The harvesting specialist’s journal
A new year, lots of innovations Protagonist roles for Laverda’s M Special Power, Lcs and Rev series
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pages 8-9
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Gruppo Industriale ARGO
The situation by Mario Scapin
Moderate satisfaction with 2006 An on and off year. Overall sales on the upswing: a good period for France and the Russian area. Italy plays the waiting game. Big investments in products and technologies forecast for 2007 I’m at the end of my first year with Laverda and it’s time for me to weigh the achievements of 2006 in the balance and define the targets for the new year. In a scenario of general difficulty for the farming world, the results we’ve achieved to date can be considered positive, even though we have been unable to attain all the goals we defined at the beginning of the year. The sales volumes show signs of growth but the result achieved was due to a relentless struggle. Going into detail, the French market maintained its promises and Laverda’s penetration increased to a significant extent. Similarly, the targets envisaged for the Russian market were also reached. On the other hand, the domestic market sustained a further downswing that prevented Laverda from obtaining that much-desired improvement. Moreover, a climate of mistrust took over in Turkey due to the unforeseen devaluation sustained by the local currency that led to a consequent downswing on the market of that country. In short, 2006 draws to a close in a moderately satisfactory way but with the awareness that hard work and unbroken commitment will be required if we are to face the future challenges. The scenario for 2007 includes several positive signs that allow us to view the future with greater optimism. But it will certainly be a long time before these signs become certainties. The prices of grain have increased while the areas available for planting have grown in a significant way. Rice is satisfactorily profitable, but there has been an increasing interest in the crops used for producing the bases for alternative fuels. These are positive elements that should lead to confidence on the harvesting machine market but there is still an atmosphere
of indecision that is unable to persuade the business-men in the sector to take the first step towards purchasing important machines like combine-harvesters. We’re dealing in a market that’s still uncertain, without the concrete conditions that allow us to draw up medium and long-term plans, despite our good intentions. However, we’re convinced that the quality of the products and services offered by Laverda are an indisputable point in our favour. We therefore trust in positive prospects. This is the context in which Laverda has set itself ambitious goals, ones that, beyond our intention to become even more firmly rooted in France, will be directed towards: re-acquiring a portion of the Italian market that’s up to the quality of the product we offer (it’s only right to mention that we recently began to radically re-organize our dealer network by adding new, extremely dynamic concessionaires, well
trained on harvesting machines) and continuing our growth in the countries of the former USSR through considerable efforts conducted together with the local importer. We also intend to boost our standing in the east European countries where the market demands can be fully satisfied by Laverda’s products. These goals are certainly ambitious, but Laverda is more than able to achieve them. We’ll also be committed towards a hefty investment plan which will involve both the products and manufacturing processes. Lastly, I’d like to extend my personal thanks to all those who, during 2006, demonstrated their loyalty to the Laverda brand and all those who provided their precious contribution towards achieving the result, from our employees through to our dealers and importers. My sincerest wishes for a fully satisfactory 2007 to you all.
Mario Scapin managing director
The harvesting specialist’s journal Year VI, n. 3, December 2006 Quarterly periodical Registered with the Court of Vicenza n. 1017 dtd. March 5th, 2002
publishing management Mario Scapin Angelo Benedetti Simonetta Lambrocco director in charge Claudio Strati art work Andrea Rosset Piergiorgio Laverda the following persons collaborated: Patrick Fantinelli parts purchasing dept
Serhun Olgun
general manager of Laverda Tarim Makynelery - Turkey
Rémi Hugueny
Laverda France operating marketing manager
Andres Moradas Lopez Laverda Spain sales manager
Piergiorgio Laverda
curator of the “Pietro Laverda” Historical Archive
photographs Archivio Laverda spa © by Laverda spa 36042 Breganze (VI) Italy via F. Laverda, 15/17 tel. +39.0445.385311 fax +39.0445.873355 www.laverdaworld.com info@laverdaworld.com Printed by Tipografia Campisi
V.le dell’Industria 13 - 36057 Arcugnano (VI) Articles and pictures may only be duplicated if the source is cited.
To all journal subscribers NOTIFICATION AS PER ART. 13 OF DECREE LAW D. LGS. 30.6.2003, N° 196 Your identification data have been acquired by Laverda S.p.A. from either you yourselves or from public lists and registers, thus from documents accessible to anyone, for our marketing activities in the future. Laverda S.p.A. will deal with these data on paper and/or by computerized or telematic media. The information will solely be used in our company for postal purposes, in relation to our need to acquire new customers by sending commercial proposals, also in the future. Laverda S.p.A. guarantees that the data will be treated in the most confidential way and that, upon your request, your data may be cancelled (or corrected) from our archives free of charge. You are therefore entitled to exercise all the rights established by art. 7 of Decree Law D.lgs.vo N° 196/2003 and in particular, to wholly or partly allow the data to be used.
The institutions by Simonetta Lambrocco
Italy and Europe, Benedetti on the boards of Unacoma and VDMA Angelo Benedetti, 56 years of age and Laverda’s marketing and sales manager, has recently been elected director of the Farm Machinery Group within Unacoma, the national Union of farm machine manufacturers. He will remain in this office for three years, beginning in 2007, thus covering the whole of 2007, 2008 and 2009. As representative of the Argo Industrial Group, Benedetti is also a member of the chairmanship group of VDMA Landtechnik, the agricultural machinery division of VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau), i.e. the Association of German manufacturers of machines and equipment, having been elected by the German category association for the 20052006- 2007 three-year period. Naturally, Benedetti’s presence in VDMA is due to Laverda’s partnership with the German company Fella, specialized in haymaking implements and now part of the Argo Group. But let’s see how these category organizations work in more detail.
All this leads to an action of a “cultural and specialistic” character when it comes to institutional and professional “outsiders” in an endeavour to increase the awareness of mechanization as an important factor for the socialeconomic growth of various fields of activity. Unacoma promotes ideas in the interests of the category it represents by helping to draft laws that encourage the use of mechanization in agriculture, or arranging for relief for those who decide to renew farm machinery that’s obsolete from the technological aspect. Last but not least, Unacoma also organizes important events, such as the well-known and established Eima International trade fair. The fact that Angelo Benedetti is now a director of Unacoma’s Farm Machinery Group will certainly contribute towards the group itself by providing a highly professional and specialistic point of view thanks to the experience Benedetti has acquired during a career that has always been dedicated to this specific field of the machine industry.
Unacoma, “ambassador” of Italian manufacturers
VDMA, the heart of the German industry
Established in 1945, Unacoma represents the Italian manufacturers of tractors, farm machinery, gardening machines and components in both Italy and abroad. It also represents traxcavator manufacturers through Comamoter and now numbers 76 associate companies, with a 22% increase as compared to last year. Unacoma subscribes to Confindustria in Italy and to Cema in Europe. It’s “mission” includes providing incentives for agricultural work, promoting the technological development and renewal of the farm machinery fleet in Italy and abroad, plus assistance and back-up focused on the specific requirements of its associates. The companies that belong to Unacoma account for 80% of the production in Italy and over 60% of the European production. As explained in the web site (www. unacoma.it), Unacoma works in four main sectors, i.e. technical-planning, economy-statistics, assistance and promotion, communication and image.
VDMA (Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagenbau), the Association of German manufacturers of machines and equipment, is one of the most significant organizations for supplying services. It operates through one of the most important networks of industrial and business enterprises in Europe. The Association numbers 3,000 members from the largest and most significant European industries and industrial associations. All these associate companies are the key to the technology and the driving force behind the German economy. VDMA is a reliable and authoritative reference point and opinion leader when it comes to subjects concerning both national and international economy, politics and trade. Currently, the association mainly deals with labour, price and taxation policies, those for technological research and development, the financial aspects of enterprises, trade policies, ecology and energy policies, trade fairs and exhibitions.
The services and fields of application are numberless. When it comes to the markets, they concern statistics and economic trends, foreign trade and exports, law, taxation, tariffs, management and computerized systems, advertising, the Internet portal, the development of undertakings and the regulations that govern them, the environment. VDMA numbers many branches of German industry amongst its associates and agricultural machinery is one of the most important, i.e. VDMA Landtechnik, with 150 companies associated. Here again, Benedetti’s experience has proved to be a valid contribution and will certainly continue to be so: more specifically, when it comes to promoting the interests of Italian companies within the German category association.
Italy by Simonetta Lambrocco
Markets yearning for the much-awaited upswing Angelo Benedetti takes stock of the situation after the 2006 Eima International trade fair: “Business-men act prudently as the grain prices have failed to consolidate, but are planning future investments” “The customers are more motivated and the number of foreign visitors has doubled. There are good contacts with East Europe, North Africa and the Iraqi area” Having become “international”, Eima began its new era as two-yearly trade fair. The Bologna fair centre, which will open its doors again to manufacturers and buyers at the next Eima event scheduled for 2008, recorded a very interesting array of statistics this time. Caution prevents us from speaking openly about an upswing in the agricultural machinery sector, but certain positive signs are undeniable. Let’s take stock of the situation along with Angelo Benedetti, Laverda’s marketing and sales manager: “The statistics are eloquent.” Benedetti explains, “as compared to 2005, there was around 30% increase in the overall number of visitors, who rose from the 103,300 of 2005 to this year’s 133,600. In my opinion, the reason for this positive result was also due to the fact that Eima did not coincide with Hanover’s Agritechnica and that Sima of Paris will be held in far-off March. A more rational programme where the events no longer take place at the same time, or one right after the other, is good for the sector. And this was also testified by the number of exhibitors: 1,800 manufacturers were on show with their machines, of which 465 from 40 different foreign countries. The additional exhibition hall that was opened was also very positive for our sector as it allowed the industries to obtain more space and use very generously sized stand areas”. An optimistic element of this increase in visitors was certainly the fact that the number of foreign business-men and buyers at Eima almost doubled, passing from 9,300 to 18,000. “Unacoma’s communication campaign functioned well,” said Benedetti, “by informing visitors to the previous trade fairs about the appointment in Bologna. This is also testified by the number of foreign delegations that flocked to the venue, as many as 35 official ones from the most varied parts of the world: Latin America, Africa, Russia, as well as other countries in the East”. What impression did you receive from the visitors? “We’re able to perceive the visitors’ mood at
every event. It would be untrue to say that the atmosphere at Eima was one of a full upswing in the sector. Caution is still the prevalent attitude, although the growth in the price of grain and the now tried-and-tested new CAP, the European Union’s Common Agricultural Policy, is encouraging people towards open thinking. Grain prices are at the centre of attention: everything has increased, from durum wheat to rice, corn, but at the present time this situation has not yet become consolidated and does not encourage the investors. On the other hand, more ground is being planted and this is considered a highly important indicator: we’ve gone back to the cultivated areas of 2003 and 2004, overcoming the diminution that occurred in 2005. And in this respect, there’s been a further impulse towards investments in machinery. In conclusion, many entrepreneurs would like to get off to a head start but are uncertain as to the trend in the price of grain. They’re all waiting to see what happens in 2007”.
exchange of buyers between our combines and their haymaking machines. Laverda also made important contacts with foreign delegations, like those from the north of Maghreb and Irak, areas that intend to develop or continue with agricultural development. In the case of Iraq, the governmental situation that has not yet become consolidated and there are consequent difficulties in obtaining the necessary guarantees, but prospects as to numbers are extremely interesting. The foundations laid for new contacts in Russia, Ukraine, Hungary and the Czech Republic are encouraging: countries to which we already sell but from whence we are receiving confirmations as to an expansion of our market. The signs we received from the Italian market were those we expected: the visitors were professionals. The customers know what they want and are planning their investments”.
So there seems to be an air of positive expectation.
“It certainly is for Laverda. Combine-harvesters are very important machines, ones that you don’t change every year. The typical customer renews his machine fleet every seven-eight years, so he doesn’t want to be bothered by running to see the innovations every twelve months. Now that both Eima and Agritechnica are held every two years (the Italian fair one year and the German one the next) and at a different time of the year from Sima, we are able to plan our activities and innovations for each area of reference, and this is also beneficial for the trade fairs themselves. In other sectors, that of tractors for example, this two-yearly frequency of Eima is certainly not viewed in an equally positive way: tractors are commodities that always sell as they require a much lower investment, and customers are always very interested in the continuous innovations proposed by the manufacturers”.
“I must say that apart from the usual inquisitive attitude of the visitors, we noted a more concrete interest this year. People came to see machines and technologies. Their visits were more motivated. It’s a sign that many of the customers are planning the immediate future”. How did things go for Laverda? “Having been able to present our products in the Argo Group’s large area, we were able to attract hoards of visitors. It was obviously tractors that attracted the majority of the public, but a lot of concrete attention was paid to our combine-harvesters. The Gallignani stand was alongside ours and this facilitated a beneficial
Eima as a two-yearly event is a positive factor for you?
A wealth of interesting innovations for 2007 Laverda presented lots of important innovations at Eima for the M Special Power, Lcs and Rev series Experience acquired during over 130 years in the business makes Laverda one of the most qualified manufacturers of combine harvesters in the world. Right from the time the very first combine appeared in 1956, the company from Breganze has always stood out for the attention paid to the market and its demands. Innovation and research, a flair for style and the exclusive technical solutions proposed have always guided and still continue to guide Laverda’s planning engineers as they design attractive, comfortable, strongly-built, innovative machines that are high on performance. To meet the increasingly more specific requirements of professional farmers who pay great attention to costs and to the changing harvesting conditions and crops, Laverda presented new solutions for the 2007 campaign at Eima 2006. Some of these include the new green engines, which don’t just conform to the most recent anti-pollution standards but have been especially designed to assure the least possible fuel consumption, the utmost running economy and the longest life. There’s also a newly designed electronic system that will allow the power to be controlled in an intelligent way in the top-range models, so as to provide an additional amount of power when the operating conditions so require. But the 7.60 m cutter bar will also be completely new, as will the grain tank with new electrically controlled extensions and new filling system. The level of comfort will be improved to an even further extent thanks to a computerized analysis of the acoustic conditions in the cab which has allowed the sound-deadening system to be optimized. Completely new M Special Power series: higher performance, better quality
The new M Special Power series is amongst the innovations. Highly productive and efficient right from the moment the cutting table contacts the crop, this series features the exclusive GSAX, Ground Self
Alignment Extra electronic system that allows the machine to maintain a uniform cutting height in even the most difficult harvesting conditions. Thanks to the electronic control, which increases the sensitivity of the system and makes it more reactive, the cutting table adapts to the ground in the longitudinal and lateral directions in a completely automatic way, thus maintaining the same cutting height and allowing the cutting table to exercise a constant pressure on the ground. Two automatic height adjustments can be obtained: from 50 to 180 mm for short-stemmed crops or from 100 to 500 mm for long-stemmed ones. To make the controls more reliable and facilitate the way the cutting table is coupled to the machine, the M Special Power series will be equipped with a standard electric connector. Moreover, the tried-andtested PFR, Prepare and Feeding Roller, will be given oversized fingers to allow the crop to be conveyed to the elevator chute in an even more fluid and efficacious way. The advantages are evident: regular threshing, fade-free efficiency from the combine, less power required, low fuel consumption and longer lasting transmissions. All with the utmost respect for the environment. The cutting table’s transmission system is also new as not only the M Special Power series, but all the 2007 combines for flat land will be equipped with the Power Band belt transmission. This guarantees greater comfort for the operator while reducing the need for maintenance to the minimum. A further important innovation for the new M Special Power series is the new MCS Plus, Multi Crop Separator Plus system. This MCS device, which subjects the crop to forced separation of the straw before it reaches the straw-walkers, can be deactivated if the crop is delicate, with crumbly straw, and now provides a notable advantage thanks to integration of the REV module. Along with the advantage offered by the ability to differentiate the separation capacity to suit the type and conditions of
the threshed product, MCS Plus now increases the separation surface by 20% and widens the winding angle to 120° while getting the most out of the entire length of the strawwalkers. All this means increasingly higher performance. The new system for filling the grain tank is certainly amongst the more important innovations that characterize the M Special Power Series. Now that the system has been installed in a new position, the tank’s large capacity can be used in the best and most fluid way, all to the advantage of profitability. The new SISU Diesel engines with which the M Special Power Series is equipped will assure fuel savings, the utmost in running economy and long lasting use. There is also a newly designed electronic system that will allow the power to be controlled in an intelligent way in the top-range models, so as to provide an additional amount of power when the operating conditions so require. Laverda has designed the M Special Power Series to meet the requirements of customers who need to get the most out of a day’s work. This has been done by enlarging the fuel tank, thus increasing the combine’s autonomy by 30%.
Provided with the utmost in comfort and an attractive design, the M Special Power Series will be equipped with a Commodore Cab that’s been soundproofed to an even greater extent and that features interiors with harmonious colours that are easier on the eye. The LCS, Laverda Crop System Series: two brand-new models for the plains and hillsides
Besides the well-known 256 LCS and 255 LCS models, Laverda’s Crop System Series now includes a new version for use on flat land, the 296 LCS combine, and another specific version for hilly areas, the 255 LCS Levelling System combine, both of which are dedicated to the medium-high bracket of the market. Similar to the M Special Power Series, the LCS Series will be equipped with the GSAX, Ground Self Alignment Extra system (optional only for the 256 LCS version). The new 296 LCS will feature the SISU Diesel engine and will have an 8,800 litre capacity grain tank with new electrically controlled extensions and a discharging speed of as much as 85 litres per second. Laverda’s 255 LCS LS combineharvester is equipped with an exclusive levelling system that keeps the body of the machine perfectly horizontal even on lateral slopes of more than 20% and on slopes exceeding 8% in the upward and downward directions. The standard equipment also includes the Option-four device that allows the operator to use levelling in the lateral direction alone in a fully automatic way while preventing the body of the machine from moving longitudinally. Moreover, the system enables the longitudinal levelling device to be activated if the ground conformation so requires. The optional, tried-andtested 4-wheel drive is also available for use on very steep slopes or in heavy soil, thus ensuring the very best operating conditions. Along with the high productivity typical of a large machine, Laverda’s 255 LCS LS combine is unexpectedly agile and easy to manoeuvre. The machine is levelled automatically by an extremely accurate and reliable system controlled by an electronic tiltmeter, without the operator having to intervene in any way. Two hydraulic cylinders controlled by solenoid valves allow the front wheel transmissions to turn upwards
or downwards until the machine has been perfectly levelled in the horizontal direction. Thus, fade-free performance even on hillsides and in total safety. In short, the LCS Series stands out for its great performance, the quality of the crop threshed, plus simple and speedy maintenance. Everything has been organized to facilitate the servicing work in an extremely rational way. The side doors allow easy access to the transmissions and internal components, the rotating filter is the quick release type and makes the radiators and other components, such as the air conditioning system, much simpler to reach. The exclusive “Profi Cab” is the utmost when it comes to rational controls, comfort and ergonomics. It’s easy and safe to climb in and out of the cab thanks to the strong steps and generously sized entrance door. The multifunction monitor and exclusive multifunction lever ensure that the operator maintains total control over the machine, while there’s all-round visibility through the large windows. Besides the automatic conditioner, the Profi Cab can be easily fitted with the portable fridge, radio and CDplayer system, camera with colour display and GPS satellite system. The wide array of lights also allows the operators to work at night with excellent visibility, while the harvesting conditions allow.
REV Series, a better design and cabs with extra comfort
2007 will also include innovations for the REV series. Besides the new belt transmission system for controlling the cutting table, the new REV combines will also feature new colours: grey for both the tyre rims and grain tank cover. The interior and platform of the Elegance cab have also been renewed and there’ll be lots more comfort for the operator as everything has been arranged to achieve greater ergonomics and superior functionality.
Laversud, a passion that began way back Mario Onesto’s enterprise in Puglia, built upon the legendary name of Laverda It’s nice to speak with someone who nurtures a true passion for Laverda. Right from the very first meeting with Mario Onesto, founder of Laversud, a firm that sells genuine Laverda spares, one perceives his fondness for the brand, a particular affection and dedication to the company from Breganze and its products. Such a strong attachment that the name Onesto chose for his enterprise, established in Foggia in 1992, bears a direct reference to Laverda. In Puglia, Onesto is an institution as a Laverda enthusiast, as Albino Bertacco, technical and area manager for Laverda parts for central, southern Italy and the islands tells us: “Mario Onesto has always been recognized throughout Puglia as a great expert on Laverda combine-harvesters. Nowadays, he’s an opinion leader and his suggestions are held in great consideration by the operators in his area.” Mario Onesto’s passion dates back from his childhood when he saw the legendary and glorious M 100 at work for the first time. In 1975-76, Mario, who had been at the service of Foggia’s farmers’ cooperative for years, witnessed the Tavoliere countryside becoming progressively coloured with Laverda’s red machines as the Breganze company acquired an increasingly larger portion of the market. “My relations with Laverda’s combines and with the Laverda company date back to 1965,” Onesto recollects. “At that time, I worked at the Farmers’ Cooperative of Foggia, where I dealt with technical assistance for harvesting machines. I became a real enthusiast, and my passion for the red machines has grown stronger throughout the years.” Then what happened? “When the crisis struck Federconsorzi, I started to think about setting up my own spare parts business, but exclusively based on selling genuine Laverda parts. I have to thank my wife Teresa, who has always helped me with competence and skill and who still deals with the company’s financial and administrative sector. Our three children also work in the firm now: Michele deals with financial and administrative work along with his mother while Roberto is a wizard with codes and computers. I think he even knows the codes of the tiniest articles off by heart and he’s always ready at the counter to answer the customers’ queries. Lastly, my daughter Dina is her mother’s right hand.” A family that’s completely dedicated to Laverda. But what do you do in particular?
“Well yes, I’ve also passed my passion on to them! Speaking for myself, I deal with specialized technical information, I advise the customers, find out what’s the most appropriate solution for each, I cultivate the relations with them. I really love this task. Just think, every year on the first of May we invite all our customers to a reception in the firm where we also offer them an invitation to the Foggia trade fair. And at Christmas each year, I visit my most loyal customers along with my sons in order to exchange the season’s greetings”. What is your company’s mission? “Courtesy, image, genuine parts for customer satisfaction, that’s our mission. Our biggest gratification is our customers’ gratitude. We’re proud of being a small enterprise that has the people and means required to help the customers out at all times during the threshing period. Even customers who come to us for the first time must leave satisfied”. Projects for the future? “Lots. Everything’s evolving for the further growth of our enterprise, but always with Laverda’s red heart!”. Simonetta Lambrocco
Mario Onesto with his two sons in his Laversud spares centre. Below, his wide Teresa, daughter Dina and a view of the large warehouse.
The markets
France, the success story of the dynamic sales network A convention to celebrate the excellent results of 2006 and to look ahead France has turned over a new leaf. In 2006, the French market responded in a very positive way to the re-organization process enacted by Laverda. And when it came to sales, the results were really satisfactory, with hefty increases that underscored Laverda’s great potential in the country beyond the Alps. The theme of the French sales network’s convention (a network that has gradually become stronger and that has proved to be extremely dynamic and innovative), which was held in Domaine de Moresville, an ancient 16th century castle surrounded by a suggestive park to the south of Chartres, in Flacey, was actually an interpretation of the successful year. But our people are already looking ahead in France, because there is still a lot of scope for growth. One of the speakers at the French convention was Laverda’s director general Mario Scapin, who outlined the targets reached and those planned for the near future, besides the plans for new investments in the company’s technologies and processes. The new products (Laverda’s new range of combine-harvesters was technically presented, in collaboration with product manager Luciano Parise, by Remi Hugueny, technical assistance and marketing operations manager for France) of particular interest for the French market were described by Angelo Benedetti, Laverda’s marketing and sales manager, who also emphasized the advantages of belonging to a great industrial group of European and world-wide renown like Argo. Although he did not go into detail, Benedetti also spoke of the future trends in relation to Laverda’s product development strategy. Pietro Dal Santo gave a comprehensive illustration about Laverda’s ability to rapidly and efficiently respond to the customers’ needs through its after-sales assistance network and spares service, thanks to the on-thespot service provided by the far-reaching technical organization. The new system, which combines the two services (technical assistance and spare parts), will speed up the time it takes to respond to the customers to an even greater extent. Simonetta Lambrocco, the communication and public relations manager, discussed the philosophy and the method used by Laverda to establish its image and brand, as a means for backing its sales and many communication activities. Fabrice Rondeau, sales manager for France, took the stand in the central part of the day and focused on the nodal points and prospects for Laverda’s development in France. “In 2006, the French market increased by 5.5% as compared to 2005,” explained Rondeau, “with stable statistics for the conventional machines and a trend on the upswing for the unconventional ones. The significant factor for Laverda was the nearly 60% increase in the market for conventional combines.” Interrupted by the applause from the participants, Rondeau went on by saying “this important result has allowed us to achieve 9% penetration into the French market, meaning double the percentage obtained from the previous sales campaign. I want to share this success with you all,” continued Rondeau as he addressed the dealers in the conference hall, “and with our parent company which helped us in all possible ways during the sales season that has just ended”. There were lots of reasons for this success and amongst these, Rondeau made particular mention of the work done alongside the end customer, such as field trials, the dealers’ open-house events, the technical theme days, participation in national and local trade fairs. “If we succeeded in our mission in 2006,” the sales manager for France declared, “our commitment must grow in order to conquer an even grea-
ter portion of the market during the 2007 sales campaign”. Rondeau then concluded his speech by discussing the targets for the new sales season. The technical film dedicated to LCS combines and shot in both Italy and France, was projected during the meeting and was particularly appreciated by the French network. After all the speakers had terminated their speeches, the participants began lunching on the ground floor of the Orangerie, which had been decorated in Laverda colours for the occasion. The refined menu culminated with a big surprise: a specially prepared curtain parted to herald the triumphant entrance, accompanied by the strains of music and fireworks, of a culinary work of art: a miniature M 306 Special Power combine created in nougatine by a master confectioner. A gift that our French friends offered Laverda with best wishes the new, even greater successes. And it was under these auspices that the cake
model was taken back to Italy so as to be presented, along with the thanks of our French colleagues, to the parent company and to the Argo Industrial Group during the Italian convention. After lunch, there was a press conference during which Laverda’s innovations for the 2007 campaign were presented. The products were given a lot of attention by the French specialized press.
We look forward to seeing you at the ARGO stand from 4 to 8 March 2007 in Paris-Nord Villepinte France Hall 6 - Stand J24
In the garden of Touraine with five of the “reds” In the Central region, Eta Pasquerau has been faithful to Breganze for 28 years Tauxigny is a small borough in the ancient province of Touraine (more or less the present-day department of Indre-et-Loire) in the Central region. A province that’s considered “the garden of France” and especially famous for the beauty of its castles, amongst the most important of the entire Loire area, which attracts many tourists. However, the most important economic sector is grain cultivation, in which the Central region holds the European record. Vast plains and immense fields are the characteristics of this territory. This is where Jean Paul Pasquerau’s Eta Pasquerau does business, and has been doing so since 1973. “We purchased our first Laverda in 1978,” Jean Paul Pasquerau tells us. “It was an M 152 and was immediately followed by another M 152. The relations between our undertaking and Laverda have continued uninterruptedly throughout all these years: we now have five fully functional combines in our fleet. Our latest purchase was a 255 LCS in 2006. We appreciate various aspects of these machines: from the way the grain remains whole and undamaged to the way the crop is cleaned. You just need to adjust the sieves to a slight extent, something that’s also very easy to do”. An important feature for an enterprise that does a demanding job: at least two hundred hectares of rape, three-hundred and fifty of sunflower, one-hundred and fifty of corn and large areas of wheat to thresh. “The Schumacher bar makes sure you get a precise cut,” continues Pasquerau, “while the PFR, MCS and GSA are a must that we can’t do without. Since the GSA is an automatic system, it works best when subjected to careful maintenance. This is the advice I’d like to give to anyone who buys one of Laverda’s machines for the first time. Fuel consumption is a factor that’ll give you a concrete evaluation: when I’m threshing wheat at an average two hectares an hour, the machine uses 15 litres of diesel fuel per hectare. When I use the 255 LCS I recently purchased, the fuel consumption drops to 10 litres/ha with
sunflower. I consider this good, also when compared to the machines offered by other makes”. Other problem-free aspects are technical assistance and the spares service. “They’re just an hour away from our farm. We’d obviously like them to be nearer, but on the whole we’re satisfied with the skill and the rapidity of the two services. After all, Laverda’s machines are amongst the strongest and most simple to handle. This is why we more or less only have to resort to the assistance service for the scheduled routine servicing jobs”.
“We’re not going to do without this quality” Turkey. Yasar Horata speaks out after ten years of work in the Aegean and Anatolian countryside Yasar Horata started business ten years ago in Kızılcaören (Kütahya), Turkey: “we began in 1996, with a New Holland,” he explains. “We’ve currently updated our fleet with two of Laverda’s REV 205 Eco combines and just use those. We feel really at ease with our Laverda machines because we work for 3000 per season, so that’s 1500 hours per machine and Laverda is a record breaker when it comes to reliability. We travel all over the Aegean and central Anatolian areas with our two machines, threshing wheat, barley and corn. Our machines have got to be all-purpose, as well as reliable!”. Yasar is also very satisfied with the running costs: “They’re more than competitive. Fuel consumption is low in relation to the work we do, and the machines require very little routine maintenance, especially when you consider the number of hours we work”. What about the threshed crop? “The quality of the threshed crop is perfect! Whatever type of grain we’re dealing with, its always undamaged and very clean, while the performance and manoeuvrability of the machines are excellent. All our customers are more than satisfied with the quality of the cut. The cutting table’s toughly built and the crop flows to the threshing components in an even and continuous way. The action whereby the grain is separated from the straw is more than satisfactory and this means that the crop is cleaned to a high degree”. When you spend lots of time in a machine it needs to be very comfortable… “The cab really is,” answers Yasar Horata “and this is something we’re not about to do without, considering the long hours we work. When it comes to safety and reliability, I feel as sure of these machines as I do of myself”. The Turkish entrepreneur also praises the strength of Laverda’s machines and appears highly satisfied with the advisory service provided. “We feel really near to Laverda, we’re well advised and assisted. And I’d just like to mention how fast the after-sales assistance service is. There are always lots of spare parts in stock for when you need them. You clearly get the idea that for
Laverda, customer care is a prime factor”. Strength, endurance and profitability are the aspects that encouraged them to choose Laverda. “There’s certainly at least one other “red” machine in my future, and perhaps even more than one”. Serhun Olgun
“The ideal machine for farm-contractors” Spain. The Prieto family switched to Laverda in 2000 and is fully satisfied with the decision It’s a family concern, established by Atilano Prieto and his son Miguel Angel Prieto, that has been using combine-harvesters for over 27 years. Farm-contractors who are very well known in San Pedro de Valderaduey (Leon) and who have been working for a large number of customers in their area for many years. They’re enthusiastic about their M 306: “It’s a real pleasure to drive,” explains Atilano Prieto. “Today’s combine-harvesters are nothing like the ones we used 25 years ago. When you get down to brass tacks, the ground is just the same but the end customers have become more specialized and much more demanding when it comes to all the work we do for them. This is why Laverda is considered to be a very valid and efficient brand in our area owing to the absolutely clean grain its machines produce and for the fact that you can be confident that none of the crop will be lost. In actual fact, with a well adjusted machine and an acceptable speed, the crop losses are practically inexistent.” Atilano Prieto also underscores the efficiency of the after-sales service. “This is an aspect in which Laverda is truly incredible. After having worked for six years with this make, the first time in 2000 with a 2050 LX model and now with an M 306, I can only say that we’re fully satisfied with the efficient and rapid way it responds to our needs”. According to Miguel Angel, Laverda now enjoys great prestige amongst farmcontractors. Laverda’s machines are recognized as being easy to use, efficient and all-purpose. “This is why we bought a second one. And we may even
decide to enlarge our fleet of machines in the future, obviously with another Laverda!”. Andres Moradas Lopez
11 Argo informs
Gruppo Industriale ARGO
The “Safe-driving School” with Landini and the Ferraris Racing Team at the 2006 Monza Rally Show The sports division of Ferraris Tire, leading Italian enterprise when it comes to tyre development and distribution, and Landini of Fabbrico, leading tractor manufacturer and a byword for technical development and reliability in the agricultural machinery sector, established the details for holding courses dedicated to driving farm vehicles safely, the purpose being to avoid the dangerous situations that can occur when farm machinery is used. The “Safedriving School” for users of agricultural vehicles was presented during the racing display held in the most famous racing-track in Italy, where Landini flanked the Ferraris Racing Team at the “2006 Monza Rally Show”. Alex Proh, the Ferraris Team Manager from the Valtellina district, was at the wheel of his ultra-up-to-date Mitsubishi Lancer EVO VIII as well as RAI journalist Andrea De Luca, who had decided to repeat his exhilarating experience of 2005, when he got to know all about rallies alongside the acrobatic pilot from Sondrio, for whom he acted as an expert navigator. Anna Bonasea, Miss Padania 2006, was the team’s guest of honour. Innovation: Euro 3 engines for Landini’s Mistral series From January 2007 onwards, Landini’s Mistral 40-45 and 50 models will sport new Euro 3 engines, in compliance with the European standards governing emissions. The technology provides the same performance as the previous Euro 2 version when it comes to power, torque and torque reserve. Technofarm Mondial for the non-European markets The Mondial version of Landini’s TechnoFarm series is the new range of openfield tractors that are part of the 60 and 75 HP power bracket. Designed for the non-European markets, Landini’s new range features the same engines as the Rex series, i.e. a 3-cylinder aspirated engine for TechnoFarm 60, a 3-cylinder turbo engine for TechnoFarm 70, a 3-cylinder turbo for the 80 version and a 4-cylinder aspirated engine for TechnoFarm 75, available in versions with 2 and 4 driving wheels. The TechnoFarm Mondial tractor will be used as a basis for a European version that will comply with the European Union standards as to noise limits. Renewed features for Landini’s PowerMax range Landini’s tractor range becomes more comprehensive now that the new PowerMax series has been launched. With models featuring three power ratings between 141 and 167 HP, Landini’s new arrivals are 6-cylinder mediumbracket tractors that possess many of the characteristics common to their bigger brothers of the PowerMaster series on which they are based. These new PowerMax tractors feature a wheelbase and weights that suit the power segment to which they belong, but are in a decidedly superior class when it comes to content and technology. The three PowerMax models, 145, 165 and 180, have Iveco NEF engines with 141, 157 and 167 HP power ratings but thanks to “Dual Power” mapping, they are able to provide about 10 HP extra. Tractors with Track Finder satellite steering “Track Finder – G3 Satellite Autoguide System” is an evolved automatic satellite steering system built into the tractor. It comprises an electronic control unit and hydraulic actuators that control the steering system according to the commands received from the satellite receiver so as to memorize and repeat routes and trajectories with millimetric deviations. Track Finder is able to pick up both the American GPS signals and those of Glonass (Global Navigation Satellite System), the Russian satellite system. McCormick XTX comprises two new models McCormick’s XTX tractor series, which already won the 2006 “Tractor of The Year” award with the XTX 15 model, now includes two new models, i.e. XTX145 and XTX165. These two 141 HP and 157 HP tractors have been designed to offer the same characteristics and evolved specifications as their higher-powered XTX brothers. The new XTX models are structurally adequate as regards wheelbase, weight and lifting capacity for the power segment of which they are part. A world preview of the XTX 165 version, with a newly designed bonnet that will characterize McCormick’s future look, was presented at the Eima trade fair. The new range will feature electronically controlled BetaPower Common Rail Euro 3 engines.
Landini’s Bufalo champion for the third time running Exciting Tractor Pulling final at Thiene, with five thousand spectators Landini’s Bufalo 3000 came first for the third year running and became “2006 Champion” of the Pro Stock 35 category: that was the outcome of the Tractor Pulling Championship finals that took place in Thiene, in the province of Vicenza. Over five thousand spectators from all over the region watched the last race of the championship with bated breath. A head-to-head race where the protagonists reached the stand only a few centimetres away from each other. Piloted by the now famous Elvio Moretti, Landini’s Bufalo 3000 was 47 cm ahead of the Fiat 850 Very Super and Gianluca Paroli. The New Holland Blue Leader Junior piloted by Guido Bertelli came third. “It was a very difficult victory and not one to be taken for granted,” commented Elvio Moretti. “I used all the machine’s potential to the full during the trials, and drew on all the experience I’d acquired during years of work. The machine had never responded so positively as it did this year. It never let me down and carried me across the finishing line in all the races. I’d like to extend my particular thanks to Landini, which contributed towards this victory by providing back-up, dynamism and the necessary technical skills.” It was a hard-fought championship rich in suspense and able to highlight the true potential of a tough and reliable machine like Landini’s Bufalo 3000, with its high performance engine and transmission. Merit was also due to the technology and ability of the Moretti Team which, along with the back-up provided by the Landini Team, gave a highly professional and spectacular result. There were lots of breathtaking moments for the spectators, as the championship certainly did not save on “special effects”. Along with the unexpected feats from the tractors during all stages of the championship, the climax of the last race was Holer Togni’s exhibition on two wheels with a Landini PowerMaster tractor that brought the contest to a perfect close. There was an excellent performance from Landini’s Bufalo 3000 which, during the space of four years and after a first “taste” of glory when it came second, has won as many as three victories in a row. The big tractor from Landini has now become a star and is worthy of a stage all of its own. This is why Landini set it in pride of place in the Argo Group’s stand at Eima.
The events
The Italian sales network meets in Bologna Profitable encounter to discuss Laverda’s strategies. The new dealers are presented Laverda met the entire Italian sales network in Bologna, on 16 November, during the recently concluded Eima International trade fair. Different subjects were discussed at the convention, which had been given the emblematic title: “Consolidate today to grow tomorrow”. The principle according to which solid foundations are essential for growth and development is valid in all spheres. This is why we think that meetings with our work force are very important. These are occasions in which we discuss and reflect upon the results achieved and decide upon future goals thanks to the consolidated relations established with those who have been with us for some time, or where we decide upon developments and targets along with those who are just beginning to work with us. The Italian team now includes new dealers: Agrimoto, Agriosso, Agriubaldi, Interprovinciale and Tecnomarche. Thanks to these newcomers, who will add to the other dealers, Laverda will be able to assure a more comprehensive coverage of the territory, all to the benefit of the customers. The packed meeting hall testified to the mutual appreciation for these encounters between the parent company and those who work at our side. The event was even more significant owing to the presence of our chairman Valerio Morra and the executive board of Argo Tractors. Mario Scapin, Laverda’s director general, welcomed the participants and extended his thanks to everyone for having come to the meeting in such numbers. He then went on to briefly outline how the sales network was to be enlarged in Italy and listed the new dealers of the 2006/ 2007 season which would guarantee a more widespread coverage, inviting those present to keep a watchful eye on the territory. Speaking of product development activities, he assured that the innovations made and the new models now available would respond to the requirements voiced by the customers and would contribute towards acquiring larger portions of the market. When it came to the industrial activities, Scapin specified that the production targets had been reached and reminded the participants of the investments made in order to re-organize the manufacturing process and the way the plant and installations were used. Angelo Benedetti, the marketing and sales manager, ran through six years of work and thanked the chairman for the opportunity to take part in the Laverda project that all the participants had been offered on 12 July 2000: an ambitious challenge staged in a difficult market but backed by the solid and independent Argo Industrial Group and its clear entrepreneurial vocation dedicated to agricultural machinery. Speaking of Laverda in particular, he underscored participants’ chance to become partners of the only Italian combine-harvester manufacturer.
The trend of the past three years has not been encouraging for the Italian market, with a progressive diminution in the sale of combines which dropped from the 640 machines of the 2003/ 2004 season to the 395 machines of the one that recently concluded. This downswing was particularly accentuated in the self-levelling combine segment. After analysing the general trend, Benedetti then began to discuss that of Laverda and launched the business targets for the 2006/ 2007 so as to clearly inform the network. Because, getting back to the theme of the convention, concrete goals must be attained and not just to satisfy one’s rightful entrepreneurial ambitions, but to create a solid basis on which our future can be built together. After this, product manager Luciano Parise presented Laverda’s new range of combines, launched on the market during the Eima International trade show. He gave details of the specific technical features of each individual model along with the relative advantages. The participants were also able to see the combines at work when the technical film clip dedicated to the LCS series was projected in the hall. Pietro Dal Santo, the after-sales and spares service manager, described the way these two vitally important services had been re-organized. It’s essential for us to respond to the customer’s needs as rapidly as possible and to deal with the emergency situations that occur when the combines are at work with the utmost immediacy. Having combined these two strictly correlated activities, it will actually be easier for us to always guarantee an excellent service. The subject introduced by Simonetta Lambrocco, the communication and public relations manager, actually concerned communication. Discussing the method set up by Laverda, Ms. Lambrocco illustrated the application methods, activities and means created to back the company’s image and logo. Activities and means of fundamental importance if Laverda is to acquire the right standing in the way it is perceived by the target market. Alongside Laverda’s plan for promoting its image and logo, Ms. Lambrocco also went on to underscore what Laverda has developed to back its sales, describing the materials used to keep the public informed about its products and defining the purpose and reference target of each individual tool and for each customer-oriented activity. Lastly, Ms. Lambrocco encouraged our partners to take advantage of everything that Laverda places at their disposal so as to achieve mutual and common advantages. Angelo Benedetti concluded the session by giving a preview of Laverda’s future projects. The evening continued with a gala dinner in an atmosphere of trouble-free cheerfulness, with the awareness and confidence that team work always allows the highest goals to be reached.
The Young Entrepreneurs Group of Vicenza visits Laverda A numerous delegation that showed great interest in the Breganze company On 27 September 2006, a large delegation from the Young Entrepreneurs Group of Vicenza, lead by chairman Giuseppe Filippi, vice-chairmen Paolo Mantovani and Paolo Vivian, and by Isabella Tosatto from the Group and Association Development Service of Assindustria Vicenza, visited the Laverda offices and production plant. The visit began with the usual welcoming speech and with a presentation of the Argo Industrial Group. This was followed by a profile of Laverda, both yesterday and today, and a brief description of the products. The young industrialists from Vicenza were very interested in the production plant. As declared by chairman Filippi, many of the companies represented by the delegation appreciated the chance to get to know Laverda first-hand and considered the day spent together of undoubted interest as well as a chance for growth and comparison.
Laverda takes a stand against smoking Students on the march in Breganze for a health education project There’s a red thread that links the affairs of Laverda and the Scotton Institute of Breganze as, more than half a century ago, the Laverda brothers were the ones who contributed in a fundamental way towards the opening of the professional school. «This is why we still cannot do without Laverda’s backing in this, Scotton’s significant initiative in the educational field, one directed towards safeguarding the health and against smoking,” explained Simonetta Lambrocco, Laverda’s public relations manager. “We though it only right to continue with this “association” that binds our history to that of the Institute, and to qualify this area. Thus, along with the Local Health Department of Thiene Schio, we took part as co-sponsors and supplied the materials used for awarding the youngsters». The experimental health education project entitled “Doubts go up in smoke” (organized by the Scotton Professional Institute in collaboration with Local Health Department N°4) concluded with a sprightly ramble over the hills of Breganze. Accompanied by their teachers during the walk along the roads through the Breganze hills, about 500 students from the Fashion, Graphic Art and Mechanics courses took part in the event, which was also organized in collaboration with the Best Friends Group (the logo of which was designed by the Scotton students), the Astico walking group and Laverda SpA. The headmaster dr. Parise, emphasized how important it was for the schools and Local Health Department services to collaborate with each other in order to prevent young people from becoming addicted to smoking. And this concept was also repeated by dr. Banovich, who had dealt with the project on behalf of the Local Health Department and who expressed his profound satisfaction in the results obtained. “An innovative and experimental project,” he underscored, “one which introduces peer education directed towards controlling the addiction to smoking”. On arrival and after abundant refreshment with sandwiches and drinks, each participant received a canvas bag specially produced by Local Health Department N° 4 for the event in collaboration with the Scotton Institute, and a pen from Laverda which also awarded the 7 Scotton students who acted with distinction when the “Doubts go up in smoke” project was created. Simonetta Lambrocco consigned a model of an M306 Combine to: Massimo Azzolin, Stefano Rigotti, Laura Valeriano, Katia Chemello, Giada Basso, Carlotta Stella and Stefani Bonamigo.
The album
“Up there, in the mountains”, the epic deeds of the self-levelling combines Laverda’s endeavours to create ideal machines for hillsides began in the ‘60’s
“Up there, in the mountains” (to paraphrase a famous Alpine song) was the title of a nice little film clip produced by Laverda at the beginning of the ‘70’s and dedicated to the work of its selflevelling combines. Beyond the advertising gimmick, this portrayal was certainly not out of place: some of the plots in the Tuscan Apennines are on slopes worthy of a mountain climber and the landscapes are nothing like the rolling German or French hills. Difficult ground where, until the middle of the last century, the thought of mechanizing the grain harvesting operations was tantamount to living in a dream world. Then, gradually, definite improvements were achieved by using a reaper-binder towed by a crawler tractor. Laverda’s light ML 5BR reaperbinder, which had been specially designed for the conformation of the farming land in Italy, contributed in a decisive way to this process and tens of thousands of these machines were sold. But after the combine-harvester began to be used in a widespread way on the plains, it seemed a logical consequence to venture a further step forwards.
Right from the legendary M 120, the combine-harvesters produced by Laverda at that time were also able to face fairly steep slopes, but that was not enough for the technicians of the Breganze plant. Thus, in 1969, they started researching so as to provide the medium model of the range, the M 100, with a lateral levelling system that allowed
it to climb up steeper slopes, ones that had hitherto been impossible for this type of machine. The first prototypes of the M 100 AL, used for the 1970 grain threshing campaign, gave excellent results. They were machines in which the 40° lateral levelling system was obtained with pivoting trapezoid axles activated by hydraulic rams. It was controlled by solenoid valves activated by level microswitches installed in two communicating vessels fixed to the sides of the machine. A pre-series equipped with an 85 HP OM engine and a 4.20 metre cutting table was produced in 1971. It was an immediate success, especially in the central areas of Italy and in Sicily. New horizons for development and income opened out in vast areas of the country, particularly when it came to the production of durum wheat. Over 1000 of these machines were manufactured up until 1975 and lots of them are still at work after thirty years! Following the introduction of the new range of conventional
Left, 1970: the prototype of the first M 100 AL meets one of the symbols of Mediterranean farming tradition. Below, an interesting section view of the little M 92 AL, shown here in the 3300 AL version.
15 models, the M 112 AL was created in 1976. It was a fully re-designed machine and was equipped with hydrostatic drive, both lateral and longitudinal levelling system controlled by hydraulic pumps, 128 HP supercharged engine, second ventilation as part of the standard equipment and a 4.80 m cutter bar. One can quite easily affirm that this was one of Laverda’s most successful models. Around 1400 of these machines were sold, mainly on the Italian market, but also in several foreign countries. As well as this model, the smaller M 92 AL was introduced in 1980, having been created from the machine of the same name with 3 straw-walkers used for threshing in the plains. This agile, neatly sized little machine was particularly suitable for small plots of land, often divided up by rows of olive trees, a practice that was still widespread in certain Apennine areas. Equipped with lateral and longitudinal levelling, it featured a 3.60 m bar and was driven by an 89 HP 5-cylinder Fiat engine. Laverda continued manufacturing it, later as the 3300 AL, until 1992. But Laverda’s endeavours to improve the performances of its
machines on hilly ground certainly could not stop there, also because the company was the unrivalled world leader in the sector. Thus it was that the 3550 AL model was created in 1985. It still had 4 straw-walkers but also featured remarkable technical innovations: 150 HP engine, 4.80 m cutting table, an innovative hydrostatic transmission with four gear ratios that could also be engaged on-load and, last but by no means least, a comfortable cab installed for the very first time on this sort of machine. This model, which remained in production with continual upgrades, for over 15 years, was used as a basis for the creation of Laverda’s 1740 AL in 2000. Thus, when the Laverda brand came back on the scene, the stage was right for the beginning of a new era for these prodigies of Italian skill. The following years saw the development of the 255 AL, the big self-levelling combine with 5 straw-walkers and the 184 AL with four straw-walkers, heirs of the littlebig machines that made the history of combine-harvesting in the difficult hilly areas of Italy. Piergiorgio Laverda
Above, a little crowd gathers around an M 100 AL as it makes its debut in the fields. Right, from top, an M 92 AL on the move, an M 112 AL and a 3550 AL taken in 1985 during its first outing in the Sienese hills.
The history, the stories
Hay baths, an ancient Alpine custom Tourists re-discover the typical restful therapy of the farmstead Rediscovered old rural traditions, especially in the Trentino area, in Alto Adige, in the Dolomites and other European regions devoted to high-altitude farming and to pasturing cows, have now become a little tourist boom as they attract visitors who wish to experiment with ancient methods for achieving personal well-being and psychophysical relaxation. The hay bath is one of the typical services offered in the rural farmsteads, in the agritourism oases, in the mountain holiday resorts. In an innovative way and with modern methods, it re-proposes the old-fashioned habits of the farming folk, who used to sleep and rest in the midst of hay freshly cut for their cattle, in the fermenting fresh grass stored in their hay-lofts so as to draw remarkably regenerating benefits for the physique from its warmth and from the active substances released by the medicinal essences the grass and hay contained. After a hard day’s work, this special sort of rest at high temperatures did away with all the weariness and restored their energy. The damp heat of the bath amongst fragrant herbs produced by the fermenting medicinal plants that release the effects of their chemical combinations, recharge one’s batteries when absorbed by the organism or inhaled. And if it previously served to distend one’s muscles, it now helps to combat the stress created by our daily life-style. It is also important to ensure that the hay has been mowed with care, without spoiling its compactness and wholesomeness. This was once done patiently by hand. Nowadays the hay
is mowed by the machines provided by the haymaking specialists. Mountain grass thus becomes therapeutic manna, after having been harvested with care and allowed to ferment in large containers, where it reaches a temperature of as much as 60 degrees. Hay bath therapy usually includes a “bath” immersed in the hay for about twenty minutes. After this, one rests on a reaction bed and starts to sweat. There are different types of therapeutic benefits, depending on the hay used, while an invigorating effect spreads all over the body and stimulates the circulation. Naturally, anyone who opts for hay bath therapy must first consult a physician. There are contra-indications when it comes to the use and abuse of hay baths. For instance, they are generally inadvisable for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases or forms of hypertension. Case by case,
Laverda S.p.A. via F. Laverda, 15/17 - 36042 Breganze [VI] Italy t. +39.0445.385311 f. +39.0445.873355 info@laverdaworld.com www.laverdaworld.com
just like spa treatments, or when using the sauna or Turkish bath, anyone who wishes to take a hay bath must comply with the doctor’s instructions. However, it’s a practice that enchants mountain-lovers: a stay in the Alpine regions is more of a “holiday” if you also experience the atmosphere of this ancient European custom. Patrick Fantinelli
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