June Newsletter

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Missions Affecting People in the 1040 Window

MAP 1040 Report June 2008 Vietnam

MAP 1040 www.map1040.com PO Box 8301 Clinton, LA 70722 Phone: 225.328.1902 E-mail: LAW3Luke@gmail.com

In the room fifty pastors were sleeping on the concrete floor, they were S'ting and Khmer leaders from Bin Long province in Vietnam. It was during the lunch break and they were napping waiting for the next session to begin... Let me back up a couple of days and explain why they were even in Ho Chi Minh City. We planned and worked for months to make this trip happen. In our plans, we were supposed to travel to the province where these pastors ministered. We would arrive after dark so we would arouse less suspicion and leave in the middle of the night. This would have been a first for us and for these leaders to have foreigners come and see where they live and minister. They were excited and we were even more excited. They had plans to receive us and were looking forward to having "special" visitors. We had only been in Vietnam for a few hours when we received news that other "special" visitors had arrived - the police!!! After the police raided the meeting, the leaders decided to move the meeting to a different location and before most of the 200 pastors could make the move from one village to another, the police arrived at the second location! When we were told this, we made the decision to bring fifty of the pastors to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam and have a two day meeting with them there. We were disappointed about not getting to go and see the area where they live and minister but their security has to come before anything else. Of course, they were more concerned about our security than we were about theirs! This change meant that it cost more for the meetings and that less pastors would be ministered to; it also meant that we would get to spend two days with them instead of a two hour meeting. We also gave away two more laptop computers and five more video IPods. We partnered with Jack & Sherry Harris and Steve Smith (www.globalmessenger.org) to "Take Vietnam to a Higher Level" last year and so far we have given fifty leaders either a laptop or video IPod! Every one of these has the International School of Ministries video Bible school on it. Many of the leaders who receive these "tools" have Bible schools running in more than one city at the same time. That means we have started more than 50 Bible schools in the last year! What an honor to be with Jack, Sherry and Steve in impacting Vietnam for Jesus! Got to go‌ Daylight’s Burning!

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June Newsletter by Luke Walters - Issuu