Adventures for theAverage Woman

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Most Powerful Woman In the World by P. K. Ghosh

At this very moment if I were asked, “Who is the most powerful women in the world?” you would most probably think that I would name Condoleezza Rice. No. How about Hillary Clinton? No-op! How about Sonia Gandhi, the Italian descendent daughter-in-law of Indira Gandhi, who is practically running India currently? No, she is not it. Then Who? A four-and-a-half-foot-tall women, who is running a 4-bed hospital on the outskirts of Calcutta is the most powerful woman in the world. Well…at least in my eyes. Her name is Subhashini Devi. And here is her story. Her husband died and left her with two young children and no money to support the family. She did not have any schoolcollege degree to ask for a job. So she started selling vegetables and encouraged her children to continue school. She made them promise to her self that at least one child would become a doctor so that she could start a hospital for poor people. She bore the pain of her husband not getting treatment because they did not have any money. So she did just that: she sold vegetables, bought some land, saw her son became a doctor then built a small hospital. The son and some of his colleagues volunteered for the hospital while maintaining a regular schedule. They ran a free hospital for the poor people in the village – exactly as their mother had wanted! Every now and then, some people driving big vans look at the earth three feet below their feet and feel like they

Subhashini Devi in her clinic © 2005

are on the top of the world! If I tell those people this story and ask them to define self-esteem, what would they say? I wonder! This past January I met Subhashini Devi and asked her, “Mother, where did you get this much courage to do all that?” She said, “God, mighty God helped me!” “Even God should be jealous of you Mother”, I wanted to tell her, but I did not. Now, she needs money to finish the emergency section in the hospital. If anyone of you would care to help -- no matter how little you may think you can -- it would be very, very big effort for her. Even a little bit can be stretched a long way for a small hospital in India. For more information, please contact P.K. Ghosh at -- Prasanta K.Ghosh is a Maryland-based author, M.B.A., and Micro-financier of women’s education and economic development in India.

Price: $3.50 IDEAGEMS ®

Share in our bountiful cornucopia of fresh talent combined with our staple literary fare! See how women and men who support women cultivate their dreams by tilling the fertile soils of minds and hearts. Join them in breaking free from the yolk of fear and selfdoubt to freely explore deepseeded desires and talents and build IdeaGems’ fields of dreams! Eleven months ago, the first tiny dream seeds were planted with the 8-page debut of Adventures for the Average Woman to provide a platform for creative women (and men) to show their work, share their dreams, and sow their talents. And now, the gathering clouds of creativity are really raining down on our parcel of parchment to make it grow! Why are we so ding-blasted blessed? Because AFTAW is all about the labor of love. It is a fertile crescent for planting fresh ideas and reaping the harvest of a published poem or story – the fruits of imagination we share with the world. This month, we feature the stories of women fulfilling their dreams through poetry and dance, art and romance. Thanks to all our old and new contributing writers and artists for putting together this fine dream feast. Kudos to our faithful readers, subscribers and sponsors without whose faith and support we could never achieve our goals. We ask for their continued efforts in spreading the word about AFTAW and encourage new subscribers, advertizers, and investors. Otherwise, our fields would fall fallow with nary a hand to till them. -- Cyhteria Howell, Author, Editor, & Incurable Romantic.

September 2006 Volume 1, Issue 11

Inside this issue Most Powerful Woman in the World


And the Winner Is….


Poetry & Painting


Dancing into Consciousness


How Do You Take Your Music?


The HIStory of MAMOgraphy


Pretty Blonde Girls


The Elusive Force


Neomodern Nosferatu


Mystery of the Majestic


The Spoiler


The Cardiff Grandma


Cutlass Moon


Katie and the Errant Knight



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