Finance the growth of this program in new villages, regions or countries. You can support a part of the entire program, or specific projects in different countries, or projects on specific issues. In return you generate social impacts and communication opportunities for your stakeholders.
THE PROGRAM, THE PROJECT AVN is not a construction company, its mission is to promote the Nubian Vault as soon as possible, for as many beneficiaries as possible. To understand in detail the program to promote and disseminate the Nubian Vault technique all over the Sahel, see our attached DISSEMINATION PROGRAM folder.
A quick overview of the 2013-2016 phase of the dissemination program
By 2016, the program will have generated several projects that will enable the building of 3,500 NV, benefiting 30,000 people in almost 1,000 villages in six countries. For a cost of €3 million , it will have contributed €4 million to local economies, with a 30% annual growth rate, and the creation of an autonomous market. By 2016, AVN will have operating teams in each region of West Africa in Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Benin, Ghana, and pilot programs in Southern Africa (Zambia, Botswana). Long term: by 2025, AVN’s solution has the potential to answer the housing needs of 50% of the sub-Saharan population, namely 70 million people. According to these forecasts and combined with AVN’s work on developing this technique, we estimate that by 2025, 40,000 NV will be built, 1,000 masons will be trained, and 300,000 people will benefit directly from a Nubian Vault.
You can take share of the entire program by becoming a Global S.I. Projects
To achieve this program, AVN launches several projects in the field. By 2016, the goal is to have launched the NV market in 300 new villages, as part of 30 new areas, and 8 new regions in 6 countries: Burkina, Mali, Sénégal, Mauritania, Benin, Ghana.
You fund a specific project and become a Focus S.I. Seri Youlou (left) and Thomas Granier (right).The co-founders of the field.
Program budget
Program principleS The market is the best way to disseminate the NV: from a village to a zone, to a region, and then to an entire country. To achieve this goal, AVN trains and guides extension agents in its dissemination method: - focused on rural areas, NV agents start from a basis of pilot villages, scaling up into pilot zones, and then into entire regions in several countries. Progressively, the market becomes more and more autonomous: in the end, clients and builders get in touch directly, and AVN can withdraw from the area. In addition, AVN will manage Research & Development projects to reach more beneficiaries.
Get Involved : AVN mobilizes public and private institutions and individuals to cover the costs of its innovative program (around $4 million between 2012 and 2016). A financial partner is considered not as a simple donor, but as a social investor (S.I), with a return on investment being, not in cash, but in social, economic, and ecological benefits.
“the objective of AVN is to create a market for the Nubian Vault, from now until 2025, allowing African families to have a better quality of life, to protect their environment and culture, to save billions of euros. To be able to do this, your support is needed”
Seri Youlou Thomas Granier Co-founders of AVN
You are an individual, a company, a public institution (local, national, international): You can become a SOCIAL INVESTOR (S.I.)
Global S.I.
You share in AVN’s international program
Example: you support 5% of the entire program, get 5% of the program’s Social Return on your investments
Focus S.I. You focus on a specific territory or community Example: you support the community of the pilot-village of Dendjola in Mali
NB: tax exemptions In France: 75% for individuals, 66% for companies In US and UK: exemptions through Global Giving In UAE and Gulf countries: donate through the Red Crescent, partner of AVN
Advertising opportunities 20,000 people subscribe to AVN’s newsletter, and AVN has dynamic social network accounts (FB, Twitter, LinkedIn), and several media coverage opportunities. For example, in 2015, AVN will organize two major promotional events, one in Paris (Musée du Louvre - Jardin des Tuileries), the other in Dubai, in front of the Burj Khalifa (AVN received the Dubai International Award for best environmental practice in 2013 ). These promotional events are already being planned, to include conferences, film projections, and technical ‘happenings’ (construction of a Nubian Vault by African masons) to inform the public about the challenges posed by deforestation and AVN’s solution. In the field in Burkina Faso, Mali, Senegal, Benin, and Ghana, AVN can organize specific projects in partnership with a Partner’s personnel - for example, by promoting a Partner’s products, or by leading campaigns for a Partner’s staff to inform them of NV housing solutions for themselves and their families.
GLOBAL S.I You fund a part of the entire program Example: you fund 5% of the entire program, you get 5% of the entire social impacts in return. You can participate technically and financially in the existing AVN Program in all the countries, on a one-off or ongoing basis.
The ideal funding option for AVN
Funding a proportion of the entire program without focusing on a specific country, region, or project is ideal. This saves AVN the overhead time and expense of reporting and accounting for a variety of individual small projects, taking resources away from our work in the field.
One year = 2013 INVESTMENT
Share Input New NV built Local economic impact New beneficiaries No. of villages reached Annual growth Apprentices in training tCO2-e economised
Entire program in 2013
YOU in 2013
100% $700k
5% $35k
500 $500k 8,000 300 30% 500 1,000
25 $25k 400 15 30% 25 50
More returns: + Impacts, narrative and financial reports every 6 months + New AVN teams in Burkina, Mali, Senegal, new programs in Mauritania, Benin, Ghana ... + Pilot tests in several urban areas, financial tools, solutions for slums and emergencies ...
They are
Global S.I.s Denis Vasseur, program manager: «The FFEM decided to co-finance the global AVN program because it follows a cross-frontier rationale: the effects of climate change are global, so the solutions also need to be global. The Nubian Vault program promotes a sustainable solution for adaptation to climate change, it improves the living conditions of the beneficiary families, and creates local employment. To increase the impact, more public bodies, corporates, and citizens should also support this program».
FFEM – the French Global Environmental Facility funds €1 million of AVN’s €3,5 million 2012-2016 program.
Clement Leduc, program manager:
The Hermes Company Foundaton funds 150,000 € as co-financing.
«It is important for the Hermès Foundation to support a program which places training of artisans at the heart of its activity. The mobilization of Hermès’ collaborators seems both pertinent and justified, because the project is exemplary, human, and both simple and poetic; at the same time, AVN is an NGO whose professional values we share - a culture of exchange, and a view of the world which we hope to leave to future generations. Therelationship of mutual confidence which has grown between us is for the long-term, because we believe that this type of innovative social enterprise needs loyal and sincere support if it is to succeed».
Marie-Cecile is one of hundreds of social investors with AVN in France. She says: Example:
Marie Cécile contributes €1,000 per year as an individual, along with 400 other individual supporters.
« I don’t consider my investment of €1,000 per year in AVN’s Program as a charitable gesture: I feel that my contribution has a direct and growing impact in the field, because AVN operates on a human scale and provides me with regular, transparent, feedback on the results of its work. It costs me a tiny amount each month, and, on top of that, I get tax relief on my contributions. The system is effective and straightforward.»
FOCUS S.I. You fund the growth of AVN’s program in new villages, zones or regions Example : you support the community of the pilot-village of Dendjola in Mali. >> to get more details on the village, zone, and regional dissemination method, please refer to the attached documents: DISSEMINATION PROGRAM and FIELD PARTNER. AVN has focused so far on three main countries Burkina Faso, Mali and Senegal - but neighbouring countries will be targeted in the coming years. In each country, you can select an existing or planned Pilot-Region, Zone, or Village to support. For example in Burkina in 2013, four Regions (Boromo, Koubri, Yako and Dédougou) are each managed by a regional team. Each team organizes its dissemination activities (information campaigns, logistics of the markets, follow-up of the masons) in several zones, each zone being composed of around 10 villages. In this case, your support is dedicated to individual people: the managers of these projects are the ‘keys’ to success, so we link you directly to them. Locations of AVN Regional teams in 2013
The Nicolas Hulot Foundation supports the creation of the new AVN Pilot-Region of Dioilla in Mali, managed by Moussa Diara.
Eiffage-Senegal is a French-Senegalese construction company co-financing the AVN Pilot-Zone of Podor in Senegal, managed by Adjara Yoin.
Valoa Consulting is an SME supporting the deployment of the AVN Program around the AVN Pilot-Village of Passakongo, Burkina Faso, managed by Adama Ouedraogo.
Dissemination of the VN program as a pilot
3-5 zones = 120 km radius area = 100 to 500,000people
1 main village + c.5 small villages = 5 to 15,000 people
5-6 villages = 40 km radius area = 25 to 100,000 people
Selection of local champions, promotional campains, logistics, training of masons, monitoring and evaluation
Running of 3 - 6 Village Pilots, training of zonal agents, management of zonal masons, monitoring and evaluation
Running of 3 - 5 Pilot-Zones, creation of a regional team, management of an autonomous market, R&D, evaluation
Duration (at least)
5 years
7 years
10 years
NV Local economy 1NV=$1000 impacts Masons Beneficiaries CO2 economy Market Growth
30 NV $30k local economy 3 masons 200 beneficiaries 60 tons of CO2 economised 30% annual growth
150 NV $150k local economy 15 masons 1,000 beneficiaries 300 tons of CO2 economised 30% annual growth
750 NV $750k local economy 75 masons 5,000 beneficiaries 1,500 tons of CO2 economised 30% annual growth
Average costs
avg. $4,000/year (total: $20 000)
avg. $20,000 /year (total: $140 000)
avg. $75,000 /year (total: $750 000)
Hundreds of village projects in Burkina, Mali, Senegal, Mauritanie, Benin
30 Pilot-Zones to be funded in Burkina, Mali, Senegal,
8 Pilot-Regions to be funded in Burkina, Mali, Senegal,
Locations of NV projects
Contact us or see our website ( for more details on the villages, zones and regions you could support. Support a specific campaign or issue Your organization may be concerned with specific issues (health, education, womens’ rights...) and wishes to support the construction of appropriate buildings or housing for such a cause. Or you may be specifically interested by one of our research and development projects: agriculture, education, technical improvements of the NV technique, financial tools to accelerate the market, partnerships with construction companies, etc. For example: The French PPR Foundation for the Dignity and Rights of Women is supporting a project of access to micro-credit facilities for womens’ housing in Burkina Faso, in collaboration with the NGO Entrepreneurs du monde. The first house in this project ‘1 femme, 1 toit, des droits’ was completed in 2011, for members of a local womens’ solidarity group. Altogether, 10 village women will benefit from this project in its first two years, and a nucleus of trained NV masons will have been created.
All the projects are co-financed by the Global S.I.’s, such as FFEM or the Hermes foundation.
THANK YOU FOR YOU INVESTMENT For more information:
improve your FOCUS INVESTMENT: DONATE A BUILDING to improve your chosen dissemination territory, you can DONATE a building. For example, if you choose the village of Dendjola in Mali, in addition to your investment, you can fund a literacy center to further accelerate the NV market. >> see the attached leaflets
Giving platform partnerships