More and more educational technologies are living on the network, especially now that remote learning has moved classrooms online. Not only are the classes themselves hosted on video platforms, but more educational materials are also being stored in the cloud. So it follows that there has been a network migration of many of the AV technologies that enable capture, delivery and collaborative sharing of learning content. As many of these devices are connected on the network, they are often integrated together within an AV over IP framework to maximize flexibility and remote management of the tools that enhance the learning experience. The ability to control and monitor the status of equipment from a central location has been a key benefit to ed-tech managers and IT personnel in K-12 and higher-education.
Learn About POWERing AV
One essential area that evolved to take greater advantage of network capabilities is energy management and power distribution. On a device level, many pieces of AV technology operate with Power over Ethernet (PoE), and expanding outward across the network of connected devices, there are numerous safety and economic reasons to add intelligent power to educational AV systems.
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