lavinia guiotto

Page 1




in questa pagina: immagine fotorealistica che mostra uno scenario con piazza e nuove costruzioni nella futura City on Stilts

pag 10

in this page: render with square and new builndings in the future City on Stilts



THE CITY ON STILTS Overpopulation of Urban Areas. Megacities 2100

pag 20 URBAN RE-QUALIFICATION ALONG THE RIVER BRENTA Hydropower Plant Restoration and Reuse Carpanè, Vicenza (Italy) ROCK MY PLANT CONTEST The new Air Liquide Air Separation Unit. pag 16

pag 4 2

LIVING THE PLANT The New Industrial Era. Sustainable Strategies For Future Industrial Plants




THE CITY ON STILTS OVERPOPUATION OF URBAN AREAS According to The United Nation estimates the world population is expected to grow, in 2100 it will presumably exceed 10 billion people. The questions we ask are, whether there will be sufficient space and resources as well as how cities and the countries will face this growth. It is our understanding that the urban structure will change and new settlements will form. Our challenge is to deal with the population increase in the metropolitan area of New York, while attempting to preserve the existing urban fabric and connecting it to the new one. The New York metropolitan area is the most populated in the United States, with a total of 21,361,793 inhabitants in an area of 23,858 km2 and it includes New York, the Counties of Long Island Hudson Valley and upstate New York, the six largest cities in New Jersey, six of the seven largest cities in Connecticut and Pike County, Pennsylvania. Four main types of buildings have been identified inside the region of New York and later classified according to population density: skyscrapers, buildings for commercial and residential use, single-family houses and shopping areas. For each of these structures corresponds a particular use of land and space, the presence or absence of green areas, infrastructure, the water and energy consumption per km2.

Considering a population increase of 52% in 2100 the intention is to densify the region from the inside, avoiding the excessive expansion of the city and the occupation of the land used for the sustenance of the city. Every type of urban tissue, strategy and resource utilization is different, in order to increase the density and avoid affecting the quality of life, but allows the area to develop in the most sustainable way. For each type of urban fabric it has been calculated, based on density, the average square feet of living space, private and public garden, services and infrastructure per person. This number, multiplied by the average number of inhabitants per square kilometer, let us understand how much space each type occupies. By averaging the data of the areas with more plausible percentages, we could establish the ideal amount of square feet to use per person in the entire metropolitan area of New York. Knowing therefore the ideal m2 per person and multiplying them by the number of inhabitants per km2, we were able to find the percentage of ‘unused’ area that might be used for future residents. It was then easy to calculate the carrying capacity per square kilometer for each type of urban fabric. Finally the different possibilities ‘of growth of the city’ are presented. in questa pagina:

Scenario estremo.

The City on Stilts del futuro in this page:

Extreme scenario.

The future City on Stilts







Il nuovo scenario sarà costituito da una sovrapposizione di livelli con funzioni differenti ma congiunti tra di loro. Il primo livello è costituito da percorsi verdi che si articolano tra edifici esistenti e ricoprono lo spazio prima occupato dalle strade minori. Lungo le strade più ampie invece corrono le linee del trasporto pubblico. Questo sistema rende più permeabili gli isolati, rompendone la rigida lottizzazione e connettendoli tra di loro. Sarà possibile inoltre creare cosi degli spazi dedicati anche alla coltivazione e all’ allevamento dando vita a una forma di autostentamento della comunità. Ai piedi delle torri si vengono a creare spazi di aggregazione e piazze fino ad ora inesistenti. Il secondo livello rappresenta l’intervento di densificazione attraverso la tecnica dell’ infill. Il terzo livello è costituito da ‘stilts’, le torri impiantate nel tessuto urbano che supportano le varie unità abitative e che servono la collettività.

The new scenario will be constituted by a superposition of layers with different functions but joint between them. The first level consists of green trails that runs in between existing buildings and occupy the space previously occupied by minor roads. Wider streets remained as roadway for public transportation systems. This scheme makes the blocks more permeable, breaking their rigid parcelling and connecting them with each other. Some of these areas will be occupied by urban gardens and farms, giving the community the chance to be self-sufficient, while squares and wide public areas surround the towers. The second level represents the densification through the “infill technique”, The third level consists of ‘stilts’, towers planted in the urban fabric that support the various units and serve the community.




wind energy



solar pv cells

nella pagina accanto: schema construttivo e funzionale in the next page:

rain collection

waste composting

constructive and functional scheme




40.000 to 153.000 people/km2

4.000 to 40.000 people/km2

4.000 to 40.000 people/km2




In this page : ASUs birdview

ROCK MY PLANT CONTEST AIR LIQUIDE C ACCESSIBILITY Nineteen Air Liquide industrial areas set in different parts of the world were taken into consideration and their area was analyzed. The purpose was to highlight how much of those square meters were unexploited by Air Liquide, especially considering the future world population growth rate and the lack of land areas. The plans vary based on the size of the plant and the gases it produces, but the top view of the site already shows how, in most cases, a small part of the territory is occupied by the Air Liquide industrial components, while the majority of the space is often covered with asphalt to allow the circulation of trucks. The analysis showed on average that 35% of these areas is occupied by the industrial components while 65% is basically empty at a 1 to 2 ratio. Air Liquide Elements would like to translate this ratio. It promotes the public fruition of that 65% empty area, limiting the circulation of trucks to a restricted area along the external borders of the site. Conversely, the single components of the industry, that occupy the remaining 35% of space, can be reached only by Air Liquide workers and employers. Respecting this ratio, the project can be set in different contexts, allowing the surrounding to penetrate inside the plant’s area.

SUSTAINABILITY Air Liquide’s greatest expense is that of electricity. Covering the shell of the tower a with photovoltaic cells, it would be possible to reduce electricity costs. Air Liquide also uses a significant quantity of water to cool down the temperature during the liquid gases production. Every few cycles, part of the water has to be removed because of the blow-down phenomenon. The solution containing minerals is collected into a basin set under the storage tanks where it can be used to grow plants using the hydroponic method. Fog catchers suspended around the storage tanks, provide additional water that falls into the hydroponic basin. DESIGN The new design aims at revealing the components of the factory. Making them larger, taller, joining them with a gigantic pipe, the new Air Liquide ASU tries to emphasize the stereotypical plant, making an attempt to change the common idea that industrial areas are not safe. The tower with the distillation column becomes the core of the project. The public area located underground is connected to the exterior with slopes, staircases and lifts. Where possible, surfaces of the industrial components are coated with a photocatalytic “smog-eating” cladding.



In this page : Under the USU



In this page : The tower’s section






URBAN RE-QUALIFICTION ALONG THE RIVER BRENTA Hydropower Plant Restoration and Reuse Carpanè, Vicenza (Italy) The project gives the area of San Nazario,Carpanè (Italy) a new look, reconsidering urban and public spaces along the river Brenta. At the beginning a deep analysis of the area, considering its hystorical and natural aspects was made. Three main areas were highlighted and renamed based on the functions it would serve after the restoration: 1 -the education and sport center, obtained thanks to a partial demolition of an old and obsolete tobacco warehouse; 2-the river’s park where part of an old factory is demolished and tranformed in ‘green plaza’; 3-the cultural area, where there are three hystorical buildings to restore and reconsider (Guarnieri hydroelettric plant and warehouses and the Museum of Tobacco).

The project regarding the third and last point is here shown. The 100 year old hydroelettric power plant becomes a cultural centre. Inside there’s a library, a cafè with computer stations, rooms for meetings, and spaces for children. The library develops around the internal walls of the building and it is three stories high. Diagonal slopes connect the different parts of the building, fragmenting the big empty space in the middle of the plant. In the hallway there are elevators and staircases. All levels and parts are connected with no limitation for handiccaped individuals. Some of the rooms, facing the river, offer a quiet and relaxing enviroment to study and read. The project respects the original set up of the building. The new structure doesn’t change or compromise the old and decorated facades, but it highlights them.

Final Model of the project 17


In this page : The new hydroplant



In this page : Underground mobility

semplice gestione dell’im- and simple management, are arranged spone ai piani inferiori. on the lower floors . A third segment is LIVING THE PLANT. NEW INDUSTRIAL gmento è dedicato al verde THEdedicated to green andERA acts as a filter SUSTAINABLE STRATEGIES FOR FUTURE filtro tra l’industria e le se- between the plant and the subsequent INDUSTRIAL PLANTS sections where services and apartments sive dove si distribuiscono merciali e appartamenti. are set. project ai aims not only make it a ismore benevoThe vertical development of these activities, makes ezioneThe è dedicata dispoTheto last section dedicated to sustaiibili elant alla plant, raccolta dell’acnable devices andland rain and water harvest.the plan become the creator of a new “community”. but to rid the surrounding con. centrate in the tower different activities that usually take away space from nature. The tower is the heart SUSTAINABLE DEVICES A of the area. Due to the INDUSTRY water recovery system linked At the top of the tower there is a rainwater harvesting alla base della torre, si troOutside, at the base of the tower, there to the plant, agriculture and farms develop around the basin, attired with photovoltaic solar panels and solar i evaporative che fornisco- are cooling water towers that provide tower. In the basement, where the climate and geospheres. Here the ventilation system is also placed edda a tutto l’impianto di cold water to the entire liquid gas prographical conditions allow it, the public transportation with the heat recovery system, wherte they comudi gas liquidi. duction system. network is set and gets fueled largely by the energy nicate with the heat pumps and geothermal system, rzo della torre, ospita l’in- About a third of the tower hosts the generated from the tower. The sections are organized located in the basement . base si trovano i compo- industry. At the base there are the todell’aria: the activities that they host. first two unit: nità diaccording separazione components of theThe air separation are dioccupied at the base by the air coolers separation THE STRUCTURE , sistemi raffreddamento compressors, and unit, dryers, the which, scambiatori for reasonsdi of heat weight, safety, storage maintenance The project aims to use a structure that is sustainable, ra dell’aria, exchanger, tanks and the enitoriand persimple lo stoccaggio e distillation columnonwhich is about 60 management, are arranged the lower reversible and can be integrated to the context. The i distillazione circasegment 60 meters high. floors . Aalta third is dedicated to green and structure that best meets these requirements is a aresubsequent dedicated to reseacts as a filter between The the upper plant floors and the hyperboloid lattice made of steel (material that allows riori sono dedicati a laboarch laboratories, offices for the consections where services and apartments are set. The to reach great distances), divided into sections whoerca elast ufficisection per la gestione trol of the machinery and common is dedicated to sustainable devices and se diameter decreases with increasing height. In this o dei macchinari, agli spazi relax areas for employees and workers. rain water harvest. way a truncated cone tower is formed, with a central e sale di relax per impiegati concrete core, in which stairs and elevators are locaINDUSTRY ted and and pipes transverse.This model can easily Outside, at the base of the tower, there are cooling change depending on the need, while maintaining the water towers that provide cold water to the entire lisame characteristics, can vary in size. quid gas production system.About a third of the tower hosts the industry. At the base there are the compoTHE NEW INDUSTRIAL ERA nents of the air separation unit: compressors, coolers The city is constantly evolving, expanding faster and and dryers, the heat exchanger, storage tanks and the faster to become a megalopolis that incorporates lardistillation column which is about 60 meters high. ge and small urban centers. Even industries follow this The upper floors are dedicated to research laboratotransformation, but without an adequate integration ries, offices for the control of the machinery and comto the urban context, remaining secluded in degraded mon relax areas for employees and workers. areas on the outskirts of the city. Companies such as Air Liquide, express their values ​​in regard to sustainability and have as targets the respect for the enviGREEN ronment and the use of renewable resources. These Between the section of the industry and that of the plants are still looking for a suitable design that maapartments, there is a green area, where you can kes them able to overcome the prejudices of society. admire the landscape and take walk. This section is Flexibility and sustainability are expressed making the about 30 meters high and contains constructed wetnew plant able to settle and adapt to different contexland basins to recycle the gray water coming from the ts, without changing the locations’ characteristics. apartments. In addition there are decorative plants This new industrial architecture prototype seeks to species, which vary according to the climate. minimize the environmental impact. To ensure greater efficiency, attention more and more is given to BUSINESS AND HOUSING renewable energy sources like sun, water and wind. In the upper part of the tower, apartments and comStanding out compared to nowdays requalifications mercial activities take place. Some stories may be ocof brownfield sites, the project of the new factories cupied by schools, cultural, medical and sport centers, presents a scenario in which the still working plant laundries, bars, restaurants etc... In the basement, gives life to an integrated system, where houses and parking lots and rooms for piping are located. Where amenities co-exist. In the very next future it will be geography allows it, additional commercial activities, therefore neccessary to live the industrial plant and public or private, may deve lop even underground, design a new industrial-architectural model. where are annexed to the in frastructural network.



In this page : The tower’s core


In the next page: Industry Classification Benchmark



In this page : Masterplan and birdviews In the previous page: Structural construction phases



In this page : The tower’s section

In this page: Number of Asus in each Country; standard Air Liquide Asu’s scheme; occupied and empty areas’ percentage ; top view of 18 Air Liquide ASUs


In this page : The new ASU



nella pagina accanto schema di produzione e uso dell’energia elettrica

dell’aria azoto e tillazione mperatu-

temperauide, che ttamente ta di una elettrica

impianti tiva.


An air separation unit’s plant (ASU), that produces oxygen, nitrogen and argon using the cryogenic distillation method, must work at a very low temperature (-190 °C ) . To maintain this temperatures, a company such as Air Liquide, which produces liquid gas continuously for 360 days a year, requires a considerable amount of electricity (on average 85 GWh a year).(9) There are still too few plants that use alternative energy.

stimento m2 e può energia stria, agli commer-

SOLAR PHOTOVOLTAIC PANELS AND SOLAR SPHERES The minimum surface coating of the tower is 18,140 m2 and can be harnessed to produce electricity to be allocated to industry, apartments and commercial establishments.

tilizzo di amorfo a ue strati icola tragrado di per genesistema ngere da ggi UV ed

An innovative solution is the use of photovoltaic panels in the amorphous silicon thin film: in between two layers of glass a transparent film made of amorphous silicon is inserted. This film can absorb the solar radiation to generate electricity. This system also has the advantage to act as a screen and to block the UV rays and the heat.

a loro efdi scarsa oso. petto ad aico, che o in base fotovolposizioer questo ttricità è

These modules ensure their efficiency even in low light and cloudy sky. The only drawback is that compared to a standard photovoltaic system, which can be oriented and tilted according to solar radiation, the photovoltaic film inserted in the windows is positioned almost vertically and, for this reason, the production of electricity is reduced.

trata ditura dele inserire ere solari. una sfea solare e uperficie na volta ciaio, serotazione empre la possibile.

Because of the large available glazed surface area and the particular structure of the skeleton, it is also possible to insert in the facade innovative solar spheres. These devices are composed of a glass sphere that absorbs solar energy and focuses on a small area of solar panels that mounted on a steel frame, automatically follow the rotation of the sun in order to harvest the greatest amount of energy.

in the next page power production and usage diagram

Wind turbines, installed on steel towers, 60-100m high, can reach a 320 km/h high tip-speed.

On average a 4 members family uses 3000 kWh a year. A 10 m2 photovoltaic plant produces about 1300 kWh

Solar spheres can produce 70% more energy than common PV panels, using only 1% cell surface.

Geothermical energy exploits underground temperature, heating or cooling water, depending on season.

heat recovery systems provide fresh air and improve climate control, while saving energy by reducing the loss of heat.



nella pagina accanto schema di uso dell’acqua

recuperare ria e quelattraverso i e non, e trienti dis-

ua piovana no ad aua utilizzare evenzione

n impiane produce tti i giorni

to e far sì non subiè dotato di ne forzata una cospidi falda è

ri di caloase liquida a, riducena. quindi dindustria e mperatura

acqua, che ura di 28e stagioni, , ma torna essere raf7 °C). acqua che a dell’evaprocesso, eintegrata

e scaricata enere sote di sali ed ” ed è pari

nesio, cloviene qui r coltivare tualmente

The new plant’s goal is to reiterate sanitary water and the water used by the plant, through a natural and artificial filtration system with the recovery of nutrients dissolved in water. Rain water tanks and fog catchers contribute even more water to the reservoir, which can be later used for agricolture or fire prevention.

nelle pagine seguenti il riciclo dell’acqua nelle colture idroponiche

in the next page water usage diagram

in the pages water recycle in hydroponic gardens

COOLING WATER TOWERS AND REUSE OF BLOWDOWN The industrial components of an air separation unit that produces liquid gas, work nearly every day of the year, for 24 hours. To prevent overheating and to ensure that the engines of the cars do not suffer damage, each system is equipped with evaporative cooling towers with forced circulation using a conspicuous amounts of water . The annual consumption of ground water is 122.700 m3.(7) These towers are heat exchangers in which the liquid phase gives energy to the gaseous phase, thereby reducing its temperature . The cooled water is then distributed to the various parts of the industry and used to lower the temperature of the machinery. Once finished its cycle, the water, which reached a temperature of 28-33 °C , depending on the season , is not fed back into the groundwater, but returns to the cooling tower to be cooled again (DT = 7 °C). However, the amount of water that is removed or is lost to evaporation during the process is drawn from the aquifer and replenished constantly. The removed water (usually discharged into a drain) is used to control the concentration of salts and the pH is equal to about 13 m3/hour and referred as “blowdown”. As rich in calcium, magnesium , chloride and silica, the blowdown is here recovered and reused in hydrophonic gardening, and eventually used for fish farming.

Hydroponic Gardening Nutrient Solution: H2O, Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, No-3, SO2-4,

Blowdown: H2O (water), Ca2+ (calcium), Mg2+ (magnesium), Cl (chloride),

The roof collects rain water into a basin supported by the tower steel

The greywater is filtered by the plants and reused for toilet flushing and

Fog cathers, thanks to their knit, condense moisture from the air and help increase the


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