2 component finished

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Component 2 Sport complex Laurynas Arbaciauskas


Brief, Specification and Location

In this project I will be designing a sport complex, exploring the theme of curvature into symmetry. I choose this theme because from previous experiences sport complex tend to be designed within a big square structure which is fair enough as the function of a sport complex requires a lot of area for the different activities such as a basketball court, swimming pool and gym. Furthermore, I choose this theme to enhance the sport complexes exterior design by removing the bold symmetrical design with an extra touch of curvature that makes the design more intriguing and connects the symmetrical shapes in a unique and innovative way. In addition, in terms of interior, there are many activities that have a symmetrical base like basketball having a symmetrical court and most gym halls being symmetrically laid out. However, while still creating a convenient and still functional sport complex, I want to enhance the design that may have been seen bold to a creative and intriguing space because after all people who spend time working out may appreciate a more intriguing surrounding as they work out and observe.

Specification for the sport complex •

Outdoor basketball court

Swimming pool, high ceilings may even be over two floors

Minimum of 3 changing rooms

2 Sets of toilets in different locations of the building

Main gym structure will have couple layers with a unique layout and not a square hall

Gym machinery, at least 10 units for each machine ➢ Table tennis

➢ Rowing, running, cycle machines etc.

Sport complex is a key component to a healthy and active community, therefore, I have looked locally in regards of other sport complexes in the area. In addition, I found areas that lacked complexes particularly Brentwood, a borough that just had 1 sport complex was quite alarming in which I decided to locate my site.

115m 156m


38m 73m

The site I have chosen is large in regards to my specification my sport complex is not large enough to use up that much area. Therefore, I wont be using all of the measured land that could further be used as an extension to the site or a car park.

IDEA 1 shape exploration using plaster

Creating paper models gave a better understanding of the shapes that I developed into more realistic and possible structure designs

Casting enabled me to explore curvature while generating unique shapes I used intriguing segments to further explore this idea

Integrating each idea to generate a new

Idea 1 - curvature into symmetry

I liked the mix between the curve on top of the symmetrical shape on the left and I decided to explore this further.

Finalising an initial design

Rotate for more spacious layers

w idea

Going into more detail with smoother curves that peal of the structure enhance the aesthetics of the structure and enables the mix between the two different shapes to blend together nicely.

Using the spearing shapes to connect the two sections with a hallway inside that enables users get around each structure by also having a high panorama around the area that increases the views and enables users to enjoy the environment while walking inside the space instead of having to walk through the outside on a ground level.

In this structure I explore the addition of curvature into symmetry, I really like the mix between the two as it shows creativity and curiosity with smooth lining enhances the aesthetics of the structure instead of having bold blocks the curvature makes the structure intriguing

Generating Idea – shape exploration

With a closer look onto the sculpture I analysed some forms and created this model with the curves connecting throughout and generating this unique but spearing model. Further analyses of the m for the structure which looks interesting and would work with further development. Breaking down the structure with a clear 3D sketch to get a better understanding of the structure and to develop

Using cardboard to cut in some of the curves I analysed from the sculpture. In addition, enabled me to get a new perspective on the curves to further explore and create the unique structures on the right to further implement into my design.

Exploring the drawing with a model to further explore the idea of wrapping curves

model for a more realistic outcome while using already existing buildings to get a feeling p the structure to a more realistic design . Exploring the shape from different perspective

Walk through inspired from the wrapping cylinders creating a surrounded feeling for users who walk through have a safer and more aesthetic experience as the unique and free flowing shapes explores curvature and freedom very nicely with an intriguing outcome

Rearranging the model for more ideas to explore and integrate together

Walkway idea exploration Using the tangling and wrapping pipes to further explore the theme of curvature into symmetry, to enhance the aesthetics of the walkway by adding these pipes without interfering with interior and the function, the space is enhanced with creativity as the pipes that create a safe and intriguing feeling for the users. With decorations that explore freedom in such unique movement that makes the space precious for its ingenuity. Turning the walk way to a unique and creative part of the building where before the symmetrical fences looked basic and ordinary and with the mix of curvature with symmetry the space is still functionable allowing people to walk thought but with the addition of the free flowing pipes that could even be developed to water tanks to contain fishes that would really make the structure unique and outstanding. However, with just the pipes the users may feel safer while making the ordinary space to a more aesthetic walkway.

Adding curvature to the symmetrical walkway to show creativity and the theme that turns an ordinary walkway to an intriguing and unique design

Generating final structure with research

To generate a final idea I integrated already explored ideas into one to generate a new structure. Also using secondary research as inspiration and guide how to generate the structure, I found Parc Central design very interesting with curving layers around the Exterior made the structure a lot more appealing and intriguing. Furthermore I took this variant into my design with decorative curves around the structure to connect the two sections of the structure to for fill the theme of curvature into symmetry that explores symmetrical structures to be connected and developed with curving edge

Using the research I have integrated a similar curving technique into my design. In addition, with curving walls wrapping the building from the ground to the top layer the different segments of the building appeal more connected and intriguing with this creative design that has meet the theme of curvature into symmetry

Idea 1 - curvature into symmetry I also extended a roof across both sections to enclose the area below that can be used for an out door swimming pool under the roof outside

I also integrated the tangling walkway into the final idea to really show the creative and curving touch to the building that shows an innovative and intriguing design that resultantly enables users to walk through to the other section of the sport complex

Final Idea 1 concept

In this concept I explore a symmetrical base with curving and free flowing shapes around the structure that creates the creative and unique design. Using curvature to connect the symmetrical shapes around the structure created a free flowing flow into the structure with luring and calming curves the structure is more aesthetical which forwards my theme as I wanted to enhance the bold symmetrical building with curvature to make a more spearing and intriguing design while not disturbing the function of the sport complex

IDEA 2 Blocks and string exploration

Using blocks and string enabled me to explore my theme even further with string wrapping around the blocks to really sync and turn the blocks into one structure. In addition, the free roaming string showed a nice touch to the structure of creativity and free flow that made this model very intriguing therefore I analyse this model in many ways firstly getting a few ordinary shapes and also a unique layout that I can use further into my design.

Furthermore, using another angle on the structure I again analysed some of the interesting surfaces that I then explored and developed towards a possible idea. One particular idea took my attention with the overhanging layer the structure looked very interesting and with a good mix of curvature and symmetry the theme is starting to present itself in the design of this structure. In addition, what makes this structure so interesting is the opening between the top layer and the bottom two layers which I am going to explore further.

Idea 2 - curvature into symmetry In my research I found a structure called Tencent coastal tower a very interesting concept with a familiar idea I want to use in my design. In addition, the connecting segments enable people to access one another building while not having to go to the leave the building on the ground floor. Furthermore, the concept enhances the aesthetics of the building with an intriguing idea and a good use of wood into the more industrial look and with the uses of these segments the buildings sink in to one as almost they are held and connected to one another. As a result, I explore this idea with curving segments wrapping around the open section of the building to for fill the theme of the design curvature into symmetry that why the segments I used where with a curved edge to smoothen the structure and generate a unique structure with a unique touch that removes the complexity of symmetry and gives the building a creative characteristic. Using some previously generated shapes to explore this concept

Organic inspiration to the wrapping concept

To develop this concept I decided to use a more organic approach with inspiration from leaves I though would work very well as their smooth and soft, very flexible which shows great curvature and a unique touch to the design. In addition, using this leaves enables me to have a more dense shape to potentially give the what was seen as decoration a function, with the Tencent Coastal Tower that used the segments as extensions and walk way to connect the buildings I could also do the same with functioning the segments while considering in design to create a more dense and spacious curves that are ergonomically pleasing to enable people to fit inside.

Exploring the leaves, grew the idea of having a single leaf to be the segment that wraps around both of the structures and connect the buildings in this creative and innovative way. I addition, I particularly like the sharp edge to the segment that really protrudes the curving edge of the design and with a thicker segment the curve appeals more bolder and stands out more enables the creative touch of the design to protrude even more while the density enables users to walk through the segment giving the segment a function

Exploring 3D curvature

In this model I explore a more curving approach, exploring curvature without the integration of symmetry enables me to create a more complex design that I could then further use to add symmetry and base structure

This concept explores a movement that enables that connects interior and exterior together without the main structure and roof the has a nice connection to the outside which is good especially for a sport complex in which the function can be carried out outside making it easier to fit all activates and not having to design outsized structures

The model explores curvature in which the curves wrap round each other creating an open area with blocked of sections which initially creates a layout while still having that curving edge in the inside of the building

Mixing previously generated layout with 3D curvature

The model explores curvature in which the curves wrap round each other creating an open area with blocked of sections which initially creates a layout while still having that curving edge in the inside of the building

IDEA 2 - curvature into symmetry Using the paper curves and the unique layout as a base to the structure, with the symmetrical lines rising up to create the general shape of the structure the paper wraps around the structure presenting the theme of curvature into symmetry

From the staircase I got inspired to have a curve wrapping around the whole building starting from one corner on the ground. From the research I am integrating a wall that shows a good balance and a symmetrical lining between the wall and the glass to give natural light inside the building.

With a vague sketch the concept looked very deceitful. Therefore with a solid design the structure looked more clear and I was able to use this to explore and develop the structure with research.

From the research using symmetrical shapes as an outer wall to cover and support the outside staircase that brings users to the first floor without having to navigate from the ground floor

Secondary research The mix between the glass to brick is well balanced and the structure is appealing and well designed, therefore, I want to take this into my design. With bricks around the edges and glass where appropriate with a creative flow

Sport Complex and Swimming Pool in La Florida. Vigo (Spain), in this structure I particular like the wrapping exterior that has been used for stairs and an extension using innovative and intrigue design technique that is space efficient and giving users a better experience visually and physically getting fresh air and better scenery while getting around the structure

The curving roof is well structured from bottom to top it supports itself unnoticeably as the curve uses waves to reach top to bottom while wrapping around the stairs all in one form . Furthermore, the curve gives shelter to the stairs while with a creative design it makes the space more appealing with a creative design.

What I like about the structure is the outer wall that wraps around the main section with a wavy flow that can be used to create a balcony and give way for windows more inner building

Hungerburgbahn Stationen Innsbruck, Austria, although the function of this structure is not similar, I really like the concept between the symmetry of the stairs and the addition of curvature enhancing the space with a roof and aesthetics .

Final IDEA 2 design

In this concept I explore a very intriguing design in theme of curvature into symmetry, taking note of Hungerburgbahn Stationen, I have tried to integrate a curve that wraps around the whole structure supporting itself from the ground to wrap around the roof to also shelter and give way for sunlight into the building with an over hang that shelters the outside stair case. The stair case itself I got inspired from the Sport Complex and Swimming Pool to have a staircase wrapping around the exterior with a symmetrical outer wall that hides the stairs.

Using the research of the exterior wall wrapping around the actual building enabled me to hide the stairs and the ground entrance with a curving edge that overhangs and creates this decorative and intriguing segment that people can walk through.

Using the research I split the wall and the glass using some symmetrical lining to balance the two materials out while not over using glass throughout the structure Metal/glass wrapping around the building with a curving touch, presenting the theme of curvature into symmetry.

IDEA 3 Plaster flow exploration In my 3rd idea I decided to explore the interior side of the structure, what really incentivised me to do this project is that from my recent experiences and analyses I have noticed that sport complexes tend to have a very basic and symmetrical interior with large rooms filled with different activates there is not much to the aesthetics and organisation to the layout. However, I want to explore a more unique interior design to enhance users experience of working out in a more aesthetic environment. Therefore, this is where my theme steps in by taking a symmetrical space and adding curvature to enhance and create a more appealing design. To do so I am using plaster to explore a very curving edge flow to generate an idea, by analysing the main strains of curves I started to get ideas of a very unique space however, I only took several elements to an already existing space to experiment if it will work. In addition. The curvature that almost melts of the ceiling and floor creates a very intriguing flow to the structure by also having curved walls the health and safety is considered.

A familiar I idea used the natural history museum while rising up on the escalator the users enter this circle a whole different space which before reaching users were made intrigued and anxious to find out what is through there which is an idea I am trying to explore with wrapping curves around stairs to make the function more interesting and ordinary. Furthermore, makes the symmetrical stair look innovative and ordinary which I am trying to produce from a basic sport complex to become aesthetic and unique

Plaster and colour exploration

As a result, I found this model to be quite separated therefore, I didn't want to explore the structure before I develop and connect the different sections of the structure

Using the different colours to sketch out different segments of the plaster that I took further with a model with several layers stacked as the sport complex would need quite a lot of space.

I really like the curving edge to the structure with curving walls that dominantly show curvature that generates this smooth and unique structure

Using the model in different positions enabled me to explore new ideas that I sketched out and then broke down. Furthermore, I especially liked the symmetrical line that connects and holds the segments, therefore, with shifting segments create this very unique structure with spearing segments really catching users attention with an ordinary design that connects the structure to one.

Plaster generating main frame of the building

Analysing plaster from a different angle created a complex and unclear idea, however, using some symmetry across the curves I was able to separate and create more clear curves and with a good balance with the theme I started turning shapes into walls. As a result, this created this exterior wall wrapping round enclosing an area that is perfect for a basketball court. Furthermore, using the ground I build up a hill to the side where the sloping shape was to experiment with the nature to explore a more creative design as my site is quite bold in the middle of the field and by adding a little hill shows innovative and creative design using the nature around. In addition, added the hill because the curves seemed like they pealed of the ground and blended well that’s why adding the hill the structure really sinks in with the site. Croft Inverloch, Australia by James Stockwell Architect really stemmed this idea of curvature pealing from the ground.

Final IDEA 3 With quite a symmetrical base I used the shapes from the casting model to create this wavy curving design around the building which lets the structure blend in with the clouds and the unlevel ground. I really like this as its complimentary to the structure as the sport complex and my specification designates both indoor and outdoor functions so it was important to blend both spaces together

Furthermore, windows around the structure was a real debate as I wanted to give privacy to some parts of the structure that’s why I show a wide range of window sizes across the structure, to show innovation and creativity while giving privacy to some sections of the structure for users that may not want to be seen working out

Croft Inverloch, Australia by James Stockwell Architect, really helped me in the design of this structure with the idea of the structure seemingly peal of the ground. In addition, I took this idea further and actually used some ground to actually let the building sink in with the ground with quite a nature friendly design.

Another project by Zaha Hadid Architects I really like is the Salerno Maritime Terminal, what I liked about the structure and wanted to iiiiiiiiiiiiii Integrated into my design it was how iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii softly the symmetry is mixed with the iiiiiiiiiiiiii curvature, with a symmetrical base the iiiiiii roof was very unique with curving and sloping shapes inspired me to have a symmetrical base and the roof I would use a sketch from the project to generate a unique and curved roof that creates the theme of curvature into symmetry. Furthermore, the roof of the Maritime gave me the idea of having the slopping hill that lead up to the structure to hide the interior bellow.

IDEA 3 interior Using ArchiCAD I took the concept further by adding the interior to the structure. Furthermore, adding interior enabled me to develop the exterior as I was able to place glass walls, windows and doors according to the layout.

Having the underground section of the structure I knew that area will be restricted to sunlight therefore I saw this as a good place for a pool. In addition, I added some windows however, I did not use the whole wall because curved windows are very rare for their complexity and I wanted to give some privacy to the users in the pool as its on ground level to the outside. What I particular enjoyed about this layout is because I was able to place the basketball court almost as in the middle, which is beneficial in may ways. Firstly the structure around are two and three stories high which creates some shade for people on the court, also, with the addition of the glass wall form the main structure users are able to work out while being entertained by the view and the active basketball court. In terms of specification , I was able to meet the requirements with a well though through design. With toilets at either end of the site the interior was well spaced out and laid out with familiar machines grouped near by the layout made sense which really prompts this space to take to my final design

Final IDEA 3 Interior

For interior I designed the sport complex in sections, with each floor and section having their own function. With machinery grouped together through out the structure I tried to block of and separate the spaces with curving decorations that are functioned as support but the uniqueness and curvature enhances the space with a unique touch something I saw more sport complexes need instead of just having an ordinary square space.

Combining concepts for the final idea

With a lot of my research fro addition, Inverloch, Australia Furthermore, I saw this space for the pool. Furthermore, t symmetrical cladding around in Greenwich interesting and like and developed was the m would blend in with my site w

Sketching out the final idea

om Zaha Hadid being quite industrialised structure, I wanted to differ my design towards my location where my site is surrounded by nature I wanted to implement some nature into my design. In a by James Stockwell Architect that designed the structure that really blended in with the ground inspired me to design this structure that is hidden with grass on the roof of the structure. e well suitable for the indoor pool as the ceiling wasn’t level it was hard for me to have multiple floors and by having an open ceiling across two floors meets the specification of having a high ceiling the second structure for the pool the shape was curved and in regards for my theme I wanted to add more symmetry and glass into the structure. This is where I got the idea of adding the d the structure to give that extra touch of symmetry and aesthetics. In addition, from my primary research I found the structure d using this as inspiration as spaced out cladding with windows in-between. On the other hand, the one thing that I did not material because instead of having an industrialised design I want to use more of a natural design with wood cladding the structure which is in a field and trees.

Final IDEA

Evaluation Through out the designing of this sport complex I used research to gain inspiration and to develop my design. In particular Zaha Hadid helped me a lot to develop my design this is because her work was similar to my theme. Curvature into symmetry is a theme that came to me almost as a challenge, this is because what I noticed sport complexes tend to have bold and symmetrical spaces and I wanted to take these symmetrical shapes and add curvature to enhance the aesthetics of the structure because after all users who come to work out they would appreciate a good working out environment. Therefore, the final structure that I designed had a good mix between the symmetry and curvature as the roof really protrudes the curving edge of the structure while adding spaced out cladding that I got inspired from a structure I saw in Greenwich from my primary research. Furthermore, I developed this idea in my model with the use of different material instead of having industrialised and metal claddings I used wood that is a bit more natural and where my space is designed and has functions indoor and outdoor is important that the blend in. In addition, I think my model did this very well with the grass roof that let the building peal of the ground and really sink in with the nature as inspired from James Stockwell Architect I got inspired to have the grass covering the structure which creates more surface area that can be used for further functions as users can walk up on top of the building.

I particular like the tangling pipes that really excel the curving edge of the structure making the bold and symmetrical fences a lot more appealing and creative with their unique curves really showed the justice of the theme that curvature enhances symmetrical spaces. In addition, the pipes and the fences were metal because I wanted to show stability and I did not want to design the whole structure from wood as in terms of interior there are a lot of metallic machines therefore, by having some metal elements around the exterior let the exterior blend with the exterior. In addition, as much as the pipes are designed for aesthetics users feel safer

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