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Amy Mallow, UCLA Law School’s Assistant Dean for Career Services [6-14-04 by John J. Barnes] Having worked in career services offices at two of the nation’s top law schools, UCLA’s Amy Mallow talks with us about what it is like to help prospective and current attorneys find work.
It would be hard to imagine anyone more
provide. For instance, we have made a strong
have a variety of useful resources available
enthusiastic about what she does than Amy
effort here to expand the number and types
to both students and alumni, including print
Mallow. She oversees a seven-person UCLA
of employers that visit the campus to inter-
resources and a password protected internet
School of Law Career Services Office and
view as well as to network with the students.
job board.”
does so with both a sunny disposition and a
The majority of our graduates end up working
strong and goal-oriented sense of purpose.
in California, with New York as our second
When asked about California’s legendary
Suitably impressed, we asked how she, an
largest market.
budget problems, Amy seemed to keep it in perspective.
eastern-educated Franklin Marshall University and Georgetown Law School attorney,
“Through alumni connections and other out-
ended up on the West Coast.
reach efforts, we’ve been able to get small
“I can tell you this,” she said. “Would I like to
and mid-sized law firms to visit the campus.
have more money to do additional outreach
“I came out here to California from the
This small- and medium-size firm presence
and other things? Sure, I would. But I feel
Georgetown Law School Career Office in 1994
supplements the typical national and inter-
very proud of how everybody in the univer-
because it was an opportunity to build my
national law firms who traditionally interview
sity has pulled together to make sure that
own career services office,” she said. “UCLA
on campus. Additionally, we participate in
basic assistance of the kind we offer is not
was for me a once-in-a-lifetime opportu-
off-campus interview programs in Washing-
nity too good to pass up. There was just one
ton D.C. and New York City. We thanked Amy for taking time from her
person remaining in the office at the time and although we couldn’t initially provide the
“I’m also proud to say that we’ve been able to
busy schedule to talk with us. In fact, she
services we do now, I did have the opportu-
generate interest in the government sector
had been called to jury duty the day before
nity to help build the kind of staff and range
as well, by instituting an annual Government
and called us to let us know when she would
of services for which I and the UCLA Law
Reception and Information Fair. Through this
be available to talk. That’s the same kind
School can be very proud. It’s been a great
event, students meet government attorneys
of consideration for others and attention to
and learn about the range of government op-
detail she provides on a daily basis. UCLA is
portunities available to them.”
lucky to have her.
Amy’s background, in addition to two years with the Georgetown University Law School
We asked about Amy’s services to alumni
Career Services office, includes four years as
and she responded that, of the seven staff
an associate with Kirkland & Ellis in Wash-
members in the UCLA Career Services Office,
ington D.C., plus an additional two years with
four, including herself, are counselors who
the United States Securities and Exchange
are available to meet with alumni as well
Commission in that same city. When asked
as students on an individual basis. Each is
what aspect of her experience at UCLA has
a practicing attorney who knows his or her
pleased her most, she smiles.
“You have to start with the students and
“We’re particularly proud of our outreach
alumni,” she says. “They are so well-rounded
to both students and alumni at UCLA,”
and down-to-earth. It makes the job of
Amy says. “We assign each student to a
helping them a lot easier. And we constantly
counselor who works closely with them
work to expand the kind of assistance we can
throughout their time on campus. We also