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Become a local technical Field Partner

You are a Local NGO, a town (a Mayor), a local citizen group, a company with local activites. You can become a field partner to help promote and spread the Nubian Vault concept. Bring your experience, your technical expertise, or your network, as: -

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franchise partner in a village or a zone, partner to open a new region, local group or political partner, real estate developer.

Support research & development and innovative products: - housing loans, microcredit, - technical research and development.

AVN’s development strategy involves partner organisations wishing to include the NV concept in their own development work. Our program thus benefits from the experience and local networks of such franchised partners that can spread the NV technique from a village, a zone or even a region.

Become a franchise partner in a Pilot-Village Spread the Nubian Vault from your home town As a Local NGO, Association, or citizen group, you can be a partner coordinating the opening of a pilot village. You will be one of the operators trained in AVN’s dissemination methodology. You are supported by a regional AVN team. In the village area that you target, you set up AVN’s dissemination methodoloy to pump prime the VN market: - you join the AVN Program, - the Program is led by others, - you can help raise funds.

Setting up the partnership One member of your local staff is selected and trained to promote the program and become a dissemination agent (>> see details in Leaflet 3). With the local AVN team he or she learns the basics of the NV dissemination strategy, the tools, and the appropriate discourse, then returns to the chosen pilot village with a ‘dissemination kit’ in order to put this training into practice. A NV mason is in charge of apprentice training and technical control of the construction site. All year long, the dissemination agent is advised and supported by an AVN training team, on site or at a distance. At the end of the building season (in June), your staff member takes part in the Congress that brings together dissemination agents, masons, and AVN team members to share their experiences, meet each other, update their knowledge of pilot villages, and learn new tools. An annual review between you and AVN is conducted to decide whether to continue or conclude the project. At the start of the next season (October), another AVN Congress provides complementary training. Over four to five years, the dissemination agent becomes independent and helps to open new pilot villages and train new agents.

Data for a typical pilot village project 1 main village and a dozen surounding villages, with about 5,000 people made aware of the NV per year Time period: 4 years minimum. Cost: around 3,000â‚Ź/year. 1 pilot village project generates the following impacts: - the building of 20 Nubian Vaults, - the complete training of 2 master masons, - the emergence of one semi-autonomous local market, - corresponds to 10,000â‚Ź of local economies generated, - 100 beneficiaries, - 40 tons of C02 saved.

Become a partner to open a new region You are an international or local NGO with teams in West Africa. You want to develop the Nubian Vault program in a whole new region. You have operational teams that are able to coordinate field missions and follow projects on a regional basis. AVN bases its regional dissemination on local skills and on local partners that know the culture, speak the local dialects, are integrated into local networks, and can work with relevant villages and people. Co-financing by several sponsors, over 8 – 12 years

Example of a regional partnership In cooperation with Le Partenariat, a French NGO based in Senegal, and financed by the French region Nord, a new AVN program has been set up. A team of masons from Burkina Faso has been sent to build the first NV houses in Senegal, and the team from Le Partenariat has started the NV dissemination program with great success.

Local groups or political partners Housing is a political issue... You are an elected representantive or an official of a town, a city, a region, or a public institution at local or national level. We could work together to include the Nubian Vault in your political plans and find a way to satisfy your people: - access to decent housing for all, - professional training for young apprentices, - construction of comfortable and affordable public buildings (town hall, schools, food storage, health center...), - environnemental protection.

AVN’s program fully integrates the policies of the Council of Podor region in terms of climate change and daily housing difficulties experienced by the vast majority of our citizens. We hope that this program will spread throughout the Podor region, and also to other regions that need decent housing solutions Aliou Niang, President of the « Conseil Régional de St-Louis », Senegal

Ecological and sustainable houses in urban areas You are real estate developers, entrepreneurs, or a housing cooperative. The Nubian Vault is adaptable to urban areas. As a developer or cooperative member, you can work with AVN on the realization of urban projects. Examples: the housing cooperative of Thiès in Senegal, or the Cité-Voûte project in Bobo-Dioulasso (Burkina Faso)

Supporting research & development and financial solutions Corporate sponsorship for R&D

Loans for Nubian Vault housing

You are a company that provides sponsorship.

You are a microfinance institution or a local bank, your clients need appropriate and innovative financial tools to access the housing market. So, work with AVN to offer housing loans.

AVN needs external skills in order to improve its research and development capacities in the fields of organization, management, human resources, and technical innovation: AVN is seeking,in particular, sponsorship in the following fields: - R&D on earth materials and their properties, - R&D on NV limits, insulation, thermal and acoustic comfort, - R&D on mortar and techniques to improve the maintenance and durability of NV buildings, - financial and management consultancy in order to continuously improve AVN’s business model, strategies, and working methods.

Example: CVECA (Caisses Villageoises d’Epargne et de Crédit Autogérées) a microfinance institution that has set up a pilot project with AVN for housing loans in Burkina Faso.

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