career, and my ability to keep pace with these changes was through my membership and involvement at the Section level. I hope your career has been, and will continue to be, as enlightened as mine though your membership in AWWA.

Augustana College Students Discover the Real World of Tap Water By Dr. Jennifer Burnham, Associate Professor of Geography Augustana College, Rock Island, IL As a part of my environmental geology (GEOL 115) class at Augustana College, I structure my class around some “real world” questions such as: “What happens to my waste when I flush the toilet?” “Where does my garbage go after I drop it off at the curb?” and “Where does my water come from?” Like most Americans, my undergraduate students have a very poor understanding of how much water they use on a daily basis, where it comes from, and what goes into producing a safe public drinking supply. Many are still under the impression that bottled water is infinitely more clean and safe than (in our case) treated tap water taken derived from the “dirty” Mississippi River. Of the four local field trips that I take students on, one of their favorites is to the City of Moline’s drinking water treatment facility. Utilities General Manager, Greg Swanson, gives our class an eye-opening tour of what it takes to produce a clean, safe, affordable drinking water supply. All of the students come away with a greater appreciation of the water supply for our community. Most are amazed at the exceedingly cheap price we pay for water, the federal regulations and standards that must be met (as opposed to bottled water), and that no tax dollars are committed to the supply.

cities and towns in India and Guatemala have to take in order to get water.” “It is very interesting that the plant can take the dirty and polluted water from the Mississippi River and turn it in to high grade drinking water. The tour really gave me important factual knowledge on the subject and I feel I am more aware of how I get my tap water, rather than taking it for granted every time I turn on a faucet” “I can honestly say that I was always a bottled water buyer; but now I will definitely trust the tap more. The work the plant does to make sure the community has safe drinking water is so much more than I thought was done.” “I really valued this field trip because if made me feel better about using tap water now that I have seen all the careful measurements and procedures that go into cleaning fresh water. It also made me realize how pointless it is to use bottled water which wastes oil resources for creating plastic bottles and for transporting the bottles when tap water goes through more screenings than bottled water.”

“This was an interesting field trip. I was very surprised to learn that Moline’s water infrastructure, and operations of the plant, were completely funded by water rates and fees (I had thought that taxes played a large role in covering expenses). “ It is my hope that the students remember this field trip when they leave the “Augie Bubble” and settle into their own homes and adult lives. Not only is it important to support and protect your community water supply, but I feel it is important to help my students understand how we overuse and abuse our planet’s freshwater supply. It is a natural resource that we so easily take for granted. Note: Some of our readers may be interested to learn of Professor Burnham’s involvement with the High Arctic Institute and their studies of global climate change impacts on birds in Greenland. Follow this link for more information: http://www.augustana. edu/x47246.xml

The following comments from students reflecting on the most recent field trip serve to highlight the value of such water outreach experiences: “By going on this fieldtrip I now more deeply appreciate and understand our very easy access to water as Americans especially compared to the processes

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Illinois Section American Water Works Association

50 c p s o l u ti o n s , I n c . • p d c lab o r at o r ie s , I n c . S P L A S H Fall 2012

Contact us today to find out how!

Phone: 866-521-3595x2 | Email:

s w a n a n aly tical • cla r k d iet z • he n e g ha n & A s s o c . , P. c . 51

Illinois Section American Water Works Association

education committee Nick Winklemann. Chair

the Operators Track at this event. The focus of this track will be the future of the water industry. I am very excited about the topics and the speakers that are already committed to presenting. I am certainly looking forward to this conference, and I hope you are as well.

It is hard to believe, but preparations for WaterCon 2013 have been ongoing for quite some time. The Education Committee has been working with the Small Systems Committee to develop

As a Committee we are also looking for various “hot topics” in the industry that can be addressed in our 2013 Training Schedule. We are looking for topics in engineering, distribution, supply, laboratory, management, and other categories. Your input in identifying these topics is critical for our Committee to plan an effective Training Schedule. Please make contact with any member of the Committee to help us identify these “hot topics.” If you are interested in finding out more about the Education Committee, we

52 e d u cati o n c o mmittee • met r o p o lita n i n d u s t r ie s , i n c . S P L A S H Fall 2012

invite you to join one of our meetings or to discuss it with Lisa Hoffhines, any Committee member, or myself. I want to thank the members of our Committee for their hard work and involvement. I also want to thank those of you who have provided input and insight for the topics covered in the Training Schedule. Your input makes the program more valuable to all of the Section’s members. Please do not ever hesitate to contact Lisa Hoffhines or myself with your suggestions, comments, or if you are a utility or organization that would like to host a seminar. We can be reached by email at or nick.

2013 AWARDS Illinois Section AWWA National AWWA


Each year, the Illinois Section of the AWWA rewards individuals that have excelled in the industry. With the ever increasing challenges facing the water supply industry, it is more important than ever to honor our fellow colleagues that are deserving of recognition for their services. The increasing regulatory requirements and industry changes can test our endurance and limit the time we take to assess our accomplishments and plan goals for the future. The recognition one receives for past contributions is an important part of the assessment process. Your help is needed! Please, look around you at your colleagues or associates that you feel have made that extra effort to achieve goals. Following is a brief description of available awards. For more information on specific criteria and nomination procedures for each award, please contact: Laurie Dougherty, Executive Director, Phone: 866-521-3595 email: In addition to the awards detailed in this brochure, AWWA offers the following awards throughout the year. For information on those awards listed below, please go to AWWA Awards website at Abel Wolman Award of Excellence Academic Achievement Award A.P. Black Research Award Archie E. Beecher, Jr. Award Award of Merit Courageous Service Award Distinguished Public Service Award Diversity Award Division Best Paper Award Exemplary Source Water Protection Award Honorary Member Award Opflow Publications Award Outstanding Service to AWWA Award Publications Award Service to the Water Industry Award Small System Best Column Award Water Industry Hall of Fame Water Science & Research Division Best Poster Award

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Illinois Section American Water Works Association

2013 Illinois Section AWWA Awards Nomination Form Please fill out all of the information below and fax to (866) 521-3591 by January 1, 2013 or complete online at All ISAWWA award are formally presented at the Illinois Section AWWA Annual Conference in March. Make additional copies of this form as needed: Contact Information (person submitting nomination form): Name: Company: Address: City / State / Zip: Phone / Fax / Email: Nominee Information (person being nominated): Name: Company: Address: City / State / Zip: Phone / Fax / Email: Please check which award(s) the nominee should receive: ________ Quarter Service Award – 25 years of service to the Water Industry – include electronic photo. ________ 100 Year Club Award – include electronic photos of utility. ________ ISAWWA Clifford E. Fore Operator of the Year Award – include letter of recommendation and photo. ________ Meritorious Service Award – include letter of supporting information of meritorious service performed. ________ Volunteer Appreciation Award – include letter of recommendation for award and electronic photo. ________ Water Professional of the Year Award – include letter of recommendation and electronic photo. ________ YP Excellence Award – include letter of recommendation and electronic photo. Please email any required electronic photos to Fax this form to: Illinois Section AWWA - toll free (866) 521-3591

54 2 0 1 3 a w a r d s S P L A S H Fall 2012

ILLINOIS SECTION AWARDS Joint ISAWWA-IEPA Illinois Waterworks Quarter Service Award - 25 Year Award Each year the Illinois Section AWWA and IEPA jointly present Quarter Century Service Awards to individuals who have served in the water supply industry (in any capacity) for 25 years or more. You do not have to be a member of the Illinois Section to receive this award. While it is easy to recognize and honor individuals in the industry who have played leading roles, we do not honor often enough those individuals who have provided service for years in the daily operations of our industry. This award recognizes that all facets of the water supply operation play an important role - secretarial staff, budget personnel, electricians, plumbers, pipe fitters, operators, laboratory staff, maintenance personnel, management and regulatory personnel. AWWA 100 Year Club Award This award is presented to municipalities who have operated a public water supply for 100 years. While records for the start date of municipal water supplies are kept by the IEPA and the Illinois Water Survey, it is possible that these records are not complete. If your supply has not been notified of this recognition by January 1, 2013, please send a letter outlining the history of the supply establishment plus copies of any available supporting documentation to or fax to (866) 521-3591. ISAWWA Clifford E. Fore Distinguished Service Operator Of The Year Award This award is presented to Section members who provide public service above and beyond the job duties required of them in the waterworks field. Criteria for the award includes recognition of a contribution to advance the state-of-the-art in the waterworks industry (such as a new invention – either equipment or process innovation, the publishing of books or educational materials), professional association, participation or officer-committee chair participation, etc. Operator’s Meritorious Service Award Presented in recognition of special performance. Section members eligible to receive this award should be operators who are presently, or during the time period of the meritorious activities, working in the capacity of shift supervisors or superintendents. Special performance must be recognized in one or more of the following areas: continuous compliance with public health standards in finished water; consistent and outstanding contribution to plant maintenance thereby prolonging the useful lives of equipment; development of new and/or modified equipment or significant process modifications to provide for a more efficient or effective treatment; special efforts in the training of treatment plant operators; special acts not directly related to water treatment, but which demonstrate dedication to the public beyond the normal operating responsibilities; or consistent and outstanding contribution to operation and/or maintenance of distribution lines, pump stations, and/or reservoirs. Volunteer Appreciation Award This award recognizes section members that have demonstrated outstanding service in helping the Illinois Section AWWA achieve their goals. This award is limited to non-board members. Outstanding service includes time commitments, new ideas and effort to improve any aspect of the Section including membership, image, organization, etc. Water Professional Of The Year Award This award is presented to a professional in the water industry (engineer, lab analyst, designer, representative, educator, etc.) that has demonstrated dedication and has motivated others to pursue a career in the water industry, and is selected from nominations by Section Members. Young Professional Excellence Award This award recognizes the outstanding YP of each year based on participation, outreach, and giving more than required to improve the committee or the water profession, and is nominated by Section Members.


There are many awards available from AWWA. The following is a brief selection of some of the awards you may apply for. For the complete listing and nomination forms for each award, visit AWWA’s website at Awwa American Water Landmarks Outstanding Service To AWWA

Heroism Award Safety Award

Gimmicks & Gadgets Competition Courageous Service Award

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Illinois Section American Water Works Association

Board & TrusTees: 2012-2013

Chair ............................................................. Chair Elect ................................................... Vice Chair ..................................................... Secretary-Treasurer..................................... Past Chair .................................................... AWWA Director............................................. Executive Director ....................................... Trustee at Large .......................................... District 1 Trustee ........................................ District 2 Trustee ........................................ District 2 Trustee ........................................ District 3 Trustee ........................................ District 4 Trustee ........................................ District 5 Trustee ........................................

Kevin Lookis ................... John Van Arsdel .............. Theresa O’Grady............. Chad Laucamp ............... Dennis Ross.................... Kyla Jacobsen ................. Laurie Dougherty............ Dennis Bowe................... Greg Swanson ................ Don Jensen ..................... Andrea Putz .................... Ted Meckes..................... Lori Stenzel ..................... Larry Coloni.....................

847-448-8212 ........... 800-255-1521 ........... 630-820-1022 ........... 312-373-6759 ........... 217-965-1566............ 847-931-6160 ............ 866-521-3595 ........... 847-347-5015 ............ 309-524-2301 ........... 847-433-4355 ........... 312-742-1070 ............ 217-757-8630 ............ 618-792-4558 ........... 217-877-7182 ............

Terry Locke .................... Len Rago ........................ Bruce Vaickus ................ David Said...................... Laura Alley ..................... Paul Schumi .................. Barb Waddell ................. Kristin Rehg ................... Tony Cuzzone ................. Nora Bertram................. Theresa O’Grady............ Randy Patchett .............. Larry Thomas ................

630-422-4914 ........... 224-500-0911 ........... 815-467-6644 .......... 815-289-9540 ........... 630-739-8824 ........... 630-485-9870 ........... 217-728-7124 ............ 847-448-8217 ............ 630-530-6456 ........... 312-236-9147 ............ 630-820-1022 ........... 630-688-0124 ........... 815-355-0923 ...........

Terry McGhee ................ Mike Eisenhauer ........... Angela Podesta ............. Jeff Freeman.................. Michael Winegard ......... Melanie Van Heirseele....... Ken Ficek ....................... Stephen Page ................ Jim Strutz ....................... Terry Locke .................... Randy Lusk .................... Dennis Ross................... Kristin Rehg ................... Vacant ............................ Carolyn Grieves.............. Jon Meyer....................... Robyn Doescher ............ Melanie Van Heirseele....... Melanie Van Heirseele....... Doug Strempek ............. Owen Keenan ................ Amy Talbot ..................... ........................................ Matt Overeem................ Gerald Bever .................. Brian Kooistra................

630-834-0100 ........... 708-389-5600 ........... 630-620-5740 ............ 630 466-6700 ........... 312-938-0300 ........... 847-367-5225 ........... 815-883-8482 ........... 847-931-6108 ............ 217-757-8660 .......... 630-422-4914 ........... 219-405-0615 ........... 217-965-1566............ 847-448-8217 ............ ..................................... ....................................................... 815-459-1260 ........... 312-780-7754 .......... 847-257-2250 ........... 847-367-5225 ........... 847-367-5225 ........... 708-583-5751 ........... 847-208-5890 ........... 312-386-8646 .......... ..................................... ................................................... 847-870-5640 ........... 815-787-3111 ............ 312-616-6199 ............

annual conference commiTTee chairs Exhibit Hall ................................................... Greeter ......................................................... Meter Madness ........................................... Moderators .................................................. Museum ....................................................... New Products Demonstration .................... Silent Auction .............................................. Student Activities ........................................ Tapping Contest........................................... Water Taste Test .......................................... Technical Program 2012................................. Texas Holdem .............................................. Top Ops ........................................................

commiTTee chairs: 2012 - 2013

Awards ......................................................... Backflow ...................................................... By Laws ........................................................ Education..................................................... Finance ........................................................ Fuller Award 2013 ....................................... History .......................................................... Illinois Public Service Institute ................... ILWARN ........................................................ MAC .............................................................. Membership ................................................ Nominating .................................................. Outreach ...................................................... Public Information ....................................... Safety/Emergency Planning ....................... Small Systems ............................................. Source Water Protection ............................. SPLASH ........................................................ Standard Practices...................................... T-CON..................................................................... Water Distribution ....................................... Water Efficiency ........................................... Water For People ......................................... Water Trailer ................................................ Water Utility Council .................................... Young Professionals ....................................

56 I s a w w a b o a r d , t r u s tee s a n d c o mmittee chai r s 2 0 1 2 - 2 0 1 3 S P L A S H Fall 2012

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Index of Advertisers ACIPCO �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������36 Advanced Valve Technologies, Inc. ���������������������������������������� 3 AECOM �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������46 Aqua Backflow �����������������������������������������������������������������������24 Backflow Solutions, Inc ���������������������������������������������������������43 Badger Meter �������������������������������������������������������������������������24 Baxter & Woodman ���������������������������������������������������������������38 Black & Veatch ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 4 Cady AquaStore Inc. ��������������������������������������������������������������10 CDM Smith �����������������������������������������������������������������������������42 Clark Dietz �����������������������������������������������������������������������������51 CP Solutions, Inc. ������������������������������������������������������������������50 Crawford, Murphy & Tilly, Inc. ������������������������������������������������� 4 Dixon Engineering �����������������������������������������������������������������25 DN Tanks �������������������������������������������������������������������������������16 Farnsworth Group �����������������������������������������������������������������15 Ferguson Waterworks �����������������������������������������������������������44 Flolo Corporation �������������������������������������������������������������������44 Heneghan & Assoc., P.C. �������������������������������������������������������51 Henry Pratt Company ������������������������������������������������������������46 HMG Engineers, Inc ��������������������������������������������������������������13 Horner & Shifrin, Inc. ������������������������������������������������������������23 HR Green �������������������������������������������������������������������������������18 Illinois American Water Co. ���������������������������������������������������42 Klingner Assoc. ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 6 Layne Christensen Co. ����������������������������������������������������������58 M.E. Simpson �������������������������������������������������������������������������� 2 Metropolitan Industries ��������������������������������������������������������52 Mueller Co �����������������������������������������������������������������������������43 Ndian, Inc. �����������������������������������������������������������������������������23 Norman Noe Co. Inc. �������������������������������������������������������������38 PDC Laboratories, Inc. ����������������������������������������������������������50 Peerless Midwest, Inc. ����������������������������������������������������������24 R.E. Pedrotti Co., Inc. ������������������������������������������������������������36 Strand Associates �����������������������������������������������������������������25 Swan Analytical ���������������������������������������������������������������������51 Tank Industry �������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Tnemec Company, Inc ������������������������������������������������������������� 4 Test Gauge & Backflow Supply, Inc. �������������������������������������59 Tonka �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������45 Trine Municipal Services, LLC ����������������������������������������������11 USA BlueBook �����������������������������������������������������������������������60 Utility Service Co. ������������������������������������������������������������������15 Val-Matic ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������19 Warren Sand Company ����������������������������������������������������������� 6 Water Solutions Unlimited ����������������������������������������������������44 Water Well Solutions �������������������������������������������������������������25

58 I n d e x o f a d ve r ti s e r s • r . e . p e d r o tti c o . , i n c . S P L A S H Fall 2012

Illinois Section American Water Works Association 545 South Randall Road St. Charles, IL 60174

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